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Michael Shively, Ph.D.


Each year, the NIJ publishes and sponsors dozens of research and study documents detailing results, analyses and statistics that help to further the organization's mission. Although it was widely regarded as successful locally, budget cuts rendered the Police Department unable to enforce Prostitutes Shively zone properly, and the City Council allowed the ordinance to expire.

Shively argued that demand was the driving force behind a market for prostitutes. He pointed out that most women, Audrey Porter included, begin doing sex work when they are below the legal age of consent. In addition, Shively compared pimps to slave-masters, noting the amount of physical and economic coercion present in the relationship between a pimp and a sex worker.

Paul Taylor was the final speaker. He described how his job as an insurance fraud Prostitutes Shively for the state accidentally dovetailed with an investigation into a nationwide prostitution ring. Nail technicians are required to have an education from an accredited cosmetology institute. The state licenses them Prostitutes Shively they have completed Prostitutes Shively required course load and passed a state-licensing test.

What Taylor noticed was a loophole Prostitutes Shively the law that allowed nail technicians who had been certified by Prostitutes Shively state to transfer that certification across state lines without a photo ID. Taylor grew suspicious. And when he dug deeper into the matter he uncovered a nationwide prostitution ring that used nail salons as front companies, he said.

A National overview of prostitution and sex trafficking demand reduction efforts: Final report.

Obviously, not all nail salons are Prostitutes Shively, but the problem was that no one — at either the federal or the state level — was interested in pursuing the matter. Prostitutes Shively is a misdemeanor, not a felony, and as any law enforcement observer would tell you, misdemeanor clearances take a backseat to felonies.

I think the focus should have been on the customer. In a prior study, Abt Associates Prostitutes Shively evidence that the use of anti-demand approaches was more widespread than previously thought.

It was also found that little research or descriptive information was available about the vast majority of interventions. Communities attempting to address demand had often done so with little guidance from the collective experience of others; consequently, some initiatives had struggled or failed when faced with problems Prostitutes Shively had been solved elsewhere Shively et al. To fill these gaps, Abt Associates received support from the National Institute of Justice to develop a typology and a descriptive overview of anti-demand tactics employed throughout the United States, and to provide information of practical value that could assist communities Prostitutes Shively starting, improving, or sustaining programs and practices.

A secondary objective was Prostitutes Shively assess the feasibility of evaluating demand-reduction interventions. The project has generated several key products, one of which is this report which provides an overview Prostitutes Shively initiatives targeting the demand in the United States. The report is intended to serve as an introduction for those considering applying anti-demand tactics in their communities, and for those at the state government level who are considering policies, statutes, and infrastructure investments Prostitutes Shively local efforts.

Additional information is available at the main product of the project, the website scheduled DemandForum.

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The site allows for the presentation of a far greater number of case Prostitutes Shively, examples, supporting documents, than is possible in the present report, and has flexibility in updating and accessing Prostitutes Shively.

The website expands the presentation of information collected in the study, and for all cities and counties will include checklists of tactics used and capsule descriptions of Prostitutes Shively known to have used anti-demand tactics, along with links Prostitutes Shively any available program documentation and third-party Prostitutes Shively relevant to each site. The research described in the report was conducted to contribute to an ongoing process of gathering Prostitutes Shively on practices targeting demand for commercial sex.

The intent was to develop for the first time a national picture of current and historical practices. This provides a foundation for Prostitutes Shively inquiry, and for gathering and disseminating actionable information Prostitutes Shively to practitioners.

While this report is necessarily static and will become dated, the Demandforum. Input from the field of practitioners, advocates, policymakers, and researchers will be actively encouraged, and contact information for individuals and organizations that hold information of value to practitioners will be provided.

Prostitutes Shively all of the topics worthy of attention and consideration could be covered sufficiently in this report, but we expect information to continually accrue on the website.

We prioritized practices that are: a established as - or may be approaching the status of - evidence-based practice; b actively being implemented or considered by many communities; c controversial and the subject of debate among policymakers Prostitutes Shively practitioners; or d represent innovations and attempts to solve challenges faced by traditional practices or standard models.

Guided by these criteria, we have emphasized reverse sting operations, shaming, and john schools in our reporting, and in describing not only the basic models of each, but variations, innovations, and evidence of effectiveness. But where are they getting the money? They're making money Prostitutes Shively men who are willing to pay. What they both come down to is sexual servitude. Whether someone is being moved from state to state, country to country, or street corner to street corner doesn't make any difference.

It's about compelling women and girls to sell sex and then taking their money. Customers also are contributing to Prostitutes Shively problem, so we need to focus our efforts on them as well. It is not much of a deterrent if the customer is not going to be prosecuted. The distinction between people selling sex who are versus are not compelled by a third party is usually invisible to buyers — particularly since most buyers are motivated to believe that providers are involved voluntarily.

Market incentives and fear of reprisals from pimps and traffickers motivate Prostitutes Shively of commercial sex Prostitutes Shively are trafficked Prostitutes Shively present themselves as if they participate voluntarily, and most johns cannot Prostitutes Shively choose not to see otherwise.

It is not feasible to develop separate interventions for men buying compelled sex and for those buying sex from people who are not compelled by a third party. Prostitutes Shively is also important to clarify that there are already separate laws for commercial sex with children, which is always human trafficking.

Education of actual and potential buyers of commercial sex, and b. Law enforcement interventions aimed at deterring men who might buy Prostitutes Shively, and punishing those that do.

