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Window prostitution

Prostitution in the Netherlands

In the same open minded atmosphere is the Dutch ease towards homosexuality, gay marriage is legalized. Department of State. The Netherlands is renowned for its liberal drug policy.

Until the late sixteenth century honor, aside from citizenship, was the most important criterion for the stratification of society. Despite the fact that prostitution was seen as indispensable, city governments tried to separate "dishonorable" prostitution from Prostitutes Eindhoven honorable world.

Later, city governments tried to reserve certain areas of the city for prostitution. Prostitutes Eindhoven businesses were driven to the streets and alleys near the city walls. Prostitutes Eindhoven the sixteenth century, attitudes about sexuality changed under the influence of the Spanish occupation and rising Protestantism. Sexual activities were only tolerated within marriage. Church and state were not separated, and what was defined Prostitutes Eindhoven the church as a sin was defined as a crime by the government.

Prostitution and procurement were viewed as a sin and therefore prohibited. However, during this century the city of Amsterdam started to regulate prostitution.

Dit artikel gaat over prostitutie in de Nederlandse stad Eindhoven. For faster navigation, this Iframe is preloading the Wikiwand page for Prostitutie in Eindhoven. Home. OUR LUXURY ROOMS Click the pictures for bigger size. English Welcome to Baekelandplein! The only official and legal Red Light area in the city of Eindhoven. Our rooms are big, clean, nice and safe. Girls call us now.

Only the police and the bailiff and his servants could keep a brothel in the Pijl and Halsteeg currently the Damstraat. Prostitutes who practiced their trade in other parts of the city were arrested and their clients Prostitutes Eindhoven. Prostitution was a lucrative trade for the bailiff's servants as Prostitutes Eindhoven as for the city treasury. Inthe city of Amsterdam left the Spanish Prostitutes Eindhoven during the Netherlands uprising and converted from Catholicism to Calvinism.

The city then stopped regulating prostitution. Calvinistic morals were mirrored in the government policies of the seventeenth century. Titillating activities like dancing, fairs, and prostitution were sometimes outlawed. This morality did not, however, always correspond with the views and customs of the people.

During the Golden seventeenth century sexuality was openly displayed Prostitutes Eindhoven paintings and in literature.

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The image of the prostitute in literature was very negative. Prostitutes were portrayed as unreliable, impudent, Prostitutes Eindhoven, and often ugly and dirty. In paintings, the image of the prostitute was more positive.

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Brothel-scenes were an important subject and prostitutes were painted as beautiful young women. The clients, however, were portrayed as fools who allowed themselves to be deceived.

In both literature and paintings the madams were portrayed as evil profiteers. The authorities could not uphold the laws against prostitution and tended to leave brothels alone if they did not cause trouble. During the eighteenth century, the morals preached Prostitutes Eindhoven the church and government became more in line with certain developments within Dutch society. There was a growing middle class which tried to distinguish itself by a strong work ethic and self-control.

By restrained sexual Prostitutes Eindhoven, the middle class could separate itself from Prostitutes Eindhoven 'loose' lower class as well as the indecent nobility. Rich and poor also began to Prostitutes Eindhoven geographically. Prior to this period different social classes lived side Prostitutes Eindhoven side, but they now lived in separate neighborhoods. The image of women also changed. Bourgeois women were seen by men of their class as faithful and chaste, but working-class women were viewed by middle-class men as potential prostitutes.

The working conditions of prostitutes were very poor. There was no proper birth controlcondoms were not widely available and there were no effective cures against venereal diseases. Prostitutes often became pregnant and, because of venereal diseases, they eventually became Prostitutes Eindhoven. This situation would not Prostitutes Eindhoven before the twentieth century. At the Prostitutes Eindhoven of the nineteenth century, the armies of Napoleon started to regulate prostitution in the Netherlands in to protect soldiers against venereal diseases.

Prostitutes were forced to register and were subjected to mandatory medical examinations. Registered prostitutes were handed a red card which was a sort of work permit. If they were found to be infected, their red card was taken and they were given a white card instead while they were prohibited from working and were only allowed to work when declared fit.

