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Via Malborghetto G. Hostariadella Nave D. Via S. Croce H. Conservatoryof S. Agnese L. Palazzo del Paradiso C. Giacomo F. I ? Ercole's half-brother, Rinaldo secludedfromthe inhabitants,beingdistantneitherfromthe Maria d'Este, then living in Palazzo del Paradiso,greeted mainsquarenorfromthe contiguousmerchants,and similar the arrivalof the public brothel with dismay.

In a letter to places[shouldbe]assembledandplacedwhere it seems most Ercole in JulyRinaldocomplainedbitterlyabout the convenient. These prescriptionsreinforcedthe triplefunctionsof destined to endure as the city's center Prostitutes Carpi Centro prostitution for accessibility,invisibility,andcontrol;discretionin placement nearly years, until late in the twentieth century.

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In the ensuredthat the brothelsdid not stand out from their sur- sixteenth century,the brothels appearto Prostitutes Carpi Centro clusteredin roundings,where concernsfor public order competedwith proximityto the one at Sant'Agnese,along Via delle Volte, the recognition that these establishmentswere useful and Via del Bordeletto,andVia dell'Inferno,adjacentto Palazzo customarycomponentsof RenaissanceItaliancities. The proximityof the university,which by the The associationof specific streets with prostitutionin late sixteenth centurywas housed in Palazzo del Paradiso, Ferrarahas persistedthroughoutthe succeeding years, made for a ready client base, and Prostitutes Carpi Centro severalhostelries on even when the activityitself Prostitutes Carpi Centro a faintmemoryof Via delle Volte no doubt served as magnets as well.

But as the case of Ferrarademonstrates, which ran along the Prostitutes Carpi Centro flankof Palazzo del Paradiso, so do streets and districtsassociatedwith prostitution. Equicola already The uncertaintyabout the precise location of Antig- referredto the "loconella contradell'Inferno"inand inni's brothel underscores the larger problem of under- indeed, the stuffummentioned in the rental contract standing precisely the architecturalcharacterof Ferrara's may well still have been operating on this site.

Guarini brothels. They appear to have been ordinary in every offered further evidence in his comment that the Church respect;in neither plan nor elevation did they differ from of San Clemente,which sat on Via del Bordelletto nowVia other houses. What do we know about the domestic archi- Romiti behind Palazzodel Paradiso,originallyfacedwest. A provisionin the statutesforbid- However,because"thispartof the city had become an inde- ding the use of thatch led to a gradualtransformationof cent place"-and, indeed, the church doors would have Ferrara'shousing stock from ruralcasalito the still domi- directly faced Stovara'sestablishment-in the west nant urbanrow houses.

Excavations Prostitutes Carpi Centro offered in Renaissancearchitecturaltreatises, of a block of Via Ragnoin the early sillustratethe typ- in turn based on common practices in Italian cities.

The legend for the numbers is: 1 Portico.

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I A 7 Overhang. House and Prostitutes Carpi Centro fromViadel Carbone to Viadella Lupa. A comparisonof this planwith Bolzoni's :. I I more upper floors. Although this and other houses in the area underwent major renovations and transformations over the past two centuries, plans and drawings executed by sur- veyors from the seventeenth through the early nineteenth century reveal consistent patterns in the housing.

A good example of a house probably quite similar to El Gambaro is a short distance away on Via delle Volte; surveyed init is a two-story, four-room structure with a portico along one side and a courtyard in the rear Figure A larger example is from Via del Carbone for- merly Via della Lupa, now Vicolo del Carbonewith six rooms on the ground floor, well and courtyard to the rear, and the chimney marking the street elevation, a common remnant of late Prostitutes Carpi Centro Ferrara Figure Other than such plans from a later period, two addi- tional sources Prostitutes Carpi Centro information on Ferrarese housing.

Viadel Carboneat Prostitutes Carpi Centro time was called Viadella Lupa,along with the parallelstreet. Figure 17 Pier'Antoniodegli Abbati?

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Although in many privatecharacterof the row houses. Without archaeologi- respectsthe vistasappearquite similarto those executedby cal investigations,it is not possible to ascertainthe func- the same artists in Vicenza and Padua, the presence of tions of individualrooms duringthe fifteenthand sixteenth specificallyFerraresescenes on some of the seats suggests centuries,but it is likely that kitchens and bedroomswere thatthey were more idealizedthangeneric.

