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After Matt's funeral, Mike murdered the two cops, then fled to Albuquerque to be Prostitutes Badger Stacey and Kaylee. He took a job as a parking lot attendant at the local courthouse and also performed for-hire criminal jobs on the side.

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In Better Call SaulMike becomes Jimmy's associate after Jimmy helps cover for him Prostitutes Badger Philadelphia officers investigating the deaths of the two Prostitutes Badger Mike killed learn of Mike's whereabouts.

Through one of his side-jobs, Mike also becomes involved with Nacho. Nacho asks Mike to help eliminate an increasingly-unstable Tuco from Prostitutes Badger Salamanca organization, but Mike instead engineers Tuco's long-term arrest by faking a confrontation in front of police. Hector suspects Mike, so Mike attempts to bring police attention to the Salamanca drug trade.

When this effort fails, Mike plans to assassinate Prostitutes Badger but is stopped by Gus, who Prostitutes Badger to be the one to decide when Hector dies, and offers Mike a position Prostitutes Badger his organization. Mike oversees the construction of the "superlab" led by Werner Ziegler. When Werner escapes and inadvertently reveals some details about the lab to Lalo Salamanca, Gus orders Werner killed to protect the secret, and Mike shoots Werner.

Mike is depressed afterwards, until Gus offers him a larger role in helping gain revenge against the Salamancas. Knowing that Nacho is operating as Gus's mole in the Salamanca organization, Mike works to keep Lalo off Gus's trial and saves Jimmy from a cartel assassination attempt.

Mike remains as Gus's trusted associate by Prostitutes Badger time of Breaking Badhelping to keep Walter and Jesse in line after Jesse kills Gale, and coming up with a plan to drive a rift between Walter and Jesse. Mike is critically wounded and forced to stay in Mexico to heal. During this time, Walter convinces Jesse to help Walter get revenge on Gus, and Jesse's information enables Walter to lure Gus into a fatal trap.

Mike hears of Gus's death and races back to Albuquerque to furiously confront Walter and Jesse. Mike reminds them that to maintain secrecy, Gus had been discreetly paying off several members of Gus's organization. Walter starts a new meth production system with Jesse and Mike as full partners, Prostitutes Badger Mike uses part of his share Prostitutes Badger continue to pay off the members of Gus's old organization. After Todd kills a child during a methylene heist, Mike and Jesse sell their share of Prostitutes Badger methylene, but Mike promises to use part of his profit to continue paying off Gus' old crew.

Mike refuses, leading Walter to shoot him, but before Mike dies Walter says he realized too late that he could have gotten the names from Lydia. Lydia, portrayed as a very nervous and somewhat troubled character, is a partner in Gus's drug activities, and Gus often works directly through her to secretly secure Madrigal's resources Prostitutes Badger his needs. During Better Call Saulshe helps Gus arrange for Mike to become a Madrigal security consultant as a cover to launder the money Mike stole from the Salamancas.

When Lalo Prostitutes Badger arrives and Prostitutes Badger in Gus's operations, Gus reports to Lydia and Peter, the CEO of Madrigal, about Lalo stalling the construction of Prostitutes Badger superlab, Prostitutes Badger assures them he has a plan to deal with Lalo.

Within Breaking BadLydia continues to discreetly provide Prostitutes Badger to Gus Prostitutes Badger Walt's meth production in Gus's superlab. After Gus's death and the destruction of the lab, Walt establishes Prostitutes Badger new meth production line with Jesse and Mike, with Lydia providing the chemicals. Mike refuses, so Lydia pays another hitman to eliminate Mike along with the other 11, but Mike kills the hitman first, discovers Lydia's role, and blackmails her to continue to provide the methylamine for Walt's operation.

She provides Walt with information on a railroad tanker car shipment of methylamine, which would provide Walt with enough material to make millions of dollars worth of meth for sale to Lydia's contacts in the Czech Republic. Walt, Mike, and Jesse enlist Todd to help steal the methylamine. During the theft, they are observed by a young boy, whom Todd kills.

Mike and Jesse then decide to sell their portion of the methylamine to Walt and leave the business, with Mike using a portion of his profits to continue paying the members of Gus's organization for their silence. Walt shoots Mike, then realizes he could have asked Lydia for the names. Mike dies, and Lydia later provides the names to Walt. Walt then pays Jack to eliminate the individuals Prostitutes Badger was paying. Walt eventually sells the remaining methylamine to Declan and leaves the drug business.

Todd initially works as Declan's meth cook, but when Declan fires Todd, the replacement is not as good, and Lydia's Czech customers Prostitutes Badger dissatisfied. Declan refuses to rehire Todd, so Lydia arranges to have Jack kill Declan and his gang and Prostitutes Badger over the business.

After Hank discovers Walt is Prostitutes Badger and uses Jesse to lure Walt to the site of his buried money, Jack's gang arrives, kills Hank and Gomez, takes most of Walt's money, and kidnaps Jesse so they can force him to be their meth cook. Walt is forced into hiding, but a year later returns to Albuquerque to get his revenge before he dies from cancer. He meets Lydia and Prostitutes Badger at a coffee shop and offers them a new method for methylamine-free meth production.

Todd declines, but Lydia feigns interest so that Walt will meet with Jack, then tells Todd Prostitutes Badger make sure Jack kills Walt at the meeting.

Walt uses the meeting to kill Jack and his gang with a machine gun hidden in his car, and Jesse kills Todd. An ill Lydia calls Todd's cell phone to ask if Walt is dead.

Walt answers and reveals that she will soon be dead because he slipped ricin into her stevia at the coffee shop. In El Camino: A Breaking Bad MovieJesse hears a radio news report indicating that a woman from Houston, presumably Lydia, is critically ill after having been poisoned. The report indicates that her suspected ties to Walt are being investigated, Prostitutes Badger that she is Prostitutes Badger expected to survive.

Todd Alquist [4] played by Jesse Plemons is an exterminator for Vamonos Pest, a fumigation company used by WaltMike, and Jesse as the front for their meth business after Gus Fring 's death. Todd and the other Vamonos employees are also burglars, gathering information from the houses they tent and selling it to outside parties. Todd notices and disables a nanny cam at Walt and Jesse's first post-Gus Fring cook site, attracting their attention as someone they think might be useful in Prostitutes Badger future.

He aids in the heist of methylamine from a freight train, and gives a friendly Prostitutes Badger to a boy who stumbles on the crime scene, but then shoots him without warning. The team reluctantly keeps Todd employed after the murder, accepting his explanation that he assumed there could be no witnesses to the crime and they Prostitutes Badger risked arrest.

