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Again, nothing is said about the cavalry. Prostitutes Fuenterrabia the eve of the Messina revolt, the Prostitutes Fuenterrabia hospital facilities on the island revolved around the hospital of Santiago in Palermo. Conclusion It is difficult to compare the numbers of sick and wounded in the Spanish armed forces between and and the effectiveness of their treatment either with those in the same forces beforeor with those in the forces of other states in the same period because the necessary research simply has not been done or because the necessary primary source material does not exist or has not been discovered.

According to one report of all the newly raised men had fallen ill three or four times.

Prostitutes Fuenterrabia Nine Years War exacerbated this pressure. The viceroy of Catalonia hoped the city's general hospital would accommodate them, but it could take only thirty to forty of his men. He therefore sought to recover from the Prostitutes Fuenterrabia authorities the Hospital de la Misericordia, again without success.

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Indeed, according to a report prepared by the veedor general in February —one which reveals much about contemporary thinking regarding what we might call the ideal hospital—the convent did more harm than good.

According to the veedora hospital should be sufficiently spacious both to allow the Prostitutes Fuenterrabia to be laid out Prostitutes Fuenterrabia rows, thus enabling the doctors, surgeons and other hospital staff to move freely between them and properly minister to their patients.

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In addition, each ward should have sufficient windows for proper ventilation—in order to disperse the bad odour from the patients' wounds and admit fresh Prostitutes Fuenterrabia lighting. The building should also have water. Unfortunately, the convent was completely inappropriate. It had been built for a small community Prostitutes Fuenterrabia monks, and comprised small, low, dark and airless cells and dormitories, and narrow cloisters open to the elements.

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Fitting the soldiers into these was difficult and meant overcrowding, poor access, and a generally dangerous or unhealthy atmosphere. The inevitable consequence was a high rate of mortality. Not surprisingly, the soldiers were reluctant to go there, and it was also difficult to find medical staff and others—chaplains, for example—to serve there, and to replace those who had died. Prostitutes Fuenterrabia problems created by the layout and structure of the convent were compounded by the lack of adequate bedding.

Prostitutes Fuenterrabia to the veedorthere were just sheets, blankets, straw Prostitutes Fuenterrabia and bolsters or pillows. Much of this bedding was so dirty and decrepit that it carried infection, while there was simply not enough Prostitutes Fuenterrabia it to facilitate regular laundering.

On the eve of the Messina revolt, the forces' hospital facilities on the island revolved around the hospital of Santiago in Palermo.

In sum, the convent hospital was little more than a death trap. The veedor general Prostitutes Fuenterrabia a three-pronged solution to these problems—and to the need for separate wards for officers and men. Firstly, he urged the manufacture or purchase of a large amount of new bedding, enough for 1, beds, for the existing convent hospital.

Since the anticipated number of military patients was Prostitutes Fuenterrabia to be higher, the veedor general successfully urged the general hospital to agree to works which should accommodate a further soldiers, doubling its capacity to a total of Fearing this might Prostitutes Fuenterrabia not be sufficient, the veedor general also thought that the authorities of the city of Barcelona should continue to be pressed to return the Hospital de la Misericordia.

These were ambitious plans. Unfortunately for the sick and wounded of the Army of Catalonia, the veedor 's suggestions had still not been fully implemented by late June—by which time he anticipated the influx Prostitutes Fuenterrabia the small convent of sick and wounded, crowding the space and exhausting its beds and bedding.

In wartime, field hospitals were often established to accompany that part of the army which went on campaign between April and October. In Septemberthe vicar general and administrator of the hospitals of the Army of Lombardy visited Turin to oversee the field hospital established there for the Spanish troops fighting in Piedmont after the Prostitutes Fuenterrabia defeat at Staffarda.

The first time he went to the French border, to Fuenterrabía. He did a great deal of work on behalf of prostitutes, helping them to rebuild their lives. uncommon, yet in Hondarribia there is at least one female boat owner. dubbed a spinster or a prostitute, inevitably tremendous.

Oversight of these hospitals was Prostitutes Fuenterrabia responsibility of the vicar general of each of the armies or fleets. The day to Prostitutes Fuenterrabia operation of the hospitals depended upon a mayordomoor general administrator, and various doctors, surgeons, apothecaries and administrators.

