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You are in: World: Europe. Front Page. Middle East. South Asia. From Our Own Correspondent. Letter From America. UK Politics. Talking Point. And De Nardo's face, arguably his most identifying trait, was broadcast incessantly by every service in all Prostitutes Novi Ligure media. Contrary to increased reliance on numeric identity, the face is still the sine qua non of corporeal identity. Significantly, the crowd of people waiting outside the Turin courthouse where the murder trial took place were there Prostitutes Novi Ligure "guardarla [Erika] negli occhi.

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Storie di matricidi, concerning juvenile delinquency, De Cataldo's monographs, Teneri assassini, and his more recent II padre e lo straniero. The assessment of Omar followed suit; he was "troppo buono" to have participated in the murders.

After Erika's culpability was revealed, however, a range of behaviors discrediting the appearance of "una ragazza apposta" emerged; this is the terrain of "SMS" "short message system" described in the press. Rather than a lack of physical contact, this "esistenza cablata," as Crepet christens it, makes constant and present the contact between Italian teens Crepet The "wired" existence speaks not only to the omnipresence and importance of cellular technology, but also to the ways the Internet, as illustrated by the Erika and Omar event, facilitates and fosters affiliation and identity formation.

The content of the site showed as much identification with Erika as criticism of her. One posting read, for example, "Io mi identifico con Erika," while another rejected the Prostitutes Novi Ligure, judging it to be a "sito da vomito, tetro e pericoloso" La Repubblica 6 March, The clamor spilling into the next day's coverage continued this split reception.

One user, perhaps in jest surely in bad tastewrote: "Erika, hai fatto bene, Prostitutes Novi Ligure avere il tuo coraggio," and signed the posting as "Hitler" Il Corriere della Sera, 7 March, Dio mio quanto sono difficili gli esseri umani.

Mattelart discusses the use of the missionary press to "amplify the faith in all corners of the world" The Invention of Communication For the ways in which these types of affiliative processes are transformed in the Internet age, see Mattelart's Networking Prostitutes Novi Ligure World Though the content offers some Prostitutes Novi Ligure, "the medium is the message," as cultural and media critic Marshall McLuhan would have claimed in Prostitutes Novi Ligure influential essay written in Recent technological innovations i the field of telecommunications bring into proximity, as never before, interlocutors Prostitutes Novi Ligure widely divergent geographical, not to mention class, religious, and ethnic locations.

The proximity to each other of young Italia language Internet interlocutors suggests a disembodied, virtual group formation that might resemble the geographically distant formation of groups like women involved in the women's movement or gay people involved in, to use a North American example, "Queer Nation". Nearly all television Prostitutes Novi Ligure covering the events, from the briefest to nearly epic in length, feature stock footage of the celebrated cases of young family annihilators, and th Italian viewing public could not have forgotten these cases, had it wished to.

This does not mean that separate programs aired; records Prostitutes Novi Ligure broadcasts on privately held channels are not reliably available. Mediaset, for example, does not archive its broadcast materials.

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The RAI extensively archives its broadcasted programs because Prostitutes Novi Ligure its position as the state sponsored television network, something that establishes a very different relationship with the viewing public than that of Mediaset or other private television networks.

In th yeararchived material for the RAI radio network shows services concernin the Novi Ligure murders. This is also not to suggest that interest in the case ends with the calendar yearor with Erika's and Omar's penal sentences.

Reliably, the Novi Ligure murders are used for programming in February, marking the anniversary of Prostitutes Novi Ligure deaths of Susy and Gianluca.

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In addition, the events of Novi Ligure are also invoked when exploring violent youth, in domestic violence, in youth "at risk," etc. On 4 August,Ferdinando Carretta killed Prostitutes Novi Ligure parents and Prostitutes Novi Ligure in Parma and, claiming they had all left the country to live in South America, fled to London where he lived until Prostitutes Novi Ligure to Italy nine years later to confess.

With the help of three friends, Pietro Maso killed his parents on 16 April,in Montecchia di Crosara Veronaand then spent the evening night-clubbing. The last case history perpetually used to round out the group is that of Nadia Frigerio, who killed her mother on 4 November,in San Michele Verona to secure her rent-controlled apartment.

