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During my mandate, I prioritised dialogue with civil society. And this is done via regular consultation fora Prostitutes Ronchin stakeholders at European level and also within the context of the European Platform for Roma Inclusion, which ensures cooperation at the highest political level.

I remain committed to visiting Roma in their communities and in their homes to learn Prostitutes Ronchin from them Prostitutes Ronchin take that knowledge with me to meetings with national Prostitutes Ronchin regional politicians.

Wir, die Menschen mit Romanes-Hintergrund, feiern unseren internationalen Tag am 8. In welcher Welt leben wir? Wann ist es genug?

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Denn letztendlich geht es darum, Menschenleben zu retten. Ich liebe mein Land, und ich liebe Europa, so wie alle meine Menschen ihre Heimat lieben.

Wir sind Menschen mit Romanes-Hintergrund. Annalisa Tardino, a nome del gruppo ID. Finanziamenti sottratti a milioni di cittadini europei che ogni giorno adempiono al loro dovere.

A meno che non ammettiate, mentre votiamo qui la risoluzione sulla situazione dei minori in Ucraina, che nei vostri cuori puri vi siano bambini di serie A e altri di serie B, anzi forse di serie D. Un'integrazione reale basata sul Prostitutes Ronchin delle leggi e dei nostri valori.

In mancanza, siamo dinanzi a chi, con atteggiamento di sfida e in maniera inaccettabile, si pone al di sopra della legge. Pani Komisarz!

Nie ma segregacji mieszkaniowej ani dyskryminacji na rynku pracy. Uglavnom su neobrazovani i skloni ekscesima.

Mlade djevojke prisiljene su udavati se vrlo rano. National strategies Prostitutes Ronchin been in place for over two decades now. But the hard truth is that little progress has been achieved. Prostitutes Ronchin fact, honestly, is a shame for Europe. In Romania, eight out of ten Roma live in a house without running water and seven out of ten children drop out of school. Improving this situation requires Prostitutes Ronchin things: more humility, more empathy, and more well-coordinated work.

We need more humility Prostitutes Ronchin we should not remain satisfied that we have a strategy. There Prostitutes Ronchin no quick fix to century-old prejudices, deprivation and Prostitutes Ronchin.

We need more empathy. We must try to Prostitutes Ronchin ourselves in the shoes of a child living in a mud Prostitutes Ronchin, going to school dirty, Prostitutes Ronchin being looked at badly by colleagues. What it means for a child when his parents cannot help him learn to read at home because they themselves cannot read. We cannot expect Roma people to come out of their condition on their own.

Lastly, we need well-coordinated, hard work at all levels. We must move beyond Prostitutes Ronchin requirements. Prostitutes Ronchin must develop better coordinated, comprehensive and well-funded transfer policies that are, Prostitutes Ronchin turn, implemented on the ground by the local authorities. Y el abandono escolar es muy Prostitutes Ronchin en esta comunidad. Silvia Sardone ID. E il Parlamento di che cosa discute? Durante la pandemia siamo stati chiamati a votare su una proposta dal titolo "Combattere gli atteggiamenti negativi nei confronti delle persone di origine rom in Europa".

Non trovo, tra l'altro, nemmeno giusto che si creino trattamenti di favore per i rom all'accesso al lavoro e alla casa. Insomma, siamo di fronte a una crisi senza precedenti: pandemia, guerra, crisi energetica, crisi alimentare. Un'Europa seria si dovrebbe concentrare su ben altri temi. L'oratrice accetta di rispondere a una domanda cartellino blu. Silvia Sardone IDrisposta cartellino blu.

Silvia Sardone IDrisposta a una domanda Prostitutes Ronchin blu. E poi parliamo di chi ha davvero bisogno. Forse non ve ne Prostitutes Ronchin accorti? Sandra Pereira The Left.

Iniziamo dai Prostitutes Ronchin e dai ragazzi, dico. Dal loro successo scolastico passa il grande cambiamento di cui abbiamo bisogno. Non veniteci a raccontare gli effetti della guerra: siete stati gli amici di Putin e qui nessuno prende lezioni da voi sulle conseguenze della guerra! Sue-Ellen, Pruna, Mercedes ou encore Malicia ne demandent que la justice.

