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The Discourse on “Love Between Men” in Interwar Japan: Iwata’s History of Homosexuality

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Recommended Guide Completely with you I will agree. What is similar about these two explanations is that they Prostitutes Iwata to culture rather than nature as the Prostitutes Iwata of gender and sexuality. Moreover, they are evidence that, just as in the Western case, competing conceptualizations of sexuality exist simultaneously in the Prostitutes Iwata landscape of interwar Japan. Yasuda as a psychologist is obviously familiar with medical discourse on sexuality; he cites Freud and he brags of having bought up a mountain of German sexological works, including the entire corpus of Magnus Hirschfeld, just before the Nazis burned down Prostitutes Iwata Institute for Sexual Science.

He was aware that Western works treated Japanese homoerotic traditions and he saw this fact as a sign of Japanese preeminence. He used historical material not just to construct an apologetics though, but specifically to make the theoretical point that homosexuality was a cultural rather than biological phenomenon.

In regard specifically to female homosexuality his appeal to history is hampered by a lack of materials. The Prostitutes Iwata between homosexuality and transvestism remains intact but instead of a pathological drive, transvestism is seen as Prostitutes Iwata strategic mechanism of vocational encroachment.

Yasuda identifies his time as one in which women are struggling to throw off oppressive structures; their masculinized behavior is part of that process. He links both this feminism and transgender behavior to Westernization and modernization because he sees both processes as having already taken place in the modern West. He accepts the Western universal model of an evolutionary history. The degree to which Japanese women are masculine and rebellious becomes a measure of Japanese status.

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Progress in the westernization of both men and women proceeded apace from the time of the Restoration, but the ultra-nationalism of the mid-Meiji Prostitutes Iwata a setback for women; the Russo-Japanese war period brought a second wave of europeanization, and the women of the Taisho are Prostitutes Iwata part in a third. Adolescent homosexuality becomes a training ground for the married life and a temporary substitute sexual outlet.

There is no standard by which to strictly decide up to where it is friendship and from where it is homosexuality. When he is discussing the history of homosexuality, Yasuda also uses the language of customs, of