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London, Serpents Tail, pp. Community empowerment thus follows a dynamic continuum involving personal empowerment, the development of small mutual groups, community mobilization, and social and political action [ 21 ]. The biggest challenge for me were people would try and label my [sexual orientation] identity… The biggest challenge was exposing, and I learned it Prostitutes Peer this training, exposing their binary thinking… So my biggest challenge was to divide the black and white and open Prostitutes Peer gray area.

It was estimated that over a 2-month period, the outreach worker distributing the tapes would be able to Prostitutes Peer about 40 women. In reality, this potential sample was Prostitutes Peer, as outreach work at the pilot site was interrupted by other emergencies. Prostitutes Peer total, 30 tapes were distributed and 22 evaluation forms were returned: 15 were completed by sex workers or by the outreach worker writing down sex workers' verbatim Prostitutes Peer in their presence; seven were completed by project workers at the two sex work outreach project sites noted above including four outreach workers, a nurse, a general practitioner and a student.

Eight sex workers did not return questionnaires during the limited time scale of the pilot project. Re-tracking them was problematic as they did not revisit the project drop-in or receive a second outreach visit during the pilot period. Due to the limited sample size, analysis was restricted to very basic descriptive statistics and drawing out comments in qualitative form.

Together with broader developmental process issues described in this section, these were used to evaluate the pilot resource. There was a fairly even balance amongst the 15 sex worker respondents according to how long they had been doing sex work. Three had been working for less Prostitutes Peer 1 year, six for 1—2 years and six for 3 years or more.

One respondent worked in a street setting and did escort work. One Prostitutes Peer the flat-workers noted that she no longer worked but was a land-lady for other sex workers.

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In terms of identified ethnic origin, three sex workers were black UK or mixed race and the remainder were white. Four sex workers were aged 31—50 years, eight were 19—30 years and one was under 18 years. Two sex Prostitutes Peer responses were missing for age. The project Prostitutes Peer did not specify age or ethnicity.

Five sex workers listened to the tape in a working flat and five in the outreach project drop-in centre. Two took it home to listen to, while a further two listened to it in the car. One person listened Prostitutes Peer a walkman, but did not state the location.

Five of the sex workers listened to the tape alone and the remaining 10 said they listened to the Prostitutes Peer with other people.

Of the seven who specified who they listened to the tape with, most listened with either an outreach worker, a fellow sex-worker, friend or their maid receptionist. All the project worker respondents listened to the tape with colleagues at the project centre.

Taking project workers and sex workers together, 15 commented on the number, type and accents of the voices included on the tape. Nine people made positive Prostitutes Peer such as:. Very varied, important as not stereotyping. Three gave suggestions about additional information they would have liked about the speakers, such as:. I would have been interested in [ The remaining three made negative comments about the voices included all Prostitutes Peer whom were Prostitutes Peer workersProstitutes Peer.

Don't think they really represent majority of sex workers, projects will come across. Four Prostitutes Peer workers wished it was longer and two felt it was too long. Two sex workers did not answer this question. The tape received a positive overall rating from all respondents, with 16 rating it as very interesting and six as quite interesting. No-one thought it was OK or boring. Some comments were:. The information was very useful. It is important to consider and be aware of a number of different potential problems.

Basically peoples' horror stories. Chance to hear other people say what I feel. Enjoyed the fact that the anecdotes were funny. Made it easier to listen. Helpful as it Prostitutes Peer made me more wary and alert of who I let in the flat.

Prostitutes Peer asked to Prostitutes Peer on which aspects of the tape they liked best, all respondents commented. In exploring respondents' preference for different types of information and which information was most useful, the domination side Prostitutes Peer the tape Side B proved most popular with 19 of the 22 respondents.

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A typical comment was that it was new and refreshing to hear domination practice described. Comments from four of the Prostitutes Peer project workers indicated that the information on domination extended their own knowledge base, indicating that the sex workers were receiving information not available to them through this conventional route. Prostitutes Peer sex workers' comments were that the tape was depressing and three that more information was needed about the whole issue of working when menstruating.

Four project workers again Prostitutes Peer that the voices and accents represented were limited. All respondents said they learned something new from the tape, with the exception of one sex worker who still stated that she found it interesting. Fifteen respondents had comments to make about information not included that would be useful to include on a future tape. The two most frequent suggestions were a need for more data about domination and more on personal feelings about being a sex worker.

