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The primary outcome was self-reported current family planning use measured at the month follow-up survey. Ethical principles for medical research involving human subjects.

This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Licensewhich permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Data Availability: Data cannot be shared publicly because the study involves sensitive data collected from a small, vulnerable population. This study focuses on Prostitutes Iringa small, marginalized population group, Prostitutes Iringa data including sensitive information related to their HIV status as well as engagement in sex work.

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The sensitivity of the information, Prostitutes Iringa well Prostitutes Iringa the potential risk posed to participants, is a significant ethical concern that prevents the sharing of the de-identified data.

The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the NIH. This research was also funded in part by the Gustav J.

Competing interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist. Female sex workers FSWs experience increased risk of physical and sexual violence globally [ 12 ]. Such gender-based violence GBV can be Prostitutes Iringa by clients, non-paying or intimate partners, as well as fellow workers, police, and other individuals Prostitutes Iringa 2 ].

The socio-structural environment in which FSWs live and work influences their risk of experiencing violence. Criminalization of sex work, gender inequities, inequitable power relations, economic constraints, and population mobility intersect to shape the contexts in which FSWs work and experience violence [ 2 Prostitutes Iringa, 11 — 15 ].

FSWs are often a highly mobile population, traveling for shorter and longer periods of time—both temporarily and more permanently—for diverse reasons and under different situations [ 16 — 18 ].

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Such fluidity has led some researchers to consider different typologies to characterize mobile FSWs [ 1819 ]. At the same time, travel for sex work can Prostitutes Iringa FSWs to work in venues or environments where they may have greater economic opportunities and earnings [ 1621 ]. A handful of studies have shown a positive association between recent mobility among FSWs and GBV [ 162125 Prostitutes Iringa 28 ]. However, few studies have explored these relationships longitudinally or in diverse settings, instead relying primarily on cross-sectional data from South Asia and North America.

One longitudinal study conducted with FSWs in Vancouver did find that those who had been mobile for the purposes of sex work anywhere outside of Prostitutes Iringa faced an increased risk of violence over time from both clients and intimate partners [ 16 Prostitutes Iringa. Another study published in the same setting showed distinct changes in work-related mobility over time, with mobility marginally associated with harassment by police Prostitutes Iringa well as concerns about safety [ 29 ].

However, these few longitudinal studies are Prostitutes Iringa to one high-income country and may not be generalizable to other contexts. As a result, there is an urgent need for additional longitudinal Prostitutes Iringa conducted in other Prostitutes Iringa to inform public health programs and policies that acknowledge the intersections of mobility and violence in the lives of FSWs.

To fill these gaps, this article examines the longitudinal relationship between work-related mobility among FSWs and Prostitutes Iringa in Iringa, Tanzania, where sex work remains criminalized [ 30 ]. A previous cross-sectional analysis showed that sex work-related mobility was positively associated with any recent experience of GBV as well as more Prostitutes Iringa forms of GBV [ 21 ].

This article builds on these initial cross-sectional findings to examine the longitudinal relationship between work-related mobility and GBV perpetrated by Prostitutes Iringa client or intimate partner. Oral informed consent was received from all participants.

Oral informed consent was used given that the study worked with individuals with historically marginalized identities at the intersection of HIV- and sex work-related stigma. This decision was informed by prior experience conducting the informed consent process for HIV prevention studies among people who sell sex and in the cultural context of Iringa. The informed consent procedures for this study were designed to Prostitutes Iringa understanding of potential risks to participants.

Forms were translated into local languages, and content read aloud to participants. Understanding was ensured by asking participants to summarize the study and explain the reasons why they wanted to participate. Individuals were also provided with a copy of their consent form if they wanted it as well as information on how to contact the study staff to report adverse events associated with their participation in the research. Prostitutes Iringa Tanzania-Zambian Tan-Zam highway passes through Iringa, making mobility—be it by truckers traveling or residents—fundamental to life in this region [ 31 — Prostitutes Iringa ].

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Agricultural production is also an important aspect of the economy in Iringa, with residents and FSWs alike traveling seasonally for the harvest of crops like tomatoes, tea, Prostitutes Iringa timber. Within this context, FSWs often travel along the Tan-Zam highway as well as seasonally for Prostitutes Iringa work [ Prostitutes Iringa ].

The agricultural and transport industries both increase demand for sex work across various locations in and outside of the region, with a seasonal ebb and flow. A key type of clientele for FSWs along the highway is truckers; FSWs sometimes accompany truckers on spontaneous long-haul trips, with uncertainly about when and how they will return. As in other areas of Tanzania [ 34 Prostitutes Iringa, FSWs in Iringa also travel to other areas—such as mining communities—for the purposes of sex work.

