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}Harbours, Hookers, Heroines and Women in Masquerade

Klaasje was a very pure girl. Clientele of whores in Amsterdam, and other seaports, Prostitutes Harlingen not only sailors, people from the countryside and tourists, but also skippers and barge hands of inland, river navigation.

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And, if you think the second millennium brought a change for the better for the poor people of Harlingen, it is not Prostitutes Harlingen case. Following repetitive academic research, if born in Harlingen you have the worst prospects within the Netherlands to climb on the social ladder and escape poverty Westrheenen During the era of the Dutch Republic, besides international Prostitutes Harlingen trade, Harlingen was lucky that in the year Prostitutes Harlingen Admiralty of Province Friesland was relocated from the town of Dokkum to that of Harlingen.

Other warehouses were spread over town. Presence of the Admiralty meant more economic advantages. Jobs for shipbuilders, rope makers, timber merchants, admiralty staff, solliciteurs i. Also, taverns benefited from the presence of the Admiralty Roodhuyzen Not only economic prosperity but also Prostitutes Harlingen was added to the town with the Admiralty.

Other prestigious mariners settled in Harlingen, like admiral Auke Andriesz. Stellingwerf, captain Wytze Joannisz. It was also from halfway the sixteenth century that Flemings, mostly Baptists, started to settle in Harlingen. This migration flow continued until around According to Prostitutes Harlingen Frisian statesman Wigle Aytta van Zwichemcommonly known as Viglius and the principal advisor of Holy Prostitutes Harlingen Emperor and king of Spain Charles V, Harlingen attracted many heretics because it was considered a haven from religious prosecutions.

Flemish migrants were skilled in the manufacturing of cloth. Their skills perhaps dating back to the early medieval period, when the coastal plains of Flanders were part of Frisia; read our post A Frontier known as Watery Mess: The Coast of Flanders.

Woolen cloth was Prostitutes Harlingen with bare Prostitutes Harlingen in big tubs filled with water. Comparable with traditional wine production.

Prostitutes Harlingen were weavers who worked in Prostitutes Harlingen cotton and hemp industry. Most of them were Catholic, explaining why about 15 percent of the citizens was member of this religion. Lastly, Mennonites constituted an influential community. Two-third of the Harlingen elite was Mennonite. Rejecting the use of Prostitutes Harlingen, they were well represented in the, non-violent, trade and commerce. With the economic growth and migration between Prostitutes HarlingenHarlingen had become one of the most densely populated towns of the Netherlands and would continue to be until the beginning of the twentieth century Dijkstra AroundHarlingen was still the third biggest harbour of the Netherlands Schroor Even the thousands of tourists taking the ferries to the Wadden Sea islands Vlieland and Terschelling give the town only a quick glance from afar while rushing from the Prostitutes Harlingen lot to the ferry.

Lahringen pseudonym for Harlingen counts six churches, not one brothel and seven shaving parlours. Vestdijk also wrote that Harlingen possessed strikingly high numbers of idiots, drunks, imbecile prostitutes, misfits, Prostitutes Harlingen, and physically deformed, all living out on the street. Harlingen has a vivid tradition of giving nicknames to people, and Vestdijk listed many nicknames too.

At least some of these were real nicknames. Trien zonder broekas citizens recall, strolled along the jetties where ships were moored.

Prostitution sting ends with two arrests in Harlingen | KGBT Prostitutes Harlingen. Date Where to find a Sluts Harlingen Netherlands Harlingen police arrested nine women accused of prostitution during a two-day an exclusive interview with CBS 4 News.

From down below, through Prostitutes Harlingen gaps Prostitutes Harlingen the wooden planks of the jetty, boatmen could see Trien did not wear underclothes, indeed. To this day, tobbedansers give nicknames to each other Visser Two recent Harlingen nicknames, also related to the topic of this post, are Gouden Kontsje golden bottom and Sneeuwwitje Snowwhite. For reasons of privacy we cannot elaborate too much on who they were, but they allegedly were moonlighting offering sex.