Illegal Commercial Sex Markets Like the market for any commodity or service, the illicit commercial sex market is a function of supply and demand. Like the market Prostitutes Shively any good or service illicit or otherwisedemand is the key but not the only driving force, and the other components follow. When there is demand, supply will Prostitutes Shively found or produced, and distributors in this case, pimps, traffickers, or those acting as their own distributors work to ensure that the two shall meet.

The stronger the demand, the greater the economic motivation to obtain and deliver a supply. A simple model of the core dynamics of commercial sex markets Prostitutes Shively presented in Figure 2. Figure 2. Markets originate in consumer-level demand, and Prostitutes Shively and distribution are responses to demand.

Of course, as a model, this is an oversimplification of market forces. Any market has complex interactions and feedback mechanisms between supply, demand, and distribution. But the model does illustrate something difficult to dispute: without demand, there is little need to generate and distribute a supply.

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The model also depicts how distributors either pimps or traffickers can Prostitutes Shively bypassed where demand can make direct connection with supply.

In commercial sex markets, it is not always true that there are third parties Prostitutes Shively or forcing exchanges between those providing Abt Associates Inc. For people engaged in providing commercial sex who do not have pimps or traffickers compelling them, one can consider providers to serve as their own distributors.

Until relatively recently and in many communities, presentlycriminal justice system attempts to suppress street prostitution have focused largely on interrupting supply by arresting and sanctioning the providers. But they have usually ignored the individuals creating demand. While arresting women engaged in street prostitution may temporarily clear an area Prostitutes Shively visible activity, driving it to other neighborhoods or Prostitutes Shively, experience shows that this strategy alone produces few lasting benefits.

Moreover, women and girls arrested for prostitution are rarely provided with services to help them address the issues that make them vulnerable to further sexual exploitation. This situation began changing in the s andand the pace of change gained momentum in the s when communities, frustrated by the lack of positive results from focusing on supply and distribution, Prostitutes Shively implementing anti-demand tactics.

Some subsets of sex buyers may be unresponsive to such intervention. The john school model also assumes that a brief educational program is likely to do no harm. The programs are often designed as an option for diverting people Prostitutes Shively normal adjudication, but in doing so expose the public to no additional risk since traditional sanctions for misdemeanor prostitution offenses require offenders to spend little—if any—time segregated from the public.

In addition, there is very little opportunity cost for investing in the programs, Prostitutes Shively the modest program expenses are covered by fees paid by participants.

The johns are the problem. Appearing Prostitutes Shively the Williamson Daily News, October 20,p. With one out of every five or six men admitting to purchasing sex, patronizing commercial sex is unlikely to be primarily the result of rare deviance or pathology. While not extremely rare, most men do not purchase sex, so the behavior cannot be considered a normative or intractable problem beyond the reach of intervention. Shively et al. Similar results have been found in other studies.

The distinct motivations identified in these surveys can be categorized into Prostitutes Shively few main types: 1 seeking intimacy i. While men who solicit prostitution are not necessarily atypical demographically or in terms of criminal history, they are measurably Prostitutes Shively in terms of a range of attitudes toward women, relationships, and commercial sex.

Commercial sex participants were also less likely to have been sexually molested as children, or to report having forced women into sexual acts. The differences between samples were not large, but were statistically significant. They're wealthy. They're poor. They Prostitutes Shively from every single background. There's no one set 'MO' Prostitutes Shively a john. Many people who have studied the problems Prostitutes Shively sex trafficking and prostitution, Prostitutes Shively practitioners who have worked in the field to assist survivors and prosecute traffickers, have independently concluded that mitigating or eliminating sexual exploitation requires attacking it at its source: consumer-level demand.

Supply and distribution are symptoms; demand is the cause. Currently, the weight of the evidence suggests that most men in the United States Prostitutes Shively not illegally buy sex.

The forces that contribute to commercial sex are found in concentrated form when examining the historic relationship between the presence of the military and prostitution. A great deal of attention has been paid to the role Prostitutes Shively military personnel in fueling demand for prostitution and sex trafficking worldwide e.

Contemporary reports describe how the presence of thousands of U. Prostitution, Prostitutes Shively Trafficking, and Harm There Prostitutes Shively long-running debates about the level of harm resulting from illegal commercial sex, and its proper legal status. At one end of the spectrum is the position that prostitution is inherently harmful and should be treated as a crime.

For example, prostitution opponents point to drug abuse, community deterioration, and ancillary crime that invariably accompany street prostitution as evidence supporting criminalization. Those supporting legalization argue that these same dysfunctions are driven not by prostitution itself, but by the criminal status of the enterprise, much like alcohol prohibition fosters black markets, organized crime, and street crime.

Legalization proponents Prostitutes Shively assume that prostitution cannot be stopped, and argue that legalized prostitution would allow commercial sex to 24 E. However, Prostitutes Shively empirical evidence finds sex trafficking and prostitution to be damaging, and that deregulation and legalization do not ameliorate those harms for more than a small portion of Prostitutes Shively of commercial sex.

The negative consequences of prostitution and sex trafficking for all parties directly and indirectly involved are well documented. Somewhat better conditions are generally but not always available to those working indoors in brothels, massage parlors, and clubs.

The images of commercial sex portrayed by proponents of legalization best fit the conditions of women working as self-employed escorts or in the higher-end, more professionally run brothels and clubs e. By all accounts, street prostitutes occupy the lowest rung on the commercial sex ladder e. One of the objectives pursued by advocates for change in how prostitution is addressed in the U. There is currently no firm answer to the question of what proportion of prostituted persons in any given area in the U.

