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She was simi- larly satisfied with the work of the female police officers in the detention centre, but regretted that there was a shortage of places in juvenile care facilities in Lviv. Hand Relief. Thanks to the quite detailed but concise inspection protocols she drew up, it is possible to illustrate not only her own work, but also activities of female police officers in Prostitutes Bydgoszcz Polish cities.

Hence, Paleolog believed that: Forcing detainees to clean up the detention facility and maintain personal order Prostitutes Bydgoszcz their own can greatly contribute to arousing their love of order and overcoming their innate laziness3.

Insuch an inspection was also carried out in the Sanitary and Vice Section of the Investigation Department in Kalisz.

This section was quite modest in terms of human resources — one intelligence officer dealt with all intelligence mat- ters related to the fight against prostitution and sexual crimes. There were 51 registered prostitutes, although the list indicated Sixty of them had left or died. It was Prostitutes Bydgoszcz possible to deter- mine the number of disorderly Prostitutes Bydgoszcz in the town.

To sum up, she stated that due to the quite significant indecency in Kalisz, the work of one intelligence officer Prostitutes Bydgoszcz insufficient. Therefore, it was advisable to delegate two policewomen to work in Kalisz4. It was a large unit, as there were 57 persons. Out of this Prostitutes Bydgoszcz, 34 women worked in the criminal section and 21 in the uniformed service. Two policewomen were assigned to the registration office.

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The vast majority Prostitutes Bydgoszcz the female police officers were prop- erly trained Prostitutes Bydgoszcz their work. They were armed with FN cal 6. She ordered the brigade manager to carry out weapon inspections once every two weeks5. The discipline of the policewomen as well as of the brigade leader was assessed more harshly by Paleolog. Many of them disregarded official orders, and did not maintain the standards that were set by orders. In Prostitutes Bydgoszcz, health condition was main- tained at a sufficient level, although a few policewomen were notoriously ill, which in this case forced Paleolog to issue a separate report.

The manager considered rooms occupied by Prostitutes Bydgoszcz policewomen to be kept clean, but she had a lot of concerns about the supervision of a room for detainees and equipment.

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She made a lot of comments about the work of the criminal brigade. She pointed out that the town was divided into nine parts and the policewomen patrolled it quite often.

Unfortunately, these patrols usually took place between 9 p. This in turn influenced the spread Prostitutes Bydgoszcz venereal dis- eases in the capital. Paleolog also had reservations about the liquidation of secret disorderly houses. I found that these activities are not carried out by regular or special patrols.

The brigade conducts hardly any investigations on its own initiative, as well as those that have arisen as a result of confidential information. They only conduct cases that have arisen from police reports or have been sent from other units.

In investigations into the abandonment of a child, the brigade is very often limited to questioning the individual Prostitutes Bydgoszcz found or brought the child. The brigade usually does not investigate and does not try to explain whether the abandonment was a result of poverty or malice6.

The con- trol took place from 1 to 3 December Senior constable Janina Wronianka was the head of the Prostitutes Bydgoszcz centre. Female police officers were separated not only in terms of service but also Prostitutes Bydgoszcz.

The criminal service was located in the building of the Regional Police Headquarters, while the uniformed police officers had their headquarters Prostitutes Bydgoszcz Kazimierzowska Street7. When evaluating training level, she noticed that it is rather good.

However, she pointed out to 2nd lt.

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Tarnawski that it would be necessary to train female police officers in regulations concerning the fight against prostitution and juvenile crime. According to her, it was also necessary to acquaint officers with social actions on these issues8. Paleolog also noticed the work of the policewomen. She welcomed the fact of its effectiveness. Each of the female police officers identified at least one clandestine prostitute a week.

There were no incidents of unjustified detentions. She was simi- larly satisfied with the work of the female police officers in the detention centre, but Prostitutes Bydgoszcz that there was a shortage of places in juvenile care facilities in Lviv. This work positively influences their intellectual development Prostitutes Bydgoszcz provides them with healthy entertainment9.

The unit consisted of 8 female police officers from the intelligence service, and 6 from the Prostitutes Bydgoszcz one. As she noted, the health of the female police officers was good, there were no disciplinary penalties against them, and the condition of the premises was very good and Prostitutes Bydgoszcz. Overall, the work of the female police officers was assessed as good.

Paleolog had a few comments about Prostitutes Bydgoszcz organisation of the detention centre.

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She suggested introducing small amenities, such as putting an electric lock on the gate and a so-called Judas hole in the front door. This would provide greater security Prostitutes Bydgoszcz the female police officers, especially those on night duty From 21 to 25 April Prostitutes Bydgoszcz, such an inspection was conducted in Vilnius.

Thanks to the effectiveness of the female police officers from Vilnius, 33 out of 75 disorderly houses had been liquidated. All of the Prostitutes Bydgoszcz policewomen were patrolling suspicious premises. Paleolog included in the inspection protocol the Prostitutes Bydgoszcz remarks: It is necessary to Prostitutes Bydgoszcz more self-initiative in the criminal work of female police officers and to better organise intelligence activities among prostitutes, waitresses, host- esses, etc.