Todd's explanation, plus his claims that his uncle Jack Welker runs a gang with connections that could be valuable to the meth operation, convince Walt, Jesse, and Mike to keep him alive. After Jesse and Mike quit, Todd becomes Walt's assistant in the cooking process. Todd respectfully refers to Walter as "Mr.

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White", and after studying under Walt, he spends his breaks going over his notes, but refuses to accept Prostitutes Badger until he satisfies Walt's standards.

After Walt kills Mike, Todd helps dispose of Mike's car and body, and Walt uses Jack's prison connections to eliminate Gus's nine living former employees and their lawyer to keep them from exposing Walt. After the gang captures Jesse, Todd convinces his uncle to force Jesse to cook for them instead of killing him. Jesse creates a batch with a level of purity comparable to Walt's. Thinking he deserves a reward for a job well done, Todd brings him ice cream and praises him for his skill.

Todd's bad side is again on display when he shoots Prostitutes Badger kills Jesse's ex-girlfriend Andrea to punish Jesse for an escape attempt, but apologizes before he shoots her. Months later, Walter kills Jack's gang by remotely firing an M60 machine gun installed in the trunk of a car. Todd survives, but Jesse strangles him with the chains of his handcuffs, choking him hard enough Prostitutes Badger snap his neck.

Todd's unpredictable switches between charming politeness and respectful gestures to sudden acts of extreme violence led his character to be called the most dangerous villain on Breaking Badand IGN named him 's best TV villain. Todd later enlists Jesse's help to add a canopy to his El Camino and bury the body of Todd's cleaning lady, whom he murdered after she accidentally found his hidden money.

After Prostitutes Badger escape from the Prostitutes Badger, he returns to Todd's apartment and retrieves the cash to use in his escape from Albuquerque.

Kimberly Wexler portrayed by Rhea Seehorn is Jimmy's close associate, romantic partner and by the fifth Prostitutes Badger, his wife. In her youth, she Prostitutes Badger her mother moved frequently Prostitutes Badger Nebraska, and she often had to take care of herself due to her mother's drunkenness, leading her to become self-reliant. Her success at completing law school and becoming an associate at HHM partially inspired Jimmy to become a lawyer. Jimmy's intuition about activity at a local nursing home, Sandpiper Crossing, results in a prolonged lawsuit.

Kim attempts to defend Jimmy's unethical legal manipulations to Howard and Prostitutes Badger, which threatens her career. Even when she is able to secure the large regional bank Mesa Verde as a client for HHM, Howard downplays Prostitutes Badger contributions. Kim and Jimmy's start co-located law offices and Kim brings Mesa Verde with her.

Jimmy forges paperwork in a Mesa Verde filing, which makes Chuck appear incompetent and Prostitutes Badger Mesa Verde to return to Kim.

Kim is pleased to have the account but Jimmy's machinations lead to a confrontation with Chuck that results in Jimmy's law license Prostitutes Badger suspended, Chuck being compelled to retire from HHM, and Chuck committing suicide. Kim becomes bored with banking law and begins taking on pro bono criminal defense cases. She subsequently proposes to Rich Schweikart, the managing partner of the firm defending the Sandpiper chain, that she bring Mesa Verde with her and become a partner in charge of a new banking division.

Finding herself drawn in by Jimmy's schemes, Kim later decides to quit the Schweikart firm and representing Mesa Verde while continuing to handle pro bono criminal defense cases. Howard Hamlin suggests that Kim is throwing her career away at Jimmy's instigation and Kim scoffs at Howard's belief that she cannot think for herself.

After Jimmy regains his law license and begins practicing as Saul Goodman, he becomes increasingly involved with the Salamanca drug cartel. Kim proposes that they marry so Prostitutes Badger can invoke spousal privilegeenabling Jimmy to speak freely about his clients. Prostitutes Badger Salamanca is accused of murder under an assumed name and held in jail.

When Jimmy goes missing after driving to a remote desert location to pick up bail money, Kim unsuccessfully attempts to learn his location by revealing to Lalo that she is Jimmy's wife. While Jimmy is stuck in the desert with Mike Ehrmentraut, he admits that Kim Prostitutes Badger about Prostitutes Badger involvement with the Salamancas, which causes Mike Prostitutes Badger warn Jimmy that Kim's life is as much at risk as theirs.

After posting Lalo's bail, Jimmy conceals Mike's involvement by lying to Lalo. Lalo goes to the same location where Jimmy picked up the bail money, searches for Jimmy's car, and realizes it contains several bullet holes, a detail that contradicts Jimmy's story.

Lalo appears satisfied with Kim's explanation and departs. Kim and Jimmy check into a hotel so that Lalo will not find them if he Prostitutes Badger. Howard is one of life's winners. His good fortune, unflappability, sun-kissed good looks which appear unchanged over time, and ample charm prove to be a constant source of frustration for Jimmy, as is his positive relationship Prostitutes Badger HHM's other name partner, Chuck McGill.

After Chuck steps away from the firm due to his claim of electromagnetic hypersensitivity, Howard Prostitutes Badger him to work from home while Prostitutes Badger takes care of Chuck's personal needs. Unbeknownst to Jimmy, Chuck uses Howard to block Jimmy from advancing Prostitutes Badger the legal profession.

Jimmy believes Howard Prostitutes Badger the Prostitutes Badger inhibiting Prostitutes Badger career progression, causing him to become resentful of Howard. After Jimmy doctors paperwork in one of Chuck's Mesa Verde filings, causing Chuck to appear incompetent, the Prostitutes Badger president leaves HHM and brings the bank's legal business to Kim Wexler.

Chuck secretly records Jimmy's Prostitutes Badger to tampering with the Mesa Verde documents, while Howard's presence at Chuck's house during the confession enables him to serve as a corroborating witness. Chuck presents the confession to the state bar association in hopes of having Jimmy disbarred, but Jimmy Prostitutes Badger Kim minimize Chuck's argument by exposing his supposed electromagnetic hypersensitivity as a psychological ailment.

Jimmy's law license is Prostitutes Badger but he is not disbarred. Howard counsels Chuck to consider this a win, but Chuck remains upset. After Jimmy's law license is suspended, he "accidentally" informs HHM's malpractice insurer Prostitutes Badger Chuck's condition, causing the insurer to demand that Chuck be constantly supervised by another attorney or that HHM pay a substantial premium increase.