Guido Reil ID. Ich freue mich auf Ihre blaue Karte. Ich freue mich wirklich, denn wir haben die gleichen Probleme gesehen in Ihrer Heimat und in meiner Heimat. The suggestion that Roma are thieves or the fact that they are considered to be different types of human — not ordinary people, we have heard that before.

So the question is: can you deny that these communities have been without access to education and to proper support? Das steht in der Zeitung, das sagt das Ordnungsamt. Das passiert wirklich.

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Und das hat nichts mit Diskriminierung Prostitutes Ronchin Rassismus zu tun. Die Ursachen sind, dass es dort ganz kriminelle Clanchefs gibt, gruselig kriminelle Clanchefs, die ihre eigenen Leute gnadenlos ausbeuten.

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Die eigenen Clanchefs beuten ihre Leute aus! Ich stehe gerne auf, ich halte mich gerne an Regeln. Und das Problem der Sinti und Roma sind ihre eigenen Strukturen und ihre eigenen Clanchefs und nicht wir, die westliche kultivierte Gesellschaft.

Mick Wallace The Left. They further ruled that Ireland was in breach of the Charter, as a Prostitutes Ronchin number of local authority tenants reside in Prostitutes Ronchin and substandard housing conditions.

The targets in the framework are a joke. It aims just to halve anti—Roma and traveller discrimination by We need to be ambitious: legally binding objectives to promote Roma and traveller inclusion and adequate targeted funding are absolutely vital. Susanna Ceccardi ID.

Ho Prostitutes Ronchin il sindaco e, per anni, le Prostitutes Ronchin di sinistra che mi hanno preceduta avevano mantenuto un campo rom in condizioni igieniche terribili, tra i topi e la sporcizia.

Probabilmente non hanno bisogno di leggi apposite o di discussioni come questa per sentirsi integrati. Susanna Prostitutes Ronchin IDProstitutes Ronchin a una domanda cartellino blu. Ecco, vi racconto una storia. Ecco, vent'anni dopo, da sindaco, quel campo rom, dove c'erano bambini nella sporcizia e tra i topi, l'ho sgomberato e Prostitutes Ronchin sono fiera! Lukas Mandl PPE. Europa befindet sich in einer beispiellosen Verteidigung gegen einen Prostitutes Ronchin. Das ist es, was wir hier verteidigen.

Es war mir wichtig, mich zu dieser Debatte zu Wort zu melden, weil am 2. Es ist der 2. Toto je v Angelo Ciocca ID. Tanti soldi spesi e zero risultati. E allora ci vuole un po' di buonsenso, ci vuole un po' di giustizia. E la giustizia vorrebbe pensare che oggi, con un'azione di coraggio, l'Europa decida di prendere i soldi stanziati per i rom e li metta a disposizione per sostenere i bambini e le donne ucraine che scappano da una guerra. Usiamo i soldi dei rom per assistere e per tendere una mano a quei bambini e a quelle donne che oggi, da rifugiati, scappano Prostitutes Ronchin guerra con la scelta di salvare il proprio figlio e la propria famiglia.

Io penso che, davanti alla disperazione di una mamma che chiede di aiutare il proprio figlio per Prostitutes Ronchin in Italia o in Europa sana e salva, serva questo tipo di aiuto e non altri. L'oratore conclude l'intervento mostrando all'Aula un'immagine in formato A3. Tato debata je jenom debatou. The EU adopted its Roma integration strategies for the coming decade. On paper, the Prostitutes Ronchin solutions were there, but in reality we had to conclude that 10 years later, Member States throughout Europe Prostitutes Ronchin done close to nothing to implement these Prostitutes Ronchin.

And inRomani people are still subject to persistent, dehumanising discrimination. They face poor access to health care, education and the labour market. This would have been already unacceptable if it was about a few people, but Prostitutes Ronchin are talking about at least 10 million Romani people in the EU. How can we systematically neglect so many Europeans? The new framework sets out minimum standards for We have to make sure we exceed them way Prostitutes Ronchin And by the way, President, I am disgusted by the exponents of flat-out Prostitutes Ronchin and discrimination in this Parliament.

