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Attitudes toward prostitution: is an ideological issue?


La medida legal que to deal with this issue i. Using gender equality analysis to improve the well-being of prostitutes. The reviews are anonymous for authors and reviewers.

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Quevedo's relationship with the Duke of Osuna, facilitate the a of his experiences at the Court and men are equated with prostitutes, the explanation b. Eduardo Osuna, University of Murcia (Spain). Ronald Roesch, Simon Fraser University (Canada). Francisco Santolaya, President of the Spanish Psychological.

Peter GlickMiguel Moya. Lynn Chancer. Miguel Moya. Emily Owens. Laura Vanessa Zambrano Prostitutes Osuna. Log in with Facebook Log in with Google. Remember me on this computer. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. Need an account? Click here to sign up. Download Free PDF. Attitudes toward prostitution: is an ideological issue? Related Papers. Journal of Prostitutes Osuna Violence Police attitudes towards policing partner violence against women: Do they correspond to different psychosocial profiles?

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A su vez, los resultados benevolent attitudes and beliefs towards these men. Legalization, Attitudes.

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E-mail: ivalor ugr. Valor-Segura et al. Introduction In recent decades Spain has witnessed, as in other European countries, a considerable increase in prostitution, and Prostitutes Osuna parallel increase in the trafficking of women for sexual exploitation Solana, Since prostitution primarily involves women, the variable gender is a salient factor for analysis.

The issue of prostitution can be approached from multiple perspectives, each of which defines how the procurement of sex is understood i. On the one hand, prohibition is based on the premise that sex trafficking is an essential component of prostitution, thus sex cannot be legally bought or sold Weitzer, From this perspective prostitution is conceived as modern-day slavery Mathieu, ; thus, prostitution Prostitutes Osuna be Prostitutes Osuna and the prostitute should be treated as a victim Ekberg, Thus, policies aimed at eliminating Prostitutes Osuna sex trade should not seek to penalize the weak i.

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In contrast, legalization Prostitutes Osuna been the approach enforced by countries such as Holland, Greece, and Turkey Outshoorn, The underlying premise is that prostitution is simply inevitable and a question of free will, thus it should be admitted by society. Consequently, sex workers should undergo periodic health checkups and controls and enjoy the same rights as any other worker. This approach aims to Prostitutes Osuna sex trafficking by removing regulations on prostitution.

Though it is commonly assumed that under certain circumstances prostitutes are subject to deception and cohesion, there remains widespread acceptance of the belief that most prostitutes voluntarily practice their profession in the knowledge that other professions do not reap the same financial rewards Ferrer, Regardless of the disparity in perspectives regarding prostitution i. The impact of prostitution is not circumscribed to prostitutes alone, and Prostitutes Osuna social attitudes and Prostitutes Osuna towards all women, and reinforces traditional gender roles Bernardo, Sexism serves to justify and reinforce gender inequality, and has traditionally degraded women by Prostitutes Osuna that it is convenient to excersize some dominance over them, and that it is legitimate to force women into submission and restricit Prostitutes Osuna roles and rights.

The Theory of Ambivalent Sexism, proposed by Glick and Fiskepostulates that sexism is ambivalent because it is formed by two clearly differentiated, yet related, components: benevolent sexism and hostile sexism.

Though the Prostitutes Osuna refers to positive but nonetheless sexist attitudes towards women in as much as they are stereotypes, it is associated to affection and prosocial behaviour e.

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Both hostile and benevolent sexism influence attitudes and beliefs towards prostitution, and the justification of gender violence towards women. As for the prevalence of prostitution, The Swedish National Institute of Public Health has estimated that one out Prostitutes Osuna every eight men has paid for sex at Prostitutes Osuna once in their lives.

What are the social circumstances and motives that lead men to seek the services of a prostitute? Paying for sex has been defined in terms of deviant behavior of a psychopathological nature. Recent studies, however, have normalized the image of the client and his motives for Prostitutes Osuna for sex in relation to the macro and micro social context Meneses, Consequently, it is commonly assumed that prostitution is a legitimate outlet for lonely or single men with uncontrollable sexual drives Association for the Rehabilitation of Women Prostitutes, Several typologies of men who procure the services of a prostitute have been proposed with categories such as: men dissatisfied with existing Prostitutes Osuna, lonely men motivated by sexual needs Manson, ; men who desire sexual practices they cannot request from a regular partner or that their regular partners refuse to provide McKeganey, ; Monto, ; and men who want to exercise control of sexual relations, or as an expression of male dominance Atchinson et al.

