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We will give your dog a full spring cleaning treatment using the Furminator De-Shedding system. In the counties of Prostitutes Gostyn Targ, Prostitutes Gostyn Sacz and neighbouring Counties, after the Governor-General Frank had stayed in the district, some 1, persons were shot in the prisons in November The poster had a picture representing Warsaw in ruins, while standing on one side with averted gaze was Mr.

The German authorities made this an excuse for arresting some 50 Polish school-boys, demanding that they produce the culprit. Unable to learn who he was, they ordered the boys' parents to whip their Prostitutes Gostyn publicly, in front of the church. When they refused, the S.

Afterwards they shot 10 of the students and forbade the burial of the bodies, Prostitutes Gostyn lay exposed before the church for 24 hours. Yet it was stated by Poles of the highest integrity that no pane of glass had Prostitutes Gostyn broken in the police station.

In prison they were beaten and ill-treated outrageously. Lendzion, Polish Deputy to the Volkstag at Danzig, who had been imprisoned with the rest, was first beaten with bestial cruelty, then his jailors tore Prostitutes Gostyn his tongue. The employees of the Polish Post Office at Danzig, among whom were 5 women, as well as the Polish railway employees, were all assassinated. At Torun, capital of Pomerania Province several hundred such murders Prostitutes Gostyn committed at the beginning of the occupation.

On November 22, six women were shot, on the pretext that a German was said to have been assaulted by a Pole. In the same city, civilians were compelled to repair the bridge over the Vistula. Among them were Mr. Hozakowski, French Honorary Counsel, and an aged priest, respected and revered by the community. Exhausted by his efforts, the old priest finally fell into the water.

His fellow workmen endeavoured Prostitutes Gostyn save him, but were prevented by the S. At Grudziadz, a factory town, numbering 60, inhabitants, Poles were shot, 30 percent of the population was deported to the "Government General" or to Germany; children between 7 and Prostitutes Gostyn years old were also deported to Germany. Among others, Mr.

Prostitutes Gostyn the first half of December,in Inowroclaw, one of the largest cities in Pomerania, a group of drunken German officers visited the local prison, where 70 Poles were interned as hostages, Prostitutes Gostyn shot them all with revolvers.

With the officers was the Landrat of the County of Inowroclaw, who himself shot some 20 of the prisoners. The Landrat stood higher up the steps, Prostitutes Gostyn as the prisoners were brought up one by one from below, he shot them. The Mayor of the city of Inowroclaw, Mr. Jankowski, and the deputy mayor, Mr. Jungst, were among the victims; others who shared their fate were Messrs. Wlodzimierz Wichlinski, Stanislaw Wichlinski, Count Poninski, Katalowski, Hoppe, all landowners; Knast, proprietor of a book shop; Fajgiel, a merchant, Laubitz, brother of the late Bishop of Gniezno; Prostitutes Gostyn, a chemist, whose house had been destroyed by the Germans; and a number of workmen whose names are unknown.

In this city also several hundred young girls of from 14 to 20 years of age were imprisoned. A few days later, the prison guards and members of the German S. As the girls started to file out Prostitutes Gostyn were shot down.

Over 40 fell thus wantonly murdered. Among Prostitutes Gostyn shot at Inowroclaw, was Father Mateusz Zablocki, of Gniezno, a man past 60, revered by all. With him were shot 14 Polish workmen from Gniezno. The Polish prisoners in Inowroclaw were cruelly beaten and tortured.

A 17 year-old Polish lad was buried alive. The most prominent representatives of the Polish clergy Prostitutes Gostyn Pomerania Prostitutes Gostyn also murdered. At Lubawa the chairman of the local gymnastics organization, SokolMr. Wolski, was murdered; and in December,the Mayor and 5 inhabitants Prostitutes Gostyn the town of Fordon, among them 2 priests, were shot in Bydgoszcz.

Numerous assassinations were reported from Wloclawek, of which details are wanting. The following document illustrates German methods.

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It is an announcement which appeared in the German daily Weichsel-Zeitung in October, At Piastoszyn, in Prostitutes Gostyn district of Tuchola, a building on the property of the German Volksdeutsche Superior Amtsvorsteher Fritz was burned by a Polish bandit.

The property was situated outside the village. The Amtsvorsteher died of a heart attack. The object of this action is to give the bandit culprits to understand that underhanded deeds of this sort will be punished in the most rigorous fashion. By way Prostitutes Gostyn reparation, and in order to inspire a legitimate fear, 10 Poles, known for their anti-German sentiments, have been shot. Furthermore, the Polish population of the region has been ordered to rebuild the building that was burned, and to repair the total damage done.

The total number of Poles shot and murdered in Pomerania down to January 1,is estimated at 20, Of this number more than 10, as has been previously stated, were in the city of Bydgoszcz alone. Poznania The situation in Poznania was exactly Prostitutes Gostyn that in Pomerania. Here, too, the Germans determined to wipe out the entire Polish intellectual classes, the middle class and the leaders of the peasants and workmen. There is hardly a town in Poznania, nor even a larger village which has not been the scene of public mass executions of Poles.

On the eve of execution, Prostitutes Gostyn condemned were often shut up Prostitutes Gostyn narrow cells, where they were forced to remain standing. They were not permitted to take leave of their families, Prostitutes Gostyn to receive the last rites.

On the contrary, many Prostitutes Gostyn them were insulted, beaten and tortured even at the last moment. The mass executions, which, for the most part occurred between the 20th and 25th of October,were carried out principally in the public squares of the cities and towns. The members of the S. Frequently they took place at night, by Prostitutes Gostyn light of car headlamps. After the executions, the representatives of the Polish intellectual classes who were left alive - chiefly priests, lawyers, etc.

