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In this complex area of redefining its legal-social meaning, commercial sex work emerges as one, if not the only, working opportunity, showing the harsh reality these women face. Cost of living in Spain: Is it. In addition, Jodelete reports that shared representations build a concessional vision of reality and provide possibilities for Prostitutes Caravaca action.

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The practice of commercial sex work must also be seen as a wider concept where other ways of living and being can arise; commercial sex work is not a reduced state for sexual practices and transgressions Spivak, ; Vieira,

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This means that the concepts of violence, drugs, risk, work, sadness, prejudice, and danger are the most likely elements that form the core of the social representation. The importance of these terms is also configured by their prominence and how they complement each other with other elements that overlap in negative emotional and working terms: risk, work, and danger Prostitutes Caravaca one hand, sadness and prejudice in the other.

Therefore, it is safe to say that the core is constituted by elements that are functional, complimentary, and harmonious. Diagram of four quadrants, which represents the four dimensions of the social representation structure of commercial sex work. Considering the core as the result of the collective memory and the set of norms to which the group of transvestite and Prostitutes Caravaca women claim to adhere, it seems to become an absolute group of prescriptions and life experiences.

In addition, the core relates directly to the actual possibility of understanding commercial sex work as a phenomenon that envelopes situations and activities that the women who were part Prostitutes Caravaca this study must deal with on a daily Prostitutes Caravaca.

By making appointments, you Prostitutes Caravaca three constant dangers: being either killed, raped or beaten… the last two have already happened to me, now Prostitutes Caravaca just have to die Transvestite Woman 1. I live a hard life as a transvestite, started walking the streets since I was a little girl.

In commercial sex work, you learn a lot, it is a school; death becomes a companion, you could die at any time Prostitutes Caravaca Woman 3. I met several transvestite women and ended up getting into this world commercial sex work.

When a fellow commercial sex worker was murdered on the street right next to me I felt so much fear, but you have to get used to living with this, Prostitutes Caravaca is no choice Transsexual Woman 4. Due to rejection both at home and in the labor market, many transvestite and transsexual women resort to drugs looking for Prostitutes Caravaca and the necessary strength to deal with every day adversities in the world of commercial sex work.

Chemical dependence seems to be a common denominator in this population:.

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The only way to take all this is using drugs, that is the only way you can give yourself. I use drugs, I have smoked Prostitutes Caravaca for a long time; I think I do it to keep from doing crack and cocaine Transsexual Prostitutes Caravaca 7.

In commercial sex work drugs come to you, you do not Prostitutes Caravaca to them. Drugs come through clients, other commercial sex workers, and random people on the street. You become exposed and there is no choice but to use them Transsexual Woman 5. I have already used crack, did it for a while. Now I do not play with it but I still inhale cocaine from time to time.

You have to use drugs to endure the night. You see, in reality nobody lives like this without inhaling or smoking Transsexual Woman The previous statements show that most participants associated drugs with the seduction of the night and alleys cast over those who embrace commercial sex work.

At the same time, it becomes the necessary fuel to make it through in the sex trade. The content shown in the core points to a consensus in the day-to-day Prostitutes Caravaca life. Violence, drugs Prostitutes Caravaca, risk, danger, and sadness for transvestite and transsexual women who enter Prostitutes Caravaca sex work comes from their interactions with clients, peers, society in general, and the police. The right upper quadrant contains the possible elements of the first representational periphery with Prostitutes Caravaca words frequently mentioned and higher AOR at the same time.

This means that, for the participants in the study, these elements were not so essential when thinking of commercial sex work as work activity. Hence, the terms sex, money, sexually transmitted infections, and streets would form part of the first periphery of this representation. These elements reveal a complimentary positioning versus what is happening sexthe goal earning moneythe place Prostitutes Caravaca this takes places the street and a reality they must deal with sexually transmitted diseases.

In the third quadrant lower leftthe contrast zone shows elements quickly evocated but frequently lower than average: Prostitutes Caravaca, survival, fear, and lack of opportunities. These terms reinforce the representation of commercial sex work that the participants report. Consequently, different to the classic idea of contrast as an opposition or counter-position to the image presented in the core on this study, the terms shown Prostitutes Caravaca complimentary to the Prostitutes Caravaca from the core.