Sneeuwwitje received Prostitutes Harlingen name because she always was clothed in a white dress. She frequently took a walk on the dark dockside for clientele. As if she was a white nun belonging to the order of fallen women, a so-called witvrouw see further below. Earning additional cash from sailors was also a practice known in the port of Delfzijl in province Groningen in the twentieth century, after the Prostitutes Harlingen.

Delfzijl is also a port at the Wadden Prostitutes Harlingen, opposite the city of Emden in Germany. We traced four former whorehouses in the period between and Without a doubt there have been many more brothels, bawdy houses and bad inns, and we are open to extend the list.

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The oldest of the four whorehouses in Harlingen we found, is Vastenavond, established in the year Vastenavond is mentioned in the manuscript of Seerp Gratama Gratama was a professor at the university of Groningen.

Vastenavond is the name for Shrove Tuesday. The reason why this brothel existed, was because the town and its port was growing and thus became a labour market for prostitution too. Where in Prostitutes Harlingen brothel Vastenavond was located, Gratama does not reveal to the reader.

At the beginning of the seventeenth century, there was a brothel near the old town gate Franeker Poort. That is on the inland, eastern side of town. You could say the outskirts of town. The brothel was identified by the signboard King of England.

In which premises the brothel was housed exactly, we could not figure out. The brothel was frequented by students at the Prostitutes Harlingen in the nearby town of Franeker, eight kilometers east of Prostitutes Harlingen. Brothel King of England was not solely frequented by students, however. A professor at the same university did so too. Makowski was an erudite man.

Already inat the age of 27, he was assigned as Prostitutes Harlingen at the university of Franeker. He got himself into Prostitutes Harlingen because of fierce theological disputes with other scholars, Prostitutes Harlingen led to charges of Prostitutes Harlingen only a few years after his appointment.

At the same time, he spent his life on riotous living. Being popular among students but receiving complaints from other scholars Boeles A final note on Makowski is that he was married to Antje van Uylenburgh from the town of Leeuwarden. She was the sister of Prostitutes Harlingen van Uylenburgh, who was married to the famous Dutch painter Rembrandt van Rijn.

In other words, Rembrandt and Jan were brothers-in-law. Not suggesting Rembrandt drank too much and visited brothels too. Of course not, we would not dare. Another, internationally famous, student at the Franeker university was the Frisian and future statesman Pieter Stuyvesant ? During Prostitutes Harlingen study philosophy in Franeker, which he probably started inStuyvesant is known for rough behaviour Prostitutes Harlingen taverns in Harlingen, and for having sex with the daughter of his Prostitutes Harlingen.

Did Pieter Stuyvesant and Jan Makowski party all night long together perhaps? Of course, not with Rembrandt. Prostitutes Harlingen, we would Prostitutes Harlingen dare to suggest. Not merely tars, students, professors, Scots, future statesmen, and perhaps the occasional artist or painter visited bars and brothels in Harlingen.

Also, men from Harlingen visited whore houses Prostitutes Harlingen other places in the country. In the yearProstitutes Harlingen burgomaster from Prostitutes Harlingen had a notarial act drawn up in a desperate effort to proof he had not visited a whorehouse in The Hague for the purpose of having sex. Instead, the burgomaster declared he was pooping in an alley when all of a sudden two or three whores grabbed his hat and coat.

Cloths were very valuable back then. You could even pay with it. Not to foul his underpants he carefully wiped himself with? He ended up in a whorehouse. The bawd immediately notified the bailiff. The burgomaster agreed, because otherwise he would lose his honour. When he was already on his way back to Harlingen, the burgomaster reconsidered his actions and went back to The Hague.

Of course, an alternative sequence of events whereby Prostitutes Harlingen athletic burgomaster was robbed from his hat and coat during a planned visit to a brothel, instead of while pooping in an alley yeah rightand the corrupt bailiff was fetched by the whore madam after the burgomaster started to make trouble with the girls, obviously is absurd.

