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Cholera did not arrive in Japan in , but the issue of quarantine resurfaced in , when the disease was reported in China. These permitted local authorities to take vigorous action in ordinary ports, although the situation in the treaty ports was more complicated. Prostitutes Tomobe in modern Asia.

The prevailing opinion of that time was that cholera developed from some malign conjunction of unsanitary and meteorological conditions. These Prostitutes Tomobe did not conform to medical opinion in Britain, which had largely embraced the water-borne theory of cholera by the late s.

In particular, Parkes referred to the unsanitary conditions in the foreign settlement at Nagasaki, which he blamed for the Prostitutes Tomobe of cholera; a view that seems to echo that of a British medical practitioner in the city, possibly Lambert YS b. However, Parkes, who was based in Tokyo, took little interest in matters of sanitation until Septemberwhen he received correspondence from Flowers.

In this respect, Parkes differed from Flowers who thought that Kitajima had shown considerable resolve. Parkes was aware of complaints regarding the hospital as early as July, when he aired his concerns verbally to Kitajima, but Prostitutes Tomobe not followed up on the matter. In the meantime, Parkes was able to refer to the temporary hospitals as possible sources of cholera and thus Prostitutes Tomobe attention from the risks that foreign Prostitutes Tomobe posed.

The death toll, however, was mounting in other Prostitutes Tomobe cities, including the ports of Yokohama and Kagoshima. It was also widely believed that cholera had spread to these cities from Nagasaki. The arrival of cholera in Kagoshima was particularly unfortunate because this was Prostitutes Tomobe concentration point for forces sent to quash the Satsuma rebellion.

With the end of these operations, troops who returned from Kagoshima infected many other parts of Japan Gordon—5. Faced with the almost impossible task of containing the Prostitutes Tomobe, the Japanese Home Ministry implemented its rules for the prevention of cholera insofar as it was able.

He did so despite mounting evidence of the spread of the disease between Japanese ports and the appearance of cholera in many Chinese ports from August to September

These permitted local authorities to take vigorous action in ordinary ports, although the situation in the treaty ports was more complicated.

In the former, captains of ships with cholera cases on board or which had experienced Prostitutes Tomobe cases in the previous ten days had to report them to local quarantine officers or the governor of each district. During this time, they Prostitutes Tomobe also required to anchor their ship in a designated area and should have no contact with the public.

Persons who were infected or thought to have been were moved Prostitutes Tomobe quarantine facilities on land YHS b. Similar regulations were implemented in the treaty ports but these required consultation with foreign consuls before they could be implemented.

In theory, this allowed vessels from different countries to be Prostitutes Tomobe from the regulations; in reality, the regulations did not distinguish between foreign and Japanese cases.

He may be reached at ku.

Each hospital was divided into three rooms or huts for patients with: light symptoms, Prostitutes Tomobe symptoms, and convalescents. No separate provisions were made for patients of different races or Prostitutes Tomobe. Chinese, Japanese, and theoretically Europeans and Americans could be detained in these hospitals.

Once interred, patients were outside the control of foreign authorities YHS b.

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Many foreign consuls were therefore reluctant to let the Japanese have any authority over their nationals and thus hampered efforts to control the spread of cholera. In other respects, the measures taken by the Japanese Home Ministry were as rigorous as those in any Western country. Prostitutes Tomobe cases of cholera were medically examined before they were officially recorded and only Prostitutes Tomobe were quarantine and other measures for disease prevention imposed.

If cholera was deemed present, municipal governors were compelled to report it to neighboring towns Prostitutes Tomobe to the Home Ministry on a weekly basis or daily if the number of cases was high. Shop owners were also ordered to report any case on their premises to district governors or police within twenty-four hours; the same applied to military bases and schools.

Find a local prostitute in Ibaraki on the largest swingers and adult personals website operating in 30+ countries. Registration is free and we only ask for your. Tomobe tried to get away from the accused, but he was “very big. He testified that when he saw Tomobe, he thought she was a prostitute since the area.

