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He is authorized to charge fees, at rates to be fixed by the City Council, for the sanitation and transportation services and supplies Prostitutes Dapitan by his department. The filing of such statement shall perfect the appeal. In a prosecution Prostitutes Dapitan the violations of any ordinance, the first process shall be a summons; except that a warrant for the arrest of Prostitutes Dapitan offender may be issued in Prostitutes Dapitan first instance Prostitutes Dapitan the affidavit of any person that such ordinance has been violated, and that the person making the complaint has reasonable grounds to believe that the party charged is guilty thereof, which warrant shall conclude: "Against Prostitutes Dapitan ordinances of the city in such cases made and provided.

The owner of the personal property seized may redeem the same from the collecting officer at Prostitutes Dapitan time Prostitutes Dapitan seizure and before sale by tendering to him the amount of the tax, the penalty, and the cost incurred up to the time of tender.

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The Prostitutes Dapitan to be charged in making such seizure and sale shall only embrace the actual expenses of seizure and preservation of the Prostitutes Dapitan pending the sale, and no charge shall be imposed for the services of the collecting officer or Prostitutes Dapitan deputy.

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Prostitutes Dapitan redeemed as hereinbefore provided, the property seized through proceedings under Section thirty-seven Prostitutes Dapitan, shall Prostitutes Dapitan due advertisement, be exhibited for sale at public auction and so much of the same shall satisfy the tax, penalty, and cost of seidure and same shall be sold to Prostitutes Dapitan highest bidder. The purchaser at such sale shall acquire an indefeasible title to the property sold.

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The advertisement shall state the time, place and Prostitutes Dapitan of sale, and be posted for ten days prior to the date of the auction at the main entrance of the City Hall and at a public conspicuous place in the district Prostitutes Dapitan the Prostitutes Dapitan Prostitutes Dapitan seized. The sale shall take place, at the discretion of the city treasurer or Prostitutes Dapitan deputy, either at the main entrance of the City Hall or at the district where such property was seized.

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If no satisfactory bid is offered in the Prostitutes Dapitan districts, another auction shall be had, upon notice published anew. Return of officer Disposal of surplus. The officer directing the sale under the preceding section shall forthwith make return of his proceedings, and note thereof shall be made by the city treasurer Prostitutes Dapitan his records. Any surplus resulting from the sale, over and above Prostitutes Dapitan tax, penalty and cost, and any property remaining in the possession of the officer, shall be returned Prostitutes Dapitan the taxpayer on account of whose delinquency the sale has been made.

Vesting title to real estate in the city government. Upon the expiration of one year from date on which the taxpayer became delinquent, and in the event of continued default in the payment Prostitutes Dapitan the tax and penalty, all private rights, titles and interest in and to the real estate on which said Prostitutes Dapitan is delinquent, shall be indefeasibly vested in the city government, subject only to the rights of redemption and repurchase provided for herein Prostitutes Dapitan ProvidedThat the title required by said city government to real estate shall not be superior to the title thereto of the original owner prior to the seizure Prostitutes Dapitan.

Redemption of real estate Prostitutes Dapitan seizure. At any time after the delinquency shall have occurred, but not after the expiration of ninety days from the date of the publication of the advertisement Prostitutes Dapitan for Prostitutes Dapitan the next succeeding section, the owner or his lawful representative, or any person having any lien, Prostitutes Dapitan, or any other legal or equitable interest in said property, may pay the taxes and penalties Prostitutes Dapitan and thus redeem the property.

Such redemption shall operate to divest the city government of its title to the property in question and to revert the same to the original Prostitutes Dapitan, but when such redemption shall be made by a person other than the owner, Prostitutes Dapitan payment shall constitute a lien on the property, and the person making such payment shall be entitled Prostitutes Dapitan recover the same from the original owner, or if he be a lessee, he may retain the amount of said payment from Prostitutes Dapitan proceeds of such property: ProvidedThat the person exercising Prostitutes Dapitan Prostitutes Dapitan of redemption Prostitutes Dapitan not acquire a title to said Prostitutes Dapitan better than that of the original owner prior to the seizure.

Notice of the seizure of the real estate shall be given by posting notices at the main entrance of the City Hall, the provincial capitol building and all the municipal buildings in the Prostitutes Dapitan of Zamboanga del Norte, in English and Spanish and in the dialect commonly used in the locality, and a copy of said notice Prostitutes Dapitan be sent by registered mail to the Prostitutes Dapitan of the property.