Government HIV prevention programming in Iringa include HIV Prostitutes Iringa and counseling, both standalone and integrated into existing maternal and child healthcare services, as well as care and treatment services for people living with HIV [ 36 ].

Non-governmental organizations have worked in Iringa as well, with some services, including peer education and mobile outreach, tailored for women at increased risk for HIV, including FSWs [ 37 Prostitutes Iringa 39 ].

Prostitutes Iringa research should ensure consistent measurement of GBV across time points, and may need to include GBV from other perpetrators, such as police or community members.. Where find a sluts in Iringa, Iringa. It pays to be a girl of the night, says prostitute - The Citizen Prostitutes Iringa. Prostitutes Iringal, Escorts In Melton Mowbray Vivastreet, Boat Swinger Parties Porn Pics, Amy Diamond Toronto Escort hol hot times ter id fun open warm and sensual all real toned fit Prostitutes Iringal beauty earthy good face and body real.

To examine the longitudinal relationship between sex work-related mobility and experience of GBV, this study drew on baseline and month follow-up data collected as part of Project Shikamana. As described elsewhere [ 3240 ], Project Shikamana was a prospective community-randomized trial conducted to examine the impact of Prostitutes Iringa community empowerment-based combination HIV prevention intervention in two communities in the Iringa region of Tanzania.

HIV prevention activities as part of Project Shikamana included mobile HIV testing Prostitutes Iringa counseling, peer education, a drop-in center, and wider engagement with FSWs that focused on improving HIV service utilization, risk reduction, and fostering skills development and social cohesion [ 4041 ]. One of the key components of this intervention focused on violence prevention, which was included at the request of Prostitutes Iringa themselves based on their lived experiences [ 41 Prostitutes Iringa, 42 ].

Specific activities included workshops and trainings for FSWs as well as police focusing on how to prevent and respond to GBV. A working Prostitutes Iringa was also formed for FSWs to share their experiences of Prostitutes Iringa. Resources, such as a safety tip card, were also developed to provide FSWs with information for how to prevent and report violence.

Eligible FSWs were at least 18 years old and reported that they had exchanged sex for money, based on self-report, within the past Prostitutes Iringa. Oral informed consent was received from all participants before beginning data collection. Four-hundred ninety-six FSWs were recruited at baseline, with also participating in the month follow-up survey. The outcome of Prostitutes Iringa was any recent experience of physical or sexual GBV from any sexual partner, defined as any self-reported experience of either physical or sexual violence within the Prostitutes Iringa six months from a new or regular client or non-paying partner.

Any recent experience of physical or sexual GBV from a sexual partner at baseline was assessed based on responses to nine questions following the WHO and work by Decker and colleagues [ 93243 ]. At follow-up, questions were simplified and recent Prostitutes Iringa was measured based on recent experience of physical violence—defined as being hit, slapped, kicked, pushed, shoved, or otherwise physically hurt—and sexual violence—forced sex by an individual or by a group—from new or regular clients or partners.

This modification allowed the study to capture more accurately the forms of violence perpetrated by specific actors, rather than among all sexual partners clients or partners. For the purposes of this analysis, recent experience of physical violence was defined, at both baseline and follow-up, if participants reported at least one form of physical or sexual violence from any Prostitutes Iringa partner clients or partners.

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The explanatory variable of interest was sex work-related mobility, defined as recent mobility outside of the Iringa region within the past six months specifically for sex work. Sex work-related mobility was measured at both baseline and follow-up.

Alcohol consumption was measured using the AUDIT-3 short-form [ 44 ] and was based on aggregated Prostitutes Iringa across three questions assessing frequency of alcohol consumption per week, number of drinks consumed when drinking, and frequency of drinking six or more drinks on a single occasion.

Summary scores were dichotomized into hazardous drinking scores of three or more and not hazardous drinking scores of less than three. Drug use was measured based on self-reported use of any drugs within the past six months, including substances such as marijuana, khat, or heroin.

Average number of clients per week was a binary variable dichotomized at the baseline median response, comparing an average of more than two clients per week to an average of two or fewer clients Prostitutes Iringa week. As recent experience of physical or sexual GBV was commonly reported among study participants, unadjusted Poisson Prostitutes Iringa models were fit using generalized estimating equations GEE with robust variance estimations and an exchangeable correlation structure to examine Prostitutes Iringa longitudinal relationship with sex work-related mobility as well Prostitutes Iringa with other variables of interest.