At the end of nineteenth century there were two brothels in Harlingen. Both very close to each other, in the quarter next to Zuiderhaven harbour and shipyards. A place of vice with seedy boarding houses, taverns, and houses of ill fame, jam-packed with night creatures without reputation.

An area with the smell of tar, fish, and horse manure Cordinglyis how we would like to imagine this neighbourhood too.

There was one whorehouse on the already mentioned street, namely Vijverstraat St. It was Prostitutes Harlingen relatively big whorehouse with three to seven prostitutes working. The other one was located on Grote Ossemarkt St. This whorehouse was run by Johannes Antonius Pieters. It was smaller than the brothel on Vijverstraat St. In fact, two or three was the average number of whores working and living in whorehouse.

Interestingly, two of the four whoremasters were women. We will come back to the role whore madams had. The so-called johns or whoremongers who visited these brothels were mainly sailors, Prostitutes Harlingen Harlingen only had about 10, inhabitants back then, of which about half Prostitutes Harlingen male. The number of adult men was even lower, of course.

Whores working in these two brothels mainly came from the north of the Netherlands, like Prostitutes Harlingen and Leeuwarden De Mik Brothel keeper Neeltje Sijtsma of the brothel on Vijverstraat St. This was degrading and humiliating, Sijtsma said. The medical check-up itself was something originating from the penal code during the French period Periodical medical examination had become mandatory for prostitutes to Prostitutes Harlingen the spreading of venereal diseases. Should public health prevail, or would that imply you sanctioned an immoral pact with evil?

Every era is entitled to have its own difficult questions and dilemmas. Harbours and garrison towns, however, started to regulate prostitution not long after the French period. Harlingen had started regulating Prostitutes Harlingen again with the police order ofbeing the third town in the Netherlands to do so, after the towns of Alkmaar and Den Helder De Mik Soon after, inthe order regulating prostitution was abolished already.

The prevailing opinion had shifted further towards banning prostitution as an undesired, evil phenomenon that should not be sanctioned in any way. Prostitutes Harlingen interesting side note. When in the town of Den Helder regulated prostitution, it was Christina K. As such not very out of the ordinary. When she was 28, she was the owner of a brothel Prostitutes Harlingen the university town of Leiden in province Zuid Holland.

Quite a career. Over there creeps the plaything of beastly lusts, As if on velvet feet, to night house and brothel; Stains his outspread; making tensed in the reins Fornication, the oath at risk, rips the bond of fidelity And sinks, full great desire, in the arms of an unknown woman, Who flatters with her words, and kills with her breath.

As an orphan, Klaasje was raised by three students at the university of Leiden. Prostitutes Harlingen was a very pure girl. At Prostitutes Harlingen age, after a chain of events, she ends up in the Prostitutes Harlingen house owned by brothel keeper Madame Mont-Athos. This was beyond the fault of Klaasje. Fortunately, she was rescued by one of her three foster fathers, who visited Prostitutes Harlingen brothel.

Just before she was forced to have sex with a customer for the first time. Nevertheless, Prostitutes Harlingen Klaasje dies young of a heart illness. The reason she had to die was, according to Van Lennep himself, that although she was a harmless girl by nature, the disgrace of having stayed in a brothel Prostitutes Harlingen simply ineradicable. Regardless the fact her stay was beyond her will, and Prostitutes Harlingen the fact she had not had sex with a man Peters A near-fundamentalistic warning of Van Lennep for everyone to stay away from sex workers as far as possible.

Not for nothing it was the prudish Victorian era. A time even chair legs were covered to prevent sinful thoughts would arise with ladies. Thrilling and red Prostitutes Harlingen Smart thinking Van Lennep. Smart thinking… Be reminded, earlier in this post we discussed Prostitutes Harlingen very similar deadly warning concerning visits to brothels, given in the novel Helmut Harringa written by Popert in Prostitutes Harlingen There was also serious criticism Prostitutes Harlingen the mental limitations of Van Lennep, including from a Frisian feminist.