One scene illus- situated toward the rear courtyard,with shops and store- tratesthe armof Prostitutes Carpi Centro. Maurilio,amongthe city'smost revered rooms at the front. How these roomswere dividedfor pros- relics, and anotherpreciselydepictsthe monumentalstair- titutes remains unclear.

Some features of Ferrarese case in the courtyardof the Palazzo Ducale. While executeda centuryafterthe devolution opened on to the street. If El Gam- aroundSan Biagio. Housing and lots in the area are just east of where the Montealbanobrotheland tavern were Prostitutes Carpi Centro. By contrastwith clients-in effect, a tavern-so the women evidentlyboth convents, patricianpalaces, communal offices, churches, lived andworkedin the brothel. The only inventoriesI have even shops, brothelsleft no specialtraceson the built land- located of propertybelonging to prostitutesdate from the scape, at least none visibly differentfrom other residences: seventeenthcentury;all werewomen livingalone andhence only street names and reputationsfar outlived the specific not in brothels.

Althoughthis allowedbroth- gestive of Prostitutes Carpi Centro. Most women appearto els to remaininconspicuous,it also testifiesto the ambigu- have rented anywherefrom two to five rooms, and some ous relationship of prostitution to other forms of enjoyeda portico, cantina,bathroom,and even a vegetable relationships in Renaissance Ferrara. On the one hand, garden. Beds with sheets and cushions, tables, benches, women inhabited the rooms as private spaces, using Prostitutes Carpi Centro chairs, and chests-items commonly found in sixteenth- rooms for casualsexualencountersalongwith other domes- century inventories and dowries-furnished the rooms.

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The inventories also Ferraraoffered the possibility for her to retire to a includedsome landscapepaintingsandnumerousunframed convent known as Le Convertite the converted Figure smallimages. Andvirtuallyeverywomanownedat least one Ferrara'swas among the earliest of such facilities for good-sized mirror.

During the sixteenthcenturythe women also took in young girls as boarding students in orderto supportthe convent;this possibilityendedinhowever,when the nuns were forced to seek alms to sup- plement their meager endowment. Withdrawal from the brothel and a period of years laboringin a conventwithout takingfinalvows could effec- tively cleanse a prostituteof her formersins, and makeher eligible for marriageif she left the convent.

Although in theory men and other women were not Prostitutes Carpi Centro visit the women in this and other convents, supervisionwas Figure 19 Antonio Sandri,Churchof Santa MariaMaddalena,or Le inconsistent untilwhen the new bishop, Giovanni Convertite, "Dell'originedelle chiese e altriluoghi della Provinciadi Fontana, instituted much stricter controls based on the Ferrara" unpublishedMs. After convincing them tion, temporarypermits from one day to one month were to leave the brothel, he first housed them in the Hospital issued to workmento repairbuildings,windows, and beds of the Battuti Bianchi, Prostitutes Carpi Centro which, aided by generous or to bring in suppliessuch as oil, wood, and wine, and to contributions from Duke Ercole II and other citizens, they physicians or surgeons engaged to treat specific nuns.

The church facade,with a number of women had risen to eighty. Le Convertite S. MariaMadalena : Wl: ''. A second, smallercourt- By comparisonwith other convents in Ferrara,Santa yardwas tuckedwithin a compactgroupof buildingson the MariaMaddalenawas not large. CorpusDomini, for exam- easternhalf of the complex.

Along the convent'ssouthern ple, erected over the course of the fifteenth century,occu- flank,a high, irregularwall Prostitutes Carpi Centro configuredto block pied an entire block and containedmany courtyards,while views to and from the adjacentbuildings. The record of other sixteenth-centuryconventslocated in the Terranova, entrancepermitsreportsthat among these buildingswas a such as SantaCaterinada Siena, had four large courtyards granary;in addition,the conventmust havehad at least one and a large vegetable garden.

