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However, it should be emphasised that the described position of special rapporteurs in these countries is the result of the organisational and legal solutions referred to, as well as the high standards of political culture and the quality of public life. U can be found in natural urani- um in very small percentages.

The most important in this respect has been the La Strada Foundation, which was established in ; it essen- tially monopolised the sector defined as a system of support for victims of trafficking in human beings.

The culmination of this domination was the fact that since Prostitutes Braniewo, the Foundation has independently implemented a public task commissioned annually by Prostitutes Braniewo Ministry of Interior to operate a National Prostitutes Braniewo and Intervention Centre for Polish and Foreign Victims of Trafficking in Human Beings.


In practice, the Founda- tion was the only organisation to apply for the grant, and always received it. Under the pressure of public opinion, the situation Prostitutes Braniewo in when Association Po MOC in Katowice was included in the implementation of this task. Poland has several or- ganisations listed in the discussion on the Interministerial Teamthat play a far more marginal role. When it comes to research Prostitutes Braniewo, Poland has only Prostitutes Braniewo centre that deals with the issue of trafficking in human beings — the Trafficking in Human Beings Studies Centre of the University of Warsaw.

The structure of the University of Warsaw includes a Mi- gration Research Centre, which handles the issue of trafficking in human beings only occasionally, usually within the context of forced labour of migrants. Because: 1. Special rapporteur on human trafficking What determines the position and actual role of an SR in the country?

There are Prostitutes Braniewo dimensions of such indepen- dence: a. Tasks 1. Ongoing analysis of all phenomena related to trafficking in human beings, forced labour and slavery, both in Poland and abroad, as well Prostitutes Braniewo providing access to the results of these analyses to all parties of interest. Monitoring the activity of all public, social and private institutions involved in the elimination of trafficking in human beings, forced labour and slavery.

Assessing the compliance of the actions of public services and NGOs with in- ternational law and national legislation, including the formulation of necessary Prostitutes Braniewo in legislation. An active role in building an Prostitutes Braniewo system to eliminate trafficking in human beings, forced labour and slavery, including, inter alia, by formulating recom- mendations for all public services and NGOs.

Creation and maintenance of the National Information Resource on Traffick- ing in Human Beings, which should include a register of victims, database of statistics on crime, a list of criminal cases Prostitutes Braniewo progress, bibliography of scientific papers, etc. Submission of a report to the Prime Minister Prostitutes Braniewo, and to the Parliament every three years this is the length of implementation of the National Plan.

Powers 1. The Special Rapporteur will have access to all information and data on the scope of its activities that are held by public services and all other institutions and organisations involved in Prostitutes Braniewo elimination of trafficking or helping the victims of this crime.

Prostitutes Braniewo Special Rapporteur will request information and explanations from all pub- lic services and NGOs. The Special Rapporteur will initiate all actions aimed at creating an effective system for eliminating trafficking in human beings, involving, inter alia, Prostitutes Braniewo ing specific organisational solutions, creating information campaigns or changes in the curriculum.

The Special Rapporteur will organise press conferences and other public meet- ings aimed at raising the awareness of institutions and citizens on trafficking in human beings.

The Special Rapporteur will initiate research, and take steps to secure appropri- ate Prostitutes Braniewo to carry them out. The Special Rapporteur may, at any time, request to appear before the Parlia- ment or any Sejm committee, if Prostitutes Braniewo is justified by special circumstances; the Sejm or any Sejm committee may also ask the Special Rapporteur to submit an explanation in a particular case.

The Special Rapporteur should have some form of legislative initiative, perhaps through the Government, the President or the Sejm? Other elements of the system I believe that in parallel with the creation of a special rapporteur, a governmental coordinating institution for trafficking in human beings should also be established.

Given the history that has been discussed in detail, the Coordinator should exist within the Ministry of Interior. Special rapporteur on human trafficking THB. The organisational unit for this new branch should be the Unit Prostitutes Braniewo Traffick- ing in Human Beings of the Migration Policy Department of the Ministry of Interior; however, it should be significantly smaller.

To avoid confusion, it should be emphasised that the Special Rapporteur is not the same as the Coordinator. The SR must Prostitutes Braniewo independent of the government, while the Coordinator should be an institution at government level, because its main competences lie in coordinating the activities of governmental institutions. This draft should be submitted to the Council of Ministers for formal approval. The implementation should be overseen by the Coordinator for Trafficking in Human Be- ings, and the Special Rapporteur should conduct a final evaluation.

The Interministerial Team may continue to appoint task forces, but only to the extent necessary to create the National Plan. The Special Rapporteur can should be a member of the Interministerial Team, but only by special invitation.

The National Plan should be implemented by individual institutions, but under the organisational supervision of the Coordinator. The Coordinator should meet with these institutions, initiate actions, discuss plans for their implementation, help, if needed, but also inform the Minister of Internal Affairs or the Prime Minister about any problems or delays. The Coordinator will prepare the interim report, after the end of each year of the Plan.

The report will be presented to the Team and the Prime Minister. At the end of the three-year period, Prostitutes Braniewo Coordinator will prepare a final report on the implementation of the National Plan that will be assessed by the Special Rapporteur. The report, together with the opinion of the Special Prostitutes Braniewo, will be presented Prostitutes Braniewo the Prime Minister and the Sejm. The Special Rapporteur will also attach its report.

The Special Rapporteur will inform the Prime Minister once a year Prostitutes Braniewo its work, the most important achievements and the most difficult problems. The report submitted to the Sejm will be horizontal in nature, should demonstrate the most important changes in the phenomenon of trafficking in human beings, the most important threats, elements of the national strategy and policy, the greatest difficulties in the implementation of national plans, significant achievements, etc.

Obvious success stories — the Netherlands and Finland — case studies Only two European countries have established special rapporteurs for trafficking in Prostitutes Braniewo beings in the master version — the Netherlands and Finland. This section of the report will briefly outline both institutions. However, it should be emphasised that the described position of special rapporteurs in these countries is the result of Prostitutes Braniewo organisational and legal solutions referred to, as well as the high standards of political culture and the quality of public life.

The Netherlands The history of institutions dedicated to trafficking in human beings in the Neth- erlands is impressive, and no country in the world Prostitutes Braniewo compete. Almost immediately after the creators of the Agreement of 18 May recommended the establishment of such offices, the Netherlands set up a National Office Prostitutes Braniewo the Collection of Data on Trafficking in Women and Girls in The commitment of the Kingdom of the Netherlands Prostitutes Braniewo combating trafficking in human beings has brought significant results, because the authorities of this country made it one of the top priorities of the EU presidency.

As a result, the Hague Declara- tion referred to earlier was Prostitutes Braniewo at the Intergovernmental Conference; it provided for the creation of a special administration dealing with trafficking in human beings. Prostitutes Braniewo authorities of the Netherlands, as a country that is responsible and respectful of its image, set an example to follow and, in subsequent years, formed the Office of the Special Rapporteur for Trafficking in Human Beings.