While these distinctions are crucial for those involved Prostitutes Shively prosecuting pimps and traffickers, or serving the providers of commercial sex, the distinctions are relatively unimportant for attacking demand for street prostitution. Prostitutes Shively engaged in prostitution independently or because they are pimped Prostitutes Shively trafficked serve the same market, and if that market is weakened by reducing demand, there will be Prostitutes Shively impact on both trafficking and prostitution.

Vulnerable Women and Girls Drawn Into Prostitution Most studies Prostitutes Shively the average age of entry into prostitution to be between 12 and 16,44 and the vulnerabilities leading girls and young women into commercial sex often conspire to keep them there.

Nothing else about the program Prostitutes Shively preclude it from serving male customers of escorts or brothels, or commercial sex arranged online. Police operations supply john schools with participants, and the range of their operations dictates the types of offenders and types of prostitution that are addressed. In the U. None of the john schools accept men arrested for soliciting sex from children. Such men would be ineligible, and are never Prostitutes Shively also because the pool from which john school Prostitutes Shively are drawn is men soliciting sex from adults in reverse stings.

Prostitutes Shively childhood experiences contribute to prostitution via homelessness and a lack of economic self-sufficiency. Sexually and physically abused children are at an increased risk of running away,46 and women and girls who are unable to sustain themselves financially are highly vulnerable to sexual exploitation.

Providers of commercial sex are found to have high levels of childhood truancy, poor education, poor employment skills, and debt e. Studies repeatedly Prostitutes Shively that among the most important predictors of prostitution are running away from home and homelessness. I was having sex before I even knew what it was, before I even knew the language, or had words to describe it.

By the time I was a teenager and started developing my own sexuality, I had no idea what real intimacy was. I was promiscuous and started selling sex — why not get paid for it? Then the pimps noticed me, and I had to do it for them. Much later I realized I was acting out, trying to hide the pain deep inside me. I covered Prostitutes Shively up Prostitutes Shively sex, drugs, looking for love but not knowing how, or what it looked or felt like.

I thought I loved the pimps, but they just used me. It was so easy to manipulate me — I was lost. At the time, I did not even remember what happened to me as a small child, or thought of it as wrong. I was too Prostitutes Shively to know what it was, but it was all I knew… since I was a baby, I was there to provide sex to men, in my family or anyone else. The most common causes of death were, in order: homicide, suicide, drug- and alcohol-related problems, HIV infection, and accidents.

The homicide rate among women Prostitutes Shively engaged in prostitution was seventeen times greater than the rate for age-matched females in the general population Potterat et al. It was probably about 1, dates. Twelve hundred opportunities to catch Prostitutes Shively and Prostitutes Shively, opportunities to get killed.

An unmarked police van serving as a mobile screening or booking station is usually parked nearby, but out of sight of the street operation.

Involvement in prostitution is also linked to a variety Prostitutes Shively health problems, including tuberculosis, HIV, STDs, anemia, and hepatitis. In a national survey of U. The physical traumas resulting from commercial sex often lead to psychological distress, including Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.

National Overview of Prostitution and Sex Trafficking Demand Reduction Efforts, Final Report by Michael Shively PH.D., Kristina Kliorys, Kristin Wheeler, Dana. More From NOW: Fighting Child Prostitution | Stories from the Sex Trade | "John Michael Shively, a senior associate at Abt Associates.

But when you touched me, my skin crawled. I hated it. Prostitutes Shively was scared. I was in pain. I felt violated. Compromised health, addiction, PTSD, and a lack Prostitutes Shively employment skills can narrow options for developing financial self- sufficiency, and this creates dependency upon prostitution as a means of support, and perpetuates dependency upon pimps.

After Prostitutes Shively of manipulation and exploitation, women who have been controlled by pimps and traffickers can have difficulty separating e. Pimps and traffickers will use combinations of force, manipulation, and intimidation to maintain control Prostitutes Shively what, for them, is simply a financial asset. No one ever asked me about my life, about prostitution, being beaten, raped or kidnapped.

I was just a whore, a criminal. How could I get Prostitutes Shively No one ever treated me Prostitutes Shively a person. No one asked me if I hurt or why. I experienced sexual abuse including child prostitution… I had been brutally assaulted… I had been homeless… I suffered severe symptoms of PTSD and I desperately wanted to get out of prostitution and a life that made no sense to me. Department of Justice, December 13, Prostitutes Shively Those who were not initially addicted to drugs often become addicted soon after becoming involved in prostitution Chapkis, ; Kramer, Drug addiction and poverty serve to keep prostituted women and girls destabilized and dependent.

Substance abuse is a factor in both the initiation and persistence of prostitution. Interactions among prostitution, abuse physical, sexual, and emotionalProstitutes Shively, compromised health, diminished self-sufficiency skills, and other dysfunctions can send the lives of survivors in a downward Prostitutes Shively from which exit becomes progressively more difficult.

You got a girl beat up or drugged into becoming a prostitute, or who Prostitutes Shively it because her mom was a prostitute. There are drug debts… Most girls aren't happy about what they do. And pimps beat them up if they don't make enough. Is it really victimless? Although they are more often the perpetrators of violence, johns are also vulnerable to being victimized. Their involvement in a criminal act makes it unlikely that they will report victimization that occurs while they are with prostitutes.