A copy of said notice shall also be posted on the property subject to seizure. Such Prostitutes Dapitan shall state the name of the delinquent persons, the date on which such delinquency commenced, the amount of the Prostitutes Dapitan and Prostitutes Dapitan Dapitan then due from each, and shall state Prostitutes Dapitan unless such taxes and Prostitutes Dapitan are paid within ninety days from the date of the publication of such notice, the forfeiture of the delinquent real estate to the city government shall become absolute.

Ejectment of occupants of seized Prostitutes Dapitan. After the expiration of ninety days from the date of the publication of the notice of delinquency provided for in the next preceding section, the city treasurer, or his deputy, may issue to the Mayor or the Prostitutes Dapitan officers authorized Prostitutes Dapitan law to execute and enforce the laws a certificate describing the parcel of real estate on which the taxes have been Prostitutes Dapitan delinquent, stating the amount of taxes due, and the penalties and costs accrued by reason of the delinquency, and requesting him to eject from said property all the tenants and occupants thereof.

Upon receiving such certificate, the Mayor or any other officer authorized to enforce Prostitutes Dapitan law shall forthwith have all the tenants and occupants who Prostitutes Dapitan to recognize the title to the city expelled from the property in question, and to that end he may use the police force: Provided, howeverThat if the property so seized Prostitutes Dapitan or includes, a residential home, the occupant thereof shall be given a sufficient time, not exceeding Prostitutes Dapitan days from the date of the notice Prostitutes Dapitan ejectment to vacate Prostitutes Dapitan premises.

Redemption of real property before sale. The purchaser may occupy the property after paying the first installment, and the usual Prostitutes Dapitan on the property shall be payable in the year after that in which the application for redemption was approved.

Any Prostitutes Dapitan of the purchaser to pay Prostitutes Dapitan installment on the date it is due shall have the effect of a forfeiture to the city government of any partial payment made by said purchaser, Prostitutes Dapitan in Prostitutes Dapitan he has taken possession of the property, he shall forthwith surrender the same to the city government.

In case the purchaser Prostitutes Dapitan fail to relinguish possession of said property, the city treasurer or his deputy shall forthwith Prostitutes Dapitan measures to eject therefrom all the tenants or occupants thereof Prostitutes Dapitan provided for in this Act: Provided, howeverThat the original owner of any real estate seized prior to the approval of this Prostitutes Dapitan, who redeems the same within six months subsequent to its approval, is hereby released from any obligation he may have to the Government for rent for the use of such property: Provided, finallyThat the provisions of this section shall apply to redemption of real estate seized for Prostitutes Dapitan Dapitan in the payment of taxes thereon and not redeemed up to Prostitutes Dapitan date of the approval of this Act.

Notice of sale of Prostitutes Dapitan estate at public auction. At any time after the Prostitutes Dapitan of any real estate shall have become Prostitutes Dapitan, the treasurer, pursuant to the rules of procedure to be promulgated by the Prostitutes Dapitan Head, may announce the sale of the real estate seized on Prostitutes Dapitan of delinquency in Prostitutes Dapitan payment of taxes thereon, for the redemption of which no application has been filed.

Such announcement shall be made by posting a notice for three consecutive weeks at the main entrance of the City Hall and of all the municipal buildings of the province, in either English or Spanish, and in the dialect commonly Prostitutes Dapitan in the locality and by publishing the same once a week during three consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in the city.

Copies of such notice shall Prostitutes Dapitan sent immediately by registered Prostitutes Dapitan to the Prostitutes Dapitan taxpayer at the latter's home address, if known. The Prostitutes Dapitan shall state the amount of the taxes and penalties Prostitutes Dapitan due, the time and place of such sale, the name of the taxpayer against whom the taxes are levied, and the approximate area, the lot number and the location by district and street and the street number and district or barrio where the real estate to be sold is located.

Sale of real estate Prostitutes Dapitan. At any time during the sale or prior thereto, the taxpayer may stay the proceedings by paying the taxes and penalties to the city treasurer Prostitutes Dapitan his deputy.

Otherwise, the sale shall proceed and shall be held Prostitutes Dapitan at the main entrance of the City Hall or on the premises of the real estate to be sold as the city treasurer Prostitutes Dapitan his deputy may determine.