Prostitutes Eindhoven the French occupation the Dutch government stopped regulating prostitution, but during several decades slowly began to regulate prostitutes again in the same style as under the French occupation.

Many scientists during the nineteenth century believed that sexual abstinence for men was unhealthy. In their eyes, it was unavoidable that a number of women had to sacrifice themselves to protect the rest of the women from the destruction of an even more revolting kind. The women who had to sacrifice themselves were supposed to be lower class.

Prostitutes themselves, however, were still despised and portrayed as disgusting creatures. Lower-class people themselves detested prostitutes. During the 19th century, sexual Prostitutes Eindhoven became stricter, and a counter movement arose against regulated prostitution. In the beginning, this movement consisted of wealthy orthodox-Protestant Christians, but it later got support from other movements like Catholics, socialists, feminists and progressive liberals.

They attacked the idea that men could not abstain from sex. Clients were viewed as low, dirty Prostitutes Eindhovenand the clients were not the young unmarried men prostitution was meant for, but were often well-off middle-aged married men.

They also attacked the mandatory medical examinations, which were deemed degrading and ineffective to stop the spread of venereal diseases. Many prostitutes lived in the brothels and were bound to the madams by debts to pay off expensive working clothes. Prostitutes were often sold among madams, were subjected to fines, and could only leave the brothel under supervision.

Medical expenses were added to their debt. Brothel keepers throughout Europe sold women among each other. The abolitionist movement in the Netherlands was Prostitutes Eindhoven connected to the international abolitionist movement. The movement slowly gained more influence, and during the last decades of the nineteenth-century city governments slowly started to Prostitutes Eindhoven regulated prostitution. At first, the abolitionist movement mainly targeted mandatory health checks for prostitutes, but when the movement became more successful the focus shifted towards the people who profited from prostitution.

In living Prostitutes Eindhoven the avails of Prostitutes Eindhoven and owning a brothel were prohibited by law. Prostitution itself was not prohibited. Until Prostitutes Eindhoven s, prostitutes in the Netherlands were predominantly white lower-class women from the Prostitutes Eindhoven, Belgium, France, and Northern Germany.

During the s, in the wake of the sex trips to South-East Asia Prostitutes Eindhoven Dutchmen, the sex operators brought in women from Thailand and the Philippines. In the s there was a second wave from Latin America Prostitutes Eindhoven Africa. In the s, after the fall of the Soviet Unionwomen came from Eastern Europe. Foreign prostitutes are economically motivated to come to the Netherlands, and they tend to travel to engage in sex Prostitutes Eindhoven between the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, and other European societies.

During the second half of the twentieth century, prostitution and brothels were condoned and tolerated by many local governments. The police interfered only when public order was at stake or in cases of human trafficking.

The reasoning behind this gedoogbeleid policy of tolerance was harm reductionand the belief that the enforcement of the anti-prostitution laws would be counterproductive, and that the best way to protect the women was to tolerate prostitution. This Prostitutes Eindhoven Dutch policy of tolerating formally illegal activities for harm reduction purposes has been and still is also applied towards illegal drugs in the Netherlands.

The Red Thread de Rode Draad is Prostitutes Eindhoven support and advocacy association for prostitutes that was founded in and works for the legitimization and against the stigmatization of prostitutes.

Brothel prohibition made it difficult to set rules for the sex industry. During the eighties Prostitutes Eindhoven municipalities urged the national government to lift the ban on brothels. In minister Korthals Altes had presented an amendment to the law on Prostitutes Eindhoven.

It took until 1 October for brothels to leave the half-legal status of being tolerated and to become fully legal and licensed businesses. Prostitutes may work as regular employees, though the vast majority work as independent contractors.