She was Sietske Cornelisdr. The ideas of Van Lennep fit the Calvinistic dogmas of the time. Catholicism, on the other hand, believes redemption of prostitutes is possible, instead of harsh punishment for committing sins.

Who does not know the story of Mary Magdalene, the supposedly fallen woman who became a repentant sinner, albeit the Bible does not state that Mary Magdalene actually was a whore. She did kiss Jesus on his cheek, though, which is as everyone knows practically the same. What is more, the Catholic Church even has a dedicated monastic order for fallen women, the Order of Saint Mary Magdalene. Already for eight centuries. The front of his house was a smithy And the back a brothel.

The fun is over. After nondescript johns, hilarious prudish writers, eye-catching snowwhites and golden bottoms, drunken professors, and pooping burgomasters, it is about time to delve into the hard lives of countless brave women who lived on the Prostitutes Harlingen shores of the North Sea. As said, we Prostitutes Harlingen focus on the late medieval and early modern periods. Things went completely and utterly wrong in Paradise, a very long time ago. Nobody knows how long ago exactly.

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Eve ate the forbidden fruit because the Devil told her to. It is from then on, women are carrying the original sin.

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In the Middle Ages, Christendom was a religion of piety, virginity and devotion, and sinful women were regarded a necessary evil. Needed for the reproduction of mankind. At the same time, men were not allowed to spill any of their seed either. In other words, sexuality was completely defined by religion, and the only acceptable excuse to have sex was reproduction Altink Bawdy women, meaning women who behaved indecent, and thus not perse prostituting themselves for money, had to be brought back onto the path of righteousness.

Thus, the souls of prostitutes burned deeper in Hell. Yes, at this very moment, the soul of Jack the Ripper sits at a more comfortable, cooler place in Hell than the souls of the Prostitutes Harlingen he brutally slaughtered. How is that for justice? Punishment of a prostitute consisted of cutting off noses and ears, or burying women alive.

One relativization is in order, though, namely that in practice it seems these sentences were carried out only incidentally. Many were acquitted, especially if they were young and they were first-time offenders Vos In the course of the Prostitutes Harlingen Ages, Europe underwent a process of urbanization. Towns grew and real cities emerged.

Attracting people from everywhere. It is then for the first time that Prostitutes Harlingen started to appear Prostitutes Harlingen markets, mills, shops, churches, smithies and so forth. At the end Prostitutes Harlingen the Middle Ages, prostitution was being Prostitutes Harlingen by the church and town administrations. A necessary evil, according to the church VosDussen A concept of thinking that remained well into the seventeenth century. Hopefully, not any longer.

Also bathhouses functioned as brothels, known as stove in England and stoof in the Low Countries Hamers Notwithstanding the fact prostitution was being Prostitutes Harlingen, prostitutes were considered disturbing Prostitutes Harlingen in society. Therefore, they could only live and conduct their business in designated areas in the outskirts of town, or even outside the city walls. To ensure a clear separation between honourable and non-honourable people De GraeveMuyres Signboards with green images of exotic birds informed the visitor it was a door of a whorehouse he was knocking on.

Often Prostitutes Harlingen were Prostitutes Harlingen to wear Prostitutes Harlingen distinctive feature on their cloths, like a red ribbon for example. In the yearthe city council of Maastricht decreed that sex workers had to carry a yellow ribbon on their hat or headscarf Haemers Furthermore, whores were not allowed to have a steady or regular customer.

Moreover, they could only render their services to unmarried Christians. Having sex with a Jew was forbidden. Jews, by the way, were not allowed to touch fruit and bread either. Neither were prostitutes allowed to work on holy days. Lastly, there was supervision of their food, and of tariffs Prostitutes Harlingen charged for their services.

Prices for sex should not become too high if prostitution was to stay effective in preventing greater evils. In towns where brothels were placed outside the walls, small fortresses developed. Outside Prostitutes Harlingen city walls brothels were vulnerable for plunderers and roaming armies in Prostitutes Harlingen of war, and therefore these brothels turned into fortified houses with sometimes even their own drawbridge.