In addition to criminal victimization, johns are at elevated risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases. A lot of johns tend to get robbed both by potential prostitutes and by people who victimize both the prostitutes and the johns because they feel they are easy victims who are Prostitutes Shively going to report their crimes to the police.

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How [are] you going to explain it to the police; how [are] you going to explain it to your loved one? Terry Pasko, Akron, Ohio Police Department vice squad, Impact on Communities Prostitution is associated with higher crime rates and other forms of community degradation. Surveys of business owners and community organizations find that street prostitution Prostitutes Shively affects local businesses and lowers the quality of life within communities e.

Department of Justice DOJfeaturing proactive problem-solving and comprehensive multiagency approaches to Prostitutes Shively enforcement, Prostitutes Shively prevention, and community revitalization.

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More than a dozen nominees and winners of Goldstein Awards from the Center for Problem-Oriented Policing66 have named prostitution as a high priority issue, sought grant Prostitutes Shively, and have Prostitutes Shively collaborative responses. In addition, research on adult-oriented businesses such as strip Prostitutes Shively or adult books and video stores has found crime Prostitutes Shively to increase when such businesses open, and to decrease when they close e.

Complaints were received from local merchants, citizens and members of Prostitutes Shively city council, making this problem the number one priority for enforcement action by the Champaign Police Department. These perspectives have led many cities to enforcement policies oriented to accomplishing short-terms goals of cleaning up particular street corners and business districts; cities often tolerate prostitution activity confined to restricted locations.

Frequently, enforcement activities involve arresting prostitutes followed by short-term Prostitutes Shively and no provision of services.

Prostitution places a substantial burden on the criminal justice system and on providers of public health and social services. One study conducted in the s found that 16 U. Those involved in prostitution are typically in need of other Prostitutes Shively services.

Since many prostituted women and girls have children, they also are high-end users of the foster care system and child protective services. Attempts to identify Prostitutes Shively prosecute pimps are particularly difficult. Women involved in prostitution are typically reluctant to cooperate with police in investigations of pimps Prostitutes Shively traffickers, or when police investigate violence against them by johns or pimps e.

Reasons for this reluctance include having destructive experiences with officers who have abused them e. While the basic exchange of money for sex has occurred throughout history, the methods used Prostitutes Shively solicit and arrange commercial sex and for evading law enforcement efforts to combat it are constantly evolving and presenting new challenges.

As new communication technologies have emerged, they have been used to transact commercial sex and present new obstacles for law enforcement. With the advent of web-based solicitation, sexual exploitation is becoming more decentralized. Over the past decade, police departments nationwide have noticed a sharp increase in the use of the Internet for soliciting prostitution.

In San Francisco, for example, vice unit officers argue that there has been a shift in prostitution from the street and toward the web, Prostitutes Shively has resulted in fewer solicitations made through contact on Prostitutes Shively street. Recent reports suggest that Facebook is quickly becoming an important tool for transacting commercial sex, particularly for escort services with stable client bases e.

One report we encountered suggests that online gaming systems provide other web-based avenues for transacting commercial sex. What makes the platform attractive for online solicitations is that Xbox Live can be linked to most other social networking services. Users can access Twitter and Facebook accounts and can also communicate directly with other users. In addition to providing an avenue for solicitation, the Internet is also used by consumers of commercial sex to communicate with one another Prostitutes Shively interfere with law enforcement efforts e.

Dedicated websites cater to Prostitutes Shively of the sex trade e. San Francisco Police Department SFPD vice officers have monitored commercial sex websites while reverse stings are occurring Prostitutes Shively city streets, and have seen johns post warnings describing the undercover officers and the location of the operation Shively et al.

SFPD officers report that alerts about reverse stings are posted within Prostitutes Shively hour of the start of an operation. Before police have Prostitutes Shively to Prostitutes Shively tips or otherwise detect them, the brothel has run its course and moved elsewhere.

In New York City, for example, pimps use cab drivers as assistants, Prostitutes Shively customers to women engaged in prostitution. Such innovation in developing methods of evading law enforcement is common in any illicit market where demand is strong, and where large profits can be made.

Our interviews with law enforcement and survivors are consistent with the research and anecdotal evidence cited above. There are also lessons to be drawn from experience dealing with other illicit markets. There is a vast body of research on U. Evidence abounds showing that attacking demand for narcotics is effective and cost- effective e.

As they come into town they post their ad, they do their business Prostitutes Shively then they take it down and they leave. Prostitutes Shively enforcement efforts were enhanced, the less organized and less competent small-time pimps may be the first to succumb to law enforcement, but may be Prostitutes Shively by more highly coordinated human trafficking, drug trafficking, or organized crime networks. Alternatively, the same pimps and traffickers could change tactics to avoid whatever Prostitutes Shively working Prostitutes Shively police.

We have encountered no evidence to suggest that tightening enforcement against distributors of commercial sex will solve the problem, although it is a necessary complementary piece within a comprehensive strategy. Our observation about the limited impact likely to be achieved through efforts to curtail supply and distribution does not mean we Prostitutes Shively advocating less enforcement.

The point we are making is that those efforts will be most effective when coupled with rigorous enforcement and education activity focusing on demand. A coordinated, proactive effort is needed to address it. Among the demand reduction strategies employed are public education Prostitutes Shively e. Previously, Washington DC had an auto seizure program that was declared unconstitutional and suspended in There are at least twelve distinct types of interventions that have been developed and implemented to combat demand, and variations Prostitutes Shively each type.

As an overview, the basic typology we have developed and some key details about each type are outlined below. These interventions are examined in greater detail in the remainder of the chapter.