Fromhe also received a bonus of 1 escudo a month for having served with the garrison of the besieged city of Prostitutes Fuenterrabia that year. Chief among these latter were the Hospitallers of St John of God, a Counter-Reformation order whose origins lay in the establishment by St John of a hospital in Granada just before his death in Recognized by Pope Pius V inthe Prostitutes Fuenterrabia, whose members took a special vow to care for the sick, ran nearly hospitals throughout Europe and in the Americas by Prostitutes Fuenterrabia He was later taken prisoner by the north Africans when sailing for Italy after his cure.

In the summer of , the authorities of Fuenterrabía (an important or informal female nursing staff in the form of the prostitutes. The first time he went to the French border, to Fuenterrabía. He did a great deal of work on behalf of prostitutes, helping them to rebuild their lives.

During the Nine Years War, the infirmary of the tertiary Order of San Francisco in Madrid allocated eight of its beds for the care of the king's soldiers, Prostitutes Fuenterrabia return Prostitutes Fuenterrabia 1, ducats a year. The rest of the nursing staff—variously described as mozos de quadra, ministrosand servientes —who cared for the sick Prostitutes Fuenterrabia wounded under the direction of the doctors are not, unfortunately, fully identified in the papers sent to the Council of War.

We know, however, that they included those no longer able to work as oarsmen aboard the galleys: in the summer oftwenty-four slaves who were inhavilesthat is unable to man the oars, served in the hospital. Not all the sick needed or received hospital treatment, or treatment in military or naval institutions.

He therefore sought an indefinite continuation of his reformed officer's Prostitutes Fuenterrabia until he was cured. The Council of War was sympathetic, not least because the petition was accompanied by a supporting surgeon's certificate.

The council therefore suggested, and the king agreed, that Don Francisco should continue to receive his salary for a year, in the hope that at the end of Prostitutes Fuenterrabia period he could return to the service. Details about the treatments and medicines are scarce. Those for whom this was not appropriate would be given chicken or some other substitute.

In addition, patients would receive an allowance of Prostitutes Fuenterrabia.

Health, Sickness and Medical Services in Spain's Armed Forces c– - PMC

Unfortunately, information about rates of cure are less than Prostitutes Fuenterrabia. In Prostitutes Fuenterrabia autumn of the Franciscan tertiaries of Madrid, who were seeking payment of the substantial arrears owed to them, produced a certificate, based upon their own records and signed by a royal official.

According to this document, in the twelve months between mid-September Prostitutes Fuenterrabia mid-September the infirmary had cared for a total of 53 soldiers—all of Prostitutes Fuenterrabia had to prove their military record to gain entry—in the eight beds the order allocated to the king's soldiers.

In addition, there were said to be 4 men in the infirmary at the time the certificate was prepared. This total of 57 included 7 captains the highest rank and 33 simple soldiers, the single largest category. Prostitutes Fuenterrabia of the latter had been cared for in the Franciscan infirmary twice.

Of the 53 soldiers who had been treated hitherto, 10 had died, a rate of Besides looking after those who were already sick, efforts were also made to prevent the troops from falling ill in the first place.

Individual commanders were wary of allowing infected men Prostitutes Fuenterrabia come into contact with their own. In Spain itself, there was frequently an interruption of campaigning at the height of summer, when it was simply too hot and when to campaign risked losing men. This was not all.

Prostitutes Fuenterrabia the winter of —93, in the course of discussion in the Council of War about the levy of 1, men in Spain, for Flanders, it was urged that instead of holding the men raised until the entire force had been levied and then sending them en bloc to Flanders, those recruited should be sent in batches of to One of the arguments advanced in favour of this was that it would prevent illness.

The other members of the junta agreed and suggested that the king order the manufacture of 2, tents for the 12, infantry—that Prostitutes Fuenterrabia one tent for five men—and 1, tents for the cavalry of the Army of Catalonia for the next campaign. Unfortunately, it is not clear whether the king implemented the suggestion: his response suggested that he was concerned to know the cost before taking Prostitutes Fuenterrabia further. Medical provision in Spain's Prostitutes Fuenterrabia and navies did not always work well.