A Prostitutes Harlingen is a woman who is ready and willing for the indecent desires of many Prostitutes Harlingen. Also, designated houses were created by town authorities, where deernenor Dirnen in modern German language, were obliged to work, i.

Each day, the bawdy women had to produce a certain amount of wool. The first spinhuis of Amsterdam was founded in with the purpose of re-education of women.

In the seventeenth century, spinhuizen had developed into prisons. Spinhuizen were open to the public; during lunchbreaks peeking at dishonourable women. A visit to one of the spinhuizen was a standard item on the itinerary of the many tourists visiting Amsterdam Van de Pol For Profit! Conceptions about sexuality and women in the late medieval Prostitutes Harlingen, also had as consequence women were vulnerable for being assaulted. If a woman displayed free and Prostitutes Harlingen behaviour, she could become a target for assault and rape.

She would Prostitutes Harlingen only be a victim physically and mentally, but also be powerless to defend or restore her honour afterwards.

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This had far-reaching consequences. Once without honour she would not stand a Prostitutes Harlingen anymore to Prostitutes Harlingen a respectable job. Further below we will elaborate on the concept of honour. If rape had happened to a woman, prostitution was therefore one of the few options left to earn money for survival. Indeed, to prevent a greater evil. Whores as decoys.

Harlingen Prostitution

Other options sexually assaulted women had to survive, was to emigrate to one of the colonies of the VOC, like the New Netherland colony in America, or choosing the path of criminality.

Fifty percent of criminality in Amsterdam was committed Prostitutes Harlingen women. A remarkable Prostitutes Harlingen who perhaps emigrated because of such reasons, was Grietje Reyniers She was the wife of Anthony Jansen, or Jansz.

Some say he was a son of a pirate. Here she started a tavern and she still prostituted herself. There were complaints filed at the town council about her offensive behaviour. Another testimony about Grietje concerns when she had given birth to a child. The midwife answered:.

In the yearGrietje and The Turk were expelled from New Amsterdam, and again it was time Prostitutes Harlingen them to move on in life. Prostitutes Harlingen settled on Long Island Waterfront and began farming. Also Maria Goosen was banned, in this case from the town of Beverwijck what is modern Albany.

The reason for her being expelled, was because she had been selling booze to an Indian woman, which was prohibited Lucas Later in the nineteenth century, the Prostitutes Harlingen was written as Corlears Hook, and was a vice and crime area next to the shipyards, ferry terminals, iron works and coal dumps in Lower East Side New York, including many brothels and streetwalkers.

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Indeed, hookers. The hook, as commonly abbreviated, was a wild area known to sailors all over the world. Find more information about the New Netherland colony in our post History is written by the Victors — a history of the credits. Before we continue, it is important to Prostitutes Harlingen two aspects of early modern society, in order to understand the social position of women in this region better.

The first is the concept of honour which we touched upon already. Putting it bluntly, any person without honour had a value of no more than that of a hog or a dog.

The second aspect Prostitutes Harlingen the degree of equality or inequality of women when compared to men. Honour in the early modern period, but also during many centuries before, was vital. If a man had no honour, he had no known good reputation and no creditworthiness either.

Prostitutes Harlingen, he would not get any financial credit. Neither would proper jobs and Prostitutes Harlingen positions be available for him. This mechanism is understandable. Reputation in a world without our modern Prostitutes Harlingen and registration institutions was all one had.

Even today, Prostitutes Harlingen and integrity is still modestly relevant in Western society, but in no way as strong as a few centuries ago. Today, you can sue someone for slander and libel at court, but it does not happen much and offers little compensation. Back in the early modern period, honour was of vital importance, and had to be defended at all costs, and increased as much as possible.

Bankruptcy or fraud, for example, was considered shameful and meant you lost much of your honour. Prostitutes Harlingen bankrupt, a man had to lay down all his public and church functions.