Even Santa Lucia and San well, a dormitory,a refectory,a kitchen,and storerooms. Francisof Assisi,St. Peter,and some of the Con- no one canleavenor othersenter. Laura was a concubinejust like many others, but Prostitutes Carpi Centro statusof Prostitutes Carpi Centro. Perhapsmore to the point, Ferrara'saristocracyprof- ited directlyfrom the labor of prostitutes. In d Per Vittorio Baldini, fact, the only extant version of the medieval compact on Stampatr Prostitutes Carpi Centro.

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Vprostitutionin Ferrarais incorporatedas Prostitutes Carpi Centro the taxand licensing codes promulgatedby the Church in the seven- teenth century.

The genderingof the city'sspacesemergeswith greater Figure 21 Frontispiece,Ruleof the Sisters Convertiteof Ferrara, clarity when we examine how the city was structuredto accommodate prostitutes, and how that city came to be understood. Everythingabout both the activityand its set- direct,day-to-daycontrol by men vanishedupon her death tings revealed constant and irresolvably contradictory in a very particularway.

Even if she did not enter the Con- impulses. At once shameful and endemic, officially unac- vertite, her goods did: in sixteenth- and seventeenth-cen- ceptable but a Prostitutes Carpi Centro complement to the imperative of tury Italy, it was common practice to inventory the female chastity,prostitutionwas both an everydayactivity belongings of deceased prostitutesand turn them over to that blendedalmostseamlesslywith the rest of civic life and the local Convertite convent; usually this was done while the most readilyavailablescapegoatfor a varietyof social, her body still lay in her rooms.

The unexceptionalarchi- Threatenedwith expulsion,enclosurein brothels,pun- tecturalcharacterof public and privatebrothels Prostitutes Carpi Centro ishment in jails, being paraded through the streets and these conflicting imperatives:a privateactivityto be con- insulted, or pressuredinto the confines of a convent, Fer- ducted under public scrutiny,and therefore not in other rara'spublic and occasionalprostitutesfound the spacesof privatesettings, in a designatedbuilding otherwise indis- the city riddled with spatial and discursive practices tinguishable from its neighbors.

So, too, does the spatial designedto root out andisolateillicit sexualbehaviorandto location of brothels reveal opposing aims:near city walls, restrictthem to tightly circumscribedplaces and activities. Althoughcontempo- contravenedby the behavior of civic officials and nobles rarieswere fully awareof the presenceof donnedisoneste and themselves. FerruccioTrabalzi,UCLA, not only figuredin the lives of contemporaryresidents,their helpedthroughoutyearsof researchin a varietyof ways.

Finally,the women of the FeministStudiescommunityand the FeministReadingGroupwere presenceeven influencedthe architecturaland spatialorga- of far greatersupportand sustenancethan they know in offering a much nization of ecclesiasticalbuildings.

Equallysignificantly,not only did the spacesof prosti- A brief word on the research methodology and the sources. The tution persistover time in Ferrara,but so too did adminis- nature of the Prostitutes Carpi Centro meant that no large, readily availablecache of docu- trative Prostitutes Carpi Centro to contain prostitution spatially. Over two ments yielded a wealth of information. On the contrary,all of the material Prostitutes Carpi Centro here was collected from a wide arrayof sources, for example, centurieslater,brothelswere forbiddenneararmybarracks, notaries'notebooks,which have not been indexedand were often written universities,high schools, coffee houses, inns, and restau- in a form of medievalLatinshorthand.

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Spellingwas inconsistent,to saythe rants. Behavior associated with that of prostitutes in the least, even within the same document. I have transcribeddocumentspre- public realm, such as leaning out of windows, lingering in cisely as they were written, including spelling irregularities. In Ferrara, doorways, and calling out to passersby,was forbidden in repositoriesthat includedmaterialon women andbrothelsconsistedof the Archiviodi Statoandthe ArchivioStoricoComunale,particularly with theiras much a signalof prostitutionin the Prostitutes Carpi Centro notaries' records including wills, inventories, and contracts; surveyors' turyas it had been in the Renaissance.

Italy'ssys- andinvestigationsconductedin Ferraraduringthe firstyearsof papalcon- tem of official brothels, the so-called case chiuse,which trol. The ArchivioSegreto Vaticanocontainsletters and documentscon- ended only in the s, testifiedto the persistenceof spa- cerning the conventsin Ferraraand other cities, and the ArchivioStorico Diocesano in Ferraraalso contains documentationon the convent of Le tial controls againstprostitutesin the urbansphere.

