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In the witness was occupied in helping in the laundry at Bambang street. Mario M.

They told us to prepare and after two hours they returned, but at that time my sister became sick because of that sickness of my sister Prostitutes Candaba were not able to take her away. After that they departed, and I also left. That night my sister was taken away by the guerrillas. My brother was taken away the following day," by appellant and a companion. They were armed with revolvers. Prostitutes Candaba brought his brother to the Japanese garrison.

Engracio Manese, 27, married, farmer, Prostitutes Candaba of Arayat, testified that Gabriel Tongol is his brother-in-law. In May,he was living in barrio Mangakakutud, Arayat. In Manila, appellant took away by the guerrillas. Gabriel was taken to the Japanese garrison.

His wife Maria became afraid and hid in one of the houses, then joined Consolacion who was with the guerrillas in the mountains. Juanita Rosales, 24, married, laundry woman, resident at M. Hizon, Manila, testified that she had Prostitutes Candaba appellant since the Japanese Prostitutes Candaba, Gregorio Hernandez is her husband, who was arrested by appellant. The arrest took place Prostitutes Candaba M. Hizon street. It was nighttime. Her husband was brought to Comandante street, the place where the office of Jose Hernandez was located.

She went to the place the following morning. She saw there Jose Fernando and his men in her house. She talked with Leoncio Fernando one of the accused men and with Prostitutes Candaba. She asked appellant why he arrested Gregorio Hernandez and appellant answered "because he was a guerrillero. Jose Fernando told me then that if I do care to live with him he would release Gregorio Hernandez but if not, he will bring Gregorio Hernandez to Fort Santiago.

Then, Prostitutes Candaba continued talking. He was released in the afternoon following the day of his release.

He was there for about thirty minutes.

From that time, the witness came to live at Comandante street with Jose Fernando. I lived with him as his wife in order to secure the release of Gregorio Hernandez. I have Prostitutes Candaba the men Prostitutes Candaba arrested. I cannot remember how many men were brought there, but I know that almost everyday there were persons who were brought and maltreated there. The witness saw Japanese in the house.

The Japanese were Mjara and Quijacho. They used to go to the place once in a while. About two times a Prostitutes Candaba. It was said that Mijara] was an interpreter and Quijacho was the chief of the accused. Everytime they went to the place they used to talk with the accused, who was given rice and money by the Japanese. The witness was brought to Zurbaran Prostitutes Candaba and also to Canton Hotel. In Zurbaran she lived with Jose Fernando under the house of Mijara.

They left that street, "because according to them, as they arrested many persons, they were afraid that the guerrilleros may go to that place. They were maltreated. There were few brought to Zurbaran street but many at Canton Hotel, located at the corner of Rizal Avenue Prostitutes Candaba Azcarraga streets.

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When she was living with Fernando at the Canton Prostitutes Candaba, almost everyday, she saw persons being arrested and maltreated. There were many persons living there also. According to them, those arrested persons were guerrilleros. They maltreated them and tied them up.

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Then they were given to the Japanese. There were three men Prostitutes Candaba Jose Fernando. Among the Prostitutes Candaba persons the witness remembered one by the name of Berting. The witness became acquainted with Jose Fernando only at Comandante street before he arrested her husband.

It was two weeks before. Since then, "he has been making some propositions to me. Her husband was arrested because he was suspected as a guerrillero although he was not. Fidel Ferreras, 25, married, laborer, resident at Lealtad, Manila, testified that he has known Jose Fernando for a long time, since they were in the Buencamino Hacienda. He does not remember the date. While I Prostitutes Candaba suspended and tied in the wire with my face downward, the Japanese was hitting my legs and other parts of my body and this Jose Fernando was talking with that Japanese.

Jose Fernando did not take part in the maltreatment. They were brought to the house of Captain Kimura.

The witness was asked questions there. He remained in Cabanatuan for more than a month in the house of Captain Kimura.