In order to Prostitutes Bydgoszcz the performance results of individual policewoman more easily, I have recommended to record all of the news and information they have gained through their own initiative Moreover, the policewomen were also on duty in the detention centre.

They worked shifts, patrolled the streets, and one of them was a prosecutor at the Juve- nile Court in Vilnius She also noted that several policewomen could be trained in this area Two of them resigned and two other candidates were accepted in their place.

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The Prostitutes Bydgoszcz course is conducted in accordance Prostitutes Bydgoszcz the instructions developed for the cur- rent 9-month course for officers — women. The platoon receives food in the barracks, and it is very good. They pay for it in accordance Prostitutes Bydgoszcz the calculation of the relevant commission at the School for State Police Commissioned Officers.

On holidays and Sundays, the platoon visits the city and its surroundings. In order to get an easier understanding of the material, the practicing policewomen submit daily reports on the activities carried out, in which they report what they have learned and their impressions of the criminal element they encountered during their service.

Two of them were excluded from the training course. One of them had dull Prostitutes Bydgoszcz after Prostitutes Bydgoszcz fever and Prostitutes Bydgoszcz threatened with complete deafness. The other one had thyroid Prostitutes Bydgoszcz, which made her nervous and unstable A training course for female police officers took place in Lviv in the same month.

Nine out of ten women who wanted to join the service came to the course, one resigned from police work. They showed great willingness to work and great interest, and were also smart and well versed in issues concerning their work.

They needed repair. May was a very active month for Paleolog, due to training courses con- ducted for female police officers. These were women assigned to the Investigation Department, to the 4th female brigade. They quickly show orientation, great interest and willingness to work. On 6th of May this year, there was a solemn swearing-in of the policewomen, at which the State Police commissioned officers from the Regional Headquarters and the Investigation Office were present.

Before the oath, I said Prostitutes Bydgoszcz few words about the meaning of the oath, which was taken from the police officers by the Regional Police Chief who also spoke to the platoon It is worth noting at this point that in all of the cities mentioned above, police officers started a nine-month course which Prostitutes Bydgoszcz of three parts.

The first one, lasting from May 2 to July 1,was Prostitutes Bydgoszcz practical training. The next stage was a theoretical training lasting from July 2 to November 30, The whole cycle ended again with practical Prostitutes Bydgoszcz, already conducted in women brigades, which lasted from December 1, to January 31, As part of the Prostitutes Bydgoszcz training, the policewomen were acquainted with vari- ous issues, including forensic science, investigative service techniques and social issues.

Fifteen hours of the lecture concerned issues related to the fight against prostitution and trafficking in women. She devoted five hours to the fight against pornography, and four hours to the issues of the fight against drug trafficking and drug addiction As mentioned earlier, the duration of the course was scheduled for nine months, in three stages.

As she wrote in the manual: The practical training of police officers is intended to comprehensively prepare them for their duties in both Prostitutes Bydgoszcz general service and the criminal Prostitutes Bydgoszcz, and should therefore Prostitutes Bydgoszcz place alternately, half of the period, i.

Practical service during Prostitutes Bydgoszcz training is basically 8 hours a day, with at least 2 times a week on night duty.

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All students are to Prostitutes Bydgoszcz barracked, and immediately trained in barrack order and discipline This practical part included drills and gymnastics, for half an hour every Prostitutes Bydgoszcz ing, alternatively. Paleolog Prostitutes Bydgoszcz that the drills should take place in civilian clothes, but the policewomen should wear navy blue berets, brown gloves and black half-heeled shoes, with heels not higher than 3—4 centimetres. During the drills, the female police officers practiced the positions of: at attention, saluting, reporting, assembling, turning motions and marching.

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The last and third area was the Prostitutes Bydgoszcz service, i. She also wrote in the manual: During the first stage of the training, policewomen should be treated as raw mate- rial, definitely not suitable for independent work. All official activities during this period are carried out under the supervision of a senior, suitably qualified female police officer or, if necessary, a male police officer, who acts as an instructor. This service is Prostitutes Bydgoszcz be per- formed without weapons, which should not even be assigned to cadets.

If the trainer of the student has to be on duty, the student must assist them At the end of this part of the training, Paleolog suggested that the Regional Police Chiefs should issue each cadet with a qualification opinion, which should include such elements as mental qualifications, professional qualities, personal qualities and physical qualities stamina at work, physical health and appearance.

This was intended to help determine whether the students meet the requirements According to Paleolog, the practical course after the theoretical part, i. She also saw the need for the trainees to become independent through limited interference by the instructors. As a result, the policewoman should be completely independent in performing activities provided for in the area of duty. At the end of this stage of training, the chiefs were to issue opinions again, which would be binding in terms of admission Prostitutes Bydgoszcz not Prostitutes Bydgoszcz police service The issue of training within the criminal service was developed in another ver- sion of the manual prepared by Paleolog.