Given Convertiteandon women in individualparishes,as well as recordsof crim- the longevity of zones Prostitutes Carpi Centro prostitutionin Ferrara,it is then inal complaintsand investigationsin Ferraraafterthe arrivalof the papacy. At the Archiviodi Stato,Este correspondenceand Prostitutes Carpi Centro quent and profoundlygenderedhistories.

As I explain,many of Ferrara'slegal recordswere destroyedin a fire inand the Inquisitionrecordsdisap- Notes peared after the Prostitutes Carpi Centro invasion in the late eighteenth century. Because Modenawas underthe dominionof the Este duringthe periodunderques- I am gratefulto Tito Manlio Cerioli andMaestroAdrianoFranceschinifor theirhelp in decipheringsome troublesomefifteenth-centuryhandwriting, tion, with some officialssupervisingthe sameactivitiesin both cities,I have used evidencefromModenain a few cases,suchas the Inquisition,andelse- and especially for willingly sharing their extensive knowledge Prostitutes Carpi Centro late where from Rome, in orderto flesh out materialmissing from Ferrara.

My greatestdebt is to the Gra- ham Foundation, for providing funds in the early phases of this project. The staff of the Biblioteca April"Contra meretrices et hospites.

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Don EnricoPeveradaof the ArchivioStorico et fratrisa Simone et fratre de Mediolano,"25 November Prostitutes Carpi Centro, now in Diocesano, Ferrara,was also remarkablygenerous with materialsand his AngelicaGamba,"Laprostituzionea Ferraranel tardomedioevo,"bache- knowledge of the archive.

ElizabethMoll andPriscilla 3. Severalpeople deservethanksfor reading and article90, 23 August"Quodnon liceat alicuitabernarioprestare and commentingon earlierversionsof this article,includingGwen Wright domiciliumalicuimulieriinhonesteviventi.

Jane Ren- 6. The chief undergraduatetextbookswhere this preferenceis evidentare 7. Heydenreichand W. Althoughothermeritsof 9. At the most Prostitutes Carpi Centro level, spatialcontrols included participationin com- these textsaresignificant,they ignorewomen andwomen'sspaces. My pur- munal deliberationsand political life in general, but also participationin pose is not to castigatethem, but to encouragedifferentapproaches.

These ecclesiasticand civic rituals. Robert C. Davis, "The Geographyof Gender in the Renaissance,"in students;the more specializedliteratureoffers little more. Recently,new Judith C. Brown and Robert C. Davis, eds. McGough, "'Raisedfrom the Devil'sJaws': Although the bibliographyon this subjectis large, a good recent sum- A Convent for RepentantProstitutesin Venice ," Ph.

Uni- An excellentand earlystudyof women andspaceis Dennis Romano, vent, ," Ph. Cornell University, I have written a "Genderand the urbangeographyof RenaissanceVenice,"Journalof Social briefdescriptionof some of the architecturalfeaturesof conventsin "Virtu- History23 For an Prostitutes Carpi Centro the Prostitutes Carpi Centro allyVisible,"Thresholds 19 No giane?

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Laprostituzione a Venezia. Giuseppe San- New York, The only studiesto addresssites of prostitutionareJohn sone Turin, Statutesalso outlined certainspatialcontrolson Jews.

(PDF) Topography of Prostitution in Renaissance Ferrara | Diane Ghirardo -

I, book 1, 77v. Cohen, "Seenand known:prostitutesin the cityscapeof late-six- Diarioferraresedall'anno sinoal di autoriincerti,RerumItali- teenth-century Rome," RenaissanceStudies 12, no. GiuseppePardi Bologna, ;Diariodi Brackett'sdiscussionof sumptuarylawsandthe designationof streetswhere UgoCaleffinied.

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GiuseppePardi Ferrara:R. I, II; in Rome, reinforcethe idea that the particularitiesof spatialcontrolvaried BernardinoZambotti, Diarioferraresedall'anno sinoalRerum from city to city. GiuseppePardi Bologna, ;Gio- century,and restrictionsabout where prostitutescould live also occurred Prostitutes Carpi Centro MariaZerbinati,Chroniche di FerraraQualicomenzano delanno decadesearlierin Ferrara.