The witness does not remember when he was released. Jose Fernando was armed with a rifle but he wore no uniform. Gregorio Hernandez, 29 Prostitutes Candaba, single, telephone operator, residing at M. Prostitutes Candaba, testified that he was arrested by Prostitutes Candaba accused in He had forgotten the month and date. It must be about October. He was arrested in his house at M. Only I know the names of Prostitutes Candaba two but not their surnames — Johnny and Frank, and the other one is Dominador Prostitutes Candaba.

They forced Prostitutes Candaba to go down from my house. I was not even able to put my suit. I was in my sleeping outfit. I found there the herein accused Jose Fernando.

Frank, referring to Jose Prostitutes Candaba, faced the witness and told him 'Here is your man'. He was there for about thirty minutes. Abraham Albines and Carlos Francisco arrived arrested. Fernando "took us to the house one by one and asked about our activities as Prostitutes Candaba. The witness was asked about names and activities Prostitutes Candaba guerrilleros.

He answered that he did not know anything about the guerrilla organization. He remained in Comandante street the whole night. Fernando ordered his men to tie the hands of the witness who was brought to Dapitan.

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There was no misunderstanding between the witness and Jose Fernando before Abraham Albines, 28, singles, government employee, M. Hizon, testified that he came to know Jose Fernando after Prostitutes Candaba arrest in the early part Prostitutes Candaba October, This witness was in gambling den at the corner of Quiricada Prostitutes Candaba Oroquieta streets when four men raided the place.

They asked for Gregorio Hernandez, Carlos Francisco and the witness. Gregorio Hernandez was not there, because he went out. Carlos Francisco and the witness were taken and brought to the corner of Oroquieta and San Lazaro.

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Among the four Prostitutes Candaba who raided the place was Jose Fernando. When they arrived at the place they saw Gregorio Hernandez already tied with three men. Then they were taken to Comandante street, they were investigated by Jose Fernando.

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Fernando asked the witness about his guerrilla activities and whether he wanted to join the Kempei-tai. The witness Prostitutes Candaba not accept the offer. In the witness was occupied in helping in the laundry Prostitutes Candaba Bambang street. The witness was not a guerrillero. Appellant asked him questions but did not maltreat him.

Arsenio S. He was the contractor of the River Control between Cabiao and Candaba during the war. He met him as Prostitutes Candaba guerrilla lieutenant, and they often met each other because the witness was also a guerrilla.

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They used to meet at Cabiao and Arayat. The accused was second in command to Captain Prostitutes Candaba in the early part of The witness does not know whether appellant remained as a guerrillero until the liberation.

Inthe witness met the accused in Manila at the Central Hotel with other Filipinos and the witness "heard that he was working with the Japanese. Then, one day, while I was taking my Prostitutes Candaba in the Plaza Hotel, one Mr. Rufino Buenaventura approached me and he told that I should go to Military Administration Office between 12 and 1 o'clock in the afternoon, and I went Prostitutes Candaba and I was brought before a Japanese interpreter as a guerrilla member and I admitted that I was a guerrillero, and at about 3 o'clock that same afternoon, Mr.

Jose Fernando and his companions arrived and Mr. Fernando approached me and told me that I should not be afraid, because he was willing to help me, and at about 6 o'clock in the afternoon I was released. Roberto Simbol, 32, married, ex-serviceman, residing at Ipil, Sta. Cruz, Manila, testified that Prostitutes Candaba he was in a guerrilla organization in Arayat with Jose Fernando, who was first lieutenant with the late Lt.

Pacifico Briones. Fernando was appointed organizer of the Barrio Defense Corps. The witness came to Manila when Prostitutes Candaba was sick of malaria and after his recovery in the San Lazaro was captured by a Japanese of Prostitutes Candaba Kempei-tai.

Jose Fernando heard about his capture and worked for his release, and once he was released he went back to his outfit "and since then I knew that Jose Fernando was a Japanese agent. He met him in Manila. The accused told him that he was working with the Japanese, but he was also working for certain Filipinos.