Frequently the Germans did not permit burial in the cemeteries. There they dug trenches and buried the bodies. Cases were reported in which the victims were forced to dig their own graves before execution. An example Prostitutes Gostyn these methods is provided by the execution of five Poles in the market-place of Szamotuly, a provincial town of 10, Prostitutes Gostyn.

There, members of the S. Five young men, whom they had driven into the square, were placed against a wall. They had just time before their execution to cry: "Long live Poland! The commanding officer then passed along the line, putting a bullet through the head of each dying man. Shouts and screams of protest and indignation arose; women fainted. Later, several representatives of the local intellectual circles were chosen, among Prostitutes Gostyn a priest, a doctor, a lawyer and Prostitutes Gostyn to load the bodies of Prostitutes Gostyn fellow citizens on to a car, and to Prostitutes Gostyn them to Prostitutes Gostyn vicinity of the cemetery and bury them.

The murdered men were peasants from Otorowo, a nearby village. Someone in the locality, whom the Germans failed to discover, had hoisted a Polish flag, and so the population of the town had to pay this terrible Prostitutes Gostyn for the Polish cause. In Otorowo, also, 19 men, from ages of 15 to 75 were shot on Prostitutes Gostyn same charges.

Particularly revolting were the executions in Koscian, a town of 10, inhabitants, Prostitutes Gostyn of Poznan. In this town, 8 persons were executed together on October 2, 18 on October 23 and 42 on November 7.

These executions were held in the market-place, against the wall of the Town Hall. On October 23, the Germans shot Mr. Mieczyslaw Chlapowski, Count Szoldrski, Mr. Koscielski, of Sepno, landowners, Mr. Helczynski of Bonikowo, who before his death was cruelly beaten; Dr.

Tomaszewski, dental surgeon; Mr. Irzabek, High School Principal; Mr. Sowinski, retired School Inspector; Mr. Wydra, School Inspector; Mr.

Hefner, Head of the Elementary School; Mr. Wenski and Janicki, merchants, the latter with his son. Father Graszynski was forced to wash the blood from the stones Prostitutes Gostyn the victims of executions had fallen. The execution of Mr. Mieczyslaw Chlapowski, of Kopaszewo, made a profound impression. This gentleman was well known for his patriotic activities, and was chairman of various agricultural organizations in Poznania.

He was a cousin of the former Polish Ambassador to France, Mr. Alfred Chlapowski. Carried out as usual, without the formal pretext of a trial, the execution took place in the market-place of Koscian. The Gestapo agents had packed the square with spectators. Chlapowski knelt down with Prostitutes Gostyn rosary, saying a prayer. Then he made the sign of the Prostitutes Gostyn to the crowd; Prostitutes Gostyn cried: "Poland has not yet perished!

Long live France. Long live Prostitutes Gostyn No less moving was the death of the young landowner, Mr. Madalinski of Debicz, whose ancestors had fought in all the Prostitutes Gostyn insurrections against Russia and Germany.

Hearing the order given to the firing squad to shoot him in the back, he turned toward the S. May God bless Poland! To cite still another incident, 2 Polish landowners with German names, Boening and Graeve, were arrested by the Germans and given their Prostitutes Gostyn between the two alternatives: either to sign a declaration stating that they Prostitutes Gostyn Volksdeutsche Prostitutes Gostyn German raceor to be shot.

They both declared themselves proud to be Poles, and refused to sign the infamous document. They paid the penalty of death. Another prominent Pole, Mr. Taczanowski, had his eyes burnt out by the Germans before execution. Count Szoldrski, a landowner at Prostitutes Gostyn, had a smile on his lips as he came to Prostitutes Gostyn place of Prostitutes Gostyn in Koscian.

The Germans thought he was sneering at them, so they first beat him until he was unable to stand. On November 7, 42 Poles were shot in the face and left in a ditch filled with lime. In this group was a number of High School students. On November 9 the Prostitutes Gostyn shot several dozen peasants from the neighbouring villages and buried them in the forest of Racot, near Koscian.

In addition, a number of secret executions took place at Koscian at different times, often at night. In the County of Koscian Prostitutes Gostyn only the local Gestapo detachment but also certain German officials distinguished themselves by their brutality. They were the LandratLize, and his adjutant, Lehman; the German Burgomaster, Schreiter; a School Inspector named Heinze; Lorenz, a landowner; the official, Prostitutes Gostyn, and Prostitutes Gostyn von Hofmannswaldau, of Koszanowo, who again and again intervened with the German authorities to carry out more executions.

Immediately after the executions at Koscian, the same German guard moved on to Smigiel, a town in the same county, where on October Prostitutes Gostyn, 8 persons were murdered, including the Mayor, Piach, and the chemist, Mr. On October 23, 16 more sentences were carried out. Besides these collective executions, there were numerous individual cases which were always dealt with at night. In the County town of Gostyn, at 11 o'clock on the morning of October 21,30 persons were shot, among them the local leader of the National Party, Mieczyslaw Hejnowicz and his brother, several prominent members of the intellectual class, as well as many landowners from the surrounding country, including Prostitutes Gostyn.

The son of one of the condemned suceeded only in obtaining permission to be shot in his father's place. In the neighbouring town of Krobia, the shooting of 15 Poles was later followed by more executions. Similarly 26 Polish people were to be shot at Poniec, another town in Gostyn County. Here, however, an unexpected thing happened.

The older men and women among the local Germans would not permit the executions to take place. They placed themselves in front of the condemned, Prostitutes Gostyn that they did not wish such a thing to happen, as they lived on Prostitutes Gostyn terms with the Poles. As a result only 3 of the 26 were shot.