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In addition to these, the more recent case of the four young women in Chiavenna who, on 4 Juneputatively impelled by the "satanic" music of Marilyn Manson, killed Suor Maria Laura Mainetti, as ritualistic offering seems Prostitutes Novi Ligure on point for the way it begs Prostitutes Novi Ligure issue of violence in a female youth offender.

In his study I nuovi adolescenti, psychologist Gustavo Pietropolli Charmet sees an increasingly violent society as one of the leading challenges to parents of adolescents. For Charmet the etiology of violent behavior in young adults is usually attributable to violence endured during childhood Yet, different from the mass of documented violent youth offenders, Erika and Omar did not experience violence Prostitutes Novi Ligure the hands of family members or other adults.

In fact, surprise and normality recur so often in reportage of the case that they become a topos: surprise Prostitutes Novi Ligure disbelief that two such seemingly "normal" teens could plan and commit such a violent crime. What was the provenance of such violence? Significantly, the brief moments when Erika and Omar were left unattended in the caserma were compared by the press to scenes from "un film d'orrore.

For a thorough examination see Seltzerand for a Prostitutes Novi Ligure of pornography's cumbersome association to violence against women, see Kipnis Compare also Zizek's critique of this faulty reasoning This fact is easily explained by reviewing the reading list in the high school where Erika was a student: Verga is required reading of all high-school-aged students in Italy.

Yet Erika was no academic eagle, and appeared not to take much pleasure in reading and study. In light of accumulated Prostitutes Novi Ligure pointing to Erika's participation and culpability, however, the annotated short story was thought to acquire greater significance.

Recovery of Erika's diary in roughly the same time frame and place as the victims' bodies also seemed to underscore the importance of Verga's text.

Verga's short story, written inis set in a small village on the slopes of Etna inas Garibaldi's Mille make their way through the Prostitutes Novi Ligure "liberating" Sicily from both the foreigner as well as its age-old feudalism, thus weaving the story into the tapestry of events known as the Risorgimento.

Verga's prose describing the peasant uprising is as quick and choppy as the rise and fall of the hatchets, sickles, and scythes the townsfolk employ to "cut themselves free" from the yoke of Prostitutes Novi Ligure. These farm implements cut a swath not through the accustomed wheat, but through the crowd, quickly and inexorably mowing down landowners, lawyers, priests, and aristocrats, irrespective of gender or age.

The catharsis that this unchoreographed bloodletting affords is quashed by a military restoration, whose mechanisms of law and order can neither explain nor Prostitutes Novi Ligure the violent lawlessness the uprising displayed. The elliptical sentence that ends the story speaks volumes. En route to prison following a cursory trial, the condemned carbonaio Prostitutes Novi Ligure "[ If they had told him that liberty taken by violent means would end in the loss of every liberty, perhaps he would have reconsidered his actions.

Despite the apparent lack of motive, the RIS had suspected Erika nearly from the discovery of the bodies; thus, reports that they had recovered Verga's short story, heavily annotated, led the press to suppose Erika had drawn inspiration from it, seeking her own liberty from her parents' interference in her relationship with Omar.

However, as the investigation showed, Prostitutes Novi Ligure Susy informed her daughter she did not care for Omar, it was not demonstrated that she forbade Erika to see him. What, then, did Erika need liberty from or for?

At the trial in closed courta member of Erika's defense team assayed a link between the germ of the idea to slay Erika's family and her interest in The Doors, which Omar had described as "her passion.

The attorney read aloud from Jim Morrison's lyrics from "The End," an apocalyptic ballad in which another "normal" narrator succumbs to the deep structure of Oedipal jealousy and rage and lays waste to This content downloaded from If narrative of various brands and vintages was not blamed as having nourished Erika's morbid and violent tendencies, it curiously marched at the same pace of events of when adolescent violence appeared relentlessly before the Italian public, on screens large and small alike.

For example, Andrea Porporati's Luce negli occhi played in cinemas to some critical acclaim, and the shooting death of Carlo Giuliani during the July G8 summit in Genoa horrified television viewers. Like Erika's and Omar's, Marco's weapon of choice is the carving Prostitutes Novi Ligure, which, if used as an instrument of violence, produces an intimacy a firearm does not. Like Erika's and Omar's, Marco's hostile object is a parent, in the film's case, Marco's father.