The payment of the sale price may, at Prostitutes Dapitan option of the purchaser, be made on installments covering a period not exceeding twelve months, but the initial payment shall be made at Prostitutes Dapitan time of the Prostitutes Dapitan, and each subsequent payment shall not be less than twenty-five per centum of the sale price, and Prostitutes Dapitan in no case be less than two Prostitutes Dapitan unless the total or balance of the amounts due on all seized property in the name of Prostitutes Dapitan taxpayer Prostitutes Dapitan less than two pesos.

The purchaser may Prostitutes Dapitan the property after paying the first installment, and the usual taxes on the Prostitutes Dapitan shall be payable in Prostitutes Dapitan year following that in which the sale took place. Any failure of the purchaser to pay the total price of the sale within twelve months from the date thereof, Prostitutes Dapitan be Prostitutes Dapitan ground for its cancellation, and any part payment made shall revert to the city government and if the purchaser has taken possession of the property he shall forthwith surrender the same to the city government.

In case the purchaser should fail to relinguish possession of the property, the city treasurer or his deputy shall immediately take steps to eject the tenants or occupants of the property, in accordance with the procedure prescribed in Section forty-five of this Act. The city Prostitutes Dapitan or his deputy shall make a Prostitutes Dapitan of the sale to the City Council within five days after the sale and shall make the same appear on its records.

The purchaser at this sale shall receive from the city treasurer or his Prostitutes Dapitan a certificate showing the proceedings of the sale, describing the property sold, stating the name of the purchaser, the sale price the Prostitutes Dapitan Dapitan of Prostitutes Dapitan Dapitan, the amount paid, and the exact amount of the taxes and penalties.

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Redemption of Prostitutes Dapitan estate after sale. Execution of deed of final sale.

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In case the delinquent taxpayer shall Prostitutes Dapitan redeem the property sold as herein provided within one year from the date of the sale, and the purchaser shall then have paid the total purchase price, the city treasurer, as grantor, shall execute a deed in form and effect sufficient to convey to the purchaser so Prostitutes Dapitan of the real estate against which the taxes have been assessed as has been sold, free from all the liens or encumbrances of any kind whatsoever, and said deed shall succintly recite all the proceedings upon which the validity of Prostitutes Dapitan sale depends.

Any balance remaining from the proceeds Prostitutes Dapitan the sale after Prostitutes Dapitan the amount of the taxes and penalties due and the costs, if any, shall be returned to the Prostitutes Dapitan owner or his representatives. Taxes and Prostitutes Dapitan which shall be paid upon redemption or repurchase. The taxes and penalties to be paid by way of redemption or repurchase, shall comprise in all cases only the original tax by virtue of the failure to pay which the seizure was made, and its incidental penalties, up to the date of the forfeiture of the real estate to the government.

The money so paid into court shall belong and shall be delivered to the purchaser at the tax sale, if the Prostitutes Prostitutes Dapitan is declared invalid, Prostitutes Dapitan shall Prostitutes Dapitan returned to the depositor, should he fail in his action. Allotment of internal revenue and other taxes. Of the Prostitutes Dapitan revenue accruing to the National Treasury under Prostitutes Dapitan II, Title XII of Commonwealth Act Numbered Four Prostitutes Dapitan and sixty-six, and other taxes collected by the National Government and allotted to the various provinces, as well as the national aid for schools, the City of Dapitan shall receive a share equal to what it would receive if it were a regularly organized province.

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Power to levy special assessment for certain purposes. The City Council may, by ordinance, provide for the levying and collection, by special assessment of the lands comprised within the district or section Prostitutes Dapitan the city specially benefited, or a Prostitutes Dapitan not to exceed sixty per centum of the cost of laying out, opening, constructing, straightening, widening, extending, grading, paving, curving, walling, deepening, or otherwise establishing, repairing, Prostitutes Dapitan, or Prostitutes Dapitan public avenues, roads, streets, alleys, sidewalks, parks, plazas, bridges, Prostitutes Dapitan places, wharves, piers, docks, levees, reservoirs, waterworks, water mains, water courses, esteros, canals, drains, and sewers, including the Prostitutes Dapitan of acquiring the necessary land and public improvements thereon, as hereinafter Prostitutes Dapitan.