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Korvinus, appointed on 1 April ; this was many years before the Council of Europe and the European Union submitted a demand for the creation of such Prostitutes Braniewo to help combat trafficking in human beings. To provide a picture of the atmosphere of those Prostitutes Braniewo, here is a short reflection on how difficult the role of the Special Rapporteur was in Prostitutes Braniewo early years.

Anna G. Korvi- nus recalls that she was dissatisfied with the approach of prosecutors to criminal cases of trafficking in human beings and arranged Prostitutes Braniewo meeting with the Council of Procurators General on this subject. Public morals or organised crime? When assessing this dialogue, one must take account of several circumstances.

Firstly, it illustrates the kind of uncertainty, or even resistance, of prosecutors towards bringing charges of trafficking in human beings — Prostitutes Braniewo attitudes are still seen in Poland. On the other hand, the educational role of institutions such as the Special Rapporteur is clear, as are the expectations expressed by state officials in this regard.

Finally, account should be taken of the socio-political context of this ex- change of opinions, in which the most important fact is that it was a period of intense promotion of the policy of tolerance towards prostitution. One of them deals with trafficking in Prostitutes Braniewo beings, the other with the exploitation of children. Experts we met say that since the establishment of the Special Rapporteur in the Netherlands, the number of identified victims increased significantly.

On the other hand, the system for identifying victims finally began to see men as potential and actual victims. In its seventh activity report, the Special Rapporteur demonstrated that the govern- ment was doing little to prepare judicial officers to deal with cases relating to trafficking in human beings. In response to Prostitutes Braniewo report and assessment, the authorities admitted that although it is necessary, they failed to specialise and train Prostitutes Braniewo officers.

The Special Rapporteur Prostitutes Braniewo the Netherlands is funded by five ministries involved in the fight against trafficking in human beings, including the ministries of security, justice and social affairs. However, during our visit to the Netherlands, we learned that there is an amendment proposed and that the budget will be part of the state budget adopted by Parliament. As a side note, it is also worth noting that Prostitutes Braniewo is precisely the solution I have been proposing from the beginning.

The Netherlands also has a Prostitutes Braniewo similar to the Polish Interministerial Team; how- ever, it is treated rather as a Task Force Prostitutes Braniewo determine the tasks of Prostitutes Braniewo state in the fight against trafficking in human beings.

Research outcomes.

The Group was Prostitutes Braniewo by the ministers of Prostitutes Braniewo and justice, and its members include representatives of other ministries, the police, the army and some local governments.

The SR may also participate in the work of the Group; however, the Group does not replace the Special Rapporteur — and in my opinion, this is an appropriate solution. Twice a year, the SR is invited to a session of the Sejm where for an hour they are at the disposal of Prostitutes Braniewo members Prostitutes Braniewo Parliament, answering their questions and informing about Prostitutes Braniewo faced during the execution of its tasks.

The Dutch SR is well-known in the media, both on the initiative of journalists performing their duties, and of the SR, if necessary. If it does, it is rare, e. Despite this, the SR has guaranteed substantive and institutional independence.

The SR submits reports on its activities to the government, but also every four years to Parliament. To be effective in combating trafficking in human beings, one must have informa- tion on the phenomenon both domestically and globally. Such information must be gathered systematically and methodically; this can only be done by the SR, who has legally guaranteed access to all information.

One source of this belief is a reference to the preamble of the Convention, which mentions this. If this is so, then an ombudsman would be a good solution for Poland; the issue of the name is another matter.

In a way, this also explains the relationship between trafficking in human beings and slavery; in this approach, THB is a form of slavery. Only the SR can play an important Prostitutes Braniewo in creating a good climate for a new approach to prevention of trafficking in human beings through its impact on demand.

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Prostitutes Braniewo involves the important matter of building institutional and citizen awareness. However, this is not done by anyone as a systemically oriented activity. The Finnish SR dedicated Prostitutes Braniewo whole report to evaluating the support system for victims; this is a good example and argument in favour of the theory that an SR can perform this function.

Special rapporteur on human trafficking trafficking in human beings. Eva Prostitutes Braniewo, who holds this position, also submitted Prostitutes Braniewo recommendation to Parliament.

As the arguments were convincing, Parliament recom- mended that the government prepare a relevant draft law. Inthe Finnish Ministry of Interior appointed a task force to prepare the draft law. The Special Rapporteur was also a part of this task force. In Maythree ministries Justice, Interior and Social Affairs set up a special committee to develop a strategy to support victims of trafficking Prostitutes Braniewo human beings.

One of the tasks within the frame- work of such a strategy was a plan to amend the law on victims. Inthe SR recommended to government the creation Prostitutes Braniewo an interministerial body in charge of monitoring and coordination of the activities of various governmental agencies. At first glance, it might seem that Finland is heading in the very direction that we are questioning we are trying to move away from such a solution. However, this is only a semblance, because in a situation where there is an SR and it properly carries out its duties, such a government body can actually act as an observer and coordinator of the activities of institutions reporting to the state, but only in Prostitutes Braniewo practical manner that is less analytical and strategic.

It Prostitutes Braniewo such a special governmental task force that proposed the creation of a national coordinator for trafficking in human Prostitutes Braniewo. Sometimes the SR also carries out very practical tasks. For example, through the intervention and recommendations of the SR, the system of assistance to victims of trafficking Prostitutes Braniewo human beings also accepts those who have not been formally verified as victims.

Prostitutes Braniewo names: 1. To date, Poland has appointed an Interministerial Team as a consultative and Prostitutes Braniewo visory body of the Prime Minister pursuant to Ordinance of the Prime Minister No 23 of This means an inter-governmental regulation, by way of a national law with a low legal status that is not universally binding. Reliable implementa- tion of the Directive would require the establishment of a separate, single-person body pursuant to a universally binding legal act, which would also be an act implementing the Prostitutes Braniewo directive.

Today the third problem is by far the most difficult one for any potential bomb producer.

In Poland, directives are implemented by way of acts. It could, therefore, be either — Option 1: an act on preventing and combating trafficking in human beings and slavery the title would depend on the content of the Directive and other inter- national acts, in particular the Convention that defines the objectives and tasks of the state, individual state and local government bodies and possibly other institutions, and creating and setting the status, tasks and powers of a special body in this regard — Option 2: an Prostitutes Braniewo on creating a special body, its location, tasks and powers.

It seems Prostitutes Braniewo Option 1 is more favourable. Firstly, it is easier to justify adoption of Prostitutes Braniewo act with the need to implement the Directive; secondly, the objective of the act focuses on the implementation of a specific task set out in Prostitutes Braniewo of international law. It also focuses on Prostitutes Braniewo to Polish conditions, needs and experiences, as well Prostitutes Braniewo existing Prostitutes Braniewo and structures operating in this field.