Concerning the representation of actual events, the footage of Genoa's chaotic Prostitutes Novi Ligure Alimonda in the late afternoon of July 20,shot by the Reuters cameraman and which Francesca Comencini includes in her short film, "Carlo Giuliani, Ragazzo"is more detailed than any of the still photographs of the protest.

Camera angles, from which the still Prostitutes Novi Ligure of various news services were taken, tended to collapse distance between the protesters and the carabinieris' jeep. This is particularly the case for the widely diffused photo taken from the rear with a telephoto lens showing Giuliani positioned in the foreground with the jeep behind him.

In this photo, Giuliani hoists the fire extinguisher and, because of the lens's characteristic flattening of depth in the visual field, the young man appears closer to the jeep than he does in the video footage, or in any photograph taken from a Prostitutes Novi Ligure position.

Still photos, and particularly this one, were employed to rally consensus and support the contention that Giuliani, because of his greater proximity to the vehicle, 25 Some salient lyrics from this song include: "The killer awoke before dawn, he put his boots on [.

The Italian National Syndicate of Film Journalists also nominated Gifuni for best male lead, Gianni Cavina for best supporting actor for his role as Marco's father, and Porporati for best new director. The shock at Erika's and Omar's brutal, unexpected violence Prostitutes Novi Ligure partially from the teens' secrecy but also from their parents' wish to respect the young couple's privacy.

Although De Nardo family intimates stated that Susy had expressed concern over what she felt was her daughter's too-consuming relationship with Omar, no outright prohibitions appear to have been made. Establishing a love relationship is a "normal" phase of psychological separation from the parent, as Charmet Prostitutes Novi Ligure myriad other experts observe Charmet ; Andreoli The adolescent's need for privacy on this front, like the teen violence detailed just above, similarly joined the moment of public and cultural articulation with the premiere, several short weeks after the Novi Ligure murders, of Nanni Moretti's La stanza del figlio.

This successful and acclaimed film about the accidental drowning death of a Prostitutes Novi Ligure man and its aftermath for his family revolves around secrecy and revelation. The habitus of privacy is inscribed both by the title and the camera. Andrea Giuseppe Sanfelicethe son named in the title, occupies his distinct architectural space, the room of the title and, the viewer learns, repository of his secrets. Like son, like father, for Giovanni Nanni Moretti is often shown in his office where, as a psychoanalyst, he listens to clients' secrets, private wishes, desires, and fears.

Numerous tracking shots make clear how separation and union flow seamlessly together and apart in this happy family. Andrea's correspondence with Arianna Sofia Vigliaruncovered only after his death, is not his only secret. Although Giovanni has publicly supported his son, insisting on his innocence and another explanation for the disappearance of a fossil from the school laboratory, Andrea confesses to his mother, Paola Laura Morantethat in fact he did commit the theft.

Indeed, Andrea's confidence in Paola as the keeper of one secret proves all the more devastating to her sense of intimate understanding of her son when Prostitutes Novi Ligure learns of the beginnings of the romance he kept privately to himself.

The family, whose position in society makes it rich with transformational potential, is a common thematic in Moretti's Prostitutes Novi Ligure.

In fact, one of the fault lines of the director's corpus reaches from his role as contrarian s teenager Io sono un autarchico and Ecce Bombo, andrespectively to father Aprile, ; more than one critic has observed that after celebrating his son's birth in Aprile, Moretti was forced to symbolically kill him off in his Prostitutes Novi Ligure film.

The self-doubt lurking at the edges of Aprile will he be able to direct the musical? Like Moretti, Ravera's debut also dates from and her celebrated co-authored novel, Porci con le ali: diario sessuo-politico di Prostitutes Novi Ligure adolescenti, explored life from the point of view of Prostitutes Novi Ligure sixteen-year-olds buffeted by the winds of change of the s. In addition to its trenchant social commentary on life and mores, the novel's salient Prostitutes Novi Ligure is its dual, alternating narrative.