The question about whether the information on the tape had an impact on the way respondents worked was interestingly only read as applicable to the 15 sex workers Prostitutes Peer the pilot sample. Of these, 12 said that Prostitutes Peer tape had definitely affected their Prostitutes Peer practice, making them more conscious of Prostitutes Peer and safety aspects of their work, particularly in relation to client well-being, potentially violent clients and vetting strategies, and the finer points of domination practice.

Two said it had not affected their working practices.

Since the AIDS crisis originating in the s, peer education has loosely informed the development of health promotion work with sex workers across the. The Peer and Non-peer: the potential of risk management for HIV HIV; Risk management; Prostitution; Human rights; Sex work; Sex workers; Public policies.

Would play it to girls in my flat though. Prostitutes Peer aim here is to pull together what we have learned from this pilot initiative as a whole, and to detail how that might Prostitutes Peer broader experimentation with the approach developed and a clearer understanding of the challenges it raises for sex worker peer education more broadly. Again we emphasize that the pilot evaluation sample size was much smaller than we would have liked and any conclusions drawn are posited with caution.

In terms of our first aim to enhance positive changes in knowledge and awareness of Prostitutes Peer health and safety issues, Side B, containing information about the safe practice of domination, appeared to have the most impact. The comments suggested that the initiative was important in sharing detailed knowledge from sex workers who have specialized in the provision of domination services, who can provide information not commonly available to health professionals or to sex workers working in fairly isolated situations.

The fact that project workers also reported learning from the tape suggests it may have additional value in health professional training. Hence, in comparison to outreach approaches in the UK, the tape method appeared to offer complimentary specialist knowledge. Prostitutes Peer interesting ideas were gleaned about other information that sex workers would like to be included on any future tapes Prostitutes Peer increase their shared knowledge and awareness.

It could be conceived that these are all issues not satisfactorily covered by conventional health outreach approaches in the UK. This suggests Prostitutes Peer the tape resource could be useful in moving outside conventional outreach agendas to stimulate sex worker reports of health and safety information need.

Such an idea situates this work in a context that reflects the critiques of Overs Overs, and Cohen Cohen, suggesting that the risks identified by health authorities as requiring attention by outreach projects may have limited Prostitutes Peer to the real dangers experienced by sex workers.

An organization of sex workers for sex workers.

It also relates to a bigger policy issue about sex workers not often being stimulated to take ownership of the health and safety agenda or being Prostitutes Peer opportunities to directly influence policy Alexander, Aside from fairly basic needs assessment, sex workers in England have always been perhaps unintentionally excluded and the Prostitutes Peer potentially represents one small innovative way to move Prostitutes Peer more inclusive practice.

We could hypothesize that providing embedded social information in this way could be tentatively linked to concepts of empowerment and perhaps increased self-esteem. The response to Side A straight sex work issues is most applicable here. This information appeared to act as a consciousness-raising tool. For the more experienced workers, these were not new stories, but captured nuanced articulation of scenarios witnessed by many but rarely openly discussed.

No differences were found in relation Prostitutes Peer the length of time that each sex worker had been working in sex work, Prostitutes Peer that even for experienced Prostitutes Peer workers, new information to challenge or confirm existing work practices might be welcomed.

Clearly Prostitutes Peer research would be required to fully explore these contentions. The generally positive response Prostitutes Peer those whose recordings were used on the tape not reported here could also be construed as potentially improving self-esteem for those directly involved in designing peer education initiatives.

This supports other peer education evidence relating to the beneficial effects for those involved in such collaborative ventures Klein et al. In this sense, the initiative complimented outreach approaches that are not sex worker driven. However, in characterizing the tape as depressing, the self-esteem of some sex worker respondents could be argued to have been decreased.

This raises concern about potentially raising sex Prostitutes Peer anxiety levels without offering back-up counselling support except in the provision of a helpline telephone number on the tape box.

Such support would more likely be available through direct person to person peer education through outreach or peer training approaches. However, it could also suggest that, with careful distribution, the tape could stimulate discussions and action for those who are Prostitutes Peer of their job or seeking to exit prostitution. This may particularly be true for new, inexperienced sex workers, although our pilot sample was not big enough to explore this contention.

Overall, from our limited findings, the impact of listening to the tape on sex worker's self-esteem was equivocal. Considering our third aim to explore the Prostitutes Peer impact on sex workers' life skills, a relatively high proportion of sex worker respondents commented that the tape had an impact in changing the way they worked.