We, on the side of dignity, humanity and equal opportunities are worth more. They were attacking a group of people, a group of Europeans. They were attacking the Roma Prostitutes Ronchin. This should never happen in this House because, when we speak about Europeans, when we speak about Roma people, we speak about human rights. We speak about us being together, and we speak about the need to correct what is not working well, but also to look ahead and identify those policies and those directions that can resolve the issues and the problems, not point out and discriminate like they did.

And now they have left the House. They attacked and they Prostitutes Ronchin the House. This is not the way to proceed. This is not the way to do things. This is why we have to think ahead. We have to establish a concrete plan, an action plan that will resolve all of these issues.

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We need to act together and we need to show that Prostitutes Ronchin Roma community has a future here in Europe, everywhere in Europe, in all Member States, and we have to identify the solutions to enable this. Many of them continue to confront racism, discrimination, anti-Gypsyism and socio—economic exclusion. Roma communities throughout Europe are found at the fringes of our society, often completely segregated. Life in such poverty—stricken communities is particularly harsh.

I will ensure Prostitutes Ronchin the Commission monitors the implementation at national level and publishes regular reports on the progress achieved. We remain committed to supporting Member States every step of the way so that we can deliver on Prostitutes Ronchin promise of equality for all. Anna Cavazzini, author. There is rare earth in the phone, silicon and plastics, 60 different kinds of metals dug in faraway mines and shipped around the world. Some Prostitutes Ronchin them even come from Russia, where we painfully feel now how Prostitutes Ronchin such a dependency can be.

All smart phones together in Europe are responsible for 40 million tonnes of emissions each year. This is more than the carbon budget of Latvia. Yet most of us throw this precious device away after not even three years, and the result of this is 4 billion tonnes of electronic waste per year in the EU alone and the fastest growing waste stream in the world. This can no longer go on; the linear economy has to come to an end. Prostitutes Ronchin have to start thinking and producing in circles.

After years of just talking about it Prostitutes Ronchin some cosmetic reforms, we finally need a true circular economy. Last week, the European Commission presented the ecodesign for sustainable products regulation.

Mandatory sustainability criteria for all products in the single market — this can be the end of the throwaway society. The digital product passport Prostitutes Ronchin better information for consumers will create transparency along the supply chains and improve consumer choice. Future products made in the EU will be longer-lasting and recyclable, and innovative businesses will have new market chances.

I highly welcome these overdue steps, and I think we really Prostitutes Ronchin come to a proper, sustainable single market with that. But it is not enough. If you have Prostitutes Ronchin tried to have your broken coffee machine repaired, you might have experienced that the shop does not take it back or the repair shop of your choice is not licensed to do it. And if you were lucky to find a repairer able to do it, it would be very costly and affect your legal guarantee. Another example: a few months ago, a tiny plastic handle broke off from my fridge.

I called Prostitutes Ronchin shop and the Prostitutes Ronchin option they offered me was to replace the entire fridge — the entire fridge because of a tiny little plastic device. We want to put an end to this. Today, the European Parliament demands a proper right Prostitutes Ronchin repair for consumers. We want to enable consumers to make a sustainable choice. We want to give consumers the right to choose to repair their products. We want to empower them to play their part in the green transition.

And do you know what? Seventy—nine percent of EU citizens want the right to Prostitutes Ronchin. Today the European Parliament lives up to these expectations.

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There is a proper repair culture emerging all over Europe, or should I say, re—emerging because the older generations know repair much better than I would probably do. For me, it is beautiful to see, when I visit repair shops all over Germany that older retired citizens are showing young people how to repair electric devices or how hackerspaces collect old computers Prostitutes Ronchin make them Prostitutes Ronchin again.

In our resolution today, we ask the Commission to present a right to repair for exactly all of those people, all of those EU citizens who want to repair. All actors in the repair sector and consumers must have access to spare Prostitutes Ronchin, to manuals and to software Prostitutes Ronchin at a reasonable cost.

Consumers need more incentives under the Sales of Goods Directive Prostitutes Ronchin actually choose repair over replacement and a longer legal guarantee for certain products. We also demand to take a look at enhanced producer liability because, in the end, producers must be responsible for the product. So, more sustainable products and more rights to consumers have to go hand in hand.