The creation of a special of- fice would not be the goal in and of itself, but an instrument to implement this task. However, when choosing this option one should also consider the failed attempts to prepare a draft of adopt? Special rapporteur on human trafficking than, e. Government Plenipotentiaries, and allows for it to have a specific location and tasks that are not essentially related to purely administrative activities.

It seems that in determining the name of the Office, as well as the objective of the act, it would be advisable that a second element be specified in addition to preventing and combating trafficking in human beings, e. This mode of appointment does not place Prostitutes Braniewo body as high as the Human Rights Prostitutes Braniewo or Supreme Audit Office, but also separates it from the government the Prime Ministerensuring its necessary independence from government administration.

At the same time, it also justifies its differentiation from the Human Rights Defender in terms of the nature of its powers. The act could also specify if, and possibly which body or institution has the right to submit a candidate s ; candidates can be institutions such as Prostitutes Braniewo centres or NGOs operating in this Prostitutes Braniewo, a Sejm committee for justice Prostitutes Braniewo human rights, which in addition could also act as a forum dealing with statements and information from the National Rapporteur, with which the SR is cooperating.

This should be specified accordingly to the needs arising from a more-detailed list of tasks and competences of the Rapporteur. The tasks of the National Rapporteur should focus on Prostitutes Braniewo conceptual and evalu- ating role conception, monitoring and evaluation.

This means that it does not take over powers from other state bodies, but develops an overall concept of combating the practices trafficking in human beings, defines them according to established formulas and classification and works with NGOs and research centres in Poland and abroad. In addition, it carries out informational and educational Prostitutes Braniewo, as well as evaluates and coordinates the activities of other bodies, Prostitutes Braniewo with the Ministry of Interior and ending with the police and local governments, and submits a report to the Speaker of the Sejm the National Rapporteur or Speaker of Prostitutes Braniewo Sejm also sends Prostitutes Braniewo to the Prime Minister, as well as other organisations and institutions.

Structure of the Office. The National Rapporteur should have a small office ap- proximately 10 specialists and office staff and independently determine their compe- tences qualifications and scope of responsibility. Operational independence requires financial independence. This was carried out in Prostitutes Braniewo is important that during the course of five of the analysed operational case files, the Penal Code was amended in terms of the definition of the crime of trafficking in human beings.

The two basic research questions were as follows: 1. How has the Border Guard implemented activities related to the collection, processing and Prostitutes Braniewo of information concerning the crime of trafficking in human beings prior to the legal changes concerning the introduction of the definition of trafficking in human beings, and prior to the introduction of the option of prosecuting perpetrators of trafficking in human beings and slavery into the its competences?

How has the Border Guard implemented activities related to the identification of victims and combating the crime of trafficking in human beings?

Selection of cases from operational files was targeted. In each of the cases, the officers focused on gathering evidence that proved, inter alia, that the groups being dismantled conducted criminal activities relating to trafficking in human beings.

The analysed documents show that they contain a range of information that is ex- tremely important from the point of view of a criminological analysis of Prostitutes Braniewo stages of Prostitutes Braniewo in human beings. In addition, these materials contain a significant amount of criminological and victimological Prostitutes Braniewo related to victims of trafficking in human beings, not only in terms of recruitment or their movement throughout Poland, but also their situation at each stage of the offence.

The purposive nature of the analysed research material is also visible thanks to the legal classification of an act assumed in the operational case files. It concerned crimes such as: 1. The common denominator is, therefore, the legal classification of an act of traffick- ing in human beings assumed Prostitutes Braniewo the outset of operational and exploratory activities. However, the analysed cases also include crimes against: 1. In all of the cases, the aim was to identify both the method of operation of perpetra- tors, as well as reach witnesses and victim witnesses of the occurrence.

It was primarily trafficking in human beings for prostitution that was the Prostitutes Braniewo form of trafficking in human beings in the analysed cases. In the case of five of the victims, officers implemented the procedure of supporting and Prostitutes Braniewo the witness and the victim according to the algorithm.

These persons were directed to the La Strada Foundation. On the other hand, in the case of four of the victims, the operational case file resulted in charges being pressed against the perpetrators. In the absence of sufficient Prostitutes Braniewo, one case failed because it was difficult to gather evidence because the crime was Prostitutes Braniewo outside of the Republic of Poland.

This case highlights the importance of international cooperation in the form of conduct- ing mirroring investigations when two countries simultaneously pursue investigative procedures. The Prostitutes Braniewo material had two operational case files that the prosecutor de- cided to pass on for further investigation by the Police, despite the fact that Bor- der Guard officers had gathered sufficient evidence.

The Prostitutes Braniewo stated that the Border Guard lacks jurisdiction in prosecuting perpetrators of trafficking in human beings. Currently, it also happens that the prosecutor forwards materials for further in- vestigation by the Police, even though the Border Guard has had the competence to prosecute perpetrators of trafficking in human beings and slavery for a year.

Therefore, joint training for the Border Guard and prosecutors is becoming increasingly important, including at Prostitutes Braniewo local level. It was difficult to gather evidence because the crime was organised beyond the borders of our Prostitutes Braniewo.

Despite sufficient evidence being gathered, the prosecu- tion passed the case on to the Police in two of the analysed operational Prostitutes Braniewo files. In one case, the prosecutor was changed three times. The officers also confirm this fact. Do you think that those crossing the border may include Prostitutes Braniewo of trafficking in human beings?

Identification of victims and queue Prostitutes Braniewo are important. Others were not sure whether they would be able to carry out such an identification if they came into contact with a victim of trafficking in human beings. Do you think Prostitutes Braniewo of trafficking in human beings can be identified at border crossings? At the same time, officers pointed out that such identification is, to some Prostitutes Braniewo, difficult because it depends on the knowledge and experience of the given officer,and these vary.

The inspectors are officers with relatively little professional experience. However, there was a similar number of opinions that such identification is not possible due to the short traveller clearance time. An inspecting officer is required to clear a given traveller in less than two minutes. And such a short clearance completely prevents proper identification.

Officers stressed the fact that, at present, more focus is placed on eliminating queues at borders than on inspecting travellers in greater detail. This is particularly problematic, for example,when verifying declarations Prostitutes Braniewo an intent to commission work. These declarations are issued in high volumes; of course, officers inspect them, but then do not have the time to question the travellers about where they are going, what they will be doing, etc.

The declarations are verified only if they arouse the suspicion of an officer e. Therefore, first and foremost we wanted to know whether the officers had heard about trafficking in human beings. Almost everyone, with very few exceptions, had heard about this problem.

Some had become aware of the problem through the media press, TV, Internet. Less frequently, they had learned about trafficking in human beings through official channels conversations at work, cases identified in the workplace. Very few single responses had personally come into contact with a victim of trafficking in human beings. Do you think that Border Guard officers are prepared for identifying victims of Prostitutes Braniewo in human beings and forced labour?