Some john schools are structured as multiple- session classes, or as a set of group or individual counseling sessions. About Prostitutes Shively of U. Participation is mandatory rather than voluntary, and does not result in dismissed charges. The Safety Through Deterrence STD program featured police delivering a set of speaking points and handouts to men suspected of soliciting sex from women engaged Prostitutes Shively prostitution.

The class content varies widely across programs, and can include many topics in addition to those in the basic curriculum outlined above, e.

A summary of findings is presented in Table 3. As can be seen here, the most widespread demand reduction strategy is the police decoy operation, or reverse sting. We have identified over sites in the U. Demand reduction efforts have operated in the District Prostitutes Shively Columbia and 49 states Vermont is Prostitutes Shively only Prostitutes Shively. Table 3. Prostitution and sex trafficking are not strictly urban problems and with the advent of web-based solicitation, are becoming even more decentralizedand many small towns had a need to address prostitution that was substantial enough devote the resources necessary to conduct police decoy operations targeting johns.

Seventy-one towns with populations under 10, have conducted reverse sting operations including one town, Jefferson, Prostitutes Shively, with a population of underand communities with populations under 75, Prostitutes Shively targeted johns in that manner.

During October and November, we have learned about additional sites and reverse stings. Up to date tallies will be kept on the Demand Forum website. The median population of counties that have conducted reverse stings wasA grouped frequency distribution for communities that have conducted decoy operations is presented in Table 3.

Cities and Towns That Have Conducted Reverse Stings Population N Less than 1, 2 1, — 9, 69 10, — 24, 25, — 49, 50, — 74, 75, Prostitutes Shively 99, 67—71—62—39—25 1, or more 11 Total Table 3. In this project, the review of news archives revealed that reverse stings had been conducted in several cities in the s, the first of which occurred in Nashville in We also learned that the average year of Prostitutes Shively use wasamong the cities and counties in which we Prostitutes Shively establish dates for the first occurrence of reverse stings.

We were also surprised by how early the other kinds of interventions had been employed. The year of first known use of each tactic, and the sites where each occurred, are listed in Table 3. The early applications of these tactics will be discussed in descriptions provided on the DemandForum. Johns must first Prostitutes Shively arrested in order for john schools, community service programs, geographic exclusion zones, and several other tactics to be applied.

The means by which the vast majority of johns are arrested is through reverse stings, which have been established as the primary method of producing the evidence necessary to satisfy criminal justice requirements that the illegal purchase Prostitutes Shively sex has occurred. Other sanctions or programs are applied relatively rarely. Prostitutes Shively the decision to cite or arrest is made, offenders in jurisdictions with criminal justice diversion programs for johns are issued a Prostitutes Shively and informed of their responsibility to call the prosecutor's office for processing either a city attorney's office Prostitutes Shively johns are cited for violating municipal ordinances, or the district attorney's office when johns are arrested for committing a penal code violation.

In some communities, such efforts involve posting signs or billboards informing johns about police activity or penalties for buying sex. Yours truly, the neighbors. Another approach is to Prostitutes Shively awareness efforts at the general public, rather than to actual or potential johns. This usually involves placing signs or Prostitutes Shively for the public to see, or brief presentations about demand at meetings of community groups. We have considered an education program to be a more intensive and Prostitutes Shively effort to convey a larger amount of information.

An example would be a curriculum developed to teach high school students or employees of Prostitutes Shively company about how buying sex drives prostitution and sex trafficking, and the negative consequences. While most experts agree that public education and awareness are critical to combating prostitution and sex trafficking, there are relatively Prostitutes Shively examples of programs designed specifically to address demand for commercial sex, when compared to the number of programs addressing supply and distribution.

We have found some form of anti-demand awareness or education activity to have occurred in at least 67 cities and counties. The earliest known efforts, which were awareness efforts rather than more intensive education programs, occurred in the s Table 3. Most other communities have engaged in less extensive campaigns, and have used simpler methods.

Of the Prostitutes Shively and counties that we know have engaged Prostitutes Shively some form of education or awareness intervention targeting demand, the vast majority are designed to raise awareness.

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There are Prostitutes Shively few Prostitutes Shively that would meet more rigorous standard of programs with substantial educational content. Department of Defense are among the few true education programs we have found. These programs are discussed below. The involved a series of professionally- produced public service announcements and print media images that were circulated via the web, television, in print media, and signs posted in public areas such Prostitutes Shively buses in Prostitutes Shively.

The objective was to generate public and political pressure to spur state and local agencies as well as nongovernmental organizations, such Abt Associates Inc. The substantive focus of campaign was on the buyers of sex and reducing demand. Figure 3. The campaigns products were released to the public in Links to the PSAs are provided in Prostitutes Shively footnote83, and print messages used for paper ads, billboards, and elsewhere are presented in Figures 3.

The main thrust of the campaign occurred in to Most of the initial activity and investment occurred in the first year, when materials were developed and placements were made in electronic and print media outlets.

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Prostitutes Shively national attention and awards received by the campaign extended the program's peak Prostitutes Shively into and by having the materials publicized and circulated by the Prostitutes Shively, and referenced by other organizations fighting prostitution and human trafficking. The campaign did not have a formal end to date, and could be regarded as still under way since the educational materials Prostitutes Shively available online.

The Dear John campaign was not formally evaluated, so its impact Prostitutes Shively the demand for prostitution or on sex trafficking in Atlanta is unknown.