However, Prostitutes Peer information available to us about quite what this behaviour change involved was incredibly limited, both by the restriction of our limited question on the subject, and by concerns about whether there are gaps between what people do and say in response to surveys undertaken in a sexualized context Kippax et al.

We also failed to monitor whether workers listened to the Prostitutes Peer more than once, potentially allowing for reinforcement through repeated listenings, or whether any behaviour changes Prostitutes Peer be sustained over time. Further evaluation of these issues with larger, controlled sample groups is needed. Our fourth aim was to document process issues. Starting with content and Prostitutes Peer issues, the editing process and the resultant balance of extracts included was broadly judged as credible and acceptable, which may simply highlight the wider claim for peer education of the value of using language adapted to the target Prostitutes Peer Europeer, It is interesting to note that the only three Prostitutes Peer comments saying that the Prostitutes Peer were unrepresentative were made by project workers, not sex workers.

This might suggest that project workers tend to form stereotypical ideas about the sex workers that they work with and again supports the potential value of using the tape in educational settings for health professionals.

Once they listened, their attention was held not so much by the information itself, as by a fascination with trying to recognize the voices on the tape.

She's that blonde bird from up Finsbury Park, works in x 's place'.

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Invariably they were wrong about the person's identity, but this raised some anxiety in us about the extent to which we had exposed those who gave the material and potentially created new hierarchies that might create local tensions and jealousies were speakers to be identified.

Further experimentation with anonymity and the use Prostitutes Peer actors voices might be needed to fully explore this issue. The fact that the majority of Prostitutes Peer sample said they listened to the tape with other people who were part Prostitutes Peer peer networks suggested that we achieved more listenings than we evaluated. However, like other diffusional peer education approaches Brussa and Mongard,we found Prostitutes Peer difficult to manage or evaluate the process of cascading information spread through informal sex worker networks, or to find out whether the tapes would be lost or discarded.

Prostitutes Peer method might also provide a cheaper and more practical alternative for initiating repeated cycles of peer education activity when working with highly mobile sex workers, Prostitutes Peer was an issue reported as Prostitutes Peer by TAMPEP TAMPEP, The down side is that we Prostitutes Peer that the ideas reported on the tape might quickly become outdated and inaccurate in themselves, and for such a programme to work on a wider scale, tapes would have to be regularly revised and updated.

For example, just during the short pilot period, evidence was changing about advice that sex workers should be given about the use of natural sea-sponges when working while menstruating.

In this context, recalling existing out-dated tapes for replacement would be problematic. Some of our frustrations with this initial pilot evaluation clearly stem from the tension between limiting the length and depth of the evaluation questionnaire so that it appeared quick and easy to explain, complete and collect, and at the same time provided enough depth to sustain a thorough investigation of the findings.

In order to obtain a larger evaluation sample, many more Prostitutes Peer would clearly need to be recruited. Commitment of all outreach staff involved to the philosophy of the tape would be an essential and over-riding need to the success of a project like this. We recognize that we were lucky to be working with an outreach worker who shared our philosophy, but who was also under pressure in her work context to treat the pilot project as low priority in relation to other project concerns.

Similarly, sex workers may not always be able to give priority to passing on and listening to tapes in the context of other work pressures. Distribution incentives may need to be further investigated. Overall, this early experiment was dynamic and stimulating, but the pilot results are equivocal.

Key strengths were that the pilot project methodology exemplified partnership and inclusion, and accessed specialist sex worker knowledge. Weaknesses related to insufficient measures of self-esteem, lifeskill changes, information spread, learning mechanisms and changes over time. Further investigation of tape distribution and recall mechanisms, anonymity, and status issues Prostitutes Peer selecting those who make recordings, and cost implications of Prostitutes Peer method would be helpful in order to fully assess to what extent the method described here can really compliment existing peer education approaches with sex workers.

Our thanks go to the sex workers who recorded material and advised on tape design, particularly to Carl. Thanks also to Clare Emelius for the Prostitutes Peer and for coordinating the main distribution of Prostitutes Peer tape with colleagues at the Praed Street Prostitutes Peer, St Mary's Hospital, London, who also helped check the medical validity of the material. Alexander, P. South End Press, Boston, pp. Research for Sex Work2Prostitutes Peer — Boucher, K. Brussa, L. Prostitutes Peer for Sex Work16 —7.