The use of robust Poisson regression was proposed as an alternative to logistic regression for common outcomes [ 45 ]. Longitudinal models accounted for clustering within FSWs across time points. All analyses were conducted in Stata15 [ 46 ]. It was hypothesized that age was a potential effect modifier of the relationship between sex work-related mobility and recent experience Prostitutes Iringa physical or sexual GBV.

An interaction term between the explanatory variable of interest and this socio-demographic characteristic was included Prostitutes Iringa bivariate robust Poisson regression Prostitutes Iringa to examine this hypothesis.

A manual backward elimination method from this initial full robust Poisson model was conducted. Wald tests were used to assess Prostitutes Iringa contribution of variables to the final model. Following this step, retained covariates were included in the final model examining the longitudinal relationship between sex work-related mobility and Prostitutes Iringa experience of physical or sexual GBV.

The final model presented here had the lowest QIC among adjusted models fit. Variance inflation factors VIFs were calculated to assess Prostitutes Iringa of explanatory variables. All VIFs were less than two, suggesting minimal collinearity of Prostitutes Iringa.

The final model adjusted for study visit follow-up vs. All coefficients were exponentiated and reflect either unadjusted or adjusted incidence rate ratios IRR. Table 1 shows sex work-related mobility, socio-demographic characteristics, living situation, and work environment-related variables by recent experience of physical or sexual GBV at baseline and follow-up. Those lost Prostitutes Iringa follow-up tended to be younger, not living with HIV, and not currently married or living with a sex partner.

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In unadjusted longitudinal models, FSWs Prostitutes Iringa had recently traveled outside of Iringa in the last six months primarily for sex work had a 1. Among socio-demographic, living situation, and work environment-related variables, higher educational attainment unadjusted IRR: 1.

Reporting more than two clients on average per week unadjusted IRR: 1. In the final adjusted longitudinal model, sex work-related mobility outside of Iringa in the past six months remained significantly and positively associated with any physical or sexual GBV.

Age, educational attainment, and average monthly income were marginally significantly associated with Prostitutes Iringa experience of physical or sexual GBV in the final adjusted model Table 2. Those Prostitutes Iringa greater financial security had significantly lower Prostitutes Iringa of recently experiencing physical or sexual GBV as compared to those reporting poor financial security in the last six months adjusted IRR: 0.

Average number of clients per week adjusted IRR: 1. In this sample of FSWs from Iringa, Tanzania, FSWs with recent mobility for Prostitutes Iringa work had a higher risk of recent physical or sexual GBV when compared Prostitutes Iringa those with no recent mobility for sex work after adjusting for socio-demographic characteristics and aspects of their living situations and work environments.

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Previous research in India has demonstrated a high prevalence of recent experiences of violence among mobile FSWs [ 6 ], but previous studies outside of North America have failed to explore these associations longitudinally [ 25 — 28 ].

This article provides urgently needed evidence outside of North America using longitudinal data of the relationship between sex work-related mobility and risk of GBV for FSWs.

While addressing the factors that put FSWs at greater risk of GBV is increasingly a priority for public health interventions, these findings Prostitutes Iringa that there is a need to acknowledge the ways in which mobile FSWs, particularly those mobile for the purposes of sex work, may experience unique risk environments that increase their Prostitutes Iringa for and experiences of GBV.

Participatory involvement of mobile FSWs in the conceptualization and design of interventions would not only strengthen engagement, but also address the unique Prostitutes Iringa that mobile FSWs have while traveling.

This could include, for example, mobile GBV services or the improved integration of GBV services into other mobile health services or outlets providing services to FSWs. These services could address both prevention and response and include social support, case management, and referrals. Prostitutes Iringa could be learned from those working in other Prostitutes Iringa at the intersection of substance use, sex work, and mobility [ 48 ], for how best to implement such a program.

With mobile phones increasingly accessible to and used by FSWs in Iringa, text- or interactive voice response IVR -based messaging could be a useful strategy. Future research should build on these findings to understand the complex mechanisms through which mobility for work influences risk of GBV.

Studies have previously Prostitutes Iringa at the intersection of mobility and GBV and its Prostitutes Iringa on other Prostitutes Iringa outcomes like depression [ 50 ] or HIV infection [ 25 ].

Together, such explorations would provide insights into the pathways and mechanisms Prostitutes Iringa which mobility and GBV are linked, which could then enable Prostitutes Iringa health interventions to be more sensitive to Prostitutes Iringa unique needs and lived realities of mobile FSWs. Theoretical and conceptual linkages between gender and population mobility [ 5354 ] have typically emphasized how gender and migration are mutually constitutive. Gender inequalities and norms influence whether and how individuals migrate, how they are perceived by others, and their experiences at place of origin, in transit, and at their destination.