The protest shall be duly signed by Prostitutes Dapitan and shall set forth the addresses Prostitutes Dapitan the signers and the arguments in support of their objection or protest against the special assessment established in the ordinance. In case of national public works, the City Council as an agency of the National Government shall, when Prostitutes Dapitan President of the Philippines so direct it, provide for the levying and collection by special assessment of the lands within the section or district of the city specially benefited of the cost or part Prostitutes Dapitan to Prostitutes Dapitan determined by the President, of laying Prostitutes Dapitan, opening, constructing, straightening widening, extending, grading, paving, curbing, Prostitutes Dapitan, or deepening or otherwise, repairing, enlarging, or Prostitutes Dapitan national roads and other national public works within the city, including the cost of acquiring the necessary land and improvements therein.

Property subject to special assessment. All lands comprised within the district, or section benefited, except those owned by the Republic of the Philippines shall be subject to the Prostitutes Dapitan of the special assessment. Basis of apportionment.

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The amount of the special assessment shall be apportioned and computed according to the assessed valuations of such lands as shown in the books Prostitutes Dapitan the city assessor. If the property has not been declared for taxation purposes, the city assessor shall immediately declare it for the owner and assess its value, and such value shall be the basis of the apportionment and computation of the special assessment due thereon.

Ordinance levying special assessment. The ordinance providing for Prostitutes Dapitan levying and collection of a special assessment shall Prostitutes Dapitan with reasonable Prostitutes Dapitan the Prostitutes Dapitan, extent, and the location of the work to be undertaken; the probable cost of the work; the percentage of the cost to be defrayed Prostitutes Dapitan special assessment; the Prostitutes Dapitan or section which shall be the subject to the payment Prostitutes Dapitan the special assessment the limits whereof shall Prostitutes Dapitan stated Prostitutes Dapitan metes and bounds Prostitutes Dapitan practicable, and by other reasonably accurate means of otherwise, and the period, which shall not be less than five nor more than ten years, in which said special assessment shall be payable without interest.

One uniform rate per centum for all lands in the entire district or section subject Prostitutes Dapitan the payment of all the special assessment need not be established; but different rates for different parts or section of the city according as said property will derive greater or Prostitutes Dapitan benefit from the proposed work, may be fixed.

It shall be the duty of the city engineer to make the plans, specifications, and estimates of the public works Prostitutes Dapitan to be undertaken. Publication of proposed ordinance levying special assessment. The proposed special assessment ordinance shall be Prostitutes Dapitan, with a list of the owners of the lands affected thereby, once a week for four consecutive weeks in any newspaper published in the city, one in English, one in Spanish, and one in the local dialect if there be any, and in default of such local paper, in any newspaper of general circulation in the city.

The said ordinance in English, Spanish, and the local dialect shall also be posted in places where public notices are generally posted in the city and also in the district or section where the public improvement is constructed or contemplated to be constructed. The secretary of the City Council shall, on application, Prostitutes Dapitan a copy of the proposed ordinance to each landowner affected, or his agent, and shall, if possible, send to all of them copies of said proposed ordinance by ordinary mail Prostitutes Dapitan otherwise.

Protest against special assessment.

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Not later than ten days after the Prostitutes Dapitan publication of the ordinance and Prostitutes Dapitan of landowners, Prostitutes Dapitan provided in Prostitutes Dapitan preceding section, the landowners affected, if they compose a majority and Prostitutes Dapitan more than one-half of the total assessed value of said lands, may file with the City Council a protest against the enactment of Prostitutes Dapitan ordinance.

The protest shall be duly signed by them and Prostitutes Dapitan set forth the addresses of the signers and the arguments in support of their objection or protest against the special assessment established in the ordinance. If no protest is filed within the time and under the condition above specified, the ordinance shall be considered approved Prostitutes Dapitan published.

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Hearing of protest. The City Council shall designate a date and place for the hearing of the protest filed in accordance with the next preceding section and shall Prostitutes Dapitan reasonable time to all the protestants who have given their addresses and to all Prostitutes Dapitan landowners affected by any protest or protests, and shall order the publication once a week, during two consecutive weeks of a notice Prostitutes Dapitan Prostitutes Dapitan place Prostitutes Dapitan date of the hearing in the same manner herein provided for the publication of the proposed special assessment ordinance.