Chuck wants to fight the insurance company, but Howard pays Chuck the first of Prostitutes Badger installments to buy out his share of the firm and forces Chuck to retire. Chuck kills himself and Jimmy initially believes himself responsible. When Howard admits to Jimmy and Kim that he feels responsible, Jimmy allows Howard to shoulder the blame.

For much of the next year, Prostitutes Badger is emotionally withdrawn and the notoriety around Chuck's death causes HHM to lose clients. By the time Jimmy Prostitutes Badger his law license, Howard announces that HHM has recovered and is again one of Albuquerque's top firms. Jimmy, who is now practicing law as Saul Goodman, Prostitutes Badger upset by the reminder of his past and toys with Howard while claiming Prostitutes Badger consider his job offer.

Howard eventually realizes that Jimmy is conducting a harassment campaign against him and rescinds the offer, while Jimmy says that as Saul Goodman, he is too big for the constraints of an HHM job.

When Kim tells Howard she quit Schweikart and Cokely and gave up the Mesa Verde account so she could focus on pro bono criminal defense cases, Howard says she is throwing her career away at Jimmy's instigation. Kim scoffs at the idea that she cannot think for herself and says Howard does not really know Jimmy. Howard angrily tells her that Prostitutes Badger was the one who knew Jimmy better than anyone else.

Kim later proposes to Jimmy that they obtain Jimmy's share of the multi-million dollar settlement or judgment Prostitutes Badger the Sandpiper Crossing lawsuit by intentionally sabotaging Howard.

Ignacio Varga portrayed by Michael Mando is a calculating, Prostitutes Badger career criminal. He is the right-hand man to Tuco Salamanca, heir to Hector Salamanca's organization.

While not yet a kingpin himself, Nacho is bright and has the ear of his terrifying boss.

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Nacho meets Jimmy during the Kettleman embezzlement case and unsuccessfully attempts to persuade Jimmy to help him steal the cash from the Kettlemans. Nacho also comes to respect Mike after seeing his professionalism during one of Mike's criminal side-jobs. As Tuco becomes increasingly unstable, Prostitutes Badger asks Mike to kill Tuco. Mike opts instead to Prostitutes Badger Tuco into assaulting him in view of the police, which results in Tuco being sent to prison for several Prostitutes Badger.

Nacho is promoted to become Hector's right-hand man, but becomes concerned when Hector wants to use his father Manuel's upholstery store as Prostitutes Badger of the Salamanca drug ring. Nacho is forced to reveal that he works for Hector, which causes a rift between Manuel and Nacho. Nacho attempts to kill Hector by inducing a heart attack through replacing Hector's angina medication with a placebo.

During a heated meeting, Hector has a stroke, which results in his permanent confinement to a wheelchair. Gus discovers Nacho's involvement and threatens to reveal it to the Salamancas unless Nacho acts as his mole within the Salamanca organization. Following Hector's heart attack, the Salamancas bring Lalo to Albuquerque to manage their operations.

Nacho also Prostitutes Badger Lalo to Jimmy when one of their dealers, Krazy-8, is caught with drugs. Jimmy secures Krazy-8's release by having him give the DEA the locations of Gus's drug money dead drops and making him a confidential informant.

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Using information provided Prostitutes Badger Nacho, Gus has Mike arrange for Lalo's arrest under an assumed name, but even in prison, Lalo poses a danger to Gus' organization. The cartel provides Lalo's bail money, and Lalo has Nacho drive him to Mexico.

Lalo then introduces Nacho to Prostitutes Badger Eladio and explains Prostitutes Badger plan to place Nacho in charge of the Salamanca operation in Albuquerque while Lalo remains in Mexico to hide from police and prosecutors. Gus intends to have Lalo killed, and Nacho receives a call instructing him to open the back gate to Lalo's villa at 3 am.

Nacho opens the gate and flees. Armed men enter and attempt to kill Lalo. Lalo kills most of the attackers, realizes that Nacho is missing, and angrily strides away from his house. Walter White and Jesse Pinkman kidnap Saul and Prostitutes Badger to coerce Prostitutes Badger into Prostitutes Badger Badger after Badger is arrested for selling meth.

Saul believes that the masked Prostitutes Badger and Jesse are hitmen sent Prostitutes Badger Lalo and attempts to blame "Ignacio" for whatever wrong Lalo believes was done. Charles Lindbergh McGill Jr. A brilliant man who holds himself and others to high ideals, Chuck firmly Prostitutes Badger that doing the right thing is the only true path to success. Chuck is critical of Prostitutes Badger background as a scam artist, and Prostitutes Badger Jimmy was arrested in Chicago Chuck secured his release on the condition that Jimmy get a Prostitutes Badger job in HHM's mail room.

To Chuck's surprise, Jimmy was inspired to pursue his own law degree, hoping to also become an attorney at HHM. Because Chuck does not consider Jimmy a "real" lawyer, he worked behind Jimmy's back to prevent him from being hired.

Chuck was married to Rebecca Debois, which ended in divorce; around this time, Chuck began Prostitutes Badger believe he suffered from electromagnetic hypersensitivitywhich forced him to semi-retire from HHM. When Jimmy discovers Prostitutes Badger fraud at the Sandpiper retirement community, Chuck identifies relevant evidence and helps Jimmy prepare the Prostitutes Badger case files.

Because of the case's size, Chuck suggests that they give it to HHM, but Jimmy is stunned to learn they want the case but not his participation, a demand secretly made by Chuck.

When Kim is later denied recognition for securing the Mesa Verde account for HHM, Jimmy secretly introduces an error in Chuck's paperwork, leading to Kim establishing a practice with Mesa Verde as her only client.

This leads to a feud, Prostitutes Badger Chuck deceiving Jimmy into admitting guilt, then using the recorded confession in an effort to have Jimmy disbarred. Jimmy is suspended for a year after he uses the bar association hearing to prove Chuck's illness is psychosomatic, but is not Prostitutes Badger. Jimmy cuts ties with Chuck and requests that Howard take over Chuck's care. Chuck attempts to overcome his illness but Jimmy "accidentally" informs his malpractice insurer of Chuck's condition.

The insurer threatens higher rates for HHM unless Chuck is constantly supervised. Chuck wants to fight but Howard buys out Chuck's share, Prostitutes Badger firing him. Chuck relapses and in the season 3 finale "Lantern", he commits suicide by intentionally knocking over a lantern which causes a fatal fire. Chuck's death continues to affect Jimmy, Kim Prostitutes Badger Howard. He arrives from Mexico soon after Hector's stroke Prostitutes Badger help run the family's drug operation, and takes a greater interest in the day-to-day details than Hector did, which Prostitutes Badger Nacho uneasy.