Clements, I. Health Education Authority, London. Cohen, S. In Muncie, J. Sage, London, pp. Cultural Partnerships, London. Elford, J. In Watson, J. Routledge, London, pp.

Streets of Philadelphia, Kensington Ave Documentary, June 14-15, 2022.

AIDS7— Europeer Peer Education. Gibson, B. Cassell, London. Hart, G. Sexually Transmitted Infections7487 — Hickson, F. AIDS10— Jubilee Arts, Sandwell. Kempadoo, K. Routledge, New Prostitutes Peer. Kippax, S. London, Falmer Press. Leigh, C. Prostitutes in Municipal Politics. South End Press. Boston, pp. McKeganey, N. British Medical Journal, — Milburn, K.

Health Education Research10— Nagel, J. Overs, C. First and foremost, the teacher-student dynamic was Prostitutes Peer and replaced with a more horizontal power dynamic, which was noticed:. I felt like it would be more like teacher and student type thing. And then… everybody in the group, you know, we were just like a group of friends… we were all working our own little ways on different stuff we had about ourselves to helping other people and all those things, and then at each week coming in and sharing experiences; it was a lot better.

And then also, with [the Project Coordinator], you know she was far from like that teacher Prostitutes Peer. And it was just so Prostitutes Peer and fun. And I found we all could share, and let down, and actually learn more… And Prostitutes Peer a lot from each other.

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For example, for the two sessions on sexual health, participants asked that one be focused on the transmission of STBBIs in the context of sex work and the other on their own personal sexuality outside of sex work. On one occasion, one of them intentionally arrived early to suggest rearranging the room format so that all attending sit in a round table setting. This set up was retained for the rest of the training sessions.

Participants increasingly demonstrated initiative in contributing to the development of the training program and experimenting with the implementation of the intervention. Examples of this included Prostitutes Peer others outside the program Prostitutes Peer feedback, taking actions in their circles to improve access to safer sex and drug use supplies and online interactions with Prostitutes Peer workers:.

Increased Prostitutes Peer was expressed strongly by participants asserting their boundaries as a result of the training. All of them I Prostitutes Peer walked Prostitutes Peer on. These Prostitutes Peer described acquiring greater confidence to assert themselves with respect to safer sex practices through the training. Asserting boundaries Prostitutes Peer regard to their Prostitutes Peer during the intervention and making choices about how far one would go to help others also developed during the training.

During debriefing sessions, one participant reported being aware of not respecting their own boundaries by housing someone for the night. The participant declined the request. Yet another participant stated that:.

A [sex worker friend] is on methadone and on the same meds as I am… She told me she relapsed and asked me if she could have some of my urine.

Participants were also able to extend their voice to peers Prostitutes Peer others in their communities through the research program, Prostitutes Peer led to critical networking opportunities and strengthened solidarity. The training program fostered group empowerment by strengthening relationships and building solidarity among participants, as well as with the local sex worker organization and with other sex workers in the community. Bonds formed among participants during the training and extended beyond the weekly sessions.

These positive relationships mitigated isolation brought on by internalized stigma. It provided an opportunity for the group to work as a team, network with each other, support each other, and become friends:. I found sanctuary within this program to share, to view other workers as my equals. Whereas I often felt judged, even by other sex workers… Because ideally if I isolated, it kept my secret stronger.

I was the stronghold to my Prostitutes Peer secret. So I would never divulge or disclose on a level that I did within this program, and it created friendships.

Community empowerment among sex workers extended beyond the group of participants. Participants Prostitutes Peer a desire for ongoing training so that more sex workers could become involved, as well as more networking between sex workers through ongoing group meetings:.

Realising the commonalities between sex workers and having the support of peers and allies helped build cohesion and group empowerment:. But once you get talking, everyone Prostitutes Peer to the same thing. Similar situations, and problems, and worries about things. Group empowerment was also expressed through solidarity between sex workers. Participants stood up for peers, accompanied them to a safe place, provided safer sex supplies and linked them to services:.

Participants also expressed the need for more resources for people who are new to the sex industry, to better educate them Prostitutes Peer what to expect:. I think that there needs to be a lot more education for people coming into the business as, basically, as escort training.

Prostitutes Peer, access to new knowledge and resources, and skill development helped participants mobilise resources in the sex worker community. Prostitutes Peer resources within the sex worker community started with skills building and knowledge acquisition, an important area of growth and Prostitutes Peer for participants.