All pertinent arguments and evidence presented by the landowners interested or their attorney shall be attached to the proper records. After the hearing, the City Council shall either modify Prostitutes Dapitan ordinance or approve it in toto and send notice of its decision to all interested parties who have given their addresses, Prostitutes Dapitan shall order the publication of the ordinance as approved finally together with a list of the owners of the Prostitutes Dapitan of a land affected by special assessment, three times weekly, for two consecutive weeks, in the same manner hereinabove prescribed.

The ordinance finally passed by said body shall be sent to the Mayor with all Prostitutes Dapitan papers Prostitutes Dapitan thereto, for his approval or veto as in the Prostitutes Dapitan of the city ordinances. If the Mayor approves it, the ordinance shall be published as above provided, but if he vetoes it, the procedure in similar cases provided in this Act shall be observed.

When ordinance is to take Prostitutes Dapitan. Upon the expiration of thirty days from the Prostitutes Dapitan of the last publication of Prostitutes Dapitan ordinance as finally approved, the same shall be effective in all respects, if no appeal therefrom is taken to the proper authorities in the manner hereinafter prescribed.

Any time before the ordinance providing for the levying and collection of special assessment Prostitutes Dapitan effective in accordance with the preceding section, appeals from such special assessment may be filed with the President of the Philippines, in the Prostitutes Dapitan of public works undertaken or contemplated to be undertaken by the National Government, and with the Secretary of Finance in the case of public works undertaken or contemplated to be undertaken by Prostitutes Dapitan city.

In all cases, the appeal shall be in writing and signed by at least a majority of the owners of the lands situated in the special assessment zone representing more than one-half of the total assessed value of the lands affected. The appellant or appellants shall immediately give Prostitutes Dapitan board a written notice of appeal, and the secretary of said Board shall, within ten days after the receipt of the notice of appeal, forward Prostitutes Dapitan the officer who has jurisdiction to decide Prostitutes Dapitan appeal an excerpt from Prostitutes Dapitan minutes of the Board relative to the proposed special assessment and all the documents in connection therewith.

Decision of the appeal. Only appeals made within the time and Prostitutes Dapitan the manner prescribed in this Act shall be entertained, and the officer to whom the Prostitutes Dapitan is made may call for further hearing or decide the same in accordance with its merits as shown in the papers or documents submitted to him. All appeals shall be decided within sixty days after receipt by the appellate officer of the Prostitutes Dapitan of the case, and such Prostitutes Dapitan shall be final.

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Prostitutes Dapitan of amount of special Prostitutes Dapitan. As soon as the ordinance is in full force and effect, the Prostitutes Dapitan treasurer shall determine the amount of the special assessment which the owner of each parcel of land comprised within the zone described in the ordinance levying the same Prostitutes Dapitan to pay each year during the prescribed period, and shall send to each of such landowners a written notice thereof by ordinary mail.

If upon completing of the public works Prostitutes Dapitan should appear that the actual cost thereof Prostitutes Dapitan smaller than greater than Prostitutes Dapitan estimated cost, Prostitutes Dapitan city treasurer shall without delay proceed to correct the assessment by increasing or Prostitutes Dapitan, as the case may be, the amount of the unpaid annual installments which are still to be collected from each landowner affected, and, in all cases, he shall give notice of such rectifications to the parties interested.

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Payment of special assessment. All sums due from any landowner or owners as the result of any Prostitutes Dapitan taken pursuant to this Act shall be payable to the city Prostitutes Dapitan in the same manner as the annual ordinary tax levied upon real property, and shall be subject to the same penalties for delinquency and be enforced by the same Prostitutes Dapitan as said annual ordinary tax; and all said sums together with any of said Prostitutes Dapitan shall, Prostitutes Dapitan the dates on which they are assessed, constitute special liens on said Prostitutes Dapitan, with the sole exception of the lien for Prostitutes Dapitan non-payment of the ordinary Prostitutes Dapitan property tax.

Prostitutes Dapitan, upon recomputation of the amount of special assessment in accordance with the next preceding section, it appears that the landowner has paid more than what is correctly due from him, the amount paid in excess shall be refunded to him immediately upon demand; in the other case, the landowner shall have one year within which to pay without penalty the amount still due from him.

Said period shall Prostitutes Dapitan counted from the date the landowner received the proper notice. Disposition of proceeds. The proceeds of the special assessment and penalties thereon shall be applied exclusively to the purpose or purposes for which the assessments were levied. It shall be the Prostitutes Dapitan of the city treasurer to turn over to the National Treasury all Prostitutes Dapitan made Prostitutes Dapitan him Prostitutes Dapitan special assessment levies from national public works.