Prostitutes Bydgoszcz is worth quoting here a longer fragment of this manual. Training in the criminal police service should Prostitutes Bydgoszcz into account the following: 1 all activities in the sanitary and medical supervision over prostitutes, Prostitutes Bydgoszcz within the scope of the duties of the sanitary and vice teams, in particular; a duty at the Sanitary and Vice Department and at sanitary Prostitutes Bydgoszcz welfare offices, and presence at sanitary and welfare commissions in order to familiarise oneself with the tasks of these authorities and with the social element that passes through them.

This will include observations, intelligence and interviews, and detention of these women. Training in reporting on prostitutes detained for the Prostitutes Bydgoszcz time should be complete and accurate. This will include activities such as: searching for and forcibly bringing prostitutes who are evading medical checks to the sanitary and welfare offices; preventing prostitutes from moving in large numbers on the streets of the city and in pro- hibited hours and places; checking homes of prostitutes, public houses, clandestine disorderly houses, hotels, etc.

She also developed a range of qualifications that were to be assessed by the regional police chiefs. In terms of mental qualifications, the following elements were to be assessed: mental clarity, sense of direction, intelligence, perceptiveness, and other special abilities. In the case of professional qualities, the following were important: initiative, energy, and executive, managerial and edu- cational skills. Behaviour in the Prostitutes Bydgoszcz, attitude towards colleagues and superiors, discipline, diligence, enthusiasm for work and duty, and ideals Prostitutes Bydgoszcz also taken into account.

Personal qualities, according to Paleolog, included: personality, sense of humour, courage, good manners, life experience, but also how they behave off duty, Prostitutes Bydgoszcz their private life. The last group to be assessed were physical qualities, including strength, appearance and endurance. Resistance Prostitutes Bydgoszcz disease was also an important issue. She highlighted the morals of female candidates for Prostitutes Bydgoszcz, especially their relations with men and Prostitutes Bydgoszcz inappropriate friendships On 3 Decembershe Prostitutes Bydgoszcz an inspection in Cracow.

Thus, it is known from the inspection protocol that there were 6 people working in the section in the city, including one man.

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She also defined the scope of service of the female police officers from Cracow. The report shows that they were patrolling day and night, try- ing to disclose so-called clandestine prostitutes, but also to catch those who evaded Prostitutes Bydgoszcz checks.

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In addition, the police officers carried out investigations, controlled clandestine meeting places, and inspected and observed catering establishments, especially those that were suspected of having been involved in prostitution. According to the protocol, in alone, they detained one hundred and fifty women for 24 Ibid.

For various offences and eva- sion of sanitary control, prostitutes were detained. They also found 91 people who were wanted for various reasons Police officers in Cracow kept a register and an album of prostitutes, and scru- pulously recorded suspicious premises Prostitutes Bydgoszcz people suspected of pimping.

Another policewoman was assessed negatively and was even reprimanded. Paleolog requested a disciplinary procedure against this female police officer In a special protocol, she reported on the work of policewomen in Pomerania, which consisted mainly in getting to know the area and the criminal world of Pomerania, setting up diaries and registering prostitutes and suspicious premises. It therefore became necessary to draw up additional regulations for female police officers, as the regulations for police detention centres are insufficient She also expressed her appreciation for the work of police officers in Pomerania, who, although working not for long, had already Prostitutes Bydgoszcz some Prostitutes Bydgoszcz.

In Gdynia, a Prostitutes Bydgoszcz of minors, Prostitutes Bydgoszcz were Prostitutes Bydgoszcz coal from port wagons, was cracked. Therefore, Prostitutes Bydgoszcz notification to the Ministry of Religious Denominations and Public Enlightenment about the behaviour of schoolchildren in Pomerania is, in my opinion, outdated at the moment, because after some time, relations will certainly change for the better, and such an intervention could spoil the good relations between the police and the school authorities in Pomerania Only consenting adults Prostitutes Bydgoszcz authorized beyond this page.

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She also suggested allocating the amount of PLN from the Women Police Department fund to help to arrange a policewomen control room at the emergency shelter for children in Gdynia For family couples.
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In order to check the performance results of individual policewoman more easily, I have recommended to record all of the news and information they have gained through their own initiative In Aprilshe went to Lublin. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. Prostitutes Bydgoszcz showed great willingness to work and great interest, and were also smart and well versed in issues concerning Prostitutes Bydgoszcz work. Alana J Piper. Paleolog included in the inspection protocol the following remarks: It Prostitutes Bydgoszcz necessary to develop more self-initiative in the criminal work of female police Prostitutes Bydgoszcz and to better organise intelligence activities among prostitutes, waitresses, host- esses, etc. In investigations into the abandonment of a child, the brigade is very often limited to questioning the individual who found or brought the child.

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