The Dutch union FNV has accepted prostitutes as members since that time. In the Prostitutes Eindhoven, Dutch attitudes supported the legalization of prostitution: in a survey, 73 percent of Dutch citizens favored legalization of brothels, 74 percent said that prostitution was an "acceptable job", and in a poll 78 percent felt that prostitution is a job like any other job. When the Dutch government legalized prostitution init was to protect Prostitutes Eindhoven women by giving them work permits, but authorities Prostitutes Eindhoven fear that this business is out of control: "We've realized this is no longer about small-scale entrepreneurs, but those big crime Prostitutes Eindhoven are involved here in trafficking women, drugs, killings, and other criminal activities", said Job Prostitutes Eindhoventhe former mayor of Amsterdam.

More recently, officials have noticed an increase in violence centered on this irregular industry, and have blamed this increase on the illegal immigration of individuals into Amsterdam to participate in the sex industry: "The guys from Eastern Europe bring in young and frightened women; they threaten them and beat them", said a resident of De Wallen.

Schaapman had once been a prostitute and was getting information about the influx Prostitutes Eindhoven organized crime and violence into the business. Other reports came Prostitutes Eindhoven around the same Prostitutes Eindhoven. They concluded that a large number of prostitutes in Amsterdam were being forced to work and were being abused by pimps and criminal gangs, and that the goals of legalization were failing. In response to the problems associated with the involvement of organized crime into the sex trade, the Dutch government has decided to close numerous prostitution businesses.

Concerned about organized crime, money laundering, and human trafficking, Amsterdam officials under Mayor Cohen denied the license renewals of about 30 brothels in the Amsterdam Red-light district De Wallen in ; the brothel owners appealed. To counter negative news reports, the district organized an open house day in and a statue to an unknown sex worker was unveiled, "intended to honor those employed in the industry world-wide.

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At the end ofMayor Cohen announced plans to Prostitutes Eindhoven half of the city's prostitution windows because of suspected criminal gang activity. The mayor is also closing some of the city's 70 marijuana cafes and sex clubs.

We want to reduce it. Things have become unbalanced and if we do not act we Prostitutes Eindhoven never regain control. In the Dutch justice ministry announced the appointment of a special public prosecutor charged with closing down prostitution windows and coffee shops connected to organized crime syndicates. A law proposal [23] was introduced in the Prostitutes Eindhoven of Representatives of the Netherlands in and amended in Prostitutes Eindhoven would ban prostitution by people younger than Prostitutes are required to register; they receive a registration pass with a photograph and a registration number, but no name or other personal data.

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Clients are required to check this pass. In addition to municipal rules Prostitutes Eindhoven national rule is introduced requiring sex companies to have a license, including prostitution companies such as brothels and escort agenciesbut also, for example, adult movie theaters. Under the proposed amendments, an advertisement of an individual prostitute should contain his or her registration number, an advertisement of a sex company should contain its license number.

The premises for public access of a sex company if any should have on the Prostitutes Eindhoven a sign showing that the company is Prostitutes Eindhoven, while inside a copy of the license has to be displayed.

Window prostitution - Wikipedia

A vote on the law has been deferred to allow both sides to examine the matter more closely. The year-old Prostitutes Eindhoven sisters Prostitutes Eindhoven and Martine Fokkens, who have worked for decades as prostitutes in the Red-light districts of Amsterdam, were the subject of a film and a book.

In a interview, they complained that the legalisation of had led to more criminality and to the taxation of the trade. Despite Prostitutes Eindhoven change in law that made prostitution legal in the Netherlands on a national level, many town councils have acted in ways that point into the opposite direction, making prostitution illegal.

Under the law that legalized prostitution in the Netherlands, a legal brothel Prostitutes Eindhoven to have a license that should be obtained from the Prostitutes Eindhoven government, i. In theory, this could work out fine, but local governments rarely ever give licenses to sex workers who choose to play by the rules. The Bibob law Prostitutes Eindhoven designed to move criminals out of legal businesses with cannabis and prostitution, but this law has had some unexpected effects: Since owners of brothels who have a criminal record to their name, even if their only crime s would have been associated to operating a brothel before prostitution Prostitutes Eindhoven legalized, don't pass the bibob-law-checks, some legitimate owners of brothels, not acting as criminal pimps, were forced to stop their business.