The concept of honour was even physical. The best thing to do with dirty cash, was to give it as alms to the poor. Contrary to southern Europe, women in north-western Europe had their own, independent honour to nourish and defend. The difference was, if a man lost his honour in for example France or Italy, his wife would lose hers as well. This was not the case in north-western Europe De Graeve If a man lost his honour, his wife still had her own Prostitutes Harlingen unaffected.

And vice versa. By the way, women dressing up as men, was not being considered dishonourable. Keep it in mind, we will come back to this social phenomenon of cross-dressing and travesty in the seventeenth century. So, not all jobs were honourable. In fact, for women only Prostitutes Harlingen limited number of honourable jobs were available. Jobs that paid little and were often seasonable too.

Prostitutes Harlingen women of the Prostitutes Harlingen class, it was therefore difficult to make a living throughout the year. Whilst some dishonourable jobs paid better, sometime as much as a man.

Concerning the remarkable job description zielenverkoper we will say more about Prostitutes Harlingen further below. Concerning the social position of women in early-modern society, the first relevant notion is that women had lesser access to the labour market than men. Honourable jobs for Prostitutes Harlingen women were basically limited to garment Prostitutes Harlingen, textile industry, food services, and domestic service, i. The second notion is that wages of women were half that of men.

Minimum wage for a man amounted around 3 guilders Prostitutes Harlingen week.

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A Prostitutes Harlingen earned about 6 guilders, and had to pay the madam about half her earnings. A third notion is that women in north-western Europe married relatively at older age, on average when they were between 25 and 30 years old De Graeve This meant women had to take care for themselves longer and did not move straight from her own family into that of her husband. In other words, in the southern parts of Europe the marriage age was much younger.

Furthermore, the way men regarded women was being inferior. We said much about it already. Hence, women were often portrayed as dangerous, deceitful, bawdy Prostitutes Harlingen. The underlying notion was that women were the perpetrators and men their victims De Graeve When the lady smiles, a man cannot resist her call Hay Anyway, it is just one example of how women were Prostitutes Harlingen perceived and thus seriously discriminated.

To be complete, also men could be ledigh but, surprise surprise, in general their sin for being idle was considered less dangerous than women being idle. The paradox is, women of the wider North Sea region were relatively more independent Prostitutes Harlingen assertive when compared to other areas of Europe, but at Prostitutes Harlingen same Prostitutes Harlingen more vulnerable too.

Economically, they had to take care of themselves for a long er time, when meanwhile they had limited access to the labour market, and on top of that their wages were significantly lower than that of men. Longer not being married made them vulnerable too, of course. If this was Prostitutes Harlingen with a pretty appearance of girl of the Prostitutes Harlingen class, risk of being lured into prostitution was higher.

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Lastly, as explained, in north-western Europe women possessed honour themselves, but had to defend this themselves too. At the same time, moral codes about what behaviour Prostitutes Harlingen honourable and what not, made Prostitutes Harlingen vulnerable for sexual assault.

The conclusion therefore is, freedom is fragile, and liberties bring limitations, as they always do. In the yearan outbreak of the sexual transmittable disease syphilis happened. It had epidemic proportions and prostitution was one of the outbreaks. It brought a new fear of sex and hatred towards prostitutes.

Van de Pol Not long after, the Protestant belief and doctrine would spread over big parts of Prostitutes Harlingen. With the arrival Prostitutes Harlingen Protestantism at the wider North Sea region, the position towards prostitution changed as well, and not to the benefit. It meant an end to the leniency of the Catholic Church towards prostitution.

According to the Protestant Church, a sinner could not be forgiven but should be punished for his faults. This in combination with the fact that chastity of both men and women became of Prostitutes Harlingen importance Van de PolDussen Two years later after the Alteratie especially facilitators of prostitution were criminalized. The change of policy meant bailiffs no longer supervised brothels and prostitutes.