Families with cholera cases in their homes were to be isolated as far as possible and if they died Prostitutes Tomobe family were to disinfect the body or face punishment; they were compelled to hold the Prostitutes Tomobe within ten days.

Public events, including religious rituals, were also prohibited if cholera was prevalent. If cases were numerous, local governments were also expected to construct temporary hospitals to enable patients to be removed from their houses.

Houses and ships where cholera cases occurred had Prostitutes Tomobe notify the public to prevent anyone from entering the infected area YHS c. These regulations were strictly enforced.

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Extensive use of disinfection Prostitutes Tomobe combined with the imposition of controls on movement. Public health authorities carried out disinfection and its use was encouraged among families.

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The Prostitutes Tomobe were given disinfectants free of charge but the latter were sold to others at a standardized price determined by the government. In these respects, the Japanese were emulating the British and other Western powers, which had used disinfection extensively during cholera outbreaks in the s and s. Disinfection Prostitutes Tomobe also the habitual resort of the Navy when epidemics affected its ships. The Japanese, however, had a slightly different view of the utility of disinfectants than most British doctors.

If stale excreta and vomit were mixed with other human waste, it Prostitutes Tomobe thought that the disease was likely to spread, entering the human body through drinking water or the consumption of fish, shell-fish, and other animals that had eaten human waste in Prostitutes Tomobe or in the form of night soil used as fertiliser. Disinfection was regarded as the Prostitutes Tomobe important measure to prevent cholera because it was the best way of ensuring that the poison was killed or attenuated YHS a and d.

People were also warned not to indiscriminately dispose of ejecta from cholera patients and to avoid water likely to be contaminated with cholera, unless the former was boiled YMS Prostitutes Tomobe. Infection was thought to occur by swallowing, touching or breathing in infected material Nishino ; YMS d.

Cholera regulations were introduced into one city after another as the disease spread throughout Japan. Rumor and uncertainty abounded as to the source of infection and no possibility was excluded. However, there was a common thread to the rumors, for cholera was supposed to appear first in foreign settlements see YMS e. Despite this qualification, Japanese authorities scoured all localities. When cholera reached Yokohama on 12 or 13 Septemberquarantine officers and police began to inspect the Prostitutes Tomobe and the area around it; a doctor was attached Prostitutes Tomobe each district office.

Police undertook house-to-house searches with doctors to check for cases of cholera in those areas and provided carbolic acid for use as a disinfectant. All potentially infected persons were sent to the hospital and families and friends were advised not to visit them unless absolutely necessary YHS e ; YMS c.

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Similar measures were taken in other ports, the infection often being traced to ships, which had left Nagasaki YHS f. As the treaty ports became the focal points of Japanese sanitation efforts, some foreign Prostitutes Tomobe became concerned that the exemptions they had so far enjoyed might cease; foreigners would be subjected to the same rigorous measures as the Japanese. With pressure mounting on the foreign consuls, Parkes again sought assurance from the Japanese government that it would not impose quarantine against foreign Prostitutes Tomobe.

On 18 September, Prostitutes Tomobe met Prostitutes Tomobe the Minister for Foreign Affairs and criticized the Home Ministry for Prostitutes Tomobe issued orders to prefectural governors, which included the Prostitutes Tomobe of quarantine and construction of isolation hospitals.

Although these had so far been applied solely to the Japanese, the provisions gave no guarantee of Prostitutes Tomobe and left open the possibility that foreigners, including naval personnel, Prostitutes Tomobe be placed in quarantine if foreign consuls agreed. As Prostitutes Tomobe British envoy, Parkes had also thought that he should grant permission Prostitutes Tomobe not the consuls YHS f.

The following day 19 Augustthe Japanese Home Ministry asked Terajima to ensure that the rules would be discussed with foreign envoys. Despite this concession, Parkes met with Terajima himself on 24 September and stressed that the rules were unnecessary as ordinary sanitary precautions were sufficient.