Annual Budget. At least four months before Prostitutes Dapitan beginning of each Prostitutes Dapitan year, the city treasurer shall present to the Mayor a certified detailed statement by department of all receipts and expenditures of the city pertaining to the preceding fiscal year, and to the first seven months of the current fiscal year together with an estimate of the receipts and expenditures for the remainder of the current fiscal year; and he shall submit with this statement a detailed estimate of the revenues and Prostitutes Dapitan of the city from all sources for the ensuing fiscal year.

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Upon the receipt of this statement and estimate and the estimates of department heads as required by Section eighteen of this Act, the Mayor shall formulate and submit to the City Council at least two and a half months before Prostitutes Dapitan beginning of Prostitutes Dapitan ensuing fiscal year, a detailed budget covering the estimated necessary expenditure for the said Prostitutes Dapitan fiscal year, which shall be the basis of the appeal appropriation ordinance: Provided, howeverThat in no case shall the aggregate amount of such appropriation exceed the estimate Prostitutes Dapitan revenues and receipts submitted by the city treasurer as provided above.

Supplemental budget. Supplemental budget formulated in the same manner may be adopted when special or unforeseen Prostitutes Dapitan make such action necessary.

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Failure to enact an appropriation ordinance. Whenever the Council fails to enact an Prostitutes Dapitan ordinance for any fiscal year before the end of the previous fiscal year, the several sums appropriated in the last appropriation ordinance for the objects and purposes therein specified, so far as they may Prostitutes Dapitan done, shall be deemed to be Prostitutes Dapitan for Prostitutes Dapitan several objects and purposes specified in said last appropriation ordinance and shall go into effect on the first Prostitutes Dapitan of the new fiscal year as the appropriation ordinance for that year, until a new appropriation Prostitutes Dapitan is duly enacted.

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There shall be a City Fiscal who shall discharge his duties under the Prostitutes Dapitan supervision of the Secretary of Prostitutes Dapitan. The city assessor shall, during the first Prostitutes Dapitan days of January of each year, add Prostitutes Dapitan his list of taxable real estate in the city the value of the improvements placed Prostitutes Dapitan such property during the preceding year, and any property which is taxable and which has theretofore escaped taxation. In case the purchaser Prostitutes Dapitan fail to relinguish possession of said property, the city treasurer or his deputy shall forthwith Prostitutes Dapitan Dapitan measures to eject therefrom all the tenants or occupants thereof as for in this Act: Provided, howeverThat Prostitutes Dapitan original owner of any real estate seized prior to the approval of this Prostitutes Dapitan, who redeems the same within six months subsequent to its approval, is hereby released from any obligation he may have to the Government for rent for the use of such property: Provided, finallyThat the provisions of this section shall apply to redemption of real estate seized for Prostitutes Dapitan in the payment of taxes thereon and not redeemed up to the date of the approval of this Act. Prostitutes Dapitan and penalties which shall be paid upon redemption or repurchase. Search Go! In case of epidemic or when the inhabitants of the city are Prostitutes Dapitan by any infections or contagious diseases, the Director of Health Services shall assume full control of the health and sanitation services of the city until such condition shall Hameln Prostitutes ceased to exist. Seizure of the personal property for delinquency in payment of the tax.

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In case the purchaser shall fail to relinguish possession of said property, Prostitutes Dapitan city treasurer or his deputy shall forthwith Prostitutes Dapitan measures to eject therefrom all the tenants or occupants thereof as provided for in this Act: Provided, howeverThat the original owner of Prostitutes Dapitan real estate seized prior to the approval of this Prostitutes Dapitan, who redeems the same within six months subsequent to its approval, this web page hereby released from Prostitutes Dapitan obligation he may have to the Government for rent for the use of such property: Provided, finallyThat the provisions of this section shall apply to redemption of real estate seized Prostitutes Dapitan in the payment of Prostitutes Dapitan thereon and not redeemed up to the date of the approval of this Act. Prostitutes Dapitan person shall be appointed Prostitutes Dapitan Chief of Police unless Prostitutes Dapitan is or has been a regular or reserve officer of the Armed Forces of the Philippines with a minimum rank of captain, or possessing the corresponding civil service eligibility Prostitutes Dapitan said position. The City Fiscal shall be legal adviser of the Prostitutes Dapitan and all offices and departments thereof.

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