Increased resource mobilisation involved learning communications skills, active listening, and strategies to approach others with more ease, at times resulting in changed practices Prostitutes Peer sexual health:.

I do it every 2 months. Participants were also better equipped to negotiate safer sex practices with clients:. It made a difference in the way of being more open about problems with [clients]… just being able to get it out there about… how I felt about… using safe sex practices.

They had gained competence in speaking out on these issues and felt more approachable to others:. Participants also related Prostitutes Peer more confident venturing into the community and helping others due to the training and the knowledge gained about available resources.

I told her where to go… She was actually Prostitutes Peer [out of town]. I actually got her to go into… the clinic there. He works with people Prostitutes Peer work… And now she got an appointment in just to get herself checked out, like bloodwork and everything.

A sex worker friend of mine told me that she needed a new IUD inserted. I was able to direct her to [the sexual health clinic], and give Prostitutes Peer one of their pamphlets. I was able to offer help that I didn't know existed before we did our training.

Participants also used their training to discuss sexual health with clients, refer them Prostitutes Peer services as needed and encourage testing for STBBIs.

Beyond Prostitutes Peer services, participants were able to play a role in connecting their peers with free services or services that could improve their financial Prostitutes Peer housing situation.

Participants noted that information sharing and connecting with others encouraged Prostitutes Peer workers to return for help:. Where to go for some housing. Participants were also able to contribute to resource mobilisation in the community by doing secondary distribution of safer sex and drug use supplies:.

I do have interactions that are from all over the training. Harm reduction supplies is one. Like actually, I specifically got a nice large handbag and filled it with harm reduction supplies.

Prostitutes Peer always keep supplies on me. Another put it this way:. After the project ended, participants continued to give back to the community by volunteering, found employment in street outreach, or were planning on continuing to interact with people in the community:. My biggest goal actually right now is to… connect one person a week to adequate resources, so be it mental health, so be it the [downtown clinic], so be it addiction services… that would help Prostitutes Peer along the way, I would feel like I gained from this project.

In summary, the findings reveal that participants gained improvement in self-esteem and reduced internalised stigma, increased their critical consciousness, benefited from participation and control over the training program, which also translated into more control and asserting boundaries related to outreach work and sex work, strengthened solidarity with other sex workers, and contributed to increased resource mobilisation in the community as a whole.

This pilot Prostitutes Peer education program, designed with and for sex workers, aimed to enhance community empowerment and transformative learning to better enable sex workers to shape Prostitutes Peer practices around health promotion and prevention strategies, and to contribute to improving access to health Prostitutes Peer social services within the local community. Trial program activities were carried out with the sex worker community taking on an Prostitutes Peer role within an Prostitutes Peer environment in collaboration with various partners.

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Sex worker representatives had already been collaborating with researchers and community partners for some time. The idea for this project emerged from these collaborations. Findings reveal Prostitutes Peer in beginning to enhance community empowerment through the pilot program, as well as evidence of transformative learning among participants. This research adds valuable information to the literature on interventions that aim to enhance community empowerment and transformative learning processes.

First, the continuum of community Prostitutes Peer begins with personal empowerment [ 37 Prostitutes Peer. Our findings Prostitutes Peer reduced internalised stigma and improved self-esteem through participation in the pilot program, whereby participants reported greater self-confidence and belief in themselves, bode well as catalysts to developing a sense of control and power, thereby launching a process of personal empowerment.

Bringing together a group of sex workers challenged the stigma that often deters stigmatized groups from meeting together [ 40 ]. Our pilot program targeted intrapersonal dynamics to reduce stigma Prostitutes Peer and the impact of stigma on sex workers [ 44 ]. It brought Prostitutes Peer a small group of individuals who share sex work-related stigma but vary in terms of other stigmas associated with poverty, sexual orientation and gender identity, age, and ethno-cultural background [ 45 ].

The pilot program combined both education-based strategies, whereby information was offered to challenge sex work stereotypes, Prostitutes Peer contact-based strategies, where Prostitutes Peer was face-to-face exchange between sex workers and others [ 44 ] in an attempt to challenge Prostitutes Peer reduce stigma expression and better integrate sex workers into the community.

Participants came to recognize how their views about sex work are influenced by broadly accepted societal ideology of sex work, and were able to face down that stigma, overcome alienation to a certain extent, and own their choice of work [ 41 ].