Prostitutes Braniewo is the number of travellers crossing the borders of the Republic of Poland. In each crossing we studied, the traffic was extremely heavy as far as the eye could see. Identification of victims to clear.

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There are different types of travellers: tourists, LBT, foreign workers, people applying for refugee status in Poland, etc. Therefore, discussion is needed in terms of how the work of Border Guard Prostitutes Braniewo can be improved under these conditions while increasing the efficiency of identifying victims of trafficking in human beings. During the studies, we noted that when asked what they would do if they thought that they had come into contact with a victim of trafficking in human beings, officers usually said that they would report this to the shift manager or equally as often would refer it to the second line.

This information shows that officers do not want to get involved, because Prostitutes Braniewo think that others could do it better a manager or the second line. In Prostitutes Braniewo, they pass the responsibility on to other officers.

Is this effective? Very few officers mentioned the algorithm for dealing with victims of trafficking in human beings, or indicators to improve the identification of victims of trafficking in human beings.

Some said that they would have an in-depth conversation. This is a very important finding within the context of what objectives should be pursued during border traffic control. Iden- tification of victims of trafficking in human beings Prostitutes Braniewo forced labour should Prostitutes Braniewo a priority for border traffic control officers.

Because respondents clearly emphasised that border crossings are a good place to identify victims of trafficking in human beings and forced labour, this potential should be developed.

Especially since it was the same respondents who pointed out that such identification is Prostitutes Braniewo if the officer has the knowledge and experience, and devotes sufficient time to the inspection.

On the other hand, the identification of potential victims of trafficking in human beings or forced labour is Prostitutes Braniewo for several basic reasons. Firstly, because of the time that officers have for inspections. The guidelines say that the inspection of a one traveller should not last longer than two minutes. Of course, if an officer gets suspi- cious, they may refer the traveller to the second line. However, in many cases, these several dozen seconds may not be sufficient to properly assess the situation given the short clearance time, and the varying levels of training of officers.

Finally, there is the fundamental question of whether the elimination of trafficking in human beings is a priority for the Border Guard. Various statements show that yes, it is. However, this is not reflected in practice. Officers are rarely trained, and the quality of this training needs to be improved. Training that will be more effective than that carried out so far. The team executed its tasks in all detention centres of the Border Guard, which included both guarded centres for foreigners and detention centres for foreigners.

Each of these centres is a special place in terms of location, infrastructure and the prevailing social climate. This will be addressed in a moment; however, it is Prostitutes Braniewo what I would like to focus on. The purpose of my presentation is to Prostitutes Braniewo detention centres as places of potential Border Guard identification of victims of trafficking Prostitutes Braniewo human beings.

Critical comments made during the research aim to eliminate any shortcomings or gaps. During Prostitutes Braniewo research, Team members conducted interviews with officers serving in detention centres.

We also conducted 92 interviews with foreigners, and analysed 86 foreigner files. The results were collected and structured as a table, and an analysis and evaluation of the material is contained in this report. As a side note, it is worth highlighting that during the research, we emphasised several issues related to the functioning of the Border Guard detention facilities. These included architecture and availability of rooms for foreigners, access to depositories, the issue of assistance and medical benefits, Prostitutes Braniewo related to hygiene and access to the cleansing products, option of foreigners to have leisure time, the difficult but important sphere of religion and the need to practice it and, finally, everything that Prostitutes Braniewo associated with catering and satisfying dietary needs.

For obvious reasons, these issues remain outside the principal theme of discussion. The research confirmed the obvious theory that, due to the nature of detention, Prostitutes Braniewo guarded centres and detention centres for foreigners are places where potential victims of trafficking in human beings can only be identified by the Border Guard.

With some exceptions, only Border Guard officers have contact with foreigners. However, an open question remains: how, when and where Prostitutes Braniewo such identification occur? What should be done to minimise the time spent in a detention centre by a foreigner who Prostitutes Braniewo suspect is a victim of trafficking in human beings? How and where should they be placed after their release from detention, especially when Prostitutes Braniewo identified victim is a child?

The vast majority of surveyed officers responded positively to the key question regarding the possibility of identifying victims of trafficking in human beings at deten- tion centres. This is the education section, with which the officers associate high hopes and to which they often pass on the responsibility of identification of victims. Prostitutes Braniewo foreigners are in the centre for a long time, officers of the education section have natural and unforced opportunities for identification.

There are also views that the centre is not the Prostitutes Braniewo place for identification due to the environment, isolation, bars, and the presence of other foreigners. Andthat there are no such opportunities, unless the centre has a psychologist. Is a detention centre the right Prostitutes Braniewo to identify victims of trafficking in human beings? Yes 2. According to the officers, foreigners try to hide money, reflecting mis- trust towards representatives of the authorities and the law.

The foreigners themselves claimed that they feel like prisoners who have committed no Prostitutes Braniewo, that they do not have any rights. According to the officers, it is best to work Prostitutes Braniewo the foreigners at the beginning of their stay in detention. The longer they are in the centre, the worse it is working with them. Why is this happening? Because, in time, foreigners become aware that, despite being part of administrative procedure, their status is undetermined, because they are neither deported nor recipients of a binding decision about their stay in Poland.

The argument that administrative procedure measures are being carried out in their cases is incomprehensible and unclear. The lengthiness of proceedings, particularly of refugee proceedings, certainly reinforces the view that the case has come to a standstill.

When we asked who this person is, however, Prostitutes Braniewo answers were given, ranging from a friend, to a superior, to a coordinator for trafficking in hu- man beings.

Does your Border Guard department have a person whom you can count on if a victim of trafficking in human beings is identified?

However, the indication of these organisations can vary in interpretation, because those indicated were not always Prostitutes Braniewo. Yes 18 2. Other During officer surveys and interviews, there was a very critical evaluation of coop- eration with NGOs responsible for providing assistance to potential victims.

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According to the officers, cooperation with La Strada does not meet the expectations of the Border Guard. The problem is, e. Who is sup- posed to organise transportation? The Border Guard may not Prostitutes Braniewo such Prostitutes Braniewo person, because the foreigner is no longer at the centre. There is also the issue of who should pay for such transportation and how it is to be carried out.

Should the victim Prostitutes Braniewo alone, e. The fact that Border Guard officers are able to solve such problems, even though this means that they perform duties that do not belong to them, should be con- sidered a success. In summary, it can be argued that officers serving at detention centres are aware of the problem of trafficking in human beings and know which Prostitutes Braniewo need to be taken in relation to victims of trafficking in human beings.

Identification of victims human beings. These are specialists who often have extensive knowledge and many years of experience. This allows them to make the right decisions under the pressure of time, which is sometimes their enemy. This very narrow group of people undoubtedly represents an opportunity for the Border Guard. The longer they have served in the Border Guard and the higher their position, the higher their level Prostitutes Braniewo knowledge.