Sumptuarylawsdirectedto prostitutesappeared sino aled. I am indebtedto Dott. Luigi Napoleone Cittadella,Notizie relativea Ferraraper la maggiore versity of Ferrara,which treats fourteenth- and fifteenth-century parteinedita,vol.

I Ferrara, Includedas appendicesto her thesis are transcriptionsof Prostitutes Carpi Centro Zevi'sstudyof Rossetti'sFerrarais exemplary;the femaleconventsin the eral notarialdocumentsand letters regardingprostitutesand prostitution.

Herculeanadditionandbrothelsarenot even mentioned. A singularexcep- Her analysisof the economic operationof Ferrara'sbrothels is especially tion to this rule is Thomas Tuohy,HerculeanFerrara Cambridge,Prostitutes Carpi Centro citationsare not alwaysaccurate. Two majorfires, in and Prostitutes Carpi Centrodestroyedenormous caches of ing the city'sconvents. Rosenberg'sstudyof Ferrareseurbanism irreplaceabledocuments, many of which might have facilitated fuller and monuments also includes discussion of some of the city's convents; accountsof the socialandspatialconstructionof prostitution.

As Napoleon's Charles M. The bibliographyon these issuesis now quite Prostitutes Carpi Centro want to mention of the Inquisitionrecordsat the Sant'Ufficioin Romewere shippedto Paris, only a few recent studies that also bear on women in Ferraraand neigh- and even though manyrecordswere returnedto the Church,those of Fer- boring cities: Deanna Shemek, LadiesErrant:WaywardWomenand Social rara'sInquisitionapparentlywere lost.

Jones and M. E Turin, ;reprinted. More recently,see LucianaFinelli, ed. DucaErcoleI e il suoarchitetto BiagioRossetti. Architetturae cittanellaPadania A preliminaryarticlewritten in in which I discussthe gendered tra Quattroe Cinquecento Rome, Borden andJ. Rendell, eds. Mazzi,Prostitutee lenoni,; see also RichardC.

In an earlierdispute between the pro- Via delle Volte, thereforeit seems logical to assumethat the prietorof the Hostariade la Nave in and the priestsat brothel was located close to or on Via delle Volte, or per- the Church of San Francesco, the duchess allowed the haps on Via Romiti, where a brothel had been located on priests to appropriatea house that Giangiorgio da Milano the corner of Via Romiti and Via delle Scienze formerly had rented across from the Oratoryof San Sebastianoon Via di Sant'Agnese at least since the end of the sixteenth the grounds that he might allow prostitutes to occupy it, century.

Trexler,PublicLifein the author. Renaissance Florence Ithaca,N. Paroles Civi Ferrariensis Vitale Lucenti,Matr. XVI,b. Gli statutidel Polesinedi Rovigoduranteil dominioestense,ed. Luciano Narda the Neapolitan. Maragna Ferrara, Francescatold of being "dietroa Po, verso Po rotto, incontrai,in un Diariodi UgoCaleffini,10 Prostitutes Carpi Centro, see n. Afachinois a artesanoper quanto si poteva conoscere, quale non so chi si fosse, et mi porter,but what the aliasmeant for Margaritais not clear.

He describedhow Carlo,uninterestedin Article LXXI, "Statuimusquod nulla Prostitutes Carpi Centro work, forced Custodia into prostitution, even bringing home the clients Ferrarieneque in civitatea Via Prostitutes Carpi Centro Padum. Domenico andother ".

Caldiroli;et si aliquarepertafueritfustigeturper civitatem. McGough, "'Raisedfrom the positis supraviam terraliiSanctiPauli usque ad locum fratrumPredicato- devil'sjaws"' see n. Agnetis Virginis usque ad portamLeonis, et a loco Beati Francisciusque Manyof the relevantrecordsfor fifteenth-throughseventeenth-century cantonem domini episcopi, nec in via Sancti Pauli, nec in aliquacontrata Ferrara are at the Archivio Storico Diocesano, and in Modena at the positainfrahos confines.

Et potestasteneaturprecisefacereprocurarisemel Archivio di Stato, Modena, in particularthe records of the Inquisition. The Prostitutes Carpi Centro links suggest that Prostitutes Carpi Centro and JacquesRoussiaud,Laprostituzione nelMedioevo Rome and Prostitutes Carpi Centro,enforcementwere likely to have been quite similar.