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Medicines might often be lacking, exhausted by extraordinary demand. Inaccording to the vicar general of the Army of Catalonia, men died in the hospital of Gerona Prostitutes Fuenterrabia want of medicines—and because of the mutual infection of Prostitutes Fuenterrabia sharing the beds.

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Other problems included the failure of commanders and officials to co-operate in the care and cure of the sick. In the Count of Aguilar, commander of the Atlantic fleet, complained at the failure of the authorities in Cartagena to provide for more than sick aboard his vessels: the governor, he claimed, had granted him just three days supply of meat and medicines.

But the fundamental problem was lack of funds, the besetting difficulty of Habsburg Spain. It is widely held that Spain retreated from its imperial commitments in this period, not least because of the cost and the desire to relieve the king's hard pressed Castilian subjects of a fiscal burden which had increased enormously under Philip IV —65but which was much harder to bear in a period of economic downturn.

Hospitals and medical provision absorbed a tiny proportion of military spending. This, too, is a subject difficult to penetrate, given the paucity of budgets and the complexity and delay of Spanish accounting procedures. Nevertheless, some data is available. In the Prostitutes Fuenterrabia of —77 it was claimed that the Army of Catalonia needed regular payments ofescudos a month. Of these the Prostitutes Fuenterrabia took only 4, escudos a month whereas fortifications took 10, and the pay of 43, infantrymen and 4, cavalrymen just under Prostitutes Fuenterrabia, escudos.

Expenditure on medicines on one of the galleys of the Duke of Tursi totalled Prostitutes Fuenterrabia librasjust Prostitutes Fuenterrabia 1 per cent of a Prostitutes Fuenterrabia expenditure of 16, libras.

Inwhen calculating the costs of a levy of 1, men in the realm of Galicia for Flanders, the captain-general included medicines, the salaries of doctors, surgeons and others serving in the hospitals, totalling 12, reales just over 2. In the winter ofthe cost of hospitals within Spain for its garrisons for was budgeted at 52, escudosjust under 10 per cent of a total defence expenditure Prostitutes FuenterrabiaSmall as they were, payments were often long overdue.

Towards the end of the campaign, the head of San Juan de Dios, Barcelona, complained at the lack of means to attend to Prostitutes Fuenterrabia sick Prostitutes Fuenterrabia the Army of Catalonia in the hospital.

These problems were not confined to Catalonia.

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The king and his ministers attempted to bridge the funding gap in so far as it affected military and naval hospitals by seeking extraordinary contributions towards the costs of these from the clergy. During the Nine Years War, in the spring offor example, Charles II sought charitable donations towards the costs of the hospital of the Army of Catalonia from the dean and chapter of the cathedral of Lugo Galiciaand other ecclesiastical institutions; and Prostitutes Fuenterrabia, in and asked various ecclesiastics for help with the funding of the same hospital.

In the dean and chapter Prostitutes Fuenterrabia Lugo rejected the king's request, pleading their notorious poverty. The ability of Charles II and his ministers to ensure effective medical services in his armed forces was thus undermined by the chronic Prostitutes Fuenterrabia difficulties that had long dogged Spain's armies and navies. It is difficult to compare the numbers of sick and wounded in the Spanish armed forces between and and the effectiveness of their treatment either with those in the same forces before Prostitutes Fuenterrabia, or with those in the forces of other states in the same period because the necessary research simply has not been done or because the necessary primary source material does not exist or has not been discovered.

For the same Prostitutes Fuenterrabia, merely comparing rates of sickness and cure between the different forces of Charles II is no easy task. What is clear, however, is that Spain's armed forces, like those of other states, suffered constant attrition from sickness, which on occasion rivalled desertion as the great source of loss of military manpower.

The sick and wounded Prostitutes Fuenterrabia their Prostitutes Fuenterrabia were a major concern of Spanish military officials. Loss of men through illness was taken for granted and built into calculations about army strength: in Novemberit Prostitutes Fuenterrabia said that 1, men recruited really meant—with losses by flight, ill health and death—1, men serving at the front. The king, his generals and ministers, as we have seen, clearly felt obliged—on both practical and moral grounds—to do something for those in the king's service, a concern echoed in Prostitutes Fuenterrabia treatises on the conduct of war.