If one were to attempt preliminary recommendations, the following issues could be highlighted: 1. Knowledge and training for Border Guard officers. Prostitutes Braniewo seems necessary to remodel the system of training Border Guard officers, so that they understand the problem, know the indicators and the algorithm for conduct. We strongly recommend that the training be conducted Prostitutes Braniewo Border Guard training centres, NGOs and academic institutions.

Knowledge and training for public administration employees. A good solu- tion is to create local groups dealing with trafficking in human beings, and to provide them with joint training. Only such a solution provides an effective answer to the problem of a specific potential victim of trafficking in human be- ings. Priority — children. It is necessary to prioritise systemic solutions and filling the gaps in the procedures for Prostitutes Braniewo with unaccompanied foreign Prostitutes Braniewo.

The actual situation of such children in Poland must be diagnosed, and a proposed solution is training for employees of educational institutions in the area of co- operation with the Border Guard, especially in dealing with a Prostitutes Braniewo minor victim of trafficking in human beings. The role of the Border Guard as a body taking over responsibility for unaccompanied children is essential.

Another prob- lem is the policy regarding district courts appointing curators rather than legal guardians for unaccompanied children. It would be important to prepare a list of childcare centres that would have the competences and skills to care for an unaccompanied foreign minor.

While our study concerned the functioning of the Border Guard, all findings that we made also apply to Prostitutes Braniewo uniformed services, as well as social and medical services. During the Prostitutes Braniewo, both at the border crossing and at the centre for foreigners, the Prostitutes Braniewo team identified three problems that may significantly affect identification of victims.

The problem of the quality of training 2. The problem of Prostitutes Braniewo with NGOs and other entities 3. The problem of internal communication Are these Prostitutes Braniewo not universal? Can they not concern other services, e.

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The problem of the quality of training Prostitutes Braniewo of results from interviews with officers both at the border and at centres for foreigners regarding identification of victims of trafficking in human beings.

This is a good sign that officers willingly exchange information and Prostitutes Braniewo.

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Identification of victims Under what circumstances did you come into contact with the issue of traf- ficking in human beings? External training 3. A lack of training or inadequate training translate into working with victims and identification. To date, Border Guard officers and experts involved in trafficking in human be- ings had no opportunity to study postgraduate courses in trafficking in human beings.

The question of whether the organisation of such studies should be a permanent duty of state authorities is important. Is it not possible to make such postgraduate stud- ies part of the National Action Plan against Trafficking in Human Beings? It could be a joint, permanent task for several institutions, with an open recruitment formula and financial support from the state. Focus should be on finding new forms of education and methods of reaching of- ficers, such as special pathways at some educational institutions, elite courses combined with Prostitutes Braniewo abroad, and postgraduate studies.

Does the training challenge stereotypical thinking about trafficking in human beings and its victims? This is an important question, because even as recently as several years ago trafficking in human beings was associated exclusively with prostitution and young women from the East. Stereotypical thinking about trafficking in human beings and its victims contributes to Prostitutes Braniewo fact that officers focus primarily on young women who Prostitutes Braniewo be involved in prostitution.

The issue of foreign children, as well Prostitutes Braniewo men as potential victims, is completely overlooked. The problem of cooperation with NGOs In Poland, there are several NGOs that assist victims of trafficking in human beings legally, medically, consular assistance. When explaining their responses to this question, respondents mentioned these organisations, or confirmed that such organisations exist but could not remember their names.

Do you cooperate with NGOs and institutions involved in providing assistance to victims of trafficking in human beings? Identification of victims According to the respondents Prostitutes Braniewo whom we talked,all NGOs should be more ac- tive, whether it be at the border or in centres for foreigners. Serious problems arise when an identified victim of trafficking in human beings is released from the centre. La Strada cannot always pick them up, which means that Prostitutes Braniewo must make their own way, e.

Due Prostitutes Braniewo its internal regulations, after releasing a victim from a centre, the Bor- der Guard cannot deal with the transport of that victim. Therefore, the question arises of who should pick the victim Prostitutes Braniewo from the centre for foreigners and transport them to a safe place. Deliberation is needed on what should be changed, with a focus on the good of victims of human trafficking. Comprehensive care provides victims with safety, and makes them trusting and willing to cooperate.

The problem of internal communication After analysing foreigner files at Prostitutes Braniewo, it seems that the next area that needs to be improved is communication between the institutions Prostitutes Braniewo come into contact with foreigners the Police, Border Guard, Customs, medical services, education services, etc.

During the two-year study, we witnessed situations that from a formal point of view were correct, but in terms of the efficiency of the system for identifying victims and effective care Prostitutes Braniewo serious concerns. This involved, among others, children; however, my friend will discuss this.

The Border Guard also has some reservations about internal communication. This applies to, e. Often, these documents reach the appropri- ate facility with a several-day delay. Officers often do not know where to direct a victim of trafficking in human beings or to whom they should turn for help. Therefore, a very long and formal Prostitutes Braniewo to obtain- ing information about this begins, even though everything is done within the same unit.

The Prostitutes Braniewo of such actions is an obvious decrease in the efficiency of the system, delays in providing victims of trafficking in human beings with appropriate assistance, as well as extending the duration of legal procedure.

Other NGOs and international institutions deal with the phenomenon of trafficking in human beings incidentally alongside other projects. Below is a brief overview of NGOs that Prostitutes Braniewo with combating trafficking in human beings in Poland. La Strada, Foundation against Trafficking and Slavery. La Strada is an indepen- dent Polish NGO whose statutory objective is combating the phenomena of trafficking in human beings, slavery and forced labour, as well as preventing the exploitation of prostitution.

La Strada Poland was established inand was formally registered in InLa Strada launched a new project to promote cooperation between public authorities in identifying victims of trafficking in human beings and respect for their rights. The project was implemented by La Strada and financed with the support of Switzerland. The aim of the project was to improve the quality of measures carried out by public institutions in effective identification of trafficking in human beings.

Its main objec- tive is to create a network of highly specialised professional organisations to combat trafficking in human beings and to improve the quality and efficiency of their opera- tions, as well as strengthen their organisational capacity.

Ultimately, the network is to include 28 organisations from all regions of the country. Currently, La Strada is working on a project that aims to strengthen the involve- ment of the business sector in stopping trafficking in human beings in Europe and the introduction of a zero tolerance policy towards trafficking in human beings Identification of victims medical and legal assistance.

It works to improve the situation of children involved in legal procedures as witnesses and conducts preventive measures to reduce Internet risks to children. In addition, it organises specialised training in solving the issues of abused children for various Prostitutes Braniewo groups and interdisciplinary teams, and con- ducts research and analyses to expand knowledge Prostitutes Braniewo the issue.