Further, the study provides insights on the potential impact of involvement in a community empowerment HIV prevention intervention — an intervention with a very limited one seminar FP component — on FP use.

At the same time, such Prostitutes Iringa has the potential to reinforce and challenge those gender inequalities. For FSWs, this interplay must also be understood within the context of the stigma and discrimination of sex work, with GBV not only the manifestation of and consequence Prostitutes Iringa gender inequality, but also enacted stigma [ 142 ].

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Given the intimate linkages between population mobility, GBV, and HIV [ 1356 ], it is imperative that efforts to understand and intervene in HIV risk environments for FSWs acknowledge and complicate their frameworks to incorporate a more nuanced role for population mobility and GBV.

This study extends previous cross-sectional analyses [ 21 ] to examine Prostitutes Iringa correlates of any recent experience of GBV. First, analyses presented here include data collected from two time points, with FSWs lost to follow-up excluded from analyses. As a result, it is possible that those FSWs who dropped out may have been different from those who remained in the study. As mobility is often correlated with age and is a common reason for participants being lost to follow-up and a common challenge for surveillance [ 12 ], it is likely that the estimates presented here underestimate recent mobility for sex work among FSWs in Iringa at follow-up.

Future research should ensure consistent measurement of GBV across time points, and may need to include GBV from other perpetrators, such as police or community members. Prostitutes Iringa addition, there remains a need for future research to Prostitutes Iringa the nuanced relationships between mobility and GBV.

Future research should examine the relationship between these typologies of mobility and GBV. An intermediate step would be to integrate other aspects of mobility, at least destination, frequency, and duration, into standard data collection instruments administered to FSWs as characteristics of mobility can vary.

NIH was not involved in the design of this study, analysis or interpretation Prostitutes Iringa data, manuscript writing or decision to submit for publication the results presented here. Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed. Data sharing statement Data set is not publicly available.

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Advanced search. Log in via Prostitutes Iringa. You are here Home Archive Volume 8, Issue 9 Work-related mobility and experiences of gender-based violence among female sex workers in Iringa, Prostitutes Iringa a cross-sectional Prostitutes Iringa of baseline data from Project Shikamana.

Email alerts. Article Text. Article menu. Public health. Work-related mobility and experiences of gender-based violence among female sex workers in Iringa, Tanzania: a cross-sectional analysis of baseline data from Project Shikamana.

Statistics from Altmetric. Data analysis Descriptive statistics were used to examine distributions of all relevant indicators. Participant involvement FSWs were consulted through extensive formative research conducted prior to the baseline survey. Results Description of the sample Among participants in the survey, the mean age was 27 years SD: Prostitutes Iringa.

View this table: View inline View popup. Table 1 Sociodemographic characteristics Prostitutes Iringa FSW participants by recent experience of gender-based violence and recent work-related mobility: Iringa, Tanzania, — Table 2 Sex work-related characteristics of FSW participants by recent experience of gender-based violence and recent work-related mobility: Iringa, Tanzania, — Table 3 Unadjusted and adjusted Prostitutes Iringa of recent Prostitutes Iringa of any GBV by recent FSW work-related mobility, general mobility and relevant sociodemographic characteristics and sex work-related characteristics: Iringa, Tanzania, — Table 4 Unadjusted and adjusted RRR of recent experience of GBV by severity by FSW work-related mobility, general mobility and relevant sociodemographic characteristics and sex work-related characteristics: Iringa, Tanzania, Prostitutes Iringa References 1.

HIV infection among female sex workers in concentrated and high prevalence epidemics: why a structural determinants framework is needed. A systematic review of the correlates of violence against sex workers. Am J Public Health ; : e42 — Nations U. Declaration on the elimination of violence against women.

Global health. The global prevalence of intimate partner violence against women. Science ; : — 8. Intimate partner violence and physical health consequences.

Arch Intern Med ; : — Violence as a barrier for HIV prevention among female sex workers in Argentina. PLoS One ; 8 : e Shannon KCsete J. JAMA ; : — Prostitutes Iringa. Violence victimisation, sexual risk and Prostitutes Iringa transmitted infection symptoms among female sex workers in Thailand. Sex Transm Infect ; 86 : — Sex Transm Infect ; 88 : — Estimating the impact of reducing violence against female sex workers on HIV epidemics in Kenya and Prostitutes Iringa a policy modeling exercise.

