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Legal and Clandestine Prostitution in Medieval Spain


A key aspect to this alliance is maintaining an individual research agenda while collaborating. In his classification dedication is the key, neither gain nor promiscuity is Prostitutes NIA Valencia. Sometimes a notary helpfully for us as historians, not necessarily for the real women in question labeled the women, allowing later historians to put them into categories.

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human beings for sexual exploitation and prostitution. nia, the Law on Preventing and combating trafficking in human beings, Article While many studies examine how different legal approaches to prostitution affect sex workers' living and working conditions, few studies analyze how sex.

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Otis documents the existence of private bordellos extending all over town. They protested that their activities spilled out to adjacent streets and caused continuous brawls and crimes. Authorities were worried by this situation and by the climate of unrest and violence that prostitution and Prostitutes NIA Valencia brought about.

Together Prostitutes NIA Valencia this protection came their obligation to live in the district, and a ban on soliciting elsewhere in town. Prostitutes were ordered to leave their previous residences, move to the new location and restrict their work activities to that area, while pimps were either expelled or hired to work in the new quarters.

In the long process from the late thirteenth to the early seventeenth centuries, Prostitutes NIA Valencia prostitution went from toleration to regulation, to abolition, changes in views and attitudes by the Church played a fundamental role. InInnocent III published a bull offering the remission of sins to all men who married reformed prostitutes.

Mary Magdalene Prostitutes NIA Valencia right to establish reform houses as refuge for repentant prostitutes. As a result, the Church accepted their alms and even contemplated imposing tithes on their earnings.

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This last issue took Prostitutes NIA Valencia to be implemented, since discussions about the tithes were fraught with disagreements. Thus, he concluded that prostitution was a lesser and necessary evil because by providing an outlet to masculine sex drives it contributed to social order and to the protection and defense of respectable women, and of marriage. Francesc Eiximenis [] quoted De ordine II to justify the legalization of brothels in Catalonia as a lesser evil.

He claimed that if lay authorities punished fornication with prostitutes, men would commit adultery or sodomy. Vicent Ferrer [] agreed with this view, and defended the legal existence of public brothels [puteries publicsas opposed to the private Prostitutes NIA Valencia puteries particularsas beneficial to society because they protected Prostitutes NIA Valencia chastity of honest women and monogamous marriage.

In that year, and again inpimps and procuresses were ordered to leave town because procuring was punished more harshly than prostitution.

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Castilian legal codes Fueros did the same. Harlots, be they public or Prostitutes NIA Valencia women, were ordered to live there or face expulsion from town. The initial command to Prostitutes NIA Valencia the prostitutes within the area provided was later enforced by the construction of a high wall surrounding the whole perimeter. Many brothels founded later in Aragon and Castile also built high walls to keep prostitutes inside. Municipal authorities assumed the legal authority over the brothels claiming a moral policy of law and order.

Aldermen enacted ordinances to rule and exploit them and to protect the public brothels from outside competition. All women caught exercising prostitution in the city or working as procuresses could meet harsh punishment if they did not comply with town regulation.

Streetwalkers and wayward women mugeres erradas or escuseresas documents called them, were compelled to join the public brothel or be banished, while procuresses were flogged if found plying the trade and directly banished. Prostitutes Prostitutes NIA Valencia to abandon their pimps and go-betweens, and could not have private friends. Laws were also enacted to protect the income generated by brothels, and to safeguard the earnings of the brothel-keepers.

All taverns and inns in the vicinity of the brothel were to close or change location in order to make sure that prostitutes would Prostitutes NIA Valencia be able to buy or eat there; rather they were obliged to resort to prescribed places indicated by their keepers; no single or married woman who was by herself was allowed to spend the night at any inn, nor could she stay there longer than an hour.

Municipal authorities conveniently justified the Prostitutes NIA Valencia of prostitution with arguments similar to the ones used by theologians, but with a greater emphasis on social order. They insisted that confining prostitutes to the brothel and controlling Prostitutes NIA Valencia served the common good and was the main safeguard of conjugal order.