The Foundation has completed a programme for the prevention of commercial ex- ploitation of children. The programme was aimed at preventing and combating various forms of commercial exploitation of Prostitutes Braniewo including trafficking in human beings, exploitation in prostitution or begging Prostitutes Braniewo increasing the awareness and knowledge of professionals working with Prostitutes Braniewo. The aim of the project is to improve the protection of children of immigrants from Central and South America in the countries in which they live It is Prostitutes Braniewo in Prostitutes Braniewo for missing persons and offers support to their families.

Itaka is a group of people united by common values: Prostitutes Braniewo concern for the welfare and safety of others, as well Prostitutes Braniewo respect for human and civil rights. Itaka is work- ing with La Strada and searches for missing victims of trafficking in human beings Its mission is to promote the develop- ment of a culture based on the respect of freedom and human rights locally and abroad.

The Foundation undertakes successful initiatives in favour of Prostitutes Braniewo, while attempting to reach out to all groups in society with its mission. This NGO is also involved in lobbying for the fight against trafficking in human beings, and also runs training. The Halina Niec Legal Aid Center works to protect human rights, mainly by providing free legal assistance to individuals at risk of social exclusion Prostitutes Braniewo discrimi- nation, including to the poor, victims of domestic violence, as well as foreigners and refugees.

It also monitors compliance with human rights standards, conducts legal interventions and implements research Prostitutes Braniewo educational projects. The Center also takes measures to prevent Prostitutes Braniewo in human beings and children by organising awareness- raising campaigns and providing legal support to victims. The project involved, inter alia, strengthening the protection of persons belonging to vulnerable groups by improving access to information and legal assistance; identification of victims of trafficking placed in detention centres; and raising awareness of the phenomenon of trafficking in human beings among Prostitutes Braniewo of migration authori- ties.

The project Prevention of trafficking in women from Central and Eastern Europe. Information — Prevention — Identification Prostitutes Braniewo Intervention was implemented jointly with the La Strada Foundation from 15 July until 15 January The Halina Niec Legal Aid Center project, among others, provided legal aid to victims of trafficking in human Prostitutes Braniewo, support and assistance to witnesses, monitored the implementation of the National Programme for Prevention and Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, and also participated in the preparation and execution of the information campaign Look closer.

The campaign aimed to raise the awareness of Poles that they too can become victims of trafficking in human beings or otherwise come into contact Prostitutes Braniewo this practice. Furthermore, it informed about the possibility of obtaining legal aid and information both for victims and for people at risk of trafficking in human beings The Association helps victims of violence Prostitutes Braniewo and their childrentraf- ficking in human beings and forced prostitution.

Association PO Moc is committed to providing comprehensive assistance to women in crisis by providing safe shelters and support in personal development. It also participates in preventive and educational ac- tivities in the field of violence, trafficking in human beings and forced prostitution.

The Association bases its activities on e-tips this is the process of obtaining information and advice via e-mailan advisory office, social rehabilitation, prevention and training The Association for Legal Intervention was founded in by a group of young activists and lawyers.

Prostitutes Braniewo deals with social exclusion by providing free legal advice to people whose rights and freedoms Prostitutes Braniewo threatened or violated.

Identification of victims human rights, marginalisation and discrimination. It provides clients especially refu- gees, prisoners, children, adoptive families with legal advice, and supports a variety of formal and informal groups, including non-profit organisations At the same time, it monitors online forums regarding illegal adoption, and some of these forums relate to trafficking in human beings When ex- plaining their responses to this question, respondents mentioned these organisations, or confirmed that such organisations exist, but could not remember their names.

The officer training Prostitutes Braniewo is conducted Prostitutes Braniewo not fully meet educational objectives. Half Only a small group 8. One-third of respondents replied that they Prostitutes Braniewo knowledge from business contacts, from their friends, on duty or in their role as coordinator for trafficking in human be- ings.

The fact that officers willingly exchange information and experiences is a good sign of cooperation.


Only very few officers 3. The analysis shows that the training for officers may not fully meet educational objectives. There should be a strong focus on finding new forms of education and methods of reaching officers, such as special pathways at some higher education institutions, elite courses combined with trips abroad, and postgradu- ate studies. An analysis of the collected material shows that NGO employees Prostitutes Braniewo border crossings and detention centres rarely or not at all.

However, many border crossings, especially on the eastern border, lack real support from these organisa- tions. Other border crossings have posters and leaflets on trafficking in human beings that are available exclusively for Border Guard officers. There is no information on the risks of trafficking in human beings for persons crossing the border.

The Prostitutes Braniewo Guard has no support in the identification of victims of trafficking in human beings and forced labour from NGOs.

All of the nongovernmental organisa- tions should be more active, whether at the border or in centres for foreigners, Prostitutes Braniewo cooperation with NGOs first and foremost accelerates the Prostitutes Braniewo process and helps care for the victim. During the identification process, one of the most important problems is, first and foremost, a logistics problem.

What should be done Prostitutes Braniewo a victim of trafficking in Prostitutes Braniewo beings who has been identified e.

Due to its internal regulations, after releasing a victim from a Prostitutes Braniewo, the Border Guard may not deal Prostitutes Braniewo the Prostitutes Braniewo of that victim. Therefore, the question arises of who should pick the victim up from the Prostitutes Braniewo for foreigners and transport them to Warsaw.

Deliberation is needed on what should be changed, with a focus on the good of victims of trafficking in human beings. Communication After analysing over folders containing information on foreigners at cen- Prostitutes Braniewo, we decided that the next Prostitutes Braniewo that needs improvement is internal communication within the Border Guard regarding victims of trafficking in human beings, as well as communication between institutions.

This is because we noted a lack of synchronisation between the activities of centres for foreigners, orphanages, curators and NGOs, which may indicate a lack of cooperation and exchange of information.

The delayed flow of documents proves a lack of proper communication between institutions. A victim of trafficking in human beings who is transferred from one facility to another is Prostitutes Braniewo always Prostitutes Braniewo with documents confirming their identification.

Identification of victims contact with victims of trafficking in human beings. Our analysis shows that not eve- ryone is aware of the algorithm for conduct of law enforcement authorities in the case of the crime of trafficking in human beings and its victims. Why are they unaware of how to help such a person and whom they can turn for help?

International Forum on Illegal Nuclear Traffic: Risks, Safeguards and Countermeasures; report

In seeking such help, NGOs are overlooked as a partner for the exchange of information. During data collection and an analysis of existing materials, the Human Traffick- ing Studies Centre Research Team found a lack of cooperation between NGOs, local authorities and government institutions. It is worth noting that the lack of cooperation between the sectors critically affects the NGO development process. This is very important in that thanks to the support of local governments, NGOs acquire, inter alia, funding for preventive measures and assistance for victims of trafficking in human beings As pointed out by Maria Grazia Giammarinaro, the Italian model Prostitutes Braniewo combating trafficking in human beings works as a whole because it is NGOs that play a major role.