This, however, was a unique exception. A group of Poles was publicly executed in the town of Wolsztyn at night, by the light of the Gestapo car headlamps. The entire local population were awakened and obliged to come to the square to witness the executions. Sixteen Prostitutes Gostyn were assassinated at Kornik, including Mr.

Wolniewicz, the Mayor, aged 70 years, infirm and unable to walk.

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After the others had been shot, Mr. Wolniewicz was thrown Prostitutes Gostyn a cart, on top of their dead bodies, and killed point blank with a revolver shot. In Poznan, executions by beheadings took place every week at the prison in Mlynska Street.

Only some of the verdicts were made public. Many young people were shot without Prostitutes Gostyn trial whatever in the woods near Poznan in the neighbourhood of Paledzie, Dabrowka and Zakrzewo.

This happened almost Prostitutes Gostyn week. Up to 30 persons lost their lives on each occasion.

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The execution area was guarded and inaccessible to Poles. Only the cries of the victims testified that they were Polish. Machine-guns were set up in the streets. At 7 o'clock in the morning the Germans issued the order through a municipal clerk that males from 18 to 40 years were to go immediately to the market-place. The order was so unexpected that many of the men approached in their night shirts. Foreseeing that they might be arrested the youth of the town attempted Prostitutes Gostyn hide in the surrounding woods, but were caught by the Gestapo and driven into the market-place at the point of the bayonet.

One Prostitutes Gostyn man's Prostitutes Gostyn was pierced. They were detained until and then were beaten with rifle butts all the way to the station, where they were packed Prostitutes Gostyn trucks.

Other groups were treated similarly. The paddock was lit up by the headlamps of 4 cars. Machine-guns were set up in the lamplight. Women who brought food for the prisoners Prostitutes Gostyn brutally beaten. Two men brought to this camp had been tortured with especial bestiality.

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A certain workman named Szwajcar was shot and thrown into Prostitutes Gostyn hole which he himself had been obliged to dig. One of the German officers told Prostitutes Gostyn prisoners that at Wierzonka, 22 Poles had been shot that night. To drown the noise of the shots, the engines of the police cars had been started.

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Next day, Prostitutes Gostyn those arrested in Pobiedziska were interrogated. A few were sent home, and the rest were taken to prison in the Poznan citadel. Although normally this place accommodates only 2, soldiers at most, 5, persons were held there. The prisoners were thrashed, driven to 'exercise' and awakened every hour Prostitutes Gostyn the day and night. As in Bydgoszcz, the Germans attacked too early, and were defeated; and several of them, captured with arms in their hands, were shot by the Polish troops.

After the occupation of Leszno by the German troops, massacres were started, which continued until the month of November. A great number of prominent men were arrested and were brutally beaten Prostitutes Gostyn rifle butts, truncheons and whips. Machnikowski, a professor, was martyred for refusing to denounce members of the Polish association whom the Germans considered particularly anti-German.

On October 21, 20 representatives of the local population were shot at the foot Prostitutes Gostyn the Court-House wall. Among these were B. The bodies were buried in trenches which had been prepared by the Polish anti-aircraft defence. The task of the burial was performed by Mr.

Kowalski, the Mayor, and the officials of the municipality. Dozens of Poles, among them Mr. Donimirski, a landowner from Golanice, were assassinated in the Leszno prison and secretly buried in the neighbouring forests.

A ditch used as a common grave was discovered in Prostitutes Gostyn forests of Rydzyna. Besides the Gestapo and their Chief of Police Polizeirat Grunt, several other Germans should be mentioned in connection with the extermination of the Polish population in the town and district of Leszno, namely: Landrat von Baumbach; the German Burgomaster, Dr.

Schneider; the Pastor, Wolfgang Bickerich, who, before the war, behaved as a friend of Professor Machnikowski, yet was present when he was tortured in prison, and at his execution; Baron Losen of Drzeczkow; Leon Zabka, a butcher he was responsible for the death of a school-boy, Prostitutes Gostyn and even a woman, the wife of the principal of the German High School at Leszno.

Among other localities in Poznania, where Poles were Prostitutes Gostyn tortured, mention should be made of the border town of Ujscie. During the night of September 1, Prostitutes Gostyn civilian detachment Freikorps attacked the town and massacred the Polish population, including women and children.

Many representatives of the intellectual class at Kalisz were murdered. In one instance 22 were executed, including Madame Bzowska, wife of a judge. A Catholic priest also was publicly shot, afterwards buried in the Jewish cemetery. Details of the numerous executions of priests Prostitutes Gostyn be found in the chapter dealing with the persecution of the Church. To the names already mentioned of well-known persons shot and otherwise murdered in the provinces of Poznania and Pomerania the following should be added: Roman Komierowski, of Komierowo, Papal Chamberlain N.

Roman Komierowski, Dr. Poninski; Goetzendorff-Grabowski and his wife. After his arrest Edward Mieczkowski was driven barefoot for several kilometres and finally shot in the back. A number Prostitutes Gostyn families were entirely wiped out. The case of the Sierakowskis, well-known Polish landowners, is an out-standing example. They possessed an estate in East Prussia, Waplewo, with a splendid library and art collection.

Count Sierakowski, his wife, daughter and son-in-law Prostitutes Gostyn all shot. The Gniazdowski family were similarly murdered. In the course of a few weeks three members of the Prostitutes Gostyn family, which has been known for centuries, were murdered: Jan Donimirski, of Tarchalin; Jerzy Donimirski, of Golanice; and Witold Donimirski, of Marusza.

A fourth member of this family, Jan Donimirski, of Lysomice, died, according to a report, while working as a prisoner to repair the bridge over the Vistula in Torun, standing in the water up to his Prostitutes Gostyn. Following is another report, describing the fate of the Taczanowski and Mlicki families.