Am J Reprod Immunol ; 69 Suppl 1 : — Violence against female sex workers in Karnataka state, south India: impact on health, and reductions in violence following an intervention program.

BMC Public Health ; 10 : Global epidemiology of HIV among female sex workers: influence of structural determinants.

Lancet ; : 55 — Correlates of mental depression among female sex workers in Southern India. Asia Pac J Public Health ; 27 : — Prostitutes Iringa between mobility, violence and major depression among female sex workers: a cross-sectional study in southern India.

BMJ Open ; 6 : e Declines in violence and police arrest among female sex workers in Karnataka state, south India, Prostitutes Iringa a comprehensive HIV prevention programme. An action agenda for HIV and sex workers.

Lancet Prostitutes Iringa : — Gender-based violence against female sex workers in Cameroon: prevalence and associations with sexual HIV risk and access to health services and justice. Sex Transm Infect ; 92 : — Human rights Prostitutes Iringa against sex workers: burden and effect on HIV. The global HIV epidemics among sex workers. Washington, D. C : World Bank Socio-demographic characteristics and behavioral risk factors of female sex workers in sub-saharan Africa: a systematic review.

AIDS Behav ; 16 : — AIDS, mobility Prostitutes Iringa commercial sex in Ethiopia: implications for policy.

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Contested bodies of childhood and youth. Berlin : Springer: Prostitutes Iringa Living the reality of forced sex work: perspectives from young migrant women sex workers in northern Vietnam. J Midwifery Womens Health ; 50 : e41 — 4.

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BMC Public Health ; 12 : BMC Infect Dis ; 10 : Complexities of short-term mobility for sex work and migration among sex workers: violence and sexual risks, barriers to care, and enhanced social and economic Prostitutes Iringa. J Urban Health ; 91 : — OpenUrl CrossRef. Indicators of mobility, socio-economic vulnerabilities and HIV risk behaviours among mobile female sex workers in India.

AIDS Behav ; 16 : — 9. Alcohol and sexual Prostitutes Iringa behavior among migrant female sex workers and male workers in districts with high in-migration from four high HIV prevalence states in India. OpenUrl PubMed. Experience of violence and adverse reproductive health outcomes, HIV risks among mobile female sex workers in India. BMC Public Health ; 11 : Enhancing the ethical conduct of HIV research with migrant sex workers: human rights, policy, and Prostitutes Iringa contextual influences.

PLoS One ; 11 : Prostitutes Iringa HIV biological and behavioral surveys: Tanzania Cult Health Sex ; Prostitutes Iringa : — Sexual and physical violence against female sex workers in Kenya: a qualitative enquiry. AIDS Care ; 23 : — 8. HIV epidemic in Tanzania: the possible role of the key populations.

Project Shikamana: baseline findings from a community empowerment-based combination HIV prevention trial among female sex workers in Iringa, Tanzania. Ghoshal N. Prostitutes Iringa and structural factors related to HIV risk among truck drivers passing through the Iringa region of Tanzania. AIDS Care ; 29 : — World Health Organization. Geneva, Switzerland : WHO Goffman E.

Stigma: notes on the management of spoiled identity.

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The intervention components included 1 a community-led drop-in center DIC creating a safe space that facilitated social cohesion and mobilization activities; 2 venue-based peer education, condom distribution, and HIV testing; 3 peer service navigation and social support for HIV-infected participants; 4 sensitivity trainings for HIV providers and police; and 5 text messages to promote engagement in the intervention, and adherence to clinic appointments and antiretroviral therapy ART adherence for FSW living with HIV [ 24 ]. Bivariate and multivariate binary and multinomial logistic regression models were fit for each GBV outcome variable.
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Objectives To examine how work-related mobility among female sex workers (FSWs) is associated with gender-based violence (GBV) in Iringa, Tanzania. See 17 traveler reviews, candid photos, and great deals for Iringa, Tanzania, they rent out the rooms to local clients to service the local prostitutes. PDF | Female sex workers are highly mobile, which may influence from a client or partner among female sex workers in Iringa, Tanzania.
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J Urban Heal. Forms were translated into local languages, and content read aloud to participants. Participants were from one Prostitutes Iringa two communities: Ilula, the intervention community, or Mafinga, the control community. Additionally, the baseline survey captured historical FP use e. Indicators of mobility, socio-economic vulnerabilities and HIV risk behaviours among mobile female Prostitutes Iringa workers in India. Mental health problems among female sex workers in low-and middle-income countries: Prostitutes Iringa systematic review and meta-analysis.

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