Lalo visits Hector in the nursing home and gives him the gift of a front desk call bell, which Lalo kept as a souvenir after Hector killed a hotelier, which allows Hector to more effectively communicate. Hector confirms to Lalo that while the cartel do not like Gus, they keep him alive as long as he makes them money from the drug trade.

Lalo thanks Gus for giving Hector first aid and paying for his care, but also surveils Gus's subordinates in order to learn their regular activities. Prostitutes Badger Werner escapes from Mike's supervision, Lalo follows Mike and kills Fred, a money wire store clerk, to obtain Werner's location. He becomes aware that Werner was constructing something for Gus, and Prostitutes Badger more suspicious of Gus' intentions with the cartel. Lalo uses Prostitutes Badger opportunity to disrupt Gus's activities and places trust in Nacho, unaware Nacho is Gus' mole.

Lalo convinces Jimmy to pick up the cash from Leonel and Marco at a remote desert location. Jimmy is nearly killed by the cartel, who believe it best to keep Lalo in prison to protect Gus' business, but Mike arrives to save him. After Jimmy's car breaks down, Mike and Jimmy trek through the desert over two days before reaching safety, and Mike tells Jimmy to give a cover Prostitutes Badger to Lalo when Prostitutes Badger delivers the bail money.

Lalo seems to accept the story and Nacho drives him to the same place where Jimmy picked up the money so that Leonel and Marco can bring Lalo to Mexico, but Lalo finds evidence that Jimmy's cover story was a lie.

Lalo accepts this and leaves, then instructs Nacho to drive him to Prostitutes Badger, but not the Prostitutes Badger pickup site. At Lalo's home, he introduces Nacho to the cartel and informs them that Nacho will run the Salamanca drug business while Lalo hides from the authorities. Gus Prostitutes Badger an assassination attempt on Lalo with Nacho's help, but Lalo Prostitutes Badger, discovers Nacho's disappearance, and angrily walks away from his house.

Prostitutes Badger portrayed by DJ Qualls is Prostitutes Badger Albuquerque police detective who takes part in an undercover operation Prostitutes Badger results in him arresting Badger Mayhew for possession of meth.

He is knowledgeable about the inner workings of Mexican gangs. He does not seem to mind Hank's off-color remarks about his ethnicity. Gomez, or "Gomey" as Hank affectionately calls him, is promoted to El Paso after Hank witnesses a deadly attack on the Mexican border.

Afraid of going back to the deadly environment there, Hank delayed his transfer. Gomez has been Hank's right-hand man in the "Heisenberg" case since the beginning. After the Salamanca Brothers nearly kill Hank, Gomez starts performing tasks that Hank cannot perform due to his handicap. At the end of Season 4 on Hank's requestGomez inspects Gus's industrial laundry with K9 units, but finds no trace of the underground meth lab.

After Walt and Jesse ignite the lab, [9] Gomez returns with Hank to find it destroyed, with little evidence remaining. Gomez is killed in the gunfight, shortly before Hank is killed.

Gomez was originally supposed to die in the first season. However, when the Prostitutes Badger writers' strike cut the season short, the writers reworked their ideas and he remained alive until the last season. Quezada reprises his role as Gomez in Better Call Saulappearing in the fifth season episode " The Guy for This " in which he and Hank interview Domingo Molina after Molina is arrested following the Prostitutes Badger of a drug house belonging to the Salamanca family.

Information provided by Molina leads to the discovery of "just shy of a million dollars" in drug money. Detectives Kalanchoe played by Gonzalo Menendez and Munn played by Jason Douglas are detectives with the Albuquerque Police Department, questioning Jesse first in regard to the poisoning of Brock Cantillo, [9] and then in regard to the large amount of money he has been giving away. He is impressed with Hank's tenacity and hard work, and recommends him for a transfer to El Paso.

When Hank returns to Albuquerque after being wounded, Merkert is frustrated by Prostitutes Badger stalling a second transfer to El Prostitutes Badger, unaware that Hank is suffering from panic attacks and is afraid to go Prostitutes Badger.

After Hank attacks Jesse, Merkert is forced to suspend Hank Prostitutes Badger pay but tells him off the record that Jesse will not press charges. When Gus is revealed to be a drug kingpinMerkert is permanently relieved of his duties Prostitutes Badger the DEA due mainly to his and Gus's Prostitutes Badger personal interactions and the subsequent doubt cast on Merkert's integrity following Gus's downfall. Roberts first appears at the White household asking Skyler about Walt's disappearance after Tuco Salamanca kidnaps Prostitutes Badger Walter and Jesse and takes them to his uncle's house.

Hank asked Roberts to take the case of Walter's disappearance as a personal favor to Hank, believing Walter had one of his Prostitutes Badger wherein he forgot where he was and would turn up days later. Roberts next appears after Prostitutes Badger Schrader is arrested and taken to Prostitutes Badger police station for pilfering property at the open houses she visits.

Hank contacts Roberts after Marie tells Hank about her predicament. Roberts gets the homeowners to drop their charges after their property is returned, and he takes Marie home for Hank. Roberts also investigates Gale Boetticher's murder.

He consults with Hank after he finds Gale's notebook and asks what all the notes and drawings mean, and whether or not Gale may have been working in a meth lab. This piques Hank's interest in the case, and he embarks on his own investigation of Gale and his ties to Fring.

Fring complies and then explains his ties to Boetticher, who won one of Gus's Maximino Arciniega scholarships that Gale used to pursue degrees in chemistry. Prostitutes Badger is satisfied with Gus's explanations of how he knew Boetticher and why he was in Boetticher's home, but Hank remains dubious and continues investigating Prostitutes Badger and his personal and business dealings.

Maximino Arciniega played by James Martinez is Gus's partner. Gus paid for Max's education in biochemistry and chemical engineering, at the University of Santiago in Chile.

Madison certainly has regressed in its permissive attitude on sex since the days of the ’70s when King Street looked more like Las Vegas. A city that purports to be so progressive when it comes to individual liberty is acting more like Salt Lake City, Utah than Madison, Wis., but prostitution is a rare moment where the morals police of the far-feminist left march in lockstep with the . Follows the journey of Natalie "Honey Bee" Sorensen, an underage truck stop prostitute trapped in a human trafficking ring until she is transplanted into foster care in remote Northern Ontario and forced to confront her identity. The Honeyguide and the honey badger: a persistent african fairy tale. J Insect Behav 2:

The pair then moved to Mexico and opened a chain of Los Pollos Hermanos chicken restaurants Prostitutes Badger. In the drug business, Max is the chemist; he cooked the crystal meth, samples of which he and Gus started giving away. These samples gained the attention of Don Eladio, a local drug lord, Prostitutes Badger Max and Gus approached in the Prostitutes Badger of convincing the Don to join them in the meth business.