He reiterated that cholera in Nagasaki was worse than the other parts of Japan because of the mismanagement of the temporary hospitals in the settlement MFA e. Throughout his discussions with the Japanese, Parkes denied that the disease had been imported, maintaining that cholera was already present in Nagasaki and that it arose chiefly from unsanitary conditions.

He did so despite mounting evidence of the spread of the disease between Japanese ports and the appearance of cholera in many Chinese ports from August to September However, it is interesting to note a degree of inconsistency in British opinion as the epidemic drew to a close.

Despite having opposed any measures against British nationals, Parkes and some other British consuls urged the Japanese to enforce quarantine against their own people.

On 3 October, when over 6, soldiers landed in Kobe after returning from Kagoshima, Flowers, the British consul in Nagasaki, recommended that strict quarantine be implemented before the next contingent of some 10, men arrived in the city.

His Prostitutes Tomobe in this matter contrasts not only with his stance on quarantine up to that time but also with his reluctance, in November, to agree to new sanitation arrangements in Niigata port.

Calling out to Tomobe to run, Okano ran back to the shop. He testified that when he saw Tomobe, he thought she was a prostitute since the area was known. However, Tomobe argues that the Japanese government had concerns similar to The first compulsory examination of prostitutes in Japan was instituted at.

The acting governor of Niigata prefecture, Nagayama Moriteru, wanted to Prostitutes Tomobe quarantine on ships of all nationalities, which the German consul supported. Such measures, however, were impractical to implement for German vessels alone; the consent of all foreign envoys was necessary if these were to be imposed. Although the Japanese were able to confer with the British consul in Niigata, the decision was ultimately for Parkes to make.

This reluctance to endorse any Prostitutes Tomobe on foreign navigation established a pattern, which continued through the more serious epidemic of cholera in Fuess—2. By Prostitutes Tomobethe epidemic of cholera in Japan had come to an end, leaving a total of Prostitutes Tomobe, recorded cases and 7, deaths Gordon—6.

The immediate danger Prostitutes Tomobe British naval and commercial interests had passed and so had the kenrei, Kitajima Hidetomo. Kitajima had probably contracted the disease after visiting the cholera hospital in Nagasaki, to ensure that its Prostitutes Tomobe and naval Prostitutes Tomobe were properly attended to.

His tragic end serves as a metaphor for the fate of Japan during these years. The protection of sanitary conditions for British naval and military personnel was one of the tasks with which the Japanese authorities were expected to comply but British naval and commercial interests prevented them from extending protective measures from domestic Prostitutes Tomobe treaty ports.

This most likely served to impede what was otherwise a concerted and thorough attempt to deal with cholera. While the Japanese employed a wide range of preventive measures, closely resembling those in European cities, the Navy and British representatives maintained that cholera was not communicable. This reflected a view that was common throughout the eastern stations in which the Navy operated. For most of the nineteenth century, quarantine was imposed selectively in treaty ports and even in formal colonies such as Hong Kong or in British India Peckham b ; Harrison—58, — The aim was to minimize interruption of commercial navigation, naval operations, and the flow of military and civilian personnel.

In the Japanese treaty ports, this stance was replicated not only for similar reasons but also because of the reputational issues involved; namely, accusations that the Navy was responsible Prostitutes Tomobe importing disease.

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In Japan, as in other Asian ports, the British emphasized the role of poor sanitary conditions and climate in order Prostitutes Tomobe reduce the perceived Prostitutes Tomobe for quarantine and to place blame on local authorities.

For Parkes, this was a matter of expediency rather than of intellectual conviction. In the case of venereal disease, the situation was rather different because there was more collaboration between the Japanese and the British.

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The chief differences lay in the motives of the Japanese and British and the extent to which the former were willing to implement the measures the British desired. Whereas the British were almost exclusively concerned with preventing the infection of their personnel, Japanese motives were more complex.

They were continually subjected to Western criticism for their customs and morals, and took steps, from the beginning of the s, to Prostitutes Tomobe these impressions. Ironically, as in the liberation of women from Prostitutes Tomobe yoshiwarasthese measures were not always to Prostitutes Tomobe liking of foreign officials. But, in other respects, their interventions were more compatible with foreign interests.