According Prostitutes Candaba him, he was working as an agent of Fort Santiago. He Prostitutes Candaba told me that he stayed there to keep the Filipinos who happened to be there. Inwhen Texas men came to the house of Jose Ramos, witness' friend, confiscate rice, they were given money to avoid the confiscation, the witness requested the intervention of the accused, who was able to have the money returned to the owner.

The Texas men were agents of Fort Santiago. The incident happened in Exequiel Lacanlale, 41, married, Prostitutes Candaba in Muntinglupa, testified that Prostitutes Candaba knows Gabriel Tongol. In Maythe witness was in Arayat with the Japanese as a prisoner. Gabriel Tongol was arrested by the Japanese and the witness saw him maltreated.

Tongol admitted Prostitutes Candaba he had a gun. Later he told the witness that he had to admit because he could no longer suffer the maltreatment. The Japanese compelled Gabrile Tongol to produce the gun and as a guaranty his wife and children were taken as hostages. He was told that if he could not produce the gun his house will also be burned. The accused had no connection whatsoever with the arrest of Gabriel Tongol.

The Prostitutes Candaba is in Muntinglupa, "because I was suspected being a Japanese spy. He worked with the Japanese from to"because I was captured by them on December 6, Consolacion Tongol was not there, but his wife was present.

There were Prostitutes Candaba twenty Japanese in the group. Joaquin S. Galang, 26, married, merchant, residing at Dapitan, testified that about the middle ofthe accused was introduced to the Prostitutes Candaba as a good young man who was acting as agent of Fort Santiago and able to serve friends, by Mr.

Tecson, a former companion of the witness at Liceo de Manila. The Prostitutes Candaba was also introduced as a guerrillero. The witness stated that in case something happen he would request Prostitutes Candaba help of the accused, who committed himself to give help and added that he was a grandson of Felipe Buencamino and that he was from Cabiao, Nueva Ecija. One morning in October or November, the accused went Prostitutes Candaba the witness' house to ask him if he was acquainted with Marcos Villa, who was a colonel under General Luna, stating that there was a warrant of arrest from Fort Santiago against him because the Japanese said that guerrilleros went to his house, adding that he did not want the old man be arrested, suggesting to the witness to see to it that the old man should go to the provinces.

The witness, being a friend of Marcos Villa, induced the latter to go to Isabela and even lent him P70 for transportation. The Prostitutes Candaba also testified about the request of the accused to ave Alejo Galang who was about to be Prostitutes Candaba that night by the Japanese for helping guerrilleros. Antolin S. Rosales, 34, single. A week after the witness Prostitutes Candaba the Cabanatuan jail, because there were guerrilleros imprisoned therein.

The witness was the captain of guerrilla organization. The raid was successful. Inwhile the witness was a prisoner in Fort Santiago, a Japanese asked the accused if Prostitutes Candaba knows the witness. The accused answered that the witness Prostitutes Candaba a good element. After a month, the witness was released.

One day, the witness met the accused in the Escolta, where the accused informed him that he was an agent of the Japanese. During their long talk, the witness came to trust him and give him information about his guerrilla organization and other underground work. But in July, the witness was arrested. In January,the witness entered Manila, under Captain Maloles. Inthe witness is released on bail. He is one of those accused of the crime of treason. Mario M. Bundalian, 41, married, district engineer, Bureau of Public Works, San Fernando, Pampanga, testified that he knew the accused in as one of the contractors of the government.


He met him sometime in in Manila and the accused reported about his Prostitutes Candaba activities Prostitutes Candaba Cabiao, Nueva Ecija, being in the USAFFE unit, and they discussed abut their work, but the conference did not last long. Inthe witness was a guerrilla officer assigned in Manila.

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Jose Fernando, 33, married, testified that at the outbreak of the war he was working in the Hacienda Buencamino at Cabiao. He was a contractor in a government construction job. On December 10,he helped the Red Cross at Cabanatuan. On June 2,he went to the Ramsey guerrilla unit. Since the beginning he was not satisfied with the Japanese occupation, so "I conferred with Prostitutes Candaba townmates to form a body to combat the Japanese administration.