They argued that secluding whores and banishing pimps favoured the integrity of the family and helped to keep crime down. It protected the honour of men whose wives or daughters might otherwise fall prey to the seductions of evil bawds, and prevented fights, murders and public scandal.

Their visits to municipal brothels seem to have been rare because prostitutes and brothel-keepers faced the same penalty if non-Christians were found frequenting prostitutes.

Married men and clerics were not allowed to go to the brothel, although they often did, Prostitutes NIA Valencia some even acted as pimps. Jews and Muslims faced the death penalty if they lied with Christian women, prostitutes or not.

Their visits to municipal brothels seem to have been Prostitutes NIA Valencia because prostitutes and brothel-keepers faced the same penalty if non-Christians were found frequenting prostitutes.

Brothels were usually open all day and all year around, but they closed during Holy Week and on some religious festivities. On Sundays, prostitutes could not receive clients before Mass.

(PDF) Legal and Clandestine Prostitution in Medieval Spain | Eukene Lacarra Lanz -

Under the main keeper there were other hostalers in charge of supervising a small number of prostitutes. They provided the women with room and board for a daily fee, usually rented them their clothing, and took care of them when they were sick or could not work. However, pardoning the debts was difficult to achieve because it went against the interest of hostalers who continued to act as creditors to prostitutes.

Thus, the legislation and royal intervention intended to control the abuses failed. The first house for repentant prostitutes casa de las arrepentidas Prostitutes NIA Valencia founded in Valencia in The king also Prostitutes NIA Valencia the foundation certain privileges and economic support. They were also required to protect them from being kidnapped, an event that seems to have happened occasionally, judging by the warnings to prevent it, and from some criminal cases.

Some might have been men or women who formerly owned private illegal brothels, and were able to Prostitutes NIA Valencia with the now legal business. It seems, though, that capital punishment was seldom carried out. In the Cortes de Madrigal in they confirmed the yearly tributes for public and secret prostitutes established in However, complaints against abuses were frequent, as documented in Ciudad Real, Madrid and Jerez de la Frontera.

Brothel-keepers -padres or madres- as in Valencia, had the monopoly on all items used by the women under their control, be it food, clothing, ornaments or Prostitutes NIA Valencia. Prostitutes had to rent their beds from them, paying a daily fee, and they usually rented their clothing as well, as many did not even own the apparel they wore; they were also charged for food and drink by the brothel-keepers at whatever price was demanded.

Public prostitutes everywhere were often destitute, and in debt to their fathers or mothers so that they were in many instances unable to leave the brothel, even if they repented their life. Once the Reconquista was virtually ended and the monarchy had no free land left out to give his vassals as fiefdoms, the king and queen granted them the privilege of owning a bordello, or even the right to exploit all the brothels of a kingdom.

Although he was later condemned for heresy by the Inquisition, and his properties confiscated, the brothel was purchased by other city dwellers and it was kept in private hands untilwhen the city purchased it from its owners.

In Galicia illegal prostitution Prostitutes NIA Valencia to have been the rule. Neither the continuous warnings against pimps and ruffians to leave town or be severely punished, nor the numerous calls for secret women to enter the brothels met with the expected results.

In my opinion, there Prostitutes NIA Valencia several reasons for this failure. Royal proclamations, municipal ordinances and criminal prosecutions were to no avail.

The royal orders requiring prostitutes to wear distinctive signs, as well Prostitutes NIA Valencia sumptuary laws, were issued repeatedly in municipal ordinances, but met with failure. They point out to the collusion with their guardians, who probably pimped them in order to profit more from their earnings.

The collusion Prostitutes NIA Valencia the Prostitutes NIA Valencia and their chargers is not surprising. A case in point is the city of Murcia, where the pressure exerted on mayors and judges to persecute the ruffians Prostitutes NIA Valencia evident but apparently insufficient.

The following case is interesting because the accused was sentenced to lose part of his property. The court clerk read to knights, aldermen and city officials the accusation brought up against him for crimes committed in the previous five years. Therefore, the case demanded an Prostitutes NIA Valencia punishment. Witnesses testified to the truth of the accusations, and declared that Montergull in the company of at least twenty armed men, some of them Prostitutes NIA Valencia criminals, one of them even sentenced to death, had forcefully assaulted and tried to assassinate a city bailiff; committed several armed robberies, and participated in group rape.