The biggest fear that owners of brothels Prostitutes Eindhoven, would be to lose their license, so they have little Prostitutes Eindhoven but to comply with those Prostitutes Eindhoven. This has forced owners of licensed brothels into the role of police officers, a role that most brothel owners dislike, but they reluctantly comply to keep their license.

Despite being a legal profession, sex work is often associated with crime by wide parts of the general Dutch population. Even though Prostitutes Eindhoven is no majority to change the law and forbid prostitution again on a national level, Christians, feminist groups and Muslims pair up in putting pressure on town councils to stop them from granting or renewing licenses to Prostitutes Eindhoven.

Some municipalities in the Netherlands have a zero-tolerance policy, meaning no licenses for brothels will be granted or renewed. Non-licensed brothels in residential apartments can operate under the radar for many years, and some even do so without getting noticed by their neighbours, but as soon as a license application procedure [35] for a brothel becomes public, the town council will start to receive waves of complaints, threats from voters, or even financial claims from people or their lawyers who fear that the value of their house will go down, because of a brothel next door.

Under this same pressure many companies in the Netherlands are afraid to be associated with prostitution, so sex workers often are refused for bank accounts and insurance. Not granting licenses to brothels leads to a shortage of working spaces where prostitution can be practised legally.

This shortage of safe and licensed working places forces Prostitutes Eindhoven workers to work in illegal ways, from hotel rooms and from houses in residential areas. After that, the tax man will come and demand a share of tax money, based on earnings that are sometimes estimated too high.

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Last but not least, if a sex worker is found working from her own house that she rents from a social housing corporation, she will almost always get evicted, [38] because operating a brothel in your own house is considered a nuisance to neighbours and a breach of the rental contract, regardless if this brothel was receiving 1 or 50 men per day.

Prostitutes Eindhoven protect themselves, sex workers can sometimes feel forced to hire pimps to stand on Prostitutes Eindhoven lookout, or they end up with no other option than renting workspace from Prostitutes Eindhoven people.

The city of Utrecht had a red light district on boats on Vecht river, at the Zandpad. After repeated reports of abuse of sex workers some were alleged to have been forced to work their against their will and violence against prostitutes, the city Prostitutes Eindhoven Utrecht has closed down Prostitutes Eindhoven entire red light window district inby taking away the licenses from the 2 landlords. As of nothing has been built, because no new landlord has been tested Bibob! All that was written above in this section Prostitutes Eindhoven the paradox between the national law that made prostitution legal and local politicians who don't dare or don't want to grant licenses to any form of brothel, [27] even those where sex workers manage themselves without bosses or pimps.

Not granting licenses Prostitutes Eindhoven brothels has made sex workers in the Netherlands more vulnerable for abuse, Prostitutes Eindhoven which is exact the opposite of what lawmakers intended to do when they decided to legalize prostitution. Also the practice of euthanasia is legalized under strict conditions. The Edison Street in the district Woensel West has some windows for window prostitution.

It's not really a red light district, the size is too small. The actual red-light district of Eindhoven is called Baekelandplein and it has 25 buildings for up to 50 sex workers. See Also: Window prostitution. According to Radio Netherlands, prostitution is concentrated in and around the big cities and in the border towns in the regions of Limburg, Groningen, Twente, West Brabant and Zeeland.

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Prostitution occurs in various forms: 'window' Prostitutes Eindhoven street prostitution, clubs, escort agencies Prostitutes Eindhoven home-based prostitution. It is estimated that on average some 2, prostitutes are engaged daily in this form of prostitution. Street prostitution exists in 10 Dutch cities and involves on average some prostitutes daily.

Because nuisance of street prostitution in a residential area, the municipality ina prostitution area with amenities near an industrial area. End of formulates the College of B and W of Eindhoven Prostitutes Eindhoven a new Prostitutes Eindhoven of ending street prostitution. Inthe district Woensel-West nuisance of street prostitution, the situation got out of hand, customers were even finished in the front Prostitutes Eindhoven.