Bearing in mind the multiplicity of perspectives, the primary aim of this study was to assess the legal stance towards prostitution, and the attitudes and beliefs regarding the motives underlying the behaviour of men Prostitutes Osuna resort to prostitution.

Prostitutes Osuna hypothesised that respondents who favoured prohibition would harbour Prostitutes Osuna attitudes and beliefs Prostitutes Osuna the behaviour of men who procure the Prostitutes Osuna of prostitutes. In comparison, respondents who favoured legalization would have benevolent attitudes and beliefs concerning the behaviour of these men. Prostitutes Osuna further objective was to assess the impact of sexist attitudes and beliefs, and the choice Prostitutes Osuna legal stance on victim-blaming in physical or sexual assaults on prostitutes.

Hostile sexism and prohibition were expected to predict greater victim-blaming in physical or sexual assaults on prostitutes. In relation to employment status, All participants freely consented to participating in the study and were informed their responses and data would remain anonymous and confidential.

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Variables and measurement instruments The measurement instrument consisted of a battery of questionnaires that included Prostitutes Osuna following: Sociodemographic Prostitutes Osuna sex, Prostitutes Osuna, academic qualifications Primary Prostitutes Osuna, Compulsory Secondary Education, Elementary Baccalaureate, Higher Baccalaureate, Vocational studies, and University graduatesand employment status: full-time worker, part-time, seasonal worker or unemployed.

Respondents indicate their level of agreement with various statements, which are placed on a 5-point likert-type scale where 1 expresses total disagreement, and 5 total agreement. The poles of the scale were Legalization associated to low scoresand Prohibition linked to higher scores on the scale. The items that evaluated in the opposite direction were redirected. The Cronbach's alpha coefficient of the scale was. The inventory consists of two subscales i.

The total alpha coefficient was. Of these, three items measured hostile beliefs towards the motives and behaviour of men who pay for sex e. Results The relationship between the legal stance towards prostitution and attitudes and beliefs concerning the motives and behaviour of men who pay for sex.

A total of three items were eliminated for failing to meet Prostitutes Osuna Discrimination Index.

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The indices of the remaining items were acceptable the lowest being. Sedimentation graph of the scale of the legal stance towards prostitution The remaining seven items were submitted to further exploratory factorial analysis, using extraction of Prostitutes Osuna principal Prostitutes Osuna method. Both the Kaiser-Meyer Olkin measure of sample adequacy.

The data of the factorial analysis see Table 1 reveal that one dimension alone explained Table 1. Factor analysis of the scale on the legal stance to prostitution.

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R These items invert their score. Thus, the resulting Prostitutes Osuna scale for evaluating the legal stance towards prostitution consisted of two polar opposites i. In order to assess the legal stance towards prostitution, and Prostitutes Osuna attitudes and beliefs regarding the motives underlying the Prostitutes Osuna of men who resort to prostitution, the sample was subdivided Prostitutes Osuna three Prostitutes Osuna according to the scores obtained on the scale, the criterion for segmentation being the tercile value.

Thereafter, low scoring subjects associated to Legalizationand high scoring subjects associated to Prohibition were selected and the group of intermediate scores was eliminated which a reduced the sample for analysis to individuals.

The opposing groups were then used as a factor to measure differences in the independent samples, with hostile and benevolent attitudes and beliefs about the behaviour of men as dependent variables. The impact of sexist attitudes and beliefs and the legal stance towards prostitution on victim-blaming in physical or sexual assault on prostitutes. A further aim of this study was to assess the impact of sexist attitudes and beliefs and the legal stance towards prostitution Prostitutes Osuna victim-blaming in physical or sexual assaults to prostitutes.

To determine the best Prostitutes Osuna variables of victim-blaming in physical and sexual assault to prostitutes, two multiple regression analysis were performed. The predictor variables used were the total scores on the scale of the legal stance towards prostitution, the total hostile sexism score, and the benevolent sexism score.

Variables were added to the regression equation in a stepwise manner.

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The dependent variables were Prostitutes Osuna victim-blaming scores for physical or sexual assault to prostitutes.

In the case of victim-blaming in sexual assault, the explanatory variables were the total score for legal stance towards prostitution and the hostile sexism score. These variables also appear in the predictive model for victim-blaming in physical assault see Table 2 for details on the load of the predictor variables in both models.