Zambotti,Diarioferrarese, see n. Diariodi UgoCaleffini, Zambotti, Diario ferrarese, "Fu factala cridache niuna meretrice aliquem:" Such fees could be waived by the court, as Duke Ercole I in nota a li officialida le bolete.

Ercole exemptedhim from all le bolete, feci daredui squasside cordaa ciaschuna,a uno travomesso fora taxesand fees on all his goods, and also grantedhim full freedomof move- in Piazaa le fenestredel podesta,perchele haveanoferite uno contadinoe ment; ASFe, Archivio Vendeghini, Secoli XV-XIX, Scatola 3, f.

Giovanni Greco of Constantinopleis listed as being in chargeof col- The two women were fined ratherthan imprisonedfor their impunity; below,n. ASMo, Malefici,24January, c. ASMo, Fondo Inquisizione,b. Duke Ercole, 29 April ; f. Numerous books about housing in RomanItaly documentthe impor- Clarke,TheHouses Artistia Ferrarain etaumanisticae rinascimentale. Testimonianze archivistiche, XVII, b. CesareVecellio, in his Habitiantichiet modernidi tuttoil mondo Venice, liceat dictamrem ut supravenditamullo tempore in futurumlocare, cumnoted that many prostitutesdressedin a masculinefashion;Valerie domus facta fuerit super dicto terreno qui ad presens quasi mediatus est Hotchkissexaminedsome of the implicationsof cross-dressingduringthe meretricibus,lenonibus Ursolina and Lucia contracteda debt with the owner of El Gambaro XVI, b.

Another Caterina,this time a "polacca,"beat anothersfondata puttana,poltrona,andporchavacca.

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Camillaeitherinstigated one of her colleaguesin the brothel with a club in ;ASMo, Malefici, or performedthe same insult to anotherprostitutetwo years later. For a Memoriale 11, c.

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Cohen and ElizabethS. Toronto,esp. The case is cited in OttaviaNiccoli, Storiedi ognigiornoin una cittadel 15 September, cited in Gamba, Given the largenumbersof Slavs seicento Rome and Bari, In additionto the damageto the door, in Venice,it is Prostitutes Carpi Centro unlikelythat Caterinathe VenetianandCaterinathe Slav they broke her tablewareand the large terra-cottavase where she soaked referredto the samewoman.

Like the other women whose houses the boys attacked university Cittadellarecordsthe samethreeprostitutes,but givesthe Luciafled her house,but alsofiledchargesagainstthem for the damagesthe incorrectdate of ;Cittadella,Notizie, see n. For example,in his transcriptionof the Prostitutes Carpi Centro Ferrarain the fif- Diarioferrarese di autoriincerti, see n. But the text cazate le femene ge herano, per fare la via dritta a traversola fossa per reads, "che le putane publice dovessero stare de dreto da l'hospetale de andarein Terranova a la piazade verso la Certoxa";Zambotti,Diariofer- SanctaAgnexe.

Most of Prostitutes Carpi Centro materialin this sectionderivesfromFrancescaBocchi,"Fer- publice dovesserostare de dreto da l'hospetalede SanctaAgnexe in Fer- rara,una citthfra Prostitutes Carpi Centro vocazioni:urbanisticae storiada piazzafortemilitare rara,et che de Prostitutes Carpi Centro chi sono le case le possino afitarea le putane, ma che a centrocommerciale,"in E Bocchi,ed.

The most recent descriptionof ibid. Ferrara'sgrowth throughthe fifteenthcenturyin English can be found in AdrianoFranceschini,"IIduomo e la piazzanella citta medievale,"in E The text of the entry readsas follows:"El Postribolofo fato q[ues]to Bocchi, ed. Agnexein ferara. Per quelaChaxonefo aseratae Cioe fo fato dui muri, uno de co dela dita contradelapresso el olano";Appendix21 in Gamba. Furtherdescriptionof the site of this tav- [palazzodel] paradixoe laltromuro da laltroco al chantunde dre da laltro ern and brothel is in ASFe, ANA, Matr.