The main stated goal of the project was not to directly impact the behavior of actual or potential johns, although it was hoped that the messages Prostitutes Shively resonate with them.

Instead, the key goal was to inspire action among those in government and nongovernmental organizations who could do something to combat demand for commercial sex. The level of activity in planning and implementing demand-focused interventions in the city increased after the campaign began. Of course, without an evaluation it is difficult to determine whether the activities would have occurred without the campaign, and at this Prostitutes Shively there is no way to make such Prostitutes Shively determination.

For example, after the campaign was launched many meetings took place and initiatives began making progress that had not previously occurred. Among the initiatives that were launched during the Prostitutes Shively thrust of the two year campaign included the development of a john school, reforming state criminal codes regarding soliciting prostitution, and conducting a study of male buyers of sex.

City government support for anti-demand efforts appeared to wane after Mayor Franklin left office in However, activity by NGOs has continued. Some of these organizations had been in focus initiatives in place before EDI existed, and some of the activity has been collective action organized or facilitated by EDI.

For illustrative purposes we will discuss some initiatives of a few of the key partners of EDI. The conclusions and recommendations from the study served as the basis of campaign outreach materials. At the Prostitutes Shively time, Larissa Malarek, a volunteer documentarian, conducted 23 on-camera Prostitutes Shively with policymakers, law enforcement officials, service providers, and survivors throughout the state about prostitution, sex trafficking and demand in Illinois.

These interviews were conducted to Prostitutes Shively the basis of the production of short documentary vignettes used for EDI public education initiatives. CAASE has created educational curricula designed to encourage boys and men not to Prostitutes Shively in, and to work against, sexual Prostitutes Shively. The organization Prostitutes Shively also developed toolkits for nonprofits, faith-based groups, schools, businesses, and other communities and organizations to provide methods people can use to prevent sexual exploitation.

Their descriptions of some of these awareness and education tools are presented in Figure 3. Example: U. Military Program to Combat Sexual Exploitation and Trafficking There Prostitutes Shively a long history of the military contributing to prostitution and sex trafficking e. Relatively recently, the U.

Department of Defense DOD has taken substantial action designed to reduce or eliminate the historic contributions whether government agencies, large corporations, or others of military personnel to prostitution and sex trafficking. Their approach is multifaceted, and features a focus on combating demand for commercial sex. While the scale of the military and the level of control over personnel are atypical of Prostitutes Shively organizations, the objectives and basic steps they have taken can prove instructive to other large organizations or agencies.

It provides background information on issues surrounding sexual exploitation, tips on initiating conversations about the issues, and other resources for parents and guardians. For High School Coaches: Coaches often play a key role in Prostitutes Shively shape the behaviors and attitudes of the young men they work with throughout the sports season.

Each plan is ten minutes long with an optional writing assignment. For High School Teachers: This toolkit offers activities Prostitutes Shively resources for educators of high school students. These activities Prostitutes Shively on the pressures your students may face to engage in sexually exploitive acts or sexual activities that make them feel uncomfortable.

The three main topics are gender roles, sexual exploitation, and human trafficking. The goal of this activity guide is to provide assignments, ideas, and classroom discussions to help educators facilitate interactive, informative, and moving interpersonal and peer-group discovery about the difficult issues their students may be facing. The U. Department of Defense DoD has taken substantial action over the past decade designed to reduce or eliminate Prostitutes Shively historic exacerbations of prostitution and sex trafficking due to the actions of military personnel.

The military code of justice and policies have been strengthened, Prostitutes Shively the language and imposing substantial penalties on any military personnel including civilian staff and contractors engaging in commercial sex. The Law Enforcement Policy and Support office of the DoD has established the Trafficking in Persons Program, which has developed a series of trainings for military staff.

A key component of their effort is training about commercial sexual exploitation and human trafficking, and a key message in the training materials addresses demand. Most of the following is taken directly from the DoD training materials, available online.

Contractors have a trafficking clause in their employment contracts which stipulates they are responsible for following UCMJ prohibitions on buying sex, and that this responsibility applies to any and all subcontractors of a given company working for the DoD.

We have included this brief Prostitutes Shively and additional detail in Appendix D about the DOD training for a number of reasons. First, the change in the DoD's approach is a sign that organizations that have historically tolerated and sometimes encouraged men buying sex can adopt an aggressive, proactive approach to education designed to combat demand.

This suggests Prostitutes Shively here is little reason to believe that change cannot also occur Prostitutes Shively corporations, universities, other government agencies, and elsewhere. Prostitutes Shively DOT training specifically focuses on the root cause of sex trafficking — consumer-level demand for commercial sex — and urges very concrete action: not buying sex or tolerating others doings so.

Third, the general outline of the content can serve as a model for corporations or organizations wishing to develop a training program. Obviously, non-military organizations would not train about the military code of justice, etc. The training starts with general issues and definitions, then quickly focuses on actions that individuals can and must take, and why.

Prostitutes Shively of the reasons for communities to be interested in implementing public education Prostitutes Shively awareness programs is that they are among the few types of interventions that are designed to be truly preventive, rather than to react to known offenders.

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As can be seen in the Prostitutes Shively we have presented about tactics used to combat demand, most are directed toward arresting men attempting to buy sex, and then applying post-arrest interventions such as community service or john schools.

Such tactics are necessary and can Prostitutes Shively considered efficient because they expend energy only on those known to be involved in commercial sex. That is where broadly targeted education and public service announcements come into play. Until relatively recently, the vast majority of police attention devoted to prostitution was focused on arresting providers of commercial sex.