Rocco and Antonia share the narrative voice which, significantly, corresponds to the novel's actual Prostitutes Novi Ligure Porci con le ali is a novel written "a quattro mani" by Ravera and Marco Lombardo Radice. Gender equality is not simply a thematic the book explores Prostitutes Novi Ligure various couples and couplings; rather, it is an aesthetic and ethical practice.

Ravera's publication, Il freddo dentro, does not feature two teenagers on such even gender terrain, even though she takes, once more, two adolescents as her subject. In this book, her "open letter" to Erika in the Beccaria prison in Milan seeks to fill in the many lacunae in the case concerning motivation, particularly Erika's.

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Ravera uses a fiction writer's tools to get at what lies beneath Erika's cool exterior as well as the surface of the case, calloused as it is by so much media handling. Il freddo dentro is as much — if not more — about Ravera herself as Erika. During Ravera's July,appearance on RAI Prostitutes Novi Ligure "Gap," audience members, referring to Porci con le ali, asked the writer to compare Italian adolescents from the s with those in contemporary society.

Toni, an audience member, comments that the sessantottini inveighed against an ossified family structure but, paradoxically, offered nothing in its stead to their own children. That generation, he observes "ha costretto noi a costruire la figura del genitore" "Gap: Generazioni alla prova!

Prostitutes Novi Ligure another work, Sebastiano Vassalli's novel Archeologia del presente, the reader is unambiguously referred to the vicissitudes of the Erika and Omar case. This bitter and ironic novel that telescopes events in Italian society from onward features an anonymous first-person narrator and his two friends, Leo and Prostitutes Novi Ligure Ferrari.

In an act corresponding to their engagement with women's liberation, sexual liberation, gay rights, the rights of the psychiatrically challenged, the rights of animals, the peace Prostitutes Novi Ligure, the anti-nuclear armaments movement, transcendental meditation, Greenpeace, and This content downloaded from Despite the largesse these fundamentally bourgeois do-gooders lavish on them, their children suffer from a kind of reaction formation, Marlon in particular, who becomes a member of the Guardie padane read: "naziskin leghista" and strays from his parents' social conventions and political inclinations.

Prostitutes Novi Ligure various run-ins with the law, Marlon and Gigliola, his unwholesome girlfriend, lay waste to the entire household, killing both parents and his adoptive sister. Chi ha avuto l'idea e chi ha sparato.

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A noi, il Prostitutes Novi Ligure continua a ripetere sempre la stessa storia [ Dice di aver agito in un raptus e che Gigliola, con la strage, non c'entra. Cerca di scagionare la sua compagna, che invece si comporta in modo opposto e non gli risparmia nessuna accusa, pur di tornare Prostitutes Novi Ligure. The structural similarities of the crimes Vassalli narrates to the Erika and Omar case are too obvious to disregard.

The scene of violence is laid at home, a sibling is killed, and initial blame is placed on immigrants. Further, the massacre takes place, as it does "in real life," in the barricaded hinterland of Italy's regional North, where, despite their parents' aim to shelter them, the children nevertheless are deeply familiar with sex, drugs, and rock and roll.

The murder weapon differs in Vassalli's novel, where the violent intimacy of Erika's and Omar's knives disappears. And whereas the fictional couple succeeds in killing Leo, by contrast Erika and Omar failed to murder Francesco De Nardo alongside his wife and son, though that was their intention and was in fact the only thing upon which Erika and Omar agreed in their discrepant narratives of Prostitutes Novi Ligure crime.

It is worth noting that Vassalli's book appears in June,before the reports of Prostitutes Novi Ligure psychiatric experts are completed or filed, and during Prostitutes Novi Ligure time when speculation about Erika's and Omar's motives thrives.

Volevano un figlio fotocopia" Ultimately, Vassalli's narrator agrees with Marlon's assessment that his parents were "egoisti.

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No Bertoluccean epochal hagiography here as in the director's most recent film, The Dreamers. Ho scosso la testa.

Ho ripetuto: Che idioti. Significantly, a similar operation is at work in the photographic image with which I began.

The null at the Prostitutes Novi Ligure of the infinitely reproduced image of Erika and Omar ideates the struggle that often characterizes the formation of identity. What once was clear and identifying is transformed, meaningfully, into a half-presence, a smudged image only partially Prostitutes Novi Ligure and, even then, informed by location, perspective, and a host of other qualifiers.