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Prostitutes Gostyn Taczanowski, aged 70 years, proprietor of estates in Wilczyn and Kownaty, was arrested one day by the Gestapo agents from Konin, the neighbouring County town. He was freed on a bond of 10, zloty paid to the Gestapo, being assured that henceforth he and his son-in-law, Mr.

Mlicki, of Prostitutes Gostyn, had nothing to fear. Wilczyn had been for some time under the compulsory administration of German Treuhanderso the Taczanowskis and Mlickis were living at Kownaty.

In the evening of November 13, Prostitutes Gostyn, they heard a violent pounding on the gate which at that late hour was locked. The house stands before extensive woodlands, by way of which the proprietor and his family could easily have escaped if they Prostitutes Gostyn anticipated danger. But in the face of the solemn guarantee they had been given of peace and freedom, it did not even occur to them that the Germans had come.

Prostitutes Gostyn gate was opened. The local Treuhandera certain Geppert from Berlin, the greatest sadist in all the district, drove Prostitutes Gostyn. He Prostitutes Gostyn the aged Taczanowski with his son Zygmunt and son-in-law Stanislaw Mlicki on the spot and took them all to his car, where he had an adequate escort of Gestapo agents.

They drove to the wood, and there Prostitutes Gostyn the prisoners to get out. The place was lit up by car headlamps. One of the Germans said: "Leave the old man to me. I'll take care of him. Almost at once, before the eyes of the father, Geppert himself shot the young Taczanowski and his brother-in-law, Mlicki.

At that the elder Taczanowski instinctively struck Prostitutes Gostyn German guard with all his strength, and fled back in the direction of the light railway. As it happened, just at that moment a goods train was coming along, loaded with sugar beets.

He succeeded in crossing to the farther side of the track before the train came up. The Germans opened fire at him as he fled, but while the train was passing he had time to hide. A Prostitutes Gostyn of 10, zlotys was offered for his capture. The parents of the young Mlicki who had been shot in the road were arrested.

His mother had been a devoted social worker and a local leader of the Women Landowners' Association and the Catholic Action. She was kept for 5 weeks in prison at Inowroclaw, where she was used to scrub the lavoratories and do other tasks of a similar nature. A sufferer from liver touble and gall stones, she was seized with a severe attack, and was sent to hospital; but even then she was not set free. Her husband, an aged man of 70, totally paralyzed, was also arrested and imprisoned.

He also had to be removed to the hospital, where he died. The aforesaid TreuhanderGeppert, got drunk every day, shot at the mirrors and paintings and used his whip on all who waited on him and on the servants. The Chlapowski family, famous in Poznania and throughout Poland, whose ancestor, Dezyderiusz Chlapowski, was an eminent general in the army of Napoleon I, lost 3 of its Prostitutes Gostyn members: Mieczyslaw Chlapowski, of Kopaszewo, shot, as we have said, by the Germans in the marketplace of Koscian; Alfred Chlapowski, for many years Polish Ambassador in Paris, who died in the prison hospital at Koscian; and Roman Chlapowski, one of the founders and directors of the hospital of the Knights of Malta in Warsaw, who was killed by a German bomb.

Besides the public executions, such as those described, masses of Poles were murdered at night. On the outskirts of the towns and villages bodies of murdered men Prostitutes Gostyn women were frequently found, sometimes several at a time.

Often these bodies had been uncovered by dogs. For instance, in the town of Rogozno Oborniki County 8 bodies were found in a garden; their discovery was due to the scratching of dogs. Among them were the landowner Goetzendorf-Grabowski and his wife, an official of a distillery and a steward from Mechlin, the local parish priest, the organist and the sexton.

After the disinternment, the German authorities would not allow the Prostitutes Gostyn to Prostitutes Gostyn buried in a normal fashion, but ordered to be placed in Prostitutes Gostyn coffin and buried in the Rogozno cemetery. Prostitutes Gostyn things were almost daily occurrences during November,in the Prostitutes Gostyn area.

A merchant, aged 74, Franciszek Ksawery Witkowski, of Witkowo, suddenly disappeared one day.

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He had been for many years secretary of the local branch of the Insurgents' Association of Poznania. His mutilated corpse was found Prostitutes Gostyn few days later in a field near Strzalkowo, many miles from Witkowo. At one spot Prostitutes Gostyn Wolsztyn County, 2 Poles were driven to a pond on which ice was still floating.

The Germans beat them with long poles, aiming at their heads, driving them out into water beyond their depth. They were Prostitutes Gostyn drowned. Afterwards their bodies were fished out and Prostitutes Gostyn on a roadside cross. One local German named Schobert drove a knife into the shoulder of a Pole with the German name of Schneider, who publicly maintained that he was a Pole.

Then Schobert drove Schneider through the streets of the village, beating him as he went. In Kolniczki, Prostitutes Gostyn village in the County of Jarocin, Mr. Prostitutes Gostyn, President of the Peasant Party for the county, as well as 2 other farmers Prostitutes Gostyn the village, was dragged out unexpectedly from his home and shot in a Prostitutes Gostyn. Their bodies were thrown into a ditch. Many other political and economic leaders of the peasants were murdered similarly.

According Prostitutes Gostyn a report of June,it is estimated that in each county of Poznania, fro to Poles have been murdered; the figures for the whole province amount to at least 20, persons, men, women and children. Prostitutes Gostyn executions continue. Most of the victims in Poznania and also in Pomerania consisted of Poles arrested in their homes or in the Prostitutes Gostyn with a view to immediate execution.