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Our findings suggest that the sex work positive approach to the program helped mitigate the internalized Prostitutes Peer some participants felts about sex work involvement.

The program encouraged instances of challenging stigma expressed by health professionals and training presenters. The aim of this Prostitutes Peer approach to addressing stigma was to create favourable conditions for long-lasting effects.

The impact of Prostitutes Peer intervention on sex work stigma was limited by its pilot, non-sustained nature, though showed promising potential to address stigma in participants as well as among service providers. This shift provided a fertile ground for increased critical consciousness Prostitutes Peer critical awareness.

Through this critical awareness, adults learn to break apart prevailing sets of values and beliefs, unmask power that leads to inequity Prostitutes Peer oppression, challenge such ideology and contest its resulting hegemony [ 41 ].

In our pilot program, participants came to see how their worldview was shaped Prostitutes Peer conservative societal values, learned to challenge personal views and those of others, and became more open and empathetic to a wider spectrum of identities related to gender, Prostitutes Peer orientation and the perspectives of others e. Participants heard various perspectives and experiences with sex work and expanded their views beyond personal experiences.

In our consultation with participants about this manuscript, participants confirmed that this greater critical consciousness had changed how they interact with people of various genders and sexual orientation, suggesting that they Prostitutes Peer adopted more equitable and just practices in their everyday lives [ 41 ].

Participants challenged stigma against sex workers in the community by fighting alienating forces Prostitutes Peer 41 ] and speaking up when faced with derogatory comments or negative assumptions about sex workers.

Some participants also showed increased ability to critically reflect on and choose a healthy course of action in terms of asserting boundaries around safer sex practices, showing promise that such a training program could lead to better STBBI prevention among sex workers.

These displays Prostitutes Peer critical consciousness paved the way for increased participation and control over the pilot training program. Our program enhanced sex worker community empowerment through meaningful participation in and control over the design and implementation of the pilot program [ 25 ]. Our dialogical educational approach to the program, with a specific intention of shifting the power relations away from a teacher-student relationship to one of power with sex workers, reflected democratic practices that foster transformative learning [ 41 ].

This approach was successful in fostering critical thinking, agency and solidarity among participants Prostitutes Peer 2547 ]. Participants also said they experienced less judgment from health care practitioners after speaking out about stigmatizing treatment in healthcare settings through the training sessions, thereby contributing Prostitutes Peer reducing barriers to access that sex workers Prostitutes Peer when accessing health care in the local community.

Signs of participants getting more involved and shifting their mindset toward Prostitutes Peer of more ownership over the program were documented, as they realised that their input was integrated into the program [ 2 ].

Changing their title from Peer Health Educators to Peer Health Advocates was the penultimate example of control and ownership of the program. Participants also had the opportunity to exercise Prostitutes Peer over improving services for sex workers by providing local service providers feedback on their experiences with the services and witnessing changes as a result.

The program thereby contributed to community mobilisation by resulting in some changes Prostitutes Peer services and community contexts that support sex workers [ 47 ]. Sex worker empowerment grew as positive relationships and strengthened solidarity formed amongst study participants and beyond [ 161740 ]. This social movement contributed to encouraging sex workers to collectively organise and take part in improving conditions for sex workers [ 41 ].

In the bigger picture, these findings reveal that the pilot training program shows promise in sex workers reclaiming some power over domains of their lives that have been ceded to those in control in the current societal and political context. Participants became known to other sex workers in the community and sought after for knowledge and assistance. Participants also expressed a desire for a sustainable program so that more sex workers could take part in and benefit from it.

The need for health information and care for those new to the sex industry was emphasised. Holding the training sessions at the local sex worker organization was instrumental in providing a safe space and empowering participants to positively identify as sex workers.

Our pilot program also contributed to reducing sex worker vulnerability to STBBIs and enhancing Prostitutes Peer to health and social services by increasing a sense of shared identity and networking among sex workers, and by touching on subjects beyond sexual health, such as stigma and discrimination Prostitutes Peer 25 ].

Finally, increased resource mobilisation through skills building and knowledge acquisition [ 18 ] contributed to behavioural change. Peer education and Prostitutes Peer empowerment programs have been shown Prostitutes Peer be effective at improving behavioural outcomes related to STBBI prevention [ 253247 ]. In our pilot program, Prostitutes Peer were more informed and confident about discussing Prostitutes Peer health in general, and negotiating safer sex practices both in work and personal relationships.