These are organisations funded by the government and local authorities. The system was created thanks to institutional cooperation Prostitutes Braniewo NGOs, the Police, prosecutors and authorities, and the confidence-building process evolved Prostitutes Braniewo many years. Although there is no ideal model to combat trafficking in human beings, the Italian mechanism has strengthened the position of NGOs This model is difficult Prostitutes Braniewo implement, and it will not be easy to apply in other countries, because it requires constant and Prostitutes Braniewo cooperation between state and social institutions.

In Belgium, in addition to various government Prostitutes Braniewo, the Coordination Bureau for Combating Trafficking and Smuggling in Human Beings includes NGOs involved in combating trafficking in human beings The social policy for combating trafficking in human beings implemented in Prostitutes Braniewo is an attempt to strike a balance between the need for effective and efficient combating of criminal groups involved in trafficking and smuggling in human beings, and the obligation to protect and offer assistance to victims.

NGOs play an important role in both the Italian and Prostitutes Braniewo systems for combating trafficking in human beings. The dissimilarity of these legal systems impinged on the nature of proscription and banishment that functioned in these cities and towns. Prostitutes Braniewo main task was to force a person accused of a crime to appear in court and prove their innocence, possibly to come to an agreement with the aggrieved party or their representatives13, and if that did not hap- pen, then to suffer consequences of their actions according to legal regulations.

Liber memoriarum Colmensis civitatis, bearb. Carl A. Jeziorski, Proskrypcja Prostitutes Braniewo bani- cja, pp. The author of this article published a review of this edition in: Zapiski Historyczne, vol. Jeziorski, Das Verzeichnis, pp. Jeziorski [] of the alleged crime. Moreover, persons who sheltered or fed a proscribed person could be fined. However, such crimes were punishable by death or mutilation Similarly, in the case of this law, persons supporting the proscribed Prostitutes Braniewo.

Moreover, the number of crimes which led to the sentence of proscription was significantly higher as it was used also in case of many disgracing crimes. Jeziorski, Proskrypcja i banicja, pp. Frensdorff, op.

LII; R. Reuter, op. Numerous similar 18 cases can be found in the register of the Old Town of Braniewo Prostitutes Braniewo well As far as Prussian towns and cities are concerned, several such artefacts have been pre- served until the present day.

It should be noted that some of them come from smaller towns of the State of Teutonic Order in Prussia. Both registers of the proscribed of Bartoszyce include mainly entries from the s to the Prostitutes Braniewo Jeziorski, Proskrypcja i banicja, p.

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CDWBd. Jeziorski, Proskryp- cja i banicja, pp. Hauptabteilung further cit. HAOrdensfoliant further cit. OF 85, fol. It consists of entries from two centuries — the oldest allegedly recorded in and the newest in Apart from the above-mentioned registers we can also find mentions of such records that used to exist in Prussian towns and cities but, unfortunately, have not been preserved. August Bertling, ibid.

Thielen, Die Verwaltung des Ordensstaates Preussen vornehmlich im This results from the administrative and Prostitutes Braniewo practice, treating such lists mostly in terms of current use. Probably, the verdicts made by a given court regarding proscription or banishment, were first inscribed into the court reports, often written on a multiple-use material, such as wax tablets, widely used in offices in this part of Europe First lists were made on the basis of such reports including only basic data, while omitting the rest Prostitutes Braniewo the details usually noted in court reports When pre- paring such a list, the proscriptions that were no longer in force, e.

Elisabeth Lalou Bibliologia. Elementa ad librorum studia pertinentia, vol. Probleme Prostitutes Braniewo Perspektiven, [in:] Edition deutschspra- chiger Quellen aus dem Ostseeraum Grulkowski, op. Jeziorski [] the proscribed and their punishment, were omitted as well.

Lists of Prostitutes Braniewo type were prepared many times for each register, probably every time that they had become unreadable due to a Prostitutes Braniewo number of invalid proscription entries being Prostitutes Braniewo out, and added comments informing, for example, about fees paid by the proscribed or their representatives and connected with the process of freeing oneself from the proscription Sometimes, if an opportunity arose, there Prostitutes Braniewo attempts Prostitutes Braniewo arranging the proscription notes, by grouping them by charge types Moreover, it should be added that sometimes the material Prostitutes Braniewo distorted by the scribes themselves Prostitutes Braniewo, while copying proscription notes, were not always able to properly read the previous registers For example, it is difficult to analyse the nature of crimes committed in cities and towns on their basis, especially in a statistical manner.

It is caused by the fact that they include only specific types of crimes. Also, on the basis of this type of primary sources we are unable to indicate the precise number of verdicts of proscription or banish- Prostitutes Braniewo issued by municipal courts Their significance is especially visible in the context of research on late medieval court practice, Prostitutes Braniewo well as on social strata that are usually not mentioned in written sources, chiefly the poorest Prostitutes Braniewo of a late medieval European town or city.

Friedrich W. Schirrmacher, Liegnitzp. VIII; A. Jeziorski, Pro- skrypcja i banicja, p. Jeziorski, Die Strafe der Ausweisung, pp. Willoweit, op. Thus, such observa- tions are the purpose of this article. Prostitutes Braniewo to the main point of the issue being developed, an attempt to an- Prostitutes Braniewo the question about which social professional groups most frequently appeared on the pages of the analysed registers will be made.

Their domination among the proscribed re- sults mostly from their low financial status. On the other Prostitutes Braniewo, the overwhelming number of apprentices and servants among both the proscribed and the victims of violence does not seem to be only a matter of coincidence. This phenomenon was most probably caused by the high probability of engagement into conflicts, which was characteristic of both communities apprentices and servants.

In case of an overwhelming number of the proscribed, their victims, and at times persons pressing charges, we have no information about their occupation.

Prace Komisji Prostitutes Braniewo, vol. Zaremska, Proskrypcja i kara wygnania w Krakowie, pp. Historisches Lexikon zur politisch-sozialen Sprache in Deutschland, Bd. Furthermore, among the victims of violence listed in this primary source, Prostitutes Braniewo of the same crafts and the same types of workers are very numerous. However, this group is supplemented by much more affluent butchers, bakers, millers, and bath owners.

They all had Prostitutes Braniewo thing in com- mon, that is, Prostitutes Braniewo profession that required constant interaction with other peo- ple. Therefore, their occupation probably increased the chances of disputes and Prostitutes Braniewo to occur.

However, their presence does not disrupt the tendencies described above, but it may confirm that in the late Middle Ages anyone, regardless of his or her social status, could experience everyday violence Of course, this does not mean that the wealthy burgh- ers rarely committed acts of violence.

Late medieval towns and cities of the Teutonic Prussia were no different from other European urban settlements Conze, Reinhart Koselleck, Stuttgartpp. It seems that the main reason for this was their financial status that enabled them to quickly settle an agreement with the aggrieved party or their representatives and, if need be, to immediately com- plete all formalities connected with crossing their names out of the register.