The issues devolving from the murders of Susy Cassini and Gianluca De Nardo in illustrate the ways in which various identities gendered, generational, regional, and national vie with one another for prominence, passing from moments of utter clarity Prostitutes Novi Ligure the certifiable xenophobic panic that seized the area surrounding Novi Ligure from February, into haze.

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Vassalli's novel ends in a manner comparable either to a movement of lens a zoom-out or of camera pulling back on the dolly ; Prostitutes Novi Ligure retreats back away from the close-up of contemporary events Prostitutes Novi Ligure present a wider frame wherein the grand narrative of Italian social and cultural history after is also made visible.

Drawing back from a small, tightly focused topic reveals, as a tapestry or mosaic might, the imbrications of gendered, generational, regional, and national identities in contemporary Italy.

Whereas the Novi Ligure murders horrified Italians across generations, films like Luce negli occhi and La stanza del figlio, in concert with an analysis like Ravera's II freddo dentro, or the host of other sociological texts concerning parenting, insistently underscore the fissure between adolescents and their Prostitutes Novi Ligure in contemporary Italian culture and society. Contemporary Italian teens did not invent the generation gap ironically, their parents helped popularize the problem in the post era as adolescents themselves.

The desire to symbolically Prostitutes Novi Ligure a parent, familiar and durative in mythic form, does not distinguish the current adolescent generation from the one that came before it, but the violence in which contemporary Prostitutes Novi Ligure offenders This content downloaded from The erasure of the formerly familiar, like the photographic encryption of Erika's and Omar's faces, is what the narrative of their homicides exemplifies.

Place and Politics in Modern Italy. Chicago: The U of Chicago P, Milano: Mondadori, Nel nome del figlio. Anderson, Prostitutes Novi Ligure.

London: Verso, Andreoli, Vittorino. Sfida, rivolta, speranze, futuro. Milano: BUR Rizzoli, Arendt, Hannah. New York: Penguin Books, Bedani, Gino, and Bruce Haddock, eds. The Politics of Italian National Identity. Cardiff: U of Wales P, Berlant, Lauren, and Michael Warner. Bonsaver, Guido. Borish, Linda J. Busi, Aldo.

Castells, Manuel. Cento Bull, Anna. Charmet, Gustavo Pietropolli. I nuovi adolescenti. Padri e madri di fronte a una sfida. Milano: Raffaello Cortina, Crepet, Paolo. Non Prostitutes Novi Ligure capaci di ascoltarli: riflessioni sull'infanzia e adolescenza.

Torino: Einaudi, Cuori violenti. Milano: Feltrinelli, Voi, noi. Crepet, Paolo, and Giancarlo De Cataldo. Igiorni dell'ira. Storie di matricide. Prostitutes Novi Ligure Cataldo, Giancarlo. Teneri assassini. Il padre e lo straniero. Dickie, John. Forgacs, David. Italian Cultural Studies. Oxford: Oxford UP, Gray, Ann, and Jim McGuigan, eds.

Studying Culture: An Introductory Reader. London: Arnold Press, Grealy, Lucy. Autobiography of a Fact. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, Cultural Studies. New York: Routledge, Jameson, Frederic. Kellner, Douglas. Lash and Friedman Kipnis, Laura. Lacan, Jacques. Robert Sheridan. New York: Norton, Lash, Scott, and Jonathan Friedman, eds.

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Tutte le novelle. Further, the massacre takes place, as it does "in real life," in the barricaded hinterland of Italy's regional North, where, despite their parents' aim to shelter them, the children nevertheless are deeply familiar with sex, drugs, and rock and roll. Sharon Doetsch-Kidder. Finally, in the same period, three armed robbers shot and killed a man outside Carpi. October 15 Favour Nike Adekunle20, nigerian, Palermo, her body was found burnt and Prostitutes Kuopio on the street. Seltzer, Mark. While Umberto Bossi and other Lega lombarda leaders decried the crimes wrought "in casa Prostitutes Novi Ligure Francesco Rutelli of the center-left Prostitutes Novi Ligure Party accused the media, and in particular Silvio Berlusconi's Mediaset conglomerate of submitting "il pubblico a un bombardamento mediatico sui temi della sicurezza.

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