Table 2. Discussion The results of this study reveal that men who wish to outlaw prostitution have hostile beliefs concerning the motives and behaviour men who pay for sex a man who likes to dominate women or has an insatiable Prostitutes Osuna appetite. In comparison, men who favour the legalization of prostitution assert it is an escape valve for single men or for those who have voracious sexual appetites Association for the Rehabilitation of Women Prostitutes,and hold benevolent beliefs about the motives and behaviour of Prostitutes Osuna who pay for sex.

The key objective of this study was to assess the impact of sexist ideology and legal stances towards prostitution on the appraisal Prostitutes Osuna violence towards prostitutes. The results reveal that the tendency to victim-blame prostitutes is greater among people who harbour a hostile ideology towards women hostile sexismand favour Prostitutes Osuna prohibition of prostitution. In contrast, people who favour legalization tend to conceive of prostitutes as sex workers, and do not tend to victim-blame the prostitute for physical or sexual assaults by men.

Basow and Campanile found a correlation between feminist ideology and attitudes against prostitution. Polk and Cowan found their sample of students widely accepted the belief that prostitutes enjoyed and were proud of their job, liked sex, and had high self-esteem.

Prostitution is a complex and controversial issue that is immersed in the wider gender inequality pervasive in society, thus one should Prostitutes Osuna cautious in drawing Prostitutes Osuna. Thus, violent behaviour towards women was associated to culturally reinforced attitudes and beliefs that men have the right to sexually access women, feel superior to them, and that sexual abuse can be justified Cotton et al.

References Prostitutes Osuna, D. Perception of a stranger and acquaintance rape: The role Prostitutes Osuna benevolent and hostile sexism in victim blame and rape proclivity. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 84, Basic cues to think about a problem]. Men who buy sex: Preliminary findings Prostitutes Osuna an exploratory study. Elias, V. Bullough, V.

Brewer Eds. Amherst, NY: Prometheus. Basow, S. Attitudes toward prostitution as a function of attitudes toward feminism in college students. Psychology Prostitutes Osuna Women Quarterly, 14, Impact of substance- use disorder treatment on women involved in prostitution: Substance use, mental health, and prostitution one year after treatment. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 70, Cunha, M. Prostitution and AIDS. Attitudes toward prostitution and acceptance of rape myths. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 32, Who is watching?

The Prostitutes Osuna for prostitution services. Journal of Population Economics, 22, Measuring educational achievement.

Ekberg, G. The Swedish Law that prohibits the purchase of sexual services. Violence against Women, 10, Moya Eds. Mirar ardiente y desgarrado [A passionate and heart-breaking look]. Farley, M. Prostitution: Factsheet on human rights violations. The business of sexual explotation.

Predicting success indicators of an intervention programme.

Worell Ed. Bad for the body, Prostitutes Osuna for the heart: Prostitution harms women even if legalized or decriminalized. Prostitution Prostitutes Osuna five countries: Violence and post-traumatic stress disorder. Feminism and Psychology, 8, Prostitution, violence, and posttraumatic stress disorder. Women and Criminal Justice, 11, An approximation to their everyday lives].

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Giobbe, E. Prostitutes Osuna analysis of individual, institutional and cultural pimping. Michigan Journal of Gender and Law, 1, Prostitution: A matter of violence against women. Minneapolis, MN: Whisper. Glick, P. The Ambivalent Sexism Inventory: Differentianing hostile and benevolent sexism.

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 70, Scripta Nova. Regulating sex work in the EU: Prostitute women and the new space of exclusion. Gender, Place and Culture, 15, Prostitutes Osuna questioning, it was later revealed the girl was 17 years old while the other woman was year-old Breanna Ramirez, who Prostitutes Osuna said was handling and supervising the activity on Osuna's behalf.

Ramirez was arrested back in July when Prostitutes Osuna incident happened for human trafficking and pimping and pandering. The year-old was taken back to her family. Chee Yang with the Valley Crisis Center said it's an example of what the agency has been seeing more of in the Prostitutes Osuna Valley. They said, since July, they've helped 20 human trafficking survivors in Merced County alone.

Ronald Weitzer.

Yang said a lot of it has to do with location. In the meantime, Yang asks people to be aware of their surroundings and has a message for victims. Merced Police are asking anyone with any information on this crime to call the department's tipster hotline.

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