They also expanded access to health Prostitutes Peer social services by informing and providing information about services to their peers, and at times accompanying them to access services [ 17 ].

In our meeting about this Prostitutes Peer, two of the Prostitutes Peer reported having since used their naloxone kit obtained during the training to save someone from an opiate overdose. These findings once again suggest that such a training program has the potential to increase the effectiveness of STBBI prevention and treatment. They also reveal more situations in which sex workers reclaim power, Prostitutes Peer skills building and knowledge acquisition, over domains of their lives that have largely been controlled by health and social services professionals [ 41 ].

Community mobilisation, where we sought to generate change beyond the sex worker community to help create a health enabling social environment where the program took place [ 47 ], was somewhat Prostitutes Peer, though limited by available resources and time. Supportive partnerships exist with local health and social services, though the project did not extend to actors and agencies who have the political and economic power to effect structural change. The findings from this study will assist sex workers and partner organizations Prostitutes Peer advocating for Prostitutes Peer changes.

Prostitutes Peer pilot program did provide a transformative space for critical dialogue [ Prostitutes Peer ] between sex workers and health and social services representatives, and led to some changes in service delivery. The symbolic context of meanings, ideologies and worldviews provided through the program, namely a sex positive, sex work positive, harm reduction, human rights approach, conveyed respect and helped some participants reframe personal views of sex work, while others received affirmation for an existing positive view [ 47 ].

It also provided participants with the tools and confidence to challenge stigma against sex workers when encountered in the community. To help with the material context of poverty faced by most participants [ 47 ], the program provided some vocational training for outreach work [ 25 ], remunerated participants, and provided reference letters to participants at the end of the training.

One participant was subsequently hired as a peer outreach worker by a local agency. Finally, in terms of the relational context [ 47 ], sex worker leadership and power over decision-making was fostered in the program in an effort to shift traditional hierarchical power relations to a more horizontal plane [ 41 ]. Future programs, with full ownership, delivery and implementation by sex workers in partnership with community organizations would likely Prostitutes Peer improve the relational context.

Further adaptation of a sustainable program, and enhanced involvement of sex workers in the delivery and implementation of the program, would likely enhance solidarity between sex workers as well as community mobilisation. Peer education approaches have been especially successful in affluent countries, Prostitutes Peer contexts where sex workers already had strong agency, solidarity, a common identity and a degree of community mobilization [ 47 ].

With regard to sustainability [ 2 ], which usually comes through broader social engagement, community acceptance and a focus on a long-term sustainable intervention, this pilot project planted some seeds in what appears to be fertile ground in one particular city of Canada.

Participants suggested that more focus on safety and anti-violence e. There were indications that there was sex worker community will and community partner capacity to continue this project beyond this pilot phase. The sex worker community was receptive to the role Prostitutes Peer Peer Health Advocates. This program served as a proof of concept, with promising results, which will feed into pursuing resources to sustain it.

The strengthened links to health and social services, both through their involvement in the Prostitutes Peer program and their interactions with Peer Health Advocates, also bodes well for focusing on a long-term sustainable intervention in the near future, if funding Prostitutes Peer secured for further study.

Our study is not without limitations. The small number of participants limited the generalisability of the findings. Recruitment of participants strove for diversity along Indigeneity, gender, age and work location, although without doubt many perspectives were missed. Recruitment was also approached as a job application for those interested in promoting health amongst sex workers. This approach may have deterred some candidates from applying though did support our goal to recruit natural Prostitutes Peer in the community.

Further interventions and studies of a longer duration could build on this initiative and determine whether this approach could lead to full ownership of the training program by sex workers Prostitutes Peer sustainability through the local sex worker organization.

The pilot program was also implemented Prostitutes Peer an urban context where there has already been concerted efforts by various local actors i. However, urban contexts vary significantly across Canada in regard. It is unlikely that the community empowerment approach outlined will be successful in settings that have not developed an environment were sex workers are viewed as active members of the community and deserving non-judgmental health Prostitutes Peer and other services, similar to other citizens.

Data were only collected through observations and interviews with program participants, given the limited time and resources. It would be insightful to obtain the perspectives of the community partners and researchers involved in the project to determine if they experienced a transformation by taking part in a project on sex Prostitutes Peer community empowerment.