Apart from those in this category, a number of individuals were sentenced by German Special Tribunals for possessing arms - sometimes Prostitutes Gostyn knives, forgotten revolver bullets, and in one case an ordinary razor - or for assault or Kriegsverrata term which means all actions detrimental to the Army of Occupation. The following communique, distributed by the official German News Agency Deutsches Nachrichten-Burorelates to this kind of case: "Poznan, April 18, - The local Special Tribunal Sondergerichtto-day condemned 4 Poles to death and to life-long deprivation of rights for the crime of violating the order protecting metals salvaged by the German nation.

These 4 Poles were employed to sort the metals collected in Poznan, and continually stole from the reserves of metal. The stolen metal was seized by the German security authorities. The accused admitted that during their work they had been informed every day in both German and Polish of the penalty involved in the violation of this German salvage order. The Gestapo agents slaughtered Prostitutes Gostyn members Prostitutes Gostyn the Association of Silesian Insurgents, who had fought in for the liberation of Silesia from the German yoke.

The number of persons shot in the Prostitutes Gostyn of the House of the Insurgents in Matejko Street, at Katowice, alone was estimated in November,at In addition many other Katowice Poles were shot including the chemist, Mr.

Olejniczak, of the Third of May Street, whose body was left for three days in front of his shop in order to terrorise others. The number of Poles who were murdered during the first days Prostitutes Gostyn September in the locality of Panewniki-Ligota, is Prostitutes Gostyn at 80, of whom half were boys under 18, and women. At Mikolow, Rybnik and laziska, victims were chosen from the ranks of the lower classes, most of them factory hands.

Here also Prostitutes Gostyn students from Lwow Polytechnic, working while on holiday in Silesia, were shot. A witness of Swiss nationality declared that the attitude of these young men was nothing short of heroic. At Laziska the local vicar was shot, also Dr. Tomala and the Mayor, Mr. Otawa; Mr. Galuszka, a factory cashier; Mr. Zelislawski, Prostitutes Gostyn engineer from Rybnik; and Mr.

Kulejewski, among others. Dietrich paper factory in that town, suffered a terrible death. The Gestapo Prostitutes Gostyn strangled him. The Gestapists spread the story that Bergstein had been killed for maintaining relations with the former Chancellor Schuschnigg, which is obviously nonsense, in view of the conditions in which the former Austrian Chancellor is living, if he is still alive at all.

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During the months of September and October, the Germans shot numerous inhabitants of the County of Czestochowa, at Lubliniec, in Silesia; and at Katowice they condemned Prostitutes Gostyn death nearly 60 inhabitants of the province of Kielce and 43 from the county of Zywiec Province of Prostitutes Gostyn. The treatment reserved for the Polish intellectuals of Silesia was Prostitutes Gostyn cruel and brutal.

For instance, on September 8, agents of the Gestapo and the S. Olszak and his wife, aged respectively 65 and 60, at Karwina, in Cieszyn Silesia. He was one of the most respected citizens of Karwina, a great philanthropist, and for 40 years had Prostitutes Gostyn a leader of local Catholic and social activities.

Olszak and his wife were taken away in a car by Prostitutes Gostyn to Frysztat, the county town. At the Gestapo and S. They were beaten with iron rods and kicked while they lay on the ground. This battering with heavy military boots fractured Dr. Olszak's skull.

The bodies of both the husband and wife were black with bruises. They were taken, unconscious, back to Karwina, where they were abandoned at the door of their house. The executioners, who were 4 in number, feasted in their victims' house. During the evening they violated the maids, one after Prostitutes Gostyn. The house was sacked and plundered.

The doctor had several fractured ribs, and an internal haemorrhage caused by the skull injury. He died on September Although the dead man had been president of the Prostitutes Gostyn committee, the Gestapo forbade the tolling of bells, and the public was not permitted to be present at the Prostitutes Gostyn. Despite the ban a crowd collected, and lined the roadsides, standing in the gutters, to pay a last silent tribute to their benefactor.

They were dispersed with blows. Olszak, though wounded and ill, was Prostitutes Gostyn to the Sudetenland, and made to do forced labour on the land. She died a few Prostitutes Gostyn later.

Province of Lodz and Neighbouring Areas Massacres of the Polish population took place on a large scale also in the "incorporated" areas of Central and Southern Poland.

Executions were very numerous in Lodz. The condemned were shot or hanged. A gallows made of railway lines set up on end was erected in the market-place of Baluty, a working-class district of Lodz. A gallows was also erected in Haller Square. On the day of the proclamation of the "annexation" of the city of Lodz to the Reich, seven Poles were hanged there for reasons never stated then or Prostitutes Gostyn.

Among those murdered in Lodz were two prominent local industrialists, Robert Geyer, President of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce, and a proprietor Prostitutes Gostyn a textile mill known throughout Europe, and Guido John, proprietor of a great metallurgical establishment. Both were from families of German origin, but considered Prostitutes Gostyn Poles and repudiated the freedom offered them if they signed a statement Prostitutes Gostyn they were Volksdeutsch. The Gestapo took its revenge by murdering them.

Geyer was killed by 4 shots in the back of his head, as he was returning home through the garden. John was shot in the lobby of his own home. This was on the 17th or 18th of December, Their families were informed a week later, on Christmas Eve.

An engineer of German origin, one E. To punish him, a rope was fastened to his hands, and then he was drawn up and suspended from a gallows, while his body Prostitutes Gostyn sprayed with cold water. This occurred on one of the principal squares, the Liberty Square, of Lodz. An inscription denouncing this "German's" attitude to his Polish Prostitutes Gostyn was fastened to the man's chest. Prostitutes Gostyn died two hours later. In the village of Piatek, near Lodz, German Prostitutes Gostyn murdered nearly the whole of the male population; because, while they were quartered in the place, children unscrewed a wheel of a military car.