Such elements reinforce a Prostitutes Caravaca attitude toward the stimuli under investigation supported by expressions of fear, survival, lack of opportunities, pain, constant fight, and disrespect. Finally, the second Prostitutes Caravaca in the fourth quadrant lower right exhibits the least frequent elements with a higher evocation average: Night, silicon, cars, Prostitutes Caravaca, and oppression.

All these terms support the objectified aspect that characterizes the representation designed while fostering and offering stability to the most core-related elements of it.

On the other hand, the analytic image of Prostitutes Caravaca of the elements of social representations shows, as indicators of its structure, the size of the colored vertices that is proportional to the frequency of words, and the edges Prostitutes Caravaca show the strength of co-occurrence between its concepts.

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In other words, by looking at the figure below, the reader can identify the level of connection of the elements of the different factors of the representation Prostitutes Caravaca.

This figure verifies the three interconnected axis Risk, Violence, and Money with the axis Sex. It is important to recognize that a thicker line represent a stronger link among them. It was here on this very Street around 10 p. This has happened three times in the last four months, it is Prostitutes Caravaca day at work if you Prostitutes Caravaca the streets like us, you must get used to violence since the streets are dangerous Prostitutes Caravaca you have no idea.

Another risk that the transvestites and female transsexuals are exposed to is the vulnerability to drug consumption, mainly to alcohol, marihuana and crack cocaine.

When Prostitutes Caravaca falls this turns into the gates of hell for us Transvestite Woman 2. The women in the study candidly mention that depending on the money offered by the customer, they may Prostitutes Caravaca the Prostitutes Caravaca offered by the condom:. If a customer shows up and offers more money for sex without condom and you need the money you end up doing it Transsexual Woman 8.

The structural elements of the social representation of commercial sex work, conveyed in the prototypical analysis, in the statements, and in the graphic of similarities, explicitly Prostitutes Caravaca indications of life experiences and negative tendencies anchored in sayings based on violence, fears, risks, lack of recognition as citizens, and invalidation of the gender of the participants of the study. The social representation of commercial sex work was conveyed as a set of elements, life experiences and realities related to politics that separates them Prostitutes Caravaca social codes usually normal.

In other words, it is a space that takes individuals from their habitual contexts, since it puts them in deterritorialized places, like subversive basements and attics, to make them invisible. The practice of commercial sex work must also be seen as a wider concept where other ways of living and being can arise; commercial sex work is not a reduced state for sexual practices and transgressions Spivak, ; Vieira, The scenarios and universes of urban sexual practices linked to commercial Prostitutes Caravaca work of transvestite and transsexual women associate their image to the Liquid Modernity as Prostitutes Caravaca by Bauman ; that is, as a mythical and allegorical body where Prostitutes Caravaca differences are denied and can become ingrained in a society that has Prostitutes Caravaca dealing with urban transformations which alter the feminine condition and its attributes.

The Prostitutes Caravaca activity developed while gathering the data for this study seems to be covered by many urban senses and elements, which pervade the daily reality Prostitutes Caravaca, In this complex area of redefining its legal-social meaning, commercial sex work emerges as one, if not the only, working opportunity, showing the harsh reality these women face.

There is an intensification of institutional violence always present in society Kulick, ; Silva et al.

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Certainly, the streets and their unwritten codes, organization, and survival work as the background in which Prostitutes Caravaca, affection, work, and institutional violence become stronger and reach different configurations. From the same perspective, the content of the elements of the representations and their narratives Prostitutes Caravaca enough to convey the complexity of the situations that transsexual and transvestite commercial sex workers deal with on a daily basis.

Violence is stressed as a phenomenon of complex causes which involves several dimensions of the human experience. Violence is probably the most concentric element of the core of social representation in commercial sex work.

It can be said that the investigation Prostitutes Caravaca shown how in day-to-day-life, violence is a constant risk that can be manifested at any moment in different ways. It is also safe to say that violence against transvestite and transsexual women is rising at a brutally accelerated rate.

Nevertheless, its Prostitutes Caravaca is not being well recorded due to different reasons.

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It has been noted that the census conducted by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics still does not ask specific questions on gender identity. This has caused a lack of official data on how many people identify themselves as transvestite and transsexual, who also deal with some type of violence.

Brazil is the country with the highest murder rates Prostitutes Caravaca to transvestite and transsexual women, which refers to trans-necro-politics. Various reasons hide behind these systemic forms of violence that are Prostitutes Caravaca and symbolic; remembering what symbolisms say about a place that speaks of labels, prejudice and imprisonment of identity.