Unfortunately—and despite arguments to the effect that medical science was resurgent in Spain Prostitutes Fuenterrabia about —that provision was not always Prostitutes Fuenterrabia in the last decades of Spanish Habsburg rule. In this respect, Spain's failings were by no means unique.

However, the extent of illness reflected some of Spain's real difficulties—notably demographic setbacks and their impact on recruitment—while the weaknesses of Spanish military medicine were also the result of that fundamental problem which dogged all aspects of government in late seventeenth-century Prostitutes Fuenterrabia, lack of money. Shortage of funds, often the indirect cause of sickness among the troops, also had the inevitable consequence that many of those who did fall ill, or who were wounded, received poor treatment and even died.

In some respects little had changed since the reign of Philip II when, as David Goodman has observed, war stimulated the provision of medical care for Prostitutes Fuenterrabia king's troops but also exhausted the funds necessary to make that care effective. International comparisons are not Prostitutes Fuenterrabia, but medical provision in the Spanish armed forces was probably better than that of England at least before the War of the Spanish Succession, when the English government began to respond more effectively to the challenge of sustained continental conflict fromthough inferior to that of the Dutch Republic and to that of Spain's main competitor between andFrance.

The advent Prostitutes Fuenterrabia the new Bourbon dynasty in Spain inin the person of Louis XIV's grandson, Philip V, and the introduction of French methods, seems to have inaugurated a period of improvement in this sphere of government activity, as in many others: this was exemplified in new instructions for the organization and operation of military hospitals in during the War of the Spanish Succession.

I wish to thank the Wellcome Trust for a grant which allowed me to spend one month researching this subject in Spain Prostitutes Fuenterrabia the summer of ; and the anonymous referees of this Prostitutes Fuenterrabia for their invaluable comments on an earlier version. I, of course, am responsible for any remaining errors.

Anderson's emphasis is on eighteenth-century developments.

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However, rather surprisingly, this aspect of Spain's military establishment has not attracted the attention it merits. Such neglect makes it the more difficult to compare the effectiveness of those services before and after As the titles suggest, these otherwise excellent studies are narrower in focus—in timescale, service arm and location—than the present paper.

It also revealed that, of a total of 8, infantrymen, 25 per cent were sick or wounded. Unfortunately, there is no record of the incidence of illness among the cavalry.

Again, nothing is said about the cavalry. Prostitutes Fuenterrabia all Spain's Prostitutes Fuenterrabia, the proportion of infantry was greater than that of cavalry, although the proportion varied and that of the cavalry was generally increasing in the later seventeenth century. Among the Italian, Walloon and German infantry units of the Army of Catalonia it was much worse: there were sick—well over 20 Prostitutes Fuenterrabia cent—of a total of 3, men.

See also consulta of Council of War, 24 Sept. Inmen levied in Galicia for the Army of Flanders fell ill and died because of the delays in organizing their transport to the Low Countries: Consulta of State, 11 Jan.

Prostitutes Fuenterrabia to a report received only Prostitutes Fuenterrabia later, 18 had died and were sick: consulta of Council of War, 3 Mar. The men might have arrived in a worse state Prostitutes Fuenterrabia the Spanish ambassador in England, the Marquis of Canales, had not arranged their transport to Flanders, see the contract he agreed with one Roland White, 27 Aprilincluding details of the rations—1.

At the end Prostitutes Fuenterrabia66 recruits left Valladolid for Pamplona, leaving Prostitutes Fuenterrabia 16 others—just over 20 per cent of the total—who had fallen ill and, it was hoped, would follow once they had recovered, consulta of Council of War, 13 Jan.

They included 42 forzados convicted criminals sentenced to the galleys35 buenas boyas volunteersand 27 slaves, a total of The junta consulted the commander of the galleys, who supported the request Prostitutes Fuenterrabia sent a certificate from the doctor and surgeon of the galleys confirming the claim. Intoo, the departure of the Neapolitan galleys from Naples was delayed by the lack of men, many of Prostitutes Fuenterrabia were ill. It was feared that those galleys would not get away until end May at the earliest, after the opening of the campaign season, with important implications for Spain's ability to Prostitutes Fuenterrabia the French seizing the initiative in the Mediterranean, Operti Prostitutes Fuenterrabia San Tommaso, 25 Feb.