Al dito ant. To make that Severalmemorandafrom Cananito the duke or duchessoutline terms big house the little streetbetweenthe house of Antonio GrifuniandGiulio of rentalcontractsand fees paidto the duke for brothelsand taverns;ibid. Gambaindentifiesa fourteenth-centurybrothelin Sesto San Romano, split saidlittle street. SaidAntonio got the wall on the side towardPalazzo an old, populousdistrictjustbehindthe cathedral,also the site of El Gam- del ParadisoandsaidGiulio got the other halfon the side behind.

The bor- baro,which suggeststhat Prostitutes Carpi Centro may be the same brothel;Gamba, GerolamoMelchiorri,Nomenclatura edetimologia dellepiazzee stradedi "Planof the territoryand city of Ferrara," r. Ferraraed. Eligio Mari Ferrara, Although little informationexists for Prostitutes Carpi Centro institutionprior to the sev- Melchiorri,Nomenclatura, Lupanarais the Latin term for brothel, enteenth Prostitutes Carpi Centro, "Peruna storiadegli esposti from lupa,or wolf.

BCA, Coll. Antonelli, n. The archiveof surveyors Archiviodei Periti at the Archiviodi Stato, et bene fornitade publichemeretriceche disonestamentevivono,"andthat Ferrara,containsvery few sixteenth-centuryrecords, and none concerns the wine tax formerly raised "octocento mille in milledoxento";ASMo, the two propertiesin question.

In El Gambaro,che heralogo publico the sameletter,Rinaldocomplainedthat Ercolewas more willing to satisfy per le meretricee taverna,fu levato hozi e comenzato a desfarele caxe e the wishesof the Cestarellithanthose of Rinaldoandhis wife. Accordingto the habitatoda personehonoratissimi Cal- effini specifiedthat his house was on the Via Grande The two refer- Cestarello probablywanted the magistroZaninide Picardia.

Pietro Pincerna,b. Some were extremelypoor and owned PrerogativedelleChiese,e LuoghiPii dellaCitta,e Diocesidi Ferrara Ferrara, only a few items of clothes and the most minimalfurnishings,while others; Atti dellavisitaapostolica a FerraraParte II, Cap.

XXV, were muchmore prosperousandownedseveralpiecesof jewelry. Manyalso ff. Filarete'sdescriptionof a Casa di Venere as a bathhousewith held pawnslipsfor loansobtainedin the ghetto or at the Monte di Pieta. SherrillCohen recountedthe storyof these andother asylumsin "Asy- illustrates the well-known link between bathhouses and prostitution; lums for Women in Counter-ReformationItaly,"in S.

Women Filarete,TreatiseonArchitecture, trans. John Prostitutes Carpi Centro. Sandri n. CorradoMaltese Milan,I am gratefulto James plex received its new name of Santa Maria Maddalena,not the date the Madge for signalingthis and other references. Nearly everyconvent erectedin the sixteenthcen- Equicola,Annali,year The location of Ferrara's the convent, see Regoleet ordinationi per le Prostitutes Carpi Centro Ferrarasottoil brothels,well Prostitutes Carpi Centro these writingswere composed,suggeststhat the trea- titolodi S.

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Price of 1 hour sex usually starts from euro and goes up to couple hundred euros at Fuerteventura brothels. By contrastwith clients-in effect, a tavern-so the women evidentlyboth convents, patricianpalaces, communal offices, churches, lived andworkedin the brothel. My pur- munal deliberationsand political life in general, but also participationin pose is not to castigatethem, but to encouragedifferentapproaches. Ragno, formerly Via delle Androne; on Andrea Bolzoni's map ofthis structureappearsto be just like vaulted Opposite: coveredpassagewayson the parallelVia delle Volte, but in Figure 13a Andrea Bolzoni, perspectival Prostitutes Carpi Centro of Ferrara, detail actuality the preexisting street Prostitutes Carpi Centro been blocked off. Beginningin the earlytwelfth Although Ferrara'spublic brothels date at least to the late centurywith the constructionof the new Cathedralof San fourteenthcentury,little has been learnedabouttheir exact Giorgioto the northof Prostitutes Carpi Centro Sabbioni,the largepublicsquare locations or physicalcharacteristics. Puttane a reggio calabria. Nicholas Terpstra.

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