It was the local one prostitution area opened on the Achtseweg South, near station Beech Avenuebetween rail and industrial parkwith facilities as a "living room" with showers and coffee and condoms and clean needles for prostitutes, and checks by a doctor. Twenty-seven were prostitutes addicted to hard drugs a card Prostitutes Eindhoven they may work in the area, and work here so much heroin prostitutes.

In a review shows that the prostitution area to almost all the time specified objectives.

During the eighties many municipalities urged the national government to lift the ban on brothels.

It works in the late women registered in in the prostitution area. In latethe College of B and W, however, view, the prostitution area contributes to maintaining relationships of dependence Prostitutes Eindhoven would form the basis for street prostitution. Also, the council rather than the target time for setting the prostitution area reducing pollution is now a Prostitutes Eindhoven purpose first, "the ladies [soliciting prostitutes] provide a dignified existence.

Eindhoven municipality claims to have been greatly shocked by this information. We know very little about this. Lumens talked brewster ny housewives personals boys at places where the boys offer themselves for business. Part of the group is forced to prostitute themselves. At least one boy was being exploited by his family to have sex with men. Street Prostitution in Eindhoven. July 1, in case studies, community, people, research. Earlier this spring the Köln International School of Design offered a three month service design course addressing the subject of prostitution. They chronicled their research and design progress though a weblog called On The Road.

The council, however, has ruled since on first final to decide. Join to get 10 free private teasers and 9. You can choose any girl from our trusted Live Sex Cams! Live Sex Cams are booming at the moment. Webcam models can be found from all over the world and you can find girls, guys, trannies, couples and groups of different ages performing to you. Watching live sex shows is usually freebut if you buy some creditsyou will have much better chances to see adult Prostitutes Eindhoven as desired!

It's possible also to hire a webcam model to a private Prostitutes Eindhoven room where you can ask the person to fulfill Prostitutes Eindhoven fantasies. It is easy to get sex online in Eindhoven. You just need to find the best available girls. See Girls Online Here! There are plenty of adult entertainment venues in Eindhoven, but the most well Prostitutes Eindhoven place where you can find sex in Eindhoven is Baekelandplein red-light district. Back in the days there was also a street prostitution Prostitutes Eindhoven in Eindhoven, but it was closed down because of the complaints.

Escort Services and Agencies. Erotic Massage Parlors. Brothels and Sex Clubs. Strip Clubs and Lap Dance. Karaoke and KTVs. Swinger Prostitutes Eindhoven. Sex Shops and Adult Stores. Love Hotels. Nightclubs and Bars. Gay and Lesbian. Other Adult Services.

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Find all the beautiful young women at AshleyMadison. The extent of escort agencies and home-based prostitution in Netherlands is difficult to estimate. Home-based Prostitutes Eindhoven occurs in at least 17 municipalities and escort agencies exist in at least 28 municipalities.

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Most erotic massage studios in Netherlands are Asian massage parlors. There is however Asian massage studios Prostitutes Eindhoven do not offer handjobs or other extra services. Usually the ones that are open late Prostitutes Eindhoven have girls in Prostitutes Eindhoven skirts or sexy outfits will offer sex services. You should also see that you are in a right place when you walk inside the parlor and girls will come and talk you with sexy voice and maybe touch you.

Between 3, and 4, prostitutes are employed daily in — clubs and private brothels in Netherlands. It is more recommended to use the cash at the strip clubs instead of credit card.

But some of the local pubs have karaoke nights.

This genuine Dutch policy of tolerating formally illegal activities for harm reduction purposes has been and still is also applied towards illegal drugs in the Netherlands.

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Some will also have a sex arcades, where mostly gay Prostitutes Eindhoven bi-curious men go to masturbate while watching porn in a private rooms or cinema.

There is also sex shops offering peep-shows and private strip tease. Usually peep show costs about 1 euro per 1 minute. Mostly there is a sexy girl posing behind the curtain, but example in Amsterdam you can see live sex acts between couples in a peep-show. There are no love hotels Prostitutes Eindhoven Eindhoven. But in airbnb, you can find some "love " themed apartments. Eindhoven has a great variety of drinking venues, from traditional Dutch pubs to hip and trendy bars to Irish pubs with sporting events shown live on big screens.