He was accused of entering the house of a married woman, and allowed eight of his men to rape her. Later, abusing his authority, he had freed his men who had been Prostitutes NIA Valencia for the rape. Several witnesses corroborated this and other rapes and Prostitutes NIA Valencia of honest married women.

The city council after listening to all testimonies condemned him to loose some of his Prostitutes NIA Valencia and sentenced that all his houses in the quarter of Santa Eulalia be demolished.

This case lets us know how alliances between officials and rufianes reached the highest royal authority in Murcia, making it extremely difficult to enforce the law. There is no information to the aftermath of this case, but there was often a great disregard for the law. However, they continued living and thriving in the city, carrying arms, and having prostitutes work for them either in town or in the brothel.

Testigos los suso dichos.

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Alcahuetas also often had the protection of nobles or city officers. Prostitutes NIA Valencia are few published cases of direct accusations against them, and much more Prostitutes NIA Valencia needs to be done. There is, however, an extraordinary case that took place in Barcelona that can serve as an example. Among the witnesses were the children, their mothers and neighbors.

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The trial against the alcahueta and the knight lasted several months. Na Tryalls was sentenced to death by hanging and the sentence Prostitutes NIA Valencia carried out, according to a marginal note in the sentence document.

Riera i Sans, concludes that if a sentence existed it would probably have been condemnatory, since the prosecutor insisted on his guilt on all charges. He appears in a document dated in as legal councilor for Roger de Montcada, count of Urgell. Riera i Sans speculates Prostitutes NIA Valencia he was able to flee prison before a Prostitutes NIA Valencia was passed and took refuge with the Count at a time of great political turmoil.

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Bertomeva went to law to report the beating, and to accuse the perpetrators. Obviously, she felt quite safe from accusations of procuring, relying on her connections. The widow was obliged to seek the help of the powerful as well. The serious trouble Prostitutes NIA Valencia from the resulting confrontation of two powerful city bands defending the women, which ironically clouded Prostitutes NIA Valencia initial quarrel, soon forgotten in favour of the violent feud between the two factions.

No laws could be successfully implemented if those in charge of prosecuting them were often the ones who gave protection to the lawbreakers. Thus, we have many documents that attest to the lively and not Prostitutes NIA Valencia discreet existence of clandestine prostitution. The bounderies between those who make up the world of clandestine prostitution is a complex one.

The line drawn between prostitutes, panderers, and clients is often unclear. Although the clients are possibly the most homogenous group, sometimes it is difficult to differentiate them from pimps, Prostitutes NIA Valencia pimps from consenting husbands, or other relatives and go-betweens from prostitutes, and prostitutes from adulteresses.

The first problem we encounter when studying the women accused of being clandestine prostitutes is how to define prostitution. Certainly, all four elements mentioned by the lawmakers: promiscuity, gain, common fame and deception, are not required to declare a women a prostitute.


From the criminal documentation available, we observe that notoriety was the single element always present. Thus, a woman with Prostitutes NIA Valencia bad reputation risked to be accused of being a prostitu, although often calling a woman whore puta was just an insult. Within this group he sees three main types: the lascivious woman liviana -a woman of lewd conduct Prostitutes NIA Valencia solicits Prostitutes NIA Valencia sporadically; the whore- a step ahead, although not quite professional; and the established woman asentada - the professional prostitute with either a fixed or unlimited number of customers.

In his classification dedication is the key, neither gain nor promiscuity is important. The place they practiced sexual intercourse: whore with house puta con casaif she owned or rented a house; inn-whore puta de posada if she took the client to an inn; and, finally, shelter-whore puta de albergue de pobresif Prostitutes NIA Valencia had sexual intercourse at a hospital or a shelter for the poor and destitute. Legal documents considered corner-whores, streets-walkers or inn-whores as dangerous for the social order and mandated them to enter the brothel immediately.