Consequently, the symbolic place of transsexual and transvestite women who are involved in commercial sex work is marked by social stigma, different types of violence, and stereotypes. Therefore, Prostitutes Caravaca is shown as the product of a moral order.

Cliente is the old story about the client and the prostitute who fall in love, only this time the professional is a man (Eric Caravaca). María de la Caridad Norberta Pacheco Sánchez (6 June – 1 March ), better known by her nickname Caridad la Negra, was a Spanish prostitute who were natives of Algezares and Caravaca de la Cruz respectively.

It is created and nurtured within power, which repeats cultural behaviors that can Prostitutes Caravaca and fracture Prostitutes Caravaca lives of those who are outside the traditional concepts of gender Butler, ; Mbembe, ; Foucault, Moreover, violence and drug Prostitutes Caravaca are socio-anthropological phenomena that have been present throughout human history.

Unsurprisingly, trans women do not escape the historically constructed context of violence, prejudice and risk. For Brazilian and other Latin American societiesthe occupation that they perform is not only banned and illicit, but also morally unacceptable, exposing them to even vaster types of violence.

In fact, violence against transvestite and transwomen represents the legitimacy of the historical power of men over women and over everything Prostitutes Caravaca that escape the intelligibility of genders.

Risk associated with physical, sexual and psychological violence, human traffic, robberies and others as humiliation and moral transgressions are among the most common hazards the participants in the study are exposed.

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Another risk that the transvestites and female transsexuals are exposed to is the vulnerability to drug consumption, mainly to alcohol, marihuana and crack cocaine. These Prostitutes Caravaca show the associations of social exclusion and the devastating levels of discrimination.

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This is directly associated with how trans-identified people have benefitted from unparalleled social progress compared to Prostitutes Caravaca general population, which itself may be a source of mental health problems that exacerbates substance abuse pressures. They need to be thought of as articulate categories that co-exist in the same context.

Its meaning reaches new heights in the discussions of femininity. The differences of these identities is not always understood: they are a mark Prostitutes Caravaca hierarchy and oppression.

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Nevertheless, Prostitutes Caravaca understand those discourses to be modern forms of power in economy, politics, and culture Foucault, ; Santos, Therefore, it is not possible to think of an understanding of the lives of the women who participated on this study without Prostitutes Caravaca gender identity and the construction of their own identities, thus hinting at the existence of more forms of vulnerability.

Therefore, the social representation of commercial sex work shows the need for a theoretical rescue of the dignity of any human being, along with the need to humanize the misunderstood population of trans-women and transvestites and acknowledging their citizenship which nowadays is precarious. Finally, similar analyses could be made for other status contexts, since the reality experienced by trans-identified women among Latin American countries is comparable to the Prostitutes Caravaca perceived in Brazil.

Further studies are needed in order to Prostitutes Caravaca the social, economic and public health needs of this population, focusing on the phenomena unveiled by the social representation of commercial sex work and in the life stories behind commercial sex workers.

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Camposol exercise area moves a. In addition, the core relates directly to the actual possibility of understanding commercial sex work as a phenomenon that envelopes situations and activities that the women who were part of this study must deal with on a daily basis. Prostitutes Caravaca has caused a lack of official data on how many people identify themselves as transvestite and here, who also deal with some type of violence. You have to use drugs Prostitutes Caravaca endure the night. Apparently, the prevailing moral rigidity of our times condemns intimacy and places transvestite and check this out people in a position associated with sin and sickness - this is what we define as the paradigm of religious damnation and medicalization of social behaviors still pervading among Latin American societies. This has happened three times in the last four months, it is another day at work if you walk the streets like us, you must get used to violence since the Prostitutes Caravaca are dangerous like Prostitutes Caravaca have no idea.

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The prototypical analysis conducted afterwards allowed for the examination not only of the elements that constitute social representations, but also of the relationship between them through a graph. The women in the study candidly mention that Prostitutes Caravaca on the money offered by the customer, they may Prostitutes Caravaca the protection offered by the condom:.

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Caravaca, Éric Overview. Works: works in publications in 5 languages and 2, library holdings. Genres: Drama Film adaptations Comedy films. Sexual Abused Children; Street Children, Child Prostitution. Orla Makai · Tapes - Teens Freezing to Death on Crystal Meth. Cliente is the old story about the client and the prostitute who fall in love, only this time the professional is a man (Eric Caravaca).