Bars and pubs stay open until 2 am from Prostitutes Eindhoven to Thursday, and until 4 am on Friday and Saturday nights. Stratumseind is the longest and most vibrant pub street in EIndhoven. Thursday night is especially popular with local students. Stratumseind begins just south of Stadskerk Prostitutes Eindhoven.

Cathrien and heads south. Other places to go to drink, have fun and find free love are:. Prostitutes Eindhoven modeling in internet is getting more popular all the time and it's a big market alongside with gay porn.

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You can watch gay live sex also in Eindhoven as long Prostitutes Eindhoven you are connected to internet. As mentioned Prostitutes Eindhoven, the Netherlands is quite liberal when it comes to homosexuality and by far is considered to be one of the gay-friendliest countries in the world. The Netherlands has a reputation of being the first country to recognise same-sex marriage, and openly displaying your orientation wouldn't cause much upset in the Netherlands.


However, even a gay friendly country like the Netherlands has room for some criticisms of homosexuality, but this varies depending on where one travels. Regardless, with violence and discrimination against gays being rare Prostitutes Eindhoven well as the legal status of same-sex marriage in the Netherlands, this country may be considered a gay utopia and should be safe for gays and lesbians except sometimes in religious neighbourhoods in the major Dutch cities, after big football matches or in demonstrations if there is a violent Prostitutes Eindhoven in Prostitutes Eindhoven.

Most of the adult services in Eindhoven can be found from the Baekelandplein which has around 50 sex workers. If you just talk to the sex workers at the Baekelandplein, they will tell you if they can full-fill your sex fantasies.

Dating in Eindhoven can be a bit tricky due to cultural differences, so your best bet is to sign up Prostitutes Eindhoven a dating site before your trip so you can meet a few locals ahead of time.

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With over 40 million membersand thousands of transsexual members around the world, TSdates. Where can I find shemales in Eindhoven? You can watch transsexual live sex shows Prostitutes Eindhoven Eindhoven as long as you are connected to internet. You should check out the online tranny escorts and Prostitutes Eindhoven Baekelandplein red light area for trans window hookers. Some of them only serve male clients, so make sure check that he will also take female clients.

There are only few male escorts in Eindhoven who offer sex Prostitutes Eindhoven for women. But it is quite easy to find free sex just by flirting with local guys. Prostitutes Eindhoven rooms are abundantly available in the city, mainly serving an international business crowd visiting the Prostitutes Eindhoven technology initiatives. With the exception of major soccer matches in the PSV stadium, Eindhoven rarely runs out of places to stay.

That being said, most accommodation is offered by large hotel chains in the city center and doesn't come cheap. Listed minimum prices can be significantly higher when the cheaper rooms are all taken, so check actual Prostitutes Eindhoven on the hotel or booking websites.

Prices are often lower in the weekends. Alternatively, consider the villages surrounding the city Prostitutes Eindhoven you will find some smaller hotels and campsites. To be sure you can bring escorts to your room, it is more recommended to rent apartment Prostitutes Eindhoven of hotel room.

The Netherlands is generally considered a safe country.

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However, be alert in Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague and other large cities that are plagued by pickpockets and bicycle theft, violent crimes are very rare. Prostitutes Eindhoven, ambulance and fire brigade have one general emergency number There is Prostitutes Eindhoven police force, organized in 25 police regions. Visitors will deal with mostly the regional police.

Prostitutes Eindhoven, Prostitutes in Eindhoven (NL)
Many prostitutes lived in the brothels and were bound to the madams by debts to pay off expensive working clothes. Only the police and the bailiff and his servants could keep a brothel in the Pijl and Halsteeg currently the Damstraat.
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Estimates of the Prostitutes Eindhoven of victims vary from 1, to 7, on a yearly basis. Later, city governments tried to reserve certain areas of the city for prostitution. View View form Edit History Prostitutes Eindhoven. Despite the fact that prostitution was seen as indispensable, city governments tried to separate "dishonorable" prostitution from the honorable world. Prostitutes usually only offer safe sex with a condom.

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