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Imagine, to compensate the bailiffs for the loss of their income, some city councils raised their salary De Wildt Prostitutes Harlingen and more brothels were shut down in the second half of the sixteenth century. Consequently, prostitution went underground and spread over town in discrete houses. The former clear, visual distinction Prostitutes Harlingen honourable and non-honourable people, both in dress codes as in spatial separation, disappeared from daily street life.

With the emergence of Protestantism, women were being regarded as lacy, hypocritical, inborn horniness, and susceptible for the Devil. In other words, Prostitutes Harlingen could turn into a harlot in a split second, so never you could let your guard down. However, banning prostitution in the Dutch Republic soon turned out to be impossible.

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Especially, in the Prostitutes Harlingen of Amsterdam. But also, urbanization of province Holland and West-Friesland was too strong to maintain a strict policy concerning prostitution. Massive influx of trade, merchants, sailors, soldiers, immigrants, tourists etc, created a huge labour market for prostitution. Prostitutes Harlingen not forget, Amsterdam was, behind London and Paris, the third biggest city of Europe and one of the most dynamic in the world. During the Dutch Republic, Amsterdam had Prostitutes Harlingen as many whores as the other two cities, at least according to contemporaries Van de Pol Estimations are Amsterdam counted about whores on a population ofat the end of the seventeenth century, a population of which the majority was Prostitutes Harlingen.

Of the foreign whores, most originated from coastal areas of northern Germany De Graeve Dominating the European charts, it is justified to say prostitution in Amsterdam was endemic. Nicholas Prostitutes Harlingen between AD and Furthermore, faithful Saint Nicholas is, among others, the Catholic patron of sailors and fishermen. His family were namely wealthy fishermen. This date traditionally marked the end of the sailing season for Frisian seafarers. Less well-known is that Sint Nicholas is also the patron of unmarried women, virgins, and prostitutes.

Legend has it that once upon a Prostitutes Harlingen there were Prostitutes Harlingen sisters who wanted to get married but who were too poor to Prostitutes Harlingen enough money for their dowries. Their poverty and despair was about to lead them into prostitution. Now Nicholas enters the scene.

For three nights he secretly throws a purse full of money through the window. For every girl a Prostitutes Harlingen. On the third night, however, he gets caught but instructs the young women not to tell anyone Shore Now you know why giving chocolate money is part of the tradition Prostitutes Harlingen Sinterklaas to this day.

Faithful Saint Nicholas, you might say, is the embodiment of the theme of this post, namely sailors and the sea, women and prostitution. Unfortunately, miracle worker Saint Nicholas was not able to prevent all poor and unmarried women from prostituting themselves, recognizing of course that poverty is but Prostitutes Harlingen of Prostitutes Harlingen reasons for women to become a sex worker.

And giving money made of chocolate, does not help either. The flipside is, because of his shortcomings as a patron of unmarried poor Prostitutes Harlingen, we could write this post.

Offering a peek into, in our opinion, a remarkable history. At the beginning, in the sixteenth century, prostitution was still predominantly a personal affair of women Prostitutes Harlingen themselves. Officially, with the arrival of Protestantism brothels were closed. Whoring encompassed all forms of sex outside marriage, and no difference was made between paid and unpaid sex. It was all named whoring. Prostitution, as a paid sex service, continued to find its way on the streets and via disreputable taverns where Prostitutes Harlingen first of all stimulated guests to drink and eat as much as possible, and to be treated with drinks and food as well.

A percentage of these earning was paid out to the women. Whores pretended to Prostitutes Harlingen along with the costumer, but secretly threw their drinks offered onto the floor. Floors of these taverns were covered with sand to absorb the purposely spilled wine and beer, so the guest would not notice. Of course, if a guest wanted to have sex and still was not too drunk to be up for it, the girl would take the man to her room.

Perhaps by then he was so drunk, she could suffice with only a hand Prostitutes Harlingen. Anyhow, by then he better had enough ready cash on him. Although prostitution was prohibited from the end of the sixteenth century, soon it became clear the authorities were fighting a losing battle.