Despite the often stressed shortcomings of the Prussian registers, as well as the domination of men on their pages, such primary sources provide astound- ing amount of information Prostitutes Braniewo conflict situations that women participated in. They appear mostly as victims of assaults, homicides also by the hand of their own husbandsand serious injuries e. Furthermore, they were the victims of verbal attacks, robberies, and even kidnappings suffered also by Prostitutes Braniewo women Rape, even group rape, was also a quite common crime against them If they were in conflict with the law, then mostly as thieves often operating with a partner, children or in larger groups 53, Prostitutes Braniewo of crimes mainly fights, but also murders connected with robberies 54 or as infanticides HA, OF 85, fol.

Je- ziorski, Proskrypcja i banicja, p. Jeziorski [] unless another woman was the victimwas most probably caused by natural 57 limitations of the gender e. The Prussian registers of the proscribed also Prostitutes Braniewo information on events which were participated by the broadly defined dregs of society.

Such primary sources present various types of entertainers German: Spielleuteas well as prostitutes, beggars and outlaws. In most cases they act as victims Prostitutes Braniewo violence mainly assaults, but also homicides and serious injuries, including mutilation 58, less often as perpetrators Court ushers German: Gerichts- diener and executioners often make appearance on the pages of those texts.

Despite being in the service of a city or town, they performed a profession that had a bad reputation, which was despised, even hated, by other inhab- itants Such antipathy often resulted in open aggression towards them and their relatives In a late medieval town or city of Central and Eastern Europe, just like in modern times, a typical sequence of escalation of violence could be observed — from verbal aggression, usually in the form of words generally considered Prostitutes Braniewo be offensive, to physical violence, resulting in fisticuffs or an attack with a weap- on Jeziorski, Proskryp- cja i banicja, p.

Jeziorski, Proskrypcja i bani- cja, p. Henselmeyer, op. For they damaged the reputation of the victim by suggesting, among others, the immorality or illegitimacy, and in effect could cause measurable losses if there was no adequate reaction Sometimes a conflict ended Prostitutes Braniewo the stage of insults and was later brought into a town court, but usually it was only the prelude to a more serious clash, that Prostitutes Braniewo in bringing the victim to the ground and using fists, feet or sharp objects, knife being the Prostitutes Braniewo popular among them.

Perhaps it was the effect of the regulations commonly applied in Prussian cities and towns, that prohibited swords and long knives to be Prostitutes Braniewo around within the borders of the municipal jurisdiction69, and a testimony to effective enforcement of this law by the urban authorities. CDW, Bd. Ein Hand- und Studienbuch, hrsg. Jeziorski [] mainly to upper limbsincluding cutting a finger, hand or a larger part of the limb off.

It was rather impossible to inflict such injuries using a short knife. Prostitutes Braniewo addition, it is impossible to rule out that bleeding from wounds inflicted by a sword was the cause of many deaths noted in the registers. Also, other objects were used to hit opponents during fights. Some of them can be quite unusual and can serve as a testimony to ran- domness of clashes, during which anything that was close at hand was used as a weapon.

The register of the Old Town of Braniewo mentions Prostitutes Braniewo, pitchers or, as it seems, a mace or club kulealso one made of iron yserynne kule Shooting the opponent with a crossbow was mentioned once We do not know, however, if it was a professional weapon. The number of bruises, bloody wounds, bone fractures, etc. By scrutinizing, for example, the number of inflicted injuries we can notice a predominance of single or double wounds.

and the punishment of adulterers and prostitutes The ringleaders later In Braunsberg (Braniewo), the chief town of the Ermland prince-bishopric. Braniewo, Bartoszyce, Gołdap. racketeers, to find a prostitute, to buy smuggled alcohol and cigarettes at the market.

Cases of inflicting a larger number of wounds or even massacring the opponent even more than 10 wounds! This may be treated as a hint that strong emotions influencing the participants of a given fight were calmed down rath- er quickly, maybe in fear of possible legal consequences Due to their char- acter, most registers do not describe the circumstances of homicides, Prostitutes Braniewo or other types of injury.

Details of particular events were probably noted only in court reports. The scrutiny of the personal data of the proscribed Prostitutes Braniewo that very often more than Prostitutes Braniewo persons took part in fights In the case of members of the same profession, it is highly likely that personal motives usually created con- flict situations, but we cannot rule out that, at least Prostitutes Braniewo some cases, they were the result of professional competition Sometimes the registers Prostitutes Braniewo conflicts between representatives of the same profession that come from different cities.

In such cases, attempts to counter professional competition are noticeable However, this issue still requires further and deeper research.

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HA, OF 87, fol. The register of the Old Town of Braniewo mentions a wine cellar weinkellirthe vicinity of an unspecified bridge, Prostitutes Braniewo private apartment, a wayside cross near the New Town of Braniewo, and especially Prostitutes Braniewo — the place of residence of the local court usher or executioner boteleye However, the investigations Prostitutes Braniewo above prove that even such incomplete Prostitutes Braniewo sources, plagued by numerous shortcomings, if submitted Prostitutes Braniewo a directed and careful analysis, can provide us with many interesting pieces of information.

Jeziorski, prof. Given these shortcomings, an attempt was made to demonstrate the usefulness of the preserved registers in histori- cal investigations. Bibliografia Bertling, August. Bertling, August, ed. Beyerle, Konrad. Brandt, Ahasver von. Bruski, Klemens. Studium prozopograficzne. Buchwald, Gustav von. Czaja, Roman. Frensdorff, Ferdinand. Halle: Verlag der Buchhandlung des Waisenhauses, Freytag, Hermann. Gauvard, Claude. Grulkowski, Marcin. Studium kodykologiczne.

Hauke, Karl and Horst Stobbe. Stuttgart: W.

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Such a program is also desirable if we are to achieve deep re- ductions in the nuclear weapon arsenals. Historical Atlas of Polish Towns - between source edition and the cartographic presentation of research on the history of towns. Martellini and P.
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Nunn- Lugar and nuclear material protection, control and accounting programs are scheduled to terminate in and respec- tively. More specifically, our informal partners were the Prostitutes Braniewo of the special rapporteur in these two countries. But the Prostitutes Braniewo of hypermedia democracy cre- ates such a complexity that it is not as obvious. Figure 3. It seems necessary to remodel the system of training Border Guard officers, so that they understand the problem, know the indicators and the algorithm for conduct. Given these shortcomings, an attempt was made to demonstrate the usefulness of the preserved registers in histori- Prostitutes Braniewo investigations.

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Today, we've got Prostitute Com the choice to stay at home, but still get to know others through online dating sites and programs. Braniewo, Bartoszyce, Gołdap. racketeers, to find a prostitute, to buy smuggled alcohol and cigarettes at the market. Stare Miasto Braniewo, Elbing – poln. sources present various types of entertainers (German: Spielleute), as well as prostitutes, beggars and outlaws.