The most common police tactic to combat commercial sex has been using plainclothes male officers use to elicit offers of commercial sex from prostituted persons. The term is somewhat controversial particularly for advocates of approaches in which the majority of police attention is focused on buyers rather than sellers sex. Street-Level Reverse Stings In our observations of reverse stings, and in descriptions gathered Prostitutes Shively interviews with police and reviews of the literature,86 we found the following to be typical.

Usually, five or more officers are used in a street Prostitutes Shively sting. In addition to the female officer or officers, there are usually several additional undercover police in supporting roles. The operations often consist of one or two male plainclothes Prostitutes Shively on foot, posing as 86 Jetmore, ; Newman, ; Nolan, ; Scott, ; Spruill, Abt Associates Prostitutes Shively. There are usually other officers who support the operations by processing arrestees and their vehicles.

In some cases, police use a van serving as a mobile booking or screening station, and in other instances processing occurs in nearby police stations or substations. In our research we found that at least five police officers are usually deployed for each decoy used in a reverse sting.

A supervising Sergeant is usually in charge of the reverse stings. Decoys are escorted to drop-off locations near where Prostitutes Shively operations will occur. An unmarked police van serving as a mobile screening or booking Prostitutes Shively is usually parked nearby, but out of Prostitutes Shively of the street operation.

In some locations, police stations or substations are nearby, so a mobile unit is not necessary. The decoy officer usually has a hidden recording device and a cell phone the first to collect evidence, the latter for safety, in case she is abducted.

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Some police departments videotape the reverse stings surreptitiously from an unmarked police car. The decoy always tries to remain in visual contact with the other officers. An act in furtherance is any overt Prostitutes Shively that can be construed reasonably as progress toward consummating the act of prostitution discussed. Such acts, in addition to the verbal exchange, complete the legal requirements for making an arrest.

Acts in furtherance can include reaching for a wallet, pointing to money on a bed or a car seat, Prostitutes Shively around the block to the area where the sex act was arranged to take place, or opening a car or hotel door so that the decoy can enter. At this point, the decoy officer enters the police car as quickly as possible and leaves the scene, while the man is Prostitutes Shively and driven to a point where he will be processed.

Arrestees who are on foot are driven to the van or police station in a patrol car. If they have identification and no outstanding warrants, they are usually issued a citation and allowed to leave. If these conditions do not apply or if there are concurrent offenses e. The men have been just as guilty as the women all along and Prostitutes Shively they Prostitutes Shively get arrested. In order for john schools, community service programs, geographic exclusion zones, and several other tactics to be applied, johns must first be Prostitutes Shively.

The means by which the vast majority of johns are arrested is Prostitutes Shively reverse things, which have been established as the primary way to produce the evidence necessary to satisfy criminal justice requirements. In the time it takes the officers to process the arrestee, the decoy officer usually remains in an unmarked car writing notes for Prostitutes Shively report and if applicable checking to ensure that the quality of the Prostitutes Shively of the transaction was acceptable.

She then removes and marks the tape and inserts Prostitutes Shively blank in the recorder. She stays out of sight of the arrestee and away from the location where the arrest was made, until it is Prostitutes Shively to re-set the operation. When reverse stings use multiple decoys, it is possible to keep the Prostitutes Shively operations going continuously: if one or two of the decoys have made a good case and the men are being processed, there can still be one or more decoys active, provided that there are enough support officers for a safe operation.

As can be seen here, at least five cities had conducted reverse stings in the s, and 10 other cities had done so by These early operations will be discussed in descriptions of each city on the website. This Prostitutes Shively from the s and s has continued to the present, in news reports as well as what we learned in our interviews conducted with police in One of the more compelling findings of Prostitutes Shively study is that several cities in the U.

Six of these cities had adopted Prostitutes Shively approach in the s. At least 16 different communities have, for Prostitutes Shively periods of time, focused more on combating demand than supply through their arrest practices. Some were balanced, with john arrests accounting for 50 to 60 percent of all prostitution arrests.

Michael Shively, a researcher who studies prostitution with ABT Associates; and Paul Taylor, a Danvers resident who is a former police officer. National Overview of Prostitution and Sex Trafficking Demand Reduction Efforts, Final Report · NCJ Number. · Author(s). Michael Shively Ph. · Date Published.

Others were far more aggressive about demand, devoting the great majority Prostitutes Shively their enforcement effort on arresting johns. Identifying these sites demonstrates that the idea and implementation of applying more punitive measures to buyers rather than sellers of sex are not new, and that some cities in the Prostitutes Shively.

We do not intend this to suggest that the model is widespread, Prostitutes Shively cities using this approach in the s and s did not revert to prior methods, or to overstate that this may be a trend that is here to stay. What this demonstrates is that the approach has Prostitutes Shively in use in the United States for nearly 40 years, even if only on a localized and perhaps temporary basis.

Frequency, Duration, Staffing, and Arrest Yield of Reverse Stings We gathered information about how frequently cities and counties conduct reverse stings.

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We were able to obtain counts or estimates of how many times per month reverse stings were conducted in cities and counties. The mean frequency was over nine per month, but Prostitutes Shively was positively skewed by a few larger cities e. The mode the most frequently occurring number was two reverse stings per month, and that provides a more accurate representation of the average level of activity.

Also, it is important to note that in most cities the level of reverse sting activity varies substantially over time. For example, at its peak in the late s, San Francisco conducted at least 15 reversals per month, or approximately one every two days. Ten years later, they cut back to one-third of that rate.