Fromwith the creation of a standing army, the Japanese Prostitutes Tomobe to advocate the medical regulation of prostitutes, for reasons of military efficiency and national advancement. In this respect, their motives were firmly aligned with those of the British, some of whom, like Newton, believed that contagious diseases legislation was a fundamental duty of Prostitutes Tomobe states.

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The likely impact of such a measure on US-Japanese relations meant that it was unacceptable to the Japanese as well as being a source of potential conflict between the British and the Americans. As always, Parkes was concerned with Prostitutes Tomobe any situation that might adversely affect British shipping. In view of these complexities, public health developed differently in Japanese treaty Prostitutes Tomobe than in similar contexts.

In Chinese treaty ports, the development of public health was directed, for most of the nineteenth century, by foreign powers, and the reformist agendas of nationalists were Prostitutes Tomobe linked explicitly to hygiene until the twentieth century Buch. The same could be said of the treaty ports Prostitutes Tomobe Korea, where Japan was the dominant power Kim Prostitutes Tomobe Kim : only gradually Prostitutes Tomobe health and hygiene become a focus of national renewal.

In addition, the situation in Japan was different because there was a concerted effort to improve public health and assimilate Western medical knowledge from the late s, as part of a concerted drive to modernization Anesaki By the early s, this could be seen Prostitutes Tomobe measures Prostitutes Tomobe combat cholera and Prostitutes Tomobe to some extent in attempts to prevent venereal disease.

Bythe campaign against venereal disease was every bit as vigorous in Japan as it was in Western countries. After it was able to free itself from foreign influence in the s, Japan also made extensive use of the quarantine regulations it had been prevented from implementing in the s, and did the same in its overseas settlements Kim These measures provide further illustrations of the ways in which Japan simultaneously assimilated and exported modern Western modes of governance Eskildsen or, more particularly, the technologies of surveillance, policing, and bureaucracy Dandeker I would also like to thank Jeong-Ran Kim, the anonymous referees, the editor and copy-editor of SSD for their invaluable insights and assistance.

He is the author of Prostitutes Tomobe books and articles on the history of medicine, disease and health, especially relating to war, imperialism and globalization. He may be reached at ku. Soc Sci Diliman. Author manuscript; available in PMC Aug Mark Harrison. Copyright and License information Disclaimer. Copyright notice. The publisher's final edited version of this article is available free at Soc Sci Diliman. Abstract During the Prostitutes Tomobe and s, the British Royal Navy was a major presence in Japanese treaty ports and influenced the development of public health Prostitutes Tomobe those cities in significant ways.

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Keywords: cholera, venereal disease, Royal Navy, Japan, treaty port, sovereignty. Introduction From the s onwards, Japan was forced into a series of unequal treaties with a succession of Western countries, which opened six of its ports—Shimoda, Hakodate, Hyogo KobeNagasaki, Kanagawa Yokohama and Niigata—to Prostitutes Tomobe.

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Cholera In a cholera epidemic affected all the main islands of Japan, leaving tens of thousands dead. Conclusion By latethe epidemic of cholera in Japan had come to an end, leaving a total of 13, recorded cases and 7, deaths Gordon—6. Archival materials Letter Prostitutes Tomobe Adolphus A. Prostitutes Tomobe of James Bradley to B. Buckley, John, Journal of H. Letter of the Capt. Flowers to all foreign consuls in Nagasaki, Despatch no. Letter of Marcus O. Flowers to Sir Harry S. Parkes, British envoy, Nagasaki, 14 September Prostitutes Tomobe, enclosures 1—13, Despatch no.

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Flowers to Harry S. Newton George. A medical report of the Yokohama lock hospital for Yokohama: Japan Gazette Office; a.

Letter of Harry Parkes to H. Letter of Harry Parkes to Marcus O. Prostitutes Tomobe, William H. Newspapers Tokyo Prostitutes Tomobe N. No title.

The Japanese were now far more concerned about the medical threat from venereal diseases, syphilis in particular, chiefly because of the creation of a standing army in conscription followed two years later.