Future studies should include a larger number of participants, quantitative measures of key concepts internalised stigma, self, esteem, etc. It Prostitutes Peer have also been great to have been able to assess the impact of increased community empowerment and Prostitutes Peer learning obtained through this training program on the effectiveness of health prevention and treatment services for sex workers.

However, this study was a pilot done with a small catalyst grant and such an assessment lied Prostitutes Peer its scope. The glimpses of a positive impact on STBBI prevention and treatment provided in our findings are nevertheless promising. This study was a qualitative assessment of sex worker community empowerment through a trial peer health program.

The participants were more informed and confident about discussing sexual health in general, and negotiating safer sex practices, both in work and Prostitutes Peer relationships. These outcomes are critically important among populations such as sex workers who, due to the combined effects of stigma Prostitutes Peer criminalisation, Prostitutes Peer significant barriers to accessing basic pertinent health Prostitutes Peer, quality health care, and other public resources [ 48 ].

This pilot study was, to our knowledge, the first of its kind in Canada. The findings reveal that the approach proved successful in enhancing sex worker community empowerment and transformative learning in one urban setting. This promising proof of concept built the foundation for a long-term initiative in Prostitutes Peer setting.

Other jurisdictions in Canada that have made some inroads in creating a welcoming Prostitutes Peer respectful local environment for sex workers could learn from the initiative and perhaps adapt similar programs in their area. Canadian Public Health Association. Sex work Prostitutes Peer Canada: The public health perspective. Position paper.

Community empowerment and involvement of female sex workers in targeted sexual and reproductive health interventions in Africa: a systematic review. Glob Health. Stigma, sex work, and substance use: a comparative analysis. Article Google Scholar. Regulating sex work: heterogeneity in legal strategies. Partners and clients of female sex workers in an informal urban settlement in Nairobi, Kenya. Family kinship patterns and sex work involvement among women from the informal urban settlement of Kibera, Nairobi, Kenya.

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Journal of AIDS. Google Scholar. Intimate relationships and women involved in the sex trade: perceptions and experiences of inclusion and exclusion. Article PubMed Google Prostitutes Peer.

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Social and structural violence and power relations in mitigating HIV risk of drug- using women in survival sex work. Soc Sci Med. Health Promot Pract. Sexual safety practices of massage parlor- based sex workers and their clients. Global epidemiology of HIV among female sex workers: influence of structural determinants. Varcoe C, Dick S. The intersecting risks of violence and HIV for rural aboriginal women in a neo-colonial Canadian context.

Journal Prostitutes Peer Aboriginal Health. Empowering sex workers in India to Prostitutes Peer vulnerability to HIV and sexually transmitted diseases.

Prostitutes Peer review of empowerment measures in health promotion. Health Promot Int. Laverack G, Labonte R. A planning framework for community empowerment goals within health promotion. Health Policy Plan. Tengland P-A. Empowerment: a conceptual discussion. Health Care Anal. Health promotion and disease Prostitutes Peer logically different conceptions? Prostitutes Peer N, Bernstein E. Health Educ Q. World Health Organisation. Prevention and treatment of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections for sex workers in low- and middleiIncome countries.

Geneva: WHO; Combination HIV prevention for female sex workers: what is the evidence? Freire P. Pedagogy of the oppressed. Harmondsworth: Prostitutes Peer Cornish F, Campbell C. The social Prostitutes Peer for successful peer education: a comparison of two HIV prevention programs run by sex workers in India and South Africa.

Am J Community Psychol. An action agenda for HIV and sex workers. A community empowerment approach to the HIV response among sex workers: effectiveness, challenges, and considerations for implementation and scale-up.

The role of community organizations in addressing health inequities through participatory processes. Action Research Journal. Working paper for building on the evidence: an international symposium on the sex industry in Canada.

Harnessing peer networks as an instrument for AIDS prevention: results from a peer-driven intervention. Public Health Rep.

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In an effort to shift the power Prostitutes Peer from one of power over sex workers to power with sex workers, approaches and conditions were used to foster Prostitutes Peer worker participation. It is good to see the other…side of the coin— yeah, the diversity of it.

An organization of sex workers for sex workers. Peers has been providing outreach, harm reduction and education services for people in the sex industry for. A proposed law in Germany pretends to help prostitutes by registering them, but it will only increase sex workers' precariousness and. This article explains how the PEERS program (Prostitutes Empowerment, Education, of prostitution, as well as programs and services for sex workers.