The author of a report from Aleksandrow Kujawski declared that on November 2,he saw 5 Poles being conducted with raised arms through the town, by members of the auxiliary police.

These Poles were taken outside the town and shot behind a shed.

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Prostitutes Gostyn hour later our informant saw pools of blood in this spot. Meanwhile at Aleksandrow, Mr. Strzelecki, a Pole, was shot on the charge of having accused a certain German of espionage, before the war.

In the streets of the town the Germans shot a Polish soldier only just freed from a prison camp. On November 8 a group of 50 Polish officers were led through the streets of a famous Polish spa, Ciechocinek, with their hands Prostitutes Gostyn. They were subsequently shot. Immediately after the German occupation, numerous executions were carried out among Polish inhabitants of Sosnowiec. In the village of Lipowa Zywiec Countyabout Poles were shot in one batch. Forty-three persons from this county, including one priest, were taken to Katowice, as already stated above, and there executed.

Massacres of Poles were also organized in the northern parts of Central Poland annexed to the Reich, for example, in the counties of Pultusk, Ciechanow, Plock, Mlawa and others. Many executions took place in the important town of Plock. In February,a large number of Polish high school Prostitutes Gostyn, both boys and girls, were arrested in Plock on the charge of posting up anti-German placards on the walls.

Seventeen lads, all under 16, were shot. Placards bearing the names of those executed were posted up in Plock and Plonsk. In the County of Pultusk, Poles are shot at the Jewish cemeteries, first being compelled to dig Prostitutes Gostyn own graves. In the villages, hostages are taken, consisting usually of the village head and ten farmers. In this county the Germans Prostitutes Gostyn Messrs.

Dluzewski, father and son, proprietors of the estate of Lubraniec. Learning that they were threatened with death, the brother of Mr. Dluzewski senior made an effort to save them; but this resulted only in the murder of the 2 brothers, who were shot, together with their Prostitutes Gostyn. The family were thus bereaved of 4 of their members.

In the frontier town of Mlawa, the Germans drove several hundred persons to the square, where they were ordered to lie face downward Prostitutes Gostyn the snow for 12 hours. The Prostitutes Gostyn men set upon the prostate figures, beating them with rifle butts and rods.

How the Murders Prostitutes Gostyn Committed The victims in Poznania, Pomerania and Silesia frequently included large numbers of Prostitutes Gostyn. These groups consisted of numbers of completely innocent persons.

They were from various spheres of life, often people who had never engaged in any kind of social or political activity. It was often quite by chance that their names were placed on the lists of the condemned, in order to complete the Prostitutes Gostyn of victims arbitrarily fixed for a given locality.

If a person on the list happened to be released through the intervention of some German, his place was filled by the first Polish man or woman encountered on the street, or by choosing a name in the telephone directory. Priests were often placed at the head of the groups as they marched toward the place of death, never knowing in advance whether they were on the way to the execution of others or to their own.

With rare exceptions, these unhappy people were refused the consolation their religion could have afforded them. The executions Prostitutes Gostyn place, as already said, in the market-places and squares of the towns, against the walls of the Town Hall, the churches or specially erected "walls of death," usually built by conscripted detachments of the local population.

Frequently the "walls of death" stood in the market-places for weeks. In many towns mass executions were repeated two or three times. The bodies of the executed Poles were buried in the fields, the woods, the Jewish cemeteries, etc. Prostitutes Gostyn bodies were flung into one hole. Often they were buried while still alive.

There was no observation even of formalities of justice. No hearing was given to the condemned, and no charge was made, still less proved. In addition the so-called collective responsibility of Poles was introduced. Whenever a German was killed or beaten up 10 to 20 entirely innocent Poles from the same locality were shot. Later, 50 or or were shot. It was and is customary for the Gestapo Prostitutes Gostyn provoke persons whom they wish to be rid of.

They "frame" them by placing arms in their homes, and bring false accusations by means of alleged "witnesses," etc. During Prostitutes Gostyn these terrible experiences, the Polish population has maintained an heroic attitude, which has won the Prostitutes Gostyn even of the German executioners. When the Germans offered to let Madame Chlapowska have the body of her husband, she replied: "He died for Prostitutes Gostyn common cause.

Let him lie in Prostitutes Gostyn common grave. They Prostitutes Gostyn known as "Murder Detachments" Mord-Kommando. Certain statements, made by a chief officer of one of these detachments, are characteristic enough Prostitutes Gostyn be repeated here. He remarked particularly upon the attitude of victims as being everywhere extraordinary ausgezeichnete Haltungand said that the soldiers had to be changed every 8 days, as they could not stand this work for a longer time.

Whether from nerves or out of pity, they ended by aiming badly, Prostitutes Gostyn that the officer Prostitutes Gostyn to draw his own revolver sich einsetzen to put the victims out of their agony. Nevertheless, one bulging Nazi soldier boasted of having 50 executions to his credit. In the "Government General" At the beginning of the occupation, the number of German murders of Poles was considerably higher in the "incorporated" areas than in the "Government General.

In the "incorporated" territories as well as in the "Government General," these murders may be divided into two categories: a mass murders of the inhabitants of the towns and villages and b individual executions.

Both these crimes against the population of the occupied territories have taken on Prostitutes Gostyn character and dimensions Prostitutes Gostyn in the annals of war. They surpass in their cruelty the atrocities committed by the Germans in the other subjected countries at present occupied Prostitutes Gostyn them, such as Czechoslovakia, Norway, Belgium, Holland and France. The Massacre in Wawer, and other Mass Murders While war operations were still proceeding there were numerous cases of mass murder of the population in towns and villages.

Some of these, at Czestochowa, Tomaszow Mazowiecki and other localities, have already been described.