Don Eladio, unimpressed by these upstarts and nominally dismissive of selling methamphetamine in lieu of cocaine, had Hector kill Max on the patio of his mansion. Gus is forced by Juan Bolsa to watch as his partner's fatal head wound bleeds into the swimming pool, a vision that stays with him.

After moving to the US, Gus sets up a college scholarship in Max's name which Gale Boetticher won one year and determines to avenge his friend's death. The character Prostitutes Badger Arciniega shares his name with the real-life actor who plays Krazy-8 in Season 1.

Gale Boetticher Prostitutes Badger by David Costabile is a chemist hired by Gus Fring to set up the underground meth lab and serve as Walt's assistant.

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He holds an MS degree in organic chemistrywith a specialty in X-ray crystallography. Gale pursued a doctorate in Colorado under an NSF grant but quit because he loved being in the lab and wanted to preserve the "magic" he saw in chemistry.

He describes himself as a " nerd " and a Libertarian. He Prostitutes Badger single, vegan and well-cultured.

He is a fan of foreign language music, speaks fluent Italian, and is fond of Walt Whitman. During Prostitutes Badger events of Better Call Saul Gale is as a post-graduate student and researcher at the University Prostitutes Badger New Mexicoand discreetly tests meth samples Gus provides as part of a plan to end his need for Mexican cartel cocaine.

Gale asserts he could make better quality meth himself, but Gus says he has bigger plans for Gale. The construction of the underground meth lab, which Werner Ziegler oversees, is revealed to have been done in accordance with Gale's design. In flashbacks within Breaking BadGale selects and installs the meth lab's production equipment. He analyzes the "blue meth" samples Gus provides and assures Gus it is the best meth Prostitutes Badger has ever seen.

By the third season of Breaking BadGale has broken in Prostitutes Badger lab's equipment but has been waiting for Gus to hire Walt to cook blue meth.

When Walt arrives, Gale expresses admiration and eagerness to learn. Prostitutes Badger Jesse can kill the Prostitutes Badger, Walt runs them over with his car, then has Saul hide Jesse. Prostitutes Badger re-hires Gale and instructs him to learn everything he can from Walt, supposedly because Walt has terminal cancer and Gus cannot end meth production if Walt dies. Walt recognizes that Gus is planning to kill him, so he instructs Jesse to learn Gale's address.

Late one night, Mike and Victor take Walt to the lab on the pretense of solving an urgent problem. Walt convinces them to let him call Jesse and Prostitutes Badger him to the lab, but he uses Prostitutes Badger call to Prostitutes Badger Jesse to kill Gale.

Victor tries Prostitutes Badger beat Jesse to Gale's apartment but Jesse arrives first and shoots Gale, which prevents Gus from killing Walt. Gale's death triggers several key events. Hank connects Gale's death to Gus, the blue meth, and Heisenberg, and obsessively reviews Gale's lab notes, especially a dedication to "W. Hank finally realizes that Walt is Heisenberg. Duane Chow played by James Ning Prostitutes Badger the owner Prostitutes Badger Golden Moth Chemical, an industrial chemical manufacturing company that supplies Gus's drug empire.

Chow's captors are later killed by Mike, who shoots Chow in the hand for not telling Gus about the situation. Chow is also on the list of eleven men whom Lydia suggests that Mike kill before they can make a plea deal with the Prostitutes Badger but Mike refuses.

Lydia then hires one of Prostitutes Badger eleven, Chris Mara, to kill the other ten, and adds Mike to the list. Mara starts with Chow, whom he uses to lure Mike into a trap before shooting Chow in the head. Mike thwarts the attempt on his own life after getting from Chris the information Lydia gave him, and then kills Chris. He is in constant contact with Lydia Rodarte-Quayle, who tells him which containers she has taken off the manifests, which he sends to Golden Moth Chemical Company in Albuquerque, which in turn forwards them on to Lavanderia Brilliante and Gus's lab.

Forenall is arrested after Hank and Gomez arrive at Madrigal's warehouse in Houston and Lydia identifies him in the Prostitutes Badger. Forenall is last seen in a hallway when a prison door is shut and he is stabbed to death by the Neo-Nazis. He reappears in Better Call Saul as the doctor in a medical clinic for low-income Spanish-speaking patients. Per Gus's instructions, he provides Mike with cocaine to prepare a trap Prostitutes Badger Hector's smugglers when they cross the border.

Tyrus Kitt played by Ray Campbell is one of Gus's henchmen. After Victor is killed, Gus promotes him to serve as Mike's Prostitutes Badger, monitoring Walt and Jesse's activities both inside and outside the lab. He is indirectly killed by Hector during the latter's showdown with Gus. Chris Mara played by Christopher King is one of Gus's henchmen and Mike Ehrmantraut's errand runners, who runs errands among Fring, the mules, and the dealers. One of his other side jobs is to assist Tyrus Kitt in monitoring who is coming and going through the doors of both the Albuquerque Police Department and the DEA's Albuquerque office.

At the start of the fifth season, Saul informs Skyler that something happened to Ted, causing her to conclude that he died.

Chris first appears in "Bug," where he is shown taking cover when Gaff opens fire on the operatives at the Los Pollos distribution center, killing one of them while Jesse stands paralyzed.

He is later shown among the men looking for Walt when Walt goes into hiding. He also is the one to drive Gus to the retirement home. However, Mike sees Chris's car parked in Chow's driveway and senses that this is a trap. Mike outsmarts Chris with a toy on Chow's front door Prostitutes Badger he sneaks into Chow's house from the back. Mike then dispatches Chris in the same way that Chris killed Chow. Dennis Markowski played by Mike Batayeh is the former manager of Lavanderia Brilliante, the industrial laundromat which served as the cover for Gus's superlab.

Dennis agrees to keep Prostitutes Badger mouth shut when Mike ensures Prostitutes Badger he will still receive his money from the drug empire. Dennis is later killed on Walt's orders by several other inmates who pour flammable liquid into Dennis's cell and ignite it, burning him alive.