YHS, no. Report on cholera in Yokohama. Cholera in Tanoura. YMS Yokohoma26 July. YMS Yokohoma5 September. YMS Yokohoma7 September. YMS Yokohoma8 September. YMS Yokohoma20 September. YMS Yokohoma2 October. Yomiuri Shinbun N. YS29 September. General Anesaki Masahira. History of public health in modern Japan: The road to becoming the healthiest nation in the world.

Public health in Asia and the Pacific: Historical and contemporary perspectives. London: Routledge; Contagion and the state in Europe — Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; Freedom without slavery? Public health and the modernization of China, — Surveillance, power and modernity: Bureaucracy and discipline from to the present day. Cambridge: Polity Press; Sir Harry Parkes: British representative in Japan, — Prostitutes Tomobe Japan Library; American Historical Review.

Informal imperialism and the Hesperia incident: Containing cholera and challenging extraterritoriality in Japan.

Japan Review. Sei no Prostitutes Tomobe kanri: Baibaishun no kingendaishi [Sex controlled by the nation: A modern history of prostitution] Tokyo: Fuji Shuppan; Kenbai no hajimari to baidoku no gensetsu-Kindainihon no baidokunobunkashi [The beginning of anti-syphilis measures and the statement on syphilis—A cultural history of Syphilis in modern Japan] In: Fukuda Mahito, Suzuki Noriko.

An epitome of the medical reports of the medical officers to the Chinese Imperial customs union, from to Quarantine, pilgrimage and colonial trade: Prostitutes Tomobe — Indian Economic and Social History Review. A Question of locality: The identity of cholera in British India, — In: Prostitutes Tomobe Arnold. Warm climates and western medicine. Amsterdam: Rodopi; Contagion: How commerce has spread disease.

London and Newhaven: Yale University Press; London: Routledge Curzon; Sexual imperialism on the China station during the Meiji Restoration: The control of smallpox and syphilis at Yokohama, — International History Review. Epidemics and mortality in early modern Japan. Princeton: Princeton University Press; Medical History. The development of medical and sanitary systems in the treaty port of Incheon.

Journal Prostitutes Tomobe Comparative Asian Development. Venereal disease, prostitution and the Prostitutes Tomobe of empire: The case of British India. Journal of Prostitutes Tomobe History of Sexuality. Prostitution, race and politics: Policing venereal disease in the British empire.

New York: Routledge; The State as pimp: Prostitution and the patriarchal state in Japan in the Prostitutes Tomobe. The Sociological Quarterly. NDL Document dated 23 July NDL Document dated 4 August NDL Document Prostitutes Tomobe 13 August NDL Document dated 18 August NDL Document dated 24 September Korera no kokoroe: Ichimei, korori no yokekata [Instructions for cholera: The way to avoid cholera] Tokyo: Tokyo Shorin; Prostitutes Tomobe Newton] Nihon Rekishi. For technical questions regarding this item, or to correct its authors, Prostitutes Tomobe, abstract, bibliographic or download information, contact:.

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Health, sovereignty and imperialism: The Royal Navy and infectious disease in Japan’s treaty ports

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By , the campaign against venereal disease was every bit as vigorous in Japan as it was in Western countries. London: Palgrave; Sir Harry Parkes: British representative in Japan, —
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These Prostitutes Tomobe provide further illustrations of the ways in which Japan simultaneously assimilated and exported modern Western modes of governance Eskildsen or, more particularly, the technologies of surveillance, policing, and bureaucracy Dandeker The poor were given disinfectants free of see more but the latter were sold to others at a standardized price determined by Prostitutes Tomobe government. The crew and passengers of the ship landed without the knowledge of the authorities, prompting Kobe and Yokohama to take emergency measures including the construction of temporary isolation hospitals MFA d. Each Prostitutes Tomobe was divided into Prostitutes Tomobe rooms or huts for patients with: light symptoms, severe symptoms, and convalescents. As always, Parkes was concerned with averting any situation that might adversely affect British shipping.

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