Consumers must become the Prostitutes Ronchin force of the green transition of the sustainable single market.

I thank all the colleagues in the IMCO Committee very much for the very good cooperation and hope we have a strong majority today for our resolution. Let me start by highlighting that the Commission shares the concerns you express in the oral question and motion for a resolution. The right to repair is one of the key legislative initiatives of the Commission Work Programme.

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The rights of Prostitutes Ronchin to repair products at fair prices will be strengthened with a view to extending the useful life of goods. We have taken good note of the Prostitutes Ronchin dimensions that Parliament stresses in the motion. First, that products need to be designed to last longer and be repaired. Second, that consumers are empowered to choose repairable products.

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And third, that consumer rights and guarantees provide for longer use of goods. On the basis of its overall objective of the green transition, the Commission is already working on each of these three issues.

These initiatives will tackle both the supply and the demand side of Prostitutes Ronchin problem and will contribute to more sustainable consumption. On the supply side and responding to the first dimension raised by Parliament, the Commission adopted last week, on 30 March, the proposal for a sustainable products initiative. This initiative aims to extend the lifetime of products, so that it becomes regular practice to design products that are durable and fit for reuse, upgrading, refurbishment and repair.

On the demand side and responding to the second Prostitutes Ronchin, on 30 March, the Commission also adopted an initiative on empowering consumers Prostitutes Ronchin the green transition.

With this proposal, the Commission wants to ensure that consumers are provided with better information Prostitutes Ronchin the durability and reparability of products. It also provides new tools to national courts and authorities to protect consumers against unfair Prostitutes Ronchin regarding, for example, early obsolescence.

Finally, and responding to the third dimension and Prostitutes Ronchin on the demand side, a proposal for an initiative Prostitutes Ronchin promoting the sustainability of consumer goods in the Sale of Goods Directive and through a consumer right to repair is planned Prostitutes Ronchin the end of this year. A public consultation closed on 5 April and its Prostitutes Ronchin will feed into the impact assessment.

The objective of this initiative is to encourage goods to be used for longer, more defective goods to be repaired, and more second-hand goods to be purchased. The Commission is therefore analysing measures that would promote repair over replacement. Und das ist gut. Und deswegen freue ich mich, Frau Kommissarin, dass Sie so eine ausgewogene Haltung eingenommen haben. Denn wir brauchen hier sicher auf der einen Seite den Slogan des Rechts auf Reparatur, der eben deutlich macht: Wir wollen Nachhaltigkeit.

Und ich glaube, dass wir mit unserer Frage heute an der richtigen Stelle bohren. Hvala lijepa. Uden velfungerende virksomheder, ingen ordentlige produkter. It is an important matter, as repairing broken or damaged products can save consumers money by helping them to postpone making replacement purchases, while bringing benefits to the environment.

Today, we are asking for effective options for everyone who wants to repair electronics and other devices. In the resolution, we asked for lowering technical, Prostitutes Ronchin, and economic barriers that make it difficult for Prostitutes Ronchin to repair their own goods.

I also believe it should go together with the importance of a sound business environment. That is why my Group has put forward Prostitutes Ronchin amendments at the committee and plenary level. We strongly Prostitutes Ronchin in the business balance, respect for trade secrets and safeguards such as impact assessments.

Indeed, we Prostitutes Ronchin avoid any disproportionate costs on manufacturers and distributors. We also suggested to improve the single market, especially for services, by removing cross-border barriers for providing repairs. This was regretfully not included in the final text of the resolution. By removing unjustified cross-border barriers for repairs, we would indeed deliver measurable results for citizens, such as more available repair services and more competition.

It would eventually Prostitutes Ronchin affordable and better-quality repairs. I strongly Prostitutes Ronchin that we should refrain from considering any measure that could impose disproportionate costs.

We should keep as one of our core values the protection of manufacturers, distributors, citizens and consumers across the single market. I hope the Commission will take this into account when proposing the new legislative proposal on the right to repair.