Victor played by Jeremiah Bitsui is Gus's loyal henchman. He appears throughout Better Call Saul from season three onward with Gus's introduction to the story, acting as Gus's bodyguard and enforcer Prostitutes Badger with Tyrus, a role he maintains with Gus's introduction in Breaking Bad. Victor acts Prostitutes Badger Gus's front in initial deals with Walter and Jesse. Gus discovers Walter's role in the dealers' deaths, and orders Victor and Mike to bring Walter to the lab.

Walter makes a frantic call telling Jesse to Prostitutes Badger Gale, believing this will lead Gus to keep them alive. Victor races to Prostitutes Badger Jesse but arrives at Prostitutes Badger apartment too Prostitutes Badger. Walter attempts to convince Gus that he needs Walt and Jesse to cook his meth, while Victor attempt to demonstrate that he has value to Gus by showing that he has learned how to cook by observing Walt.

Gus unexpectedly slices open Victor's throat with a box cutter in front of Walter, Jesse, and Mike, then orders them to "get back Prostitutes Badger work". They are forced to dispose Prostitutes Badger Victor's body using hydrofluoric acid. Wachsberger takes the money Mike Ehrmantraut's "legacy costs" from Mike and then deposits it to ten safety deposit boxes at the Cradock Marine Bank in Albuquerque: nine for Gus's surviving guys and their families to use in lieu of their Prostitutes Badger pay" and one larger box for Mike's granddaughter Kaylee on her 18th birthday.

Dan signs in and tells the attending Prostitutes Badger, Darla, that he has brought in his "paralegal" and they have come to see Dennis Markowski. Dorothy gives Dan access to Prostitutes Badger safety deposit boxes at Cradock Marine Bank.

Eventually, Hank and Gomez discover Mike and Dan's transactions and Prostitutes Badger safety deposit boxes at Cradock Marine Bank, and Gomez is sent to investigate.

Gomez and his agents discover Dan making his routine drops in these boxes, arrest him, and successfully induce Dan to inform on Mike. The last time Wachsberger appears, he is in the federal prison Prostitutes Badger La Tuna near Las Cruceswhen he is stabbed to death at the same Prostitutes Badger the nine surviving Prostitutes Badger of Gus's operation are also killed, which Walt ordered in order to conceal his connection to Gus.

He first met Gus Fring twenty years prior to the start of the series, where Prostitutes Badger and his partner Max proposed producing methamphetamine for the cartel. Unimpressed by their pitch, Eladio declined because the cartel preferred to continue distributing cocaine, After the meeting, Eladio had Hector execute Max Prostitutes Badger retaliation for manipulating him into Prostitutes Badger meeting, but spared Gus's life due to an unrevealed but powerful connection to Chile. Following the deaths of Juan Bolsa and the Cousins, and Gus's subsequent establishment of the meth superlab, Eladio orders retribution through his henchman Gaff, who hijacks meth deliveries and kills some of Gus's operatives.

After Jesse cooks a successful batch, Eladio invites them to a party at his villa attended by multiple capos, who toast their new business venture with a bottle of premium tequila supplied by Gus.

Eladio chides Gus as someone who provides value to the organization, but periodically needs to be Prostitutes Badger of his place. The capos begin to collapse shortly after the toast, victims of the Prostitutes Badger Gus put in the Prostitutes Badger. Eladio realizes that Gus, who vomited up some of the poisoned tequila soon after the toast, has betrayed him, but collapses dead into Prostitutes Badger swimming pool before he can take any action. Eladio Prostitutes Badger appears in Better Call Saul through a Season 3 flashback " Sabrosito " in which he teases Hector because his cash tribute and gifts are inferior to Gus's.

In season 5 " Prostitutes Badger Unforgivable "Eladio meets with Lalo and Nacho and gives his blessing to the Salamancas' plan for Nacho to manage their organization while Lalo hides from police and prosecutors in Prostitutes Badger. Juan Bolsa played by Javier Grajeda is a high-level member of the Mexican drug cartel to which the Salamanca family and Gus belong.

Within Better Call Saul he generally acts as the voice of the cartel to mediate issues between the Salamancas Prostitutes Badger Gus Fring because he wants to make sure both earn profits for the cartel. Bolsa sometimes secretly works with one side or the other for his own benefit.

When Mike secretly disrupts the Salamanca's trucking route for smuggling drugs from Mexico, Bolsa orders that Salamanca drugs will be transported by Gus's Prostitutes Badger, a result Gus worked with Mike to produce because it gave Gus more power over the Salamancas.

Bolsa intercedes when Gus provides a false story about Werner Ziegler's activities and death, telling Lalo Salamanca Gus enjoys Don Eladio's trust, so Lalo Prostitutes Badger consider the matter closed. Prostitutes Badger, when Lalo is seeking to arrange for Jimmy McGill to pick up his bail money, Bolsa discreetly arranges for a squad of gunmen to attack Jimmy, believing that keeping Lalo in prison is in Gus's best interests but unaware that Gus had his own plans.

He is also the cartel's liaison with Gus, Prostitutes Badger the one who arranges a meeting among Gus, the Cousins, and Hector to determine how to handle Walter following Tuco's death.

Bolsa tells Gus he will urge Prostitutes Badger Salamanca family to be patient but advises that Gus risks losing favor with the cartel if he does not finish his business with Walter quickly. He goes on to say that he cannot guarantee the Cousins will listen to reason and leave Walter alive until his business with Gus is done.

Gus secretly sanctions an attack on Hank instead of Walter, resulting in severe injuries to Hank and the deaths of The Cousins. Both characters are high-ranking members of powerful crime families who are very level-headed, well-spoken, and act as intermediaries between their families and others.

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Hector Salamanca played by Mark Margolis is the elderly don of the Salamanca drug organization and an associate of Prostitutes Badger boss Don Eladio. He taught his nephews that family is everything and lives by the creed himself. Though brutal, Hector is very loyal. He spent 17 years in San Quentin State Prison but never Prostitutes Badger any information to the authorities. In an extended flashback in the Breaking Bad episode " Hermanos ", Hector is shown to be responsible for the death of Max Arciniega, Gus's associate, whom Don Eladio ordered killed after he was insulted by Prostitutes Badger and Max's offer to produce meth for the cartel, Prostitutes Badger preferred to keep distributing cocaine.

Hector resents and degrades Gus, calling him "chicken man" "hombre gallina" in Prostitutes Badger, literally "hen man" and a "dirty South American". Despite their hatred for Prostitutes Badger other, Hector and Gus are forced to cooperate since each is based in Albuquerque, though they frequently scheme to displace each other.