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But these massacres developed Prostitutes Gostyn a large scale under the occupant regime. Instead of normalizing conditions at least to some extent, this regime brought with it an even more frightful terror.

One of the cruelest Prostitutes Gostyn most inhuman methods is the so-called collective responsibility of the Polish population. This is applied in cases where a German, not necessarily a soldier or even an official, but an ordinary Volksdeutschehas been wounded or killed, often in a common brawl, or by bandits. Fifty to a hundred times as many entirely innocent residents of those localities who know nothing about Prostitutes Gostyn affair Prostitutes Gostyn at once shot, including often women and children.

These mass repressions frequently have the character of punitive expeditions. Cases are known of people being killed with hand grenades, or of buildings being burned with their inhabitants locked inside them. A particularly shocking event of this kind took place on December 26, - 3 months after the occupation of the country - Prostitutes Gostyn inhabitants of the town of Wawer, near Warsaw and of the neighbouring summer resort of Anin were massacred.

In the former town, two German soldiers Prostitutes Gostyn killed in a small restaurant by two common criminals, fugitives from justice attempting to Prostitutes Gostyn arrest. Two hours later, a battalion of Landesschutzen arrived at Wawer.

At 2 o'clock in the morning soldiers Prostitutes Gostyn from house to house, rousing the innocent inhabitants from sleep and dragging them from their beds, though they knew nothing whatever of the affair. Some of them were given no explanation whatever; others were told that as a punitive measure every tenth inhabitant of Wawer and Anin would be shot. Terrible scenes were witnessed. In some Prostitutes Gostyn, where there were several men in the family, the women were ordered to choose who should Prostitutes Gostyn in one case, a mother had to chose between her two sons; another had Prostitutes Gostyn choose between husband, brother and father.

From other houses, all the men were taken, including old men over 60 years of age, and boys of Despite the 36 degrees of frost, many of them were Prostitutes Gostyn out of their homes in overcoats thrown over their shirts.

In addition to Wawer and Anin, this raid embraced the neighbouring villages of Prostitutes Gostyn Wawerski and Zastow. Futhermore, all of the men who arrived by train from the direction of Otwock, to report for work, were held up at the Wawer railway station. These men and those taken from their homes - in all Prostitutes Gostyn persons - were assembled in a railway tunnel and obliged to stand in the frost for several hours, with their hands above their heads.

At 6 o'clock a dozen or so men were detached from the whole group and led out of the tunnel; a few minutes later the noise of machine-guns was heard. Every few minutes a fresh group of a dozen or so men was led out and Prostitutes Gostyn to a place where already there were heaps of bodies, lighted by the lamps of the police cars. The unfortunates were placed with their backs to the machine-guns, and ordered to kneel.

Those of the last group were not shot, but were ordered to dig the graves of the murdered men, who numbered in all.

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Among the victims were 2 doctors, of whom one, 60 years old, was the physician of the Hospital of the Felician Sisters; also a boy of 14, with his father, an engineer, etc. Thirty-four were less than 18 years Prostitutes Gostyn age, and 12 were over There were 2 American citizens, a man named Szczygiel, and his son, the latter 16 Prostitutes Gostyn old. Przedlacki and his 2 sons and a 12 year-old boy named Dankowski were also shot.

It was forbidden to bury or to remove the bodies of those who had been shot, the object being to terrorize the inhabitants by the sight of these corpses.

Bartoszek, the proprietor of the restaurant where Prostitutes Gostyn original incident had taken place, was hanged and buried. Not long after, his body Prostitutes Gostyn exhumed and hanged again. The bodies of the other victims were not returned to their families, but were buried on the spot. It has been possible to ascertain the names of most of the victims of this mass slaughter, which the Germans belatedly described as due to a "misunderstanding.

The massacre at Wawer was not an Prostitutes Gostyn case. Almost at the same time, 62 Poles and Jews were shot in Bochnia acounty town near Krakow ; and two others were hanged on the pretext that two bandits had killed two German policemen. At Zielonka, on the outskirts of Warsaw, 12 innocent persons paid with their lives for an inscription chalked on a wall, and reading: "Poland existed, exists and will continue for ever to exist.

All the inhabitants of that house, numbering 53 persons, were shot. In the village of Mszadla-Sieciska Province of Warsawthe German authorities burned 40 houses and shot 40 inhabitants against whom they brought no charges whatever.

In the town of Skarzysko-Kamienna near Radomworkmen of one of the local factories were shot. In the vicinity of Miechow Province of Kielce60 persons were shot. Two hundred men were driven into a shed, which was raked with Prostitutes Gostyn and then burnt, with the men inside. At Lublin people were shot soley because there was an attempt on a German police agent, made by a common criminal whom German authorities were pursuing at the request of the local Polish police, who had been disarmed.

In Ostrow Mazowiecka Prostitutes Gostyn of Warsawa Jewish store, together with some confiscated goods, caught fire. As a result, some Jews were conducted outside the town and shot with machine-guns. The wounded were finished off, but some were even burned alive. All the facts above recorded, constituting only a part Prostitutes Gostyn the occurrences of this nature, took place during ; brought no change whatever in this cruel and bestial terror.

The following records some of the massacres which took place in the Province of Lublin: In Kazimierz Dolny, 60 men were shot. At the end of June persons were arrested in the village of Motycz, where one of the local Germans was shot by an unkown assailant.

Of thewere shot, including 3 women; the others were taken to an unknown destination. At Radawiec, some 80 men were shot, on the pretext that a Volksdeutscher had been murdered by a bandit. In Rogozno, a dozen or more of the local Prostitutes Gostyn were shot, including one priest. Almost the entire village of Konopnica was wiped out. In the village of Rudno the police and the Selbstschutz seized men on the roads and dragged them out of the houses.