Anne-Sophie Pelletier, au nom du groupe The Left. Por eso debemos trabajar en propuestas que luchen contra la obsolescencia programada y que empoderen a los ciudadanos. Prostitutes Ronchin need to listen to our citizens Prostitutes Ronchin we must change this.

Fixing items must be easier and local businesses and Prostitutes Ronchin should be able Prostitutes Ronchin do it. At the same time, we must do this in Prostitutes Ronchin proportionate Prostitutes Ronchin. We all support a future with better repair options. The days of throwaway culture must be over. However, this should not lead to higher prices for businesses and in turn for consumers. Instead, we must incentivise manufacturers over time to adopt new business models, which are a win—win for consumers and for the environment.

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Telefoons worden zo gemaakt dat ze moeilijk te herstellen zijn. Als het al kan, is een nieuwe kopen vaak zelfs goedkoper dan hem te laten repareren.

Dit Prostitutes Ronchin natuurlijk te gek voor woorden. Telefoons produceren heeft een grote impact op mens en milieu. We moeten de gekte van onze wegwerpsamenleving repareren. Wat de Commissie vorige week voorstelde, is een stap in de goede richting.

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We gaan ervoor zorgen dat producten zo worden ontworpen dat ze lang meegaan en makkelijk Prostitutes Ronchin repareren zijn. Maar een volgende stap is een sterk Prostitutes Ronchin op reparatie.

Softwareveroudering van telefoons Prostitutes Ronchin het verder nog prima doen, moet gewoon verboden worden. Alleen dan kunnen we zeggen dat we duurzaam digitaliseren. Beata Mazurek ECR. Krzysztof Hetman PPE. I co to jest to prawo do naprawy? Dat lijkt een buikgevoel te zijn, maar nee, het klopt. Het is dus niet gek dat acht op de tien Europeanen willen dat de producenten hun producten makkelijker repareerbaar maken.

Dat hebben wij hier in het Europees Parlement goed begrepen. Met deze resolutie vragen wij om de gebruiker centraal te stellen. Die verdient geen vrijblijvend, maar een afdwingbaar recht op Prostitutes Ronchin, en die moet toegang krijgen tot de correcte informatie. Eugen Jurzyca ECR. Arba Kokalari PPE. Men det finns hopp. Sandro Gozi Renew.

Jetzt leben wir in einer Wegwerfgesellschaft. Prostitutes Ronchin Recht auf Reparatur und insbesondere die Entwicklung langlebiger Produkte sind zentraler Bestandteil davon.

Einige Mitgliedstaaten gehen schon in diese Richtung. Auch am Produktdesign muss gearbeitet werden. Wir brauchen ein Produkt, das reparierbar ist und nicht verklebt wird. Zeigen wir der Kommission, dass wir ein ambitioniertes Gesetz brauchen und auch wollen! Antonius Manders PPE. We hebben te lang — decennialang — het verdienmodel gehad Prostitutes Ronchin weggooien en opnieuw kopen. Weggooien, kopen, weggooien, kopen. Maar die tijd moet eindigen en ik denk dat wij moeten nadenken over een nieuw verdienmodel.

Blind weggooien, dat is geweest. En we maken in het vervolg producten die we kunnen repareren, die langer meegaan. De gesloten materiaalkringloop moet het grote Prostitutes Ronchin zijn. We moeten proberen de grondstoffen binnen de Europese Unie te houden en die weer te hergebruiken voor de productie van nieuwe apparaten.

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Ik zie het voorstel van de Commissie met vertrouwen tegemoet, en ik hoop dat het leidt tot minder verspilling en meer tevredenheid bij de consument en dat we onze telefoons inderdaad wat langer kunnen gebruiken dan twee jaar. Barbara Thaler PPE. Das ist gut so! Dabei ist mir die praktische Umsetzung, Prostitutes Ronchin Machbarkeit dieser Rahmenbedingungen besonders wichtig.

In Prostitutes Ronchin Fall brauchen wir mehr Reparaturkultur in Europa. Ich denke, es liegt an uns, hier Prostitutes Ronchin den kommenden Wochen und Monaten eine gute Balance zu finden. Claudia Gamon Renew. Wer kennt das nicht? Raus aus der Wegwerfkultur, hin zur Reparatur. Tomislav Sokol PPE.

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