Hector is the boss of the Salamanca family at the start Prostitutes Badger Better Call Saul. Despite complying with Hector's demands, Mike is not happy about Hector's threats to Kaylee's life and retaliates by attacking a truck transporting Hector's drug cash.

Hector's men kill a witness who stopped to aid the driver, and Hector later has Leonel and Marco kill Prostitutes Badger driver and bury him in the desert. While Hector and the Cousins are preparing to kill the driver, Mike attempts to shoot Hector with a sniper rifle, but is stopped by someone unseen, who sets off his car horn and leaves a note warning him not to do it.

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Mike later learns it was Gus who tracked his location and warned him against killing Hector; Gus intends to be the agent of Hector's demise, and believes the time is not yet right. In season 3, Nacho becomes wary of the threats Hector has made against his father's store and life and attempts to induce a heart attack by switching out Hector's heart medication for ibuprofen Prostitutes Badger. Hector is comatose and Gus arranges Prostitutes Badger a specialist from Johns Hopkins to oversee his care.

Over the next few months, her therapy restores Hector's mental faculties, but he is unable to speak and is immobile except for his right index finger. Gus has the specialist discontinue treatment, effectively trapping Hector's sound mind in his unhealed body. Hector is confined to a wheelchair for the rest of his life.

In seasons 4 and 5, Lalo Salamanca comes to Albuquerque to oversee the Salamanca drug interests. He visits Prostitutes Badger, now residing in a nursing home, and gives him the front desk call bell Lalo saved as a souvenir after they killed a hotelier and burned down the building. Hector is able to communicate by ringing the bell, which is tied to his wheelchair. He confirms to Lalo that Gus is protected by the Cartel and enjoys the trust of Don Eladio, and Lalo realizes he will have to tread carefully if he opposes Gus.

By the time of Breaking BadTuco is out of prison and has brought Hector to live with him. In the season 2 premiere, Tuco kidnaps Walt and Jesse and brings them to the decrepit shack where Hector is also located.

Walt attempts to poison Tuco's food with a hidden vial of ricin, but Hector saves him by knocking the food onto the floor. After killing Tuco in a shootout, Hank Schrader takes Hector in for questioning. Hector refuses to cooperate and defecates in his pants, much to the disgust of everyone Prostitutes Badger the Prostitutes Badger room.

Afterwards, Prostitutes Badger is sent to a nursing home near Albuquerque. In season 3, the Cousins sneak into the U. Mike and Gus intervene Prostitutes Badger the Cousins bring Hector Prostitutes Badger a meeting with Gus. Gus convinces them to postpone the murder by telling them Walt is invaluable to the cartel's methamphetamine operations, but that they are free to kill him once he has served his purpose.

Gus makes periodic visits to Hector in the nursing home Prostitutes Badger gloat about the deaths Prostitutes Badger his family members and the expansion of his drug territory, which comes at the Salamanca organization's expense.

Gus repeatedly demands that Hector look at him so that Gus can gloat, but Hector Prostitutes Badger. In the season 4 finale, Walt convinces Hector to lure Gus Prostitutes Badger a trap, reasoning that as much as Hector despises Walt, he hates Gus even more.

Hector meets Prostitutes Badger Hank Schrader under the guise of becoming an informant. However, Hector proceeds to insult Hank rather than giving him information and is promptly ejected. Gus and Tyrus visit Hector in the nursing home, intending to kill him. Gus again orders Hector to look at him. When a sorrowful-looking Hector finally looks at Gus, Gus prepares to administer a lethal injection, but Hector's Prostitutes Badger expression changes to wrath as he repeatedly rings his bell.

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Gus realizes the bell is rigged to detonate a bomb under Hector's wheelchair and tries to run, but is caught in the explosion. Hector and Tyrus are instantly killed, while Gus dies a few moments after leaving the room. He is unpredictable and prone to violent outbursts which are often amplified by his drug use.

In flashbacks during Breaking Badit is shown that when they were children, Hector often meted out harsh punishments to Tuco, Leonel, and Marco.

Tuco and his grandmother are inadvertently targeted for a con by Jimmy and two skateboarders. Tuco and Nacho take Jimmy and the Prostitutes Badger out to the Prostitutes Badger to kill them but Jimmy pleads for their release.

Tuco eventually gives in, breaking one leg of each of the skateboarders as a warning and letting them go, though Nacho recognizes Jimmy as a shrewd lawyer. Later, Nacho recognizes Tuco's behavior within the Salamanca organization has become more erratic.

Having seen how Mike operates, Nacho asks Mike to kill Tuco, but Mike suggests an alternate plan: he creates a situation in which Tuco beats him while in view of the police, resulting in Tuco being charged with assault with a deadly weapon because he was carrying a gun.

Hector convinces Mike to claim the gun Prostitutes Badger his Prostitutes Badger that Tuco will receive a shorter sentence. While in prison, Tuco stabs another inmate and injures Prostitutes Badger corrections officer, adding more time to his sentence. At the end of season five, approximately four years before the Breaking Bad events, Lalo tells Hector that Tuco has roughly a year left on his sentence.

At the start of events of Breaking BadTuco Prostitutes Badger one of the first major drug dealers that Walt and Jesse approach to sell their product. After Walt and Jesse witness him brutally assault and murder one of his henchmen, they plan to poison him by coating their next delivery of meth with ricin.

Prostitutes Badger then carjacks Jesse and kidnaps him and Walt, suspecting they reported the murder to the authorities. Tuco forces Walt and Jesse into Jesse's trunk, and drives to the remote desert house of his uncle, Hectorwho cannot walk or speak due to a previous stroke. He reveals that his cousins Leonel and Marco are coming to the house to take them all to Mexico, where Walt will cook his blue meth for the cartel. Thinking Hector is unaware of his surroundings, Walt sprinkles Tuco's food with ricin while Tuco is not looking, but Hector foils the plan.

Tuco realizes what Walt intended and attacks Jesse while threatening to kill him with an Prostitutes Badger rifle. During the ensuing scuffle, Jesse shoots Tuco in the abdomen.

Hank arrives, having followed the LoJack signal of Jesse's car in the belief that Jesse is selling marijuana to Walt. Walt and Jesse hide nearby and see Tuco stagger to Jesse's car, recover his rifle, and fire at Hank.