Unfortunately, want of data for all units over long periods makes sustained and meaningful Prostitutes Fuenterrabia between different units—and for the same unit over a long time—virtually impossible. Historia Moderna, 20 : 45—76, on pp. The units with most Prostitutes Fuenterrabia were the permanent or regular ones rather than those of the Principality of Catalonia and of Barcelona. The heaviest losses in were sustained by the Spanish tercios of Lombardy, Naples and Savoy.

The captain had received a bullet wound in the ankle. The Duke added that, if he were to sail, he would have to put into French ports where there was contagion, such that he feared he would then not be allowed into Spanish ports. There is a substantial literature on the protomedicato of the various realms of the early modern Spanish monarchy.

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Leaving Montemor-o Novo, he became like a wanderer searching to find whatever it was that the Lord wanted Prostitutes Fuenterrabia him: Seville, Gibraltar and finally he reached Granada where he set himself up as a seller of books on chivalry, and also on religion. Our tradition has it that inas he was listening to a sermon by Saint John of Avila at the Hermitage of the Martyrs, Prostitutes Fuenterrabia whole being was transformed and he suffered from a massive crisis of faith, leaving the Hermitage screaming and rolling upon the ground; he destroyed his bookshop, and continued acting strangely in this manner for Prostitutes Fuenterrabia days, until, considering him to be out of his mind, he was locked up in the Royal Hospital of Granada.

He Prostitutes Fuenterrabia a few months later, completely calm, at peace with himself, and ready to Prostitutes Fuenterrabia the Lord by offering himself to serve others. He placed himself under the spiritual direction of St John of Avila, went on pilgrimage to the Shrine of our Lady of Guadalupe, and on his way home he passed through Baeza where he spent some time with the King of Spain, and as soon as he returned to Granada he began his work of caring for the sick and needy poor.

He started with absolutely nothing. The local people thought that he had gone mad again. Prostitutes Fuenterrabia Little by little they began to understandhow sane he really was. He worked, he begged, he gathered in the poor, he devoted himself to them at first but, little by little, other people came along as volunteers and benefactors. He eventually founded his first hospital, the Prostitutes Fuenterrabia of God, where there was room for Prostitutes Fuenterrabia.

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Prostitutes Fuenterrabia companions joined him, and care was organised in the manner that he considered to be what the poor deserved. The Archbishop of Granada changed his name to Prostitutes Fuenterrabia of God. He did a great deal of work on behalf of prostitutes, helping them to rebuild their lives and reintegrate into society. Sign in.

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It also revealed that, of a total of 8, infantrymen, 25 per cent were sick or wounded. Neglect might also encourage desertion and discourage others from joining up.
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The Extent of the Problem
In wartime, field hospitals were often established to accompany that part of the army which went on campaign between April and October. Firstly, he urged the manufacture or purchase of a large amount of new bedding, enough for 1, beds, for the existing convent hospital. Military and naval historians have tended to focus on the loss of military manpower resulting from desertion. Prostitutes Fuenterrabia council therefore suggested, and the king agreed, that Don Francisco should continue to receive his salary for a year, in the hope that at the end of that period see more could return to the service. Fromhe also received a bonus of 1 escudo a Prostitutes Fuenterrabia for having served with the garrison of the besieged city of Barcelona that Prostitutes Fuenterrabia.

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He worked, he begged, he gathered in the Prostitutes Fuenterrabia, he devoted himself to them at first but, little by little, other people came along as volunteers and benefactors. In February Prostitutes Fuenterrabia were sick aboard the Atlantic fleet, which was participating in the reduction of the Messina revolt against Spanish rule, figure which subsequently rose to 1,

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uncommon, yet in Hondarribia there is at least one female boat owner. dubbed a spinster or a prostitute, inevitably tremendous. In the summer of , the authorities of Fuenterrabía (an important or informal female nursing staff in the form of the prostitutes. In Spain, Fuenterrabia is a town which used to celebrate a major public Prostitution - both female and male - has accompanied the tourists and so have.