Other cities may concentrate high levels of activity in one location for a period of time in response to complaints or for other reasons, and then stop or slow down substantially as Prostitutes Shively priorities emerge. We were able to obtain the number of hours committed to over separate reverse sting operations. The mean was approximately five hours, and the distribution was not skewed substantially.

We also gathered information Prostitutes Shively the number of decoys used in each operation, and learned that the mean was approximately 1.

Prostitutes Shively also gathered information about the number of officers used in support of each female decoy posing as a person engaged in prostitution. We were able to obtain Prostitutes Shively average number of support officers used in reverse things at 50 sites.

We also tied the number of support officers to the number of decoys to provide a sense of the staffing requirements for a reverse sting team. The mean number of officers used to support each decoy was 6. The number of arrests without these other considerations number of decoys and number of hours is not as meaningful, since arrests will be affected by whether there are multiple versus single decoys, and Abt Associates Inc.

We found that across several hundred reverse stings, the mean yield was approximately 1. I'll get in their face and yell at them, 'No, I'm not a prostitute. Go home to your wife!

The argument against prohibition is the essentially libertarian idea that government should not intervene in commercial sex if it is between consenting adults. The argument for prohibition is that commercial is inherently or at least usually harmful to the people directly involved, and also to others who are indirectly affected. During our initial interviews we were struck by how frequently - that is, virtually always - we were told by police Prostitutes Shively and Prostitutes Shively respondents that community complaints Prostitutes Shively frequently or mostly responsible for when and where police conduct operations intended to combat prostitution.

Once sensitized, we began asking routinely, and for those sites in which we conducted at Prostitutes Shively one interview and asked about community complaints, virtually every Prostitutes Shively said that community members such as residents Prostitutes Shively businesses complain about prostitution.

In Prostitutes Shively, these complaints are not Prostitutes Shively expressions of moral outrage although that can certainly be involved but instead are driven by or Prostitutes Shively least accompanied by complaints Prostitutes Shively tangible disturbance or harm. In addition, in areas where there is street prostitution there are frequent complaints of women and girls not involved in that activity who are solicited by johns, and men who live or work in Prostitutes Shively areas who do not welcome offers from those engaged in prostitution.

A less frequent but serious problem mentioned in several communities e. In response to the information gathered through interviews, we returned to the research literature and news archives to examine how frequently complaints were reported as a reason for the police Prostitutes Shively on prostitution.

We found that complaints from residents or businesses were cited as a reason for reverse sting or sting operations in over 65 percent of the cities and counties studied. This figure probably underestimates the overall percentage. News reports make choices about what to report regarding any specific reverse sting operation, and for space or other reasons can choose not to report that reverse stings Prostitutes Shively in response to complaints from the community.

Police Units, Agencies, and Multijurisdictional Task Forces Conducting Reverse Stings A range of law enforcement agencies, and units and departments within agencies, are trained and deployed to conduct reverse stings. Others focus on felonies and higher end crimes, such as multijurisdictional drug task forces that focus on organized crime, Prostitutes Shively level Prostitutes Shively trafficking, and violent crime. Others fall in between, including regular patrol units. Many police departments, even in large cities, are relatively small e.

Tucson, Arizona, and very recently, Prostitutes Shively Francisco, Californiaso other divisions or units such as nuisance abatement or special investigations units fill Prostitutes Shively void. In addition to cross-unit collaboration within departments, there are cross-agency and cross- jurisdictional collaborations.

A wide array of state, local, and federal agencies, and Prostitutes Shively task forces collaborate on reverse stings. As can be seen here, there are many configurations. Prostitutes Shively the 16 cities and counties listed here as an illustration, no Prostitutes Shively had identical sets Prostitutes Shively partnerships. Of course, these were selected to represent variety, so the point is not to suggest that there are no modalities across sites.

However, it is also common to see multi-agency collaborations within cities or counties, as well as multijurisdictional teams.

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They also believed that to do so, education would be an important tool. In addition to criminal victimization, johns are at elevated risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases. We were also surprised by how early the other kinds of interventions had been employed.
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The argument against prohibition Prostitutes Shively the essentially libertarian idea that government should not intervene in commercial sex if it is between consenting adults. Prostitutes Shively these sites demonstrates that the idea and implementation of applying more punitive measures to buyers rather than sellers of sex are not new, and that some cities in the U. Men frequently encounter used condoms and syringes that often accompany street prostitution, and that is by design. At the hotel, a female officer poses as a prostituted person, and once the john is face-to-face with the Prostitutes Shively, the operation is essentially the same Prostitutes Shively that used in conventional reverse stings. Some john schools are structured as multiple- session classes, or as a set of group or individual counseling source.

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The most common method of disseminating identities is through news outlets — both online and in print. While it may be an oversimplification to say that Prostitutes Shively is the sole cause or influence on markets, and that there are feedback mechanisms and interactions among these three main components, it is indisputable that removing or reducing demand reduces or eliminates markets. Somewhat better conditions are generally but not always available Prostitutes Shively those working indoors in brothels, massage parlors, and clubs.

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A National overview of prostitution and sex trafficking demand reduction efforts: Final report. Shively, M., Kliorys, K., Wheeler, K., & Hunt, D. Profile image of Michael Shively Michael Shively. To combat prostitution and human trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation, criminal justice. More From NOW: Fighting Child Prostitution | Stories from the Sex Trade | "John Michael Shively, a senior associate at Abt Associates.