Hank returns fire with a Glock pistol and kills Tuco. As children, the Cousins were raised by their uncle Hector Salamanca along with their cousin Tuco. Hector once tested them when he stopped Prostitutes Badger boyhood fight by nearly drowning Marco, which forced Leonel to hit Hector to make him release his grip. After Marco caught his breath, Hector reinforced the lesson that "family Prostitutes Badger all.

Their austere, mechanical physicality and virtually non-verbal interaction makes them a fearsome presence and they kill without hesitation or emotion. They are first shown threatening Mike's granddaughter Kaylee when Mike refuses to recant his testimony against Tuco.

When Mike Prostitutes Badger waiting to shoot Hector from a hilltop with a sniper rifle, he sees the twins shoot Prostitutes Badger kill the Salamanca's ice cream truck driver and drug smuggler Ximenez Lecerda, who Mike had robbed a few days earlier. When Hector suffers a stroke, a result of taking placebo medication that Nacho had planted instead of his nitroglycerin pills for his heart condition, the Cousins quickly arrive to watch over Hector at the hospital and refuse to leave his side.

Gus, who has a vested Prostitutes Badger in deciding Hector's fate as revenge for Max, Prostitutes Badger for a skilled therapist fluent in Spanish to see to Hector's recovery and explain his health to the Cousins. Separately, Gus learns what Nacho Prostitutes Badger with the pills, and forces Nacho Prostitutes Badger become his mole.

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To establish this story, Gus kills Arturo the Prostitutes Badger time he and Nacho come to pick up the Salamanca supply of drugs, and has their car driven to the remote Prostitutes Badger and fired repeatedly into it, and then critically wound Nacho to make it look like a rival gang attacked and stole the drugs.

Nacho calls Prostitutes Badger Cousins for help, who come to destroy the evidence, take Nacho to Dr. Caldera for immediate help, and then attack the headquarters of the rival drug gang to recover the "stolen" drugs that Gus had planted there. As their activities have drawn police attention, Prostitutes Badger Cousins return to Mexico. This gives Gus the opportunity to dismiss the therapist Prostitutes Badger leave Hector in a state where he can only move his eyes and his right index finger.

In addition, the Cousins' slaughter of the gang gives Gus the opportunity to take over Prostitutes Badger gang's territory for himself. After getting bailed out, Lalo initially plans to have the Cousins pick him up, but later changes his mind and has Nacho drive him to Mexico instead.

Prostitutes Badger Breaking Badthough the Cousins are not shown, it is later revealed in the episode " I. They had decapitated him by machete and attached his head to a tortoise as part of a bomb which inflicted casualties on several DEA agents. En route to being smuggled into the US, they hid with other undocumented immigrants in the back of a hay truck, and shot and killed the entire group when one recognized them by their silver skull boot tips.

Victor told Gus, who contacted the cousins telling them to abort, so they left without Walter knowing they had been there. Mike later found outside Walt's house a chalk drawing of a scythe, which he believed the Cousins have left to send the Prostitutes Badger that their murder of Walt was imminent.

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Gus redirected the Cousins by telling them that Hank shot and killed Tuco, and he told them they had his permission to kill Hank even though the cartel Prostitutes Badger from killing law enforcement officers, because that would draw undue attention to their activities.

Leonel and Marco moved to kill Hank, but Gus anonymously warned Hank just before the confrontation. Aware of the threat, Hank saw Leonel advancing on Prostitutes Badger and backed his car up quickly, trapping Leonel between his car Prostitutes Badger another, which crushed Leonel's legs. Marco opened fire on Hank, who escaped out the passenger side door and crawled away.

Marco strode after Hank, shooting and killing a passerby who surprised him, while another bystander escaped the same fate when Marco stopped to reload. Hank then surprised Marco from behind and shot him in the chest four times, but all four bullets were stopped by Marco's bulletproof vest.

Marco shot Hank twice in the chest and abdomen, but rather than finish him off with another shot, Marco returned to his car for an axe. Hank took advantage of the pause to load Leonel's empty gun with a hollow-point round that Marco had dropped next to him. When Marco re-approached Hank, Hank killed him with a shot to the head.

To Prostitutes Badger Leonel while he was in the hospital following his leg amputation, Gus distracted the police assigned to the security detail by bringing them food from Los Pollos Hermanos, giving Mike the opportunity to sneak into Leonel's room and administer a lethal injection.

Leonel died, and Mike quietly disposed of the syringe Prostitutes Badger used, unnoticed by the police officers nearby. Gaff played by Maurice Compte is a member of Don Eladio's drug cartel. He is first seen coordinating the hijacking of Prostitutes Badger Los Pollos Hermanos truck that is transporting drugs and Prostitutes Badger the guards inside by filling it with engine exhaust fumes.

Prostitutes Badger, Gaff shoots and kills one of Gus's men with a sniper rifle at the chicken farm but stops shooting when Prostitutes Badger presents himself as a target and agrees to negotiate with Eladio. Gaff is present when the cartel is poisoned; Mike garrotes him Prostitutes Badger he checks on the ill Eladio.

Gonzo played Prostitutes Badger Jesus Payan Jr. He dies while moving No Doze's body from under a stack of cars in a junkyard; the stack shifts Prostitutes Badger catches his arm under it, partially severing it and causing him to bleed to death.

When Walter and Jesse learn he Prostitutes Badger dead, they incorrectly assume that Tuco Prostitutes Badger killing any witnesses to No Doze's murder, and fear for their own lives. Later, when Tuco finds Gonzo is not returning his calls, he falsely believes Gonzo is working as a police informant.

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The rooms and hallways Prostitutes Badger up to date, and the bathroom was spotless. The guy at the counter came out and shot the breeze with me about the car I was Prostitutes Badger. Nice place, would stay again. Skip to main content. Sign in to get trip updates and message other travelers.

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While Hector and the Cousins are preparing to kill the driver, Mike attempts to shoot Hector with a sniper rifle, but is stopped by someone unseen, who sets off his car horn and leaves a note warning him not to do it. Lists with This Book. Can Campbell be stopped in time before he conspires with Baldwin to flood the UK with tons of heroin?
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View All Photos Date of stay: January In high school, he was an indifferent student in Walter White's chemistry class. I guess it's rude family run!! As shown in flashback in the Breaking Prostitutes Badger episode " Hermanos ", Gus and his partner Maximino Arciniega had approached the Prostitutes Badger with the offer to produce and sell meth for the cartel, but Don Eladio had Hector Salamanca kill Max as punishment for insulting Eladio, then forced Gus to participate in distributing cartel cocaine. Report abuse. The Walking Prostitutes Badger Season

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