Halls; where music was played by a small ensemble and where people came dancing Prostitutes Harlingen drinking. An ensemble of a more upmarket place consisted of a Prostitutes Harlingen, violin, and bas. Simpler places only offered a violin player. Besides music and dancing, you could find prostitutes too. A prostitute would take her client to a whorehouse, since at speelhuizen no, or few rooms were available.

Speelhuizen were a real attraction for tourists. Due to the fact a visit to these houses was not considered dishonourable, speelhuizen enjoyed much popularity. Only later whores were taken to these feasts. It had many reprints. The writer remained anonymous. The story is about the Devil, known as myn Leidsman my leadsmanthat appears in a dream of the main character, Prostitutes Harlingen shows him all the bad inns, brothels, houses of prostitution, and music halls of Amsterdam.

Something the main character only heard about during his travels, ahum. The book describes everything very realistic and in great detail, and therefore is a very informative and much quoted source of historians. Back then, it was especially a great source for tourists visiting the infamous city, and not ao much for historians. In one of the taverns the main character and his Leidsman visit, they observe the innkeeper promoting his red wine and whores to two guests. The way the innkeeper advertised his red wine, and implicitly his whores, was as follows:.

The two Frisians immediately ordered two extra cups of wine for the whores. In one of the dialogues between the Devil and the main character, an explanation is given why Prostitutes Harlingen cannot and should not be banned:. De weereld, antwoordde mij Leidsman, is met de Bybel in de hand niet te regeeren, andere fteden, daar men geen hoeren gedoogen wil, hebben fulk een toeloop van Vreemdelingen en van Vaarens-gezellen niet […] die zich dagelycks, als fe aan de wal zyn, zat en vol zuipen en die al foo rouw en onbuigfaam zyn [.

Well, would it not be better, I asked, if they Prostitutes Harlingen banned al together, like they do in other cities? By this we mean prostitution had Prostitutes Harlingen a specialized branch, and almost completely managed by women as well.

They were procuresses, brothel keepers, whore madams or bawds. It is also from this Prostitutes Harlingen that prostitution and fornication were being distinguished as separate things. As said, till then all forms of sex outside marriage and other indecent behaviour fell under the umbrella term of whoring. Prostitutes, often no more than two, lived in Prostitutes Harlingen whorehouse owned by a madam. Here the prostitute received her clients, and the brothel keeper also provided safety.

About 80 percent of all whorehouses was run by women. Until the second half of the eighteenth century, these houses continued to be Prostitutes Harlingen small enterprises. The eighteenth century was a worse period for prostitutes too. There was more poverty and men were getting involved in the prostitution branch and incomes their decreased Van de Pol So, cruising-whores. Streets where these hookers operated during the night were Prostitutes Harlingen kruisbaan.

Their services were provided in porches, parks, and alleys. Prostitutes Harlingen courtesans, another form of prostitution in the early modern period, were scarce. The only place in Prostitutes Harlingen Dutch Republic where these high-end prostitutes had a market, was in The Hague because of the presence of the international diplomatic corps Van de Pol The rest of the Republic was a civilian society with only a modest court life.

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South China Morning Post. Retrieved 10 April
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The Korea Times. Prostitution Prostitutes Harlingen illegal. Race and the Politics of Deception. Marne was once a sea loch, continuing its way northbound under Prostitutes Harlingen name Jetting, up to the River Vlie. See also: Prostitution in Finland. The Journal of San Diego History.

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She thought to run a straight line, ran a circle: In the morning, she was found near a wall, Carried back into my enclosures, Where maidens rub her Prostitutes Harlingen limbs, Re-preparing for the feast of flesh. Pop Cult: Religion and Prostitutes Harlingen Music.

List of red-light districts - Wikipedia

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K views 5 years ago. 2, views • Jul 30, Harlingen Prostitution Read the story: Nine women were arrested and charged with prostitution over the weekend in a border town after a large-scale sex trade sting. Police have arrested 15 men in a weekend prostitution sting at a South Texas park amid concerns over immigrants being forced into the sex.