We contributed money and we collected arms, and we organized a guerrilla unit. There was Prostitutes Candaba split in Prostitutes Candaba ranks in our guerrilla organization between USAFFEs and Hukbalahaps, and there were encounters between those two factions. My Commander, Dominador Basco, and myself were captured by the Hukbalahaps that Prostitutes Candaba us was raided by the Japanese, and I, together with Dominador Basco, were able to escape; and after escaping I reported to my former squadron.

On my return to my former squadron, I stayed there for two days with them and I, Col. Briones and my commanding officer, Dominador Basco, agreed that we should place our respective families in a safer place, so I brought my family here in Manila. These two persons were formerly attached to our Prostitutes Candaba, but at that time they were already with the MPs. Prostitutes Candaba was tied, and I was brought to Fort Santiago. I was maltreated, investigated; they starved me there, and they gave me the water cure treatment.

I was able to convince the superior officer, and Jose Hernandez.

After that they tied me; then they made me rest in a certain room and I was approached by Vicente Reyes. Vicente Reyes asked me to tell them that I am really a Lieutenant Colonel in Central Luzon, because, according to him, he reported that I am the Lieutenant Colonel, Prostitutes Candaba he was under obligation to point out the highest officer of the guerrillas in the Central Prostitutes Candaba area to the Military Police.

I told him that it is against my conscience, but he told me that there Prostitutes Candaba no other remedy, because otherwise he and myself will die. After that, I was called again by the MPs an d I was investigated and I saw Vicente Reyes had really presented evidence against me and I saw the evidence were clear, and so I admitted that I am the highest ranking officer of the guerrillas in Prostitutes Candaba Central Luzon.

The Japanese officer told me that if really my intention was to help my countrymen, then I should accept a position with them in the pacification of my countrymen. At first they offered me the position of Japanese informer. I refused this position, and what I suggested was employment in the office, in their management of the peace campaign.

The Japanese did not accept my offer to work in their office, and instead they made me the head of ten Filipino agents in the Kempei-tai and they told me that if I would not accept this position, the Japanese would kill me and will behead all the members of my family. I accepted the position that they Prostitutes Candaba me and after that I reported to my squadron and other guerrilla men and I related to them what happened to me.

The emissary whom I sent to different Prostitutes Candaba units to relate my plight, named Leonor Francisco, came back to me and he Prostitutes Candaba me that those people told him to Prostitutes Candaba me to continue also to help the guerrillas.

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Pacifico Briones stationed at Prostitutes Candaba Mountains; he was sending communications to the unit under Dominador Basco. There were also several small units of guerrillas with whom the accused had had connections, among those were the unit at Dapitan, under Col.

Leon Pichay, in Manila. Then, among the Prostitutes Candaba men given to me by the Japanese of whom I was the head, I dismissed seven of them, and I retained in my office three ganaps. December Volume 19 Number 4.

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Take, for example, the unit under Commander Dominador Tombo. He met him sometime in in Manila and the accused reported about his guerrilla activities in Cabiao, Nueva Ecija, being in the USAFFE unit, and they discussed abut their work, but the conference did not last long.
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It happened at Mangakakutud Arayat. Inhe left Nueva Ecija because of the fact that he sensed that he was being pursued and wanted by guerrillas and the Japanese and by the peace officers of Cabanatuan or Cabiao. He escaped, "because the Japanese tried to kill Prostitutes Candaba. One morning and a companion "came to our house" armed with revolvers. Prostitutes Candaba repeals gay sex ban but sets new rules to block marriage equality.

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That appellant, instead of fleeing from, or sabotaging the efforts of, the enemy should have made arrests and investigations to actually help the Japanese in their campaign for the suppression of guerrilla activities, makes wholly unacceptable his claim of having entered the service of the Kempei-tai involuntarily. Prostitutes Candaba were about twenty Japanese in the group. When she came to the headquarters of the guerrillas at Meycauayan she reported to the guerrillas that Prostitutes Candaba was an agent of the Japanese Military Police.

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