Many belonged to the group of the sick, and the old, and were often homeless beggars and drunkards. Their clients were men too poor to pay the affordable prices fixed by the city ordinances for the public brothel. The aldermen expected this to happen and they made statuary provisions to punish those disobeying the law with public lashings and even death at the gallows.

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Ramera, muger enamorada, and muger errada wayward woman were generic denominations for covert or secret prostitutes of a better standing. Among them abound widows and married women who engaged in sexual relationships with the approval of their husbands. The clients usually were merchants, Prostitutes NIA Valencia, students, the sons of the local worthies and the worthies themselves.

Well-to-do Jews and Muslims also used the services of these women who offered discreet encounters, since the law forbade them to lay with Christian women, and were forbidden to go to the public brothel. Prostitutes NIA Valencia mugeres libres, livianas or asentadas had someone who protected them and brought them clients.

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Many seem to have been married to consenting husbands Prostitutes NIA Valencia pimped for them. Among the documented criminal cases, I have chose three cases which in my opinion demonstrate the social tolerance of clandestine, the presence of men belonging to the middle and upper echelons of society, and the violence arising from it.

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The first case, dated incame up to the attention of the authorities because a married women, Violant de Fox, identified as the legitimate wife of Loys Carnicer of Saragossa, was accused of having sexual relations with a Jewish man.

Prostitutes NIA Valencia men and three women, several of them neighbors, were called in to testify by the magistrates to Prostitutes NIA Valencia the allegations.

With the exception of one man, who declared he only know of Jeuda Gallur frequent visits to Violant, all the other witnesses incriminated her. They testified that they all knew of her sexual relationship with Gallur because it was common knowledge.

One witness testified to having seen them in bed: hun dia que se fazian justas en el mercado vio la deposant star mirando en una finestra entramos la dita Violant et el dito jodio. La dita Violant star encima del dito jodio e tener la dita Violant los bracos encima el jodio como abracados, e cantando entramos ad altas vozes publicamente. She also declared that she heard to many people say that Violant committed adultery with many men and that she once saw Violant and her sister hide the Jew under a bed because her husband had returned to the house.

Theiy also claimed that there were more men whose names they had forgotten. Finally, she accused Violant of offering to act as Prostitutes NIA Valencia go-between for Catalina herself. The authorities were not interested in her other clients, although once the trial started everything came to the fore.

Her neighbors and friends as well as many others have known the nature of her illegal activities all along but had silently tolerated them for many years.

Only when Prostitutes NIA Valencia were obliged to take the stand did they turn against Violant, declaring her to be a vile and infamous woman. The authorities called on witnesses to verify these accusations. All the witnesses attested to the theft, mostly as eyewitness, Prostitutes NIA Valencia also to her evil and dishonest life. They declared that she was married to one Johanet who was a page of the King of Castilla. Among her clients they cited a knight, Mossen Lope Exarmador, a student, Johan Dimon, a spice merchant, the Prostitutes NIA Valencia of Catalan, and a couple of artisans.

One witness declared that an important city gent Don Johan de Gamboa had visited her in order to prevent the assassination of one of his hunters. The inquiry revealed that Sancha was a married woman, who had committed adultery with many men while living with Prostitutes NIA Valencia husband.

After abandoning him she went to live first with her parents and later with her uncle Sebastian, the co-accused.

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The clients usually were merchants, artisans, students, the sons of the local worthies and the worthies themselves. In the Cortes de Madrigal in they confirmed the yearly tributes for public and secret prostitutes established in Prostitutes NIA Valencia The authorities were not interested Prostitutes NIA Valencia her other clients, although once the trial started everything came to the fore. Most of them Prostitutes NIA Valencia travel to hotels and private homes and many are perfect companions for business dinners, fairs, events or congresses due to their maximum discretion and source. A case in point is the city of Murcia, where the pressure exerted on mayors and judges to persecute the ruffians is evident but apparently insufficient. This video can not be played To play this video you need to enable JavaScript in your browser.

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Https:// economics played a role here. An important reason for the increasing preoccupation in prostitution seems to have been the tremendous rise in the number Prostitutes NIA Valencia people involved in the trade: harlots as well as bawds and pimps. More evidence of the economic integration of concubines alongside married women in fourteenth-century Palermo.

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