Fifty-seven of those thus arrested were shot in the wood at Rudno. In another village on June 10,the Gestapo and the Selbstschutz seized about men from the village and local landowner's house. Sixty-two of them were shot in a wood nearby. Orders were given to bury the wounded and dying with the dead. A terrible slaughter took place in the village of Jozefow and neighbouring villages.

Here a family of German colonists had been robbed and murdered by ordinary bandits - as the Germans themselves acknowledged. Cars loaded with Selbstschutz were sent from Lublin on a "punitive expedition," under the direction of Count Alvensleben.

On the way, they were stuck in the mud in a side road. Peasants from a neighbouring village, some distance from Jozefow, dragged the cars out of the mud. As soon as they had accomplished this task, all of them, 11 men, were shot.

Next, all the men that could be seized in Jozefow and in the surrounding hamlets, even down to 11 year old boys, and also some women, were arrested and shot. In all more than Prostitutes Gostyn were murdered. The condemned, including men, women and children, were placed in 3 rows and mowed down by machine-guns. Seventeen workmen who had been brought from a distant village to dig the graves were also shot, as well as several village chiefs returning from the county offices.

Over 60 houses in 5 villages were burned. All these occurrences took place in the Province of Lublin. Still Prostitutes Gostyn horrible massacres were carried out by the Germans towards the end Prostitutes Gostyn March,in the Province of Kielce, Knoskie County.

Under some vague pretext a punitive Prostitutes Gostyn was sent out which burned Prostitutes Gostyn several villages and murdered their inhabitants. This expedition entirely wiped out the villages of Huciska, with 26 farms; Krolewiec, Lelitkow, and Skloby, with farms; Sulki and Szalasy, with 54 farms; and Wisniewiec; while 72 farms Prostitutes Gostyn burned in 7 villages of the district Prostitutes Gostyn Miedzieza.

At Szalasy all the men over 15 years of age were murdered; some of them were shot; and others shut in the school and burned alive.

At the end of this punitive expedition, about persons were brought to Radom, Prostitutes Gostyn later executed at Firlej. Altogether 1, persons were murdered. The boy claimed that Rev.

Raymond Kownacki of Dupo molested him in the late s at St. The survivor, now in his 20s, claimed that Rev. McCormack sexually abused him when he was a 4th and 5th grader at St. Daniel McCormack. The abuse took place from in a Westside Catholic School, including an after school program.

The survivors claimed that they were molested as boys when they were under 11 years old by Rev. Leonardo G. Mateo from Prostitutes Gostyn According to the Joliet Diocese at the time, credible allegations Prostitutes Gostyn sexual abuse of minors Prostitutes Gostyn been made against 35 diocesan priests from to The survivor claimed that he was sexually abused when he was 11 years old by Rev. Henry Slade at St. Pius X Catholic Church in Lombard during the summer of During the sexual assault, allegedly another priest Rev.

Philip Dedera heard what was happening on the other Prostitutes Gostyn of a closed door and chose to do nothing. The settlement stems from allegations that the survivor, who was 7 years old at the time, was repeatedly sexually abused by a counselor at a Catholic Church camp in Each legal situation is different, and past performance does not guarantee future results. We do not maintain that is a full list of all settlements in the state of Illinois but Prostitutes Gostyn a grouping of those we choose Prostitutes Gostyn share on our website.

Please contact us if you would like additional settlements included or if you notice any inaccuracies on our site.

We strive to provide our viewers the most up to date and accurate information as possible. The lists below will be updated as litigation or investigations are concluded so that new names of credibly accused priests in Illinois can be Prostitutes Gostyn. Click to Prostitutes Gostyn our larger list of accused priests. Click the headline to read more… Prostitutes Gostyn Chicago Priest Accused of Molesting Two Brothers Father Michael Pfleger has been accused by two brothers who say the priest molested them in the s.

It can take years or even decades for survivors of childhood sexual abuse to come forward. Click the headline to learn more about Prostitutes Gostyn long a survivor of clergy sex abuse has to pursue a claim in Illinois. John Calicott. Claims against Calicott were first reported as early as the s.

Click the headline to read more…. Illinois Sexual Abuse Lawsuits Illinois is noted for being one of the most victim friendly states in the country with regards to sexual abuse and assault laws. Civil Statute of Limitations Laws for Illinois Inafter over 10 years of passing progressive legislation for child sexual abuse survivors, Illinois completely eliminated the civil SOL for child sexual abuse claims.

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Paul the Apostle Parish-Joliet, Sts. Dominic Parish, St. Elizabeth Seton Parish, St. Mary Nativity Parish, St.

Matthew Parish, St. Philip the Apostle Parish, St. Raphael Parish, St. Walter Parish, St. Alexis Parish 16 Lenczycki Frederick A. Anthony Parish-Joliet, St. James the Apostle-Irwin, St. Mary Hospital 19 Mullins Lawrence W. Andrew the Apostle Parish, St. Dominic Parish, Sts. Bernard Parish-Joliet, St. Joseph Parish-Joliet, St. Joseph Parish-Manteno, St.

Mary Magdalene Parish, St. Patrick Parish-Joliet, St. Andrew the Apostle-Romeoville, St. Mary Hospital 24 Ross Anthony J. Isidore Parish, St. Mary Parish-Park Forest, St. Peter the Apostle Parish-Itasca, St. Irene Parish, St. Mark Parish, St. Margaret Mary Parish-Hersher, St. Michael Parish, St. Scholastica Parish 30 Stefanich Edward A. Joseph Parish-Addison, Prostitutes Gostyn. Mary Parish-West Chicago, St. Boniface Parish, St. Petronille Parish 35 Dinan Paul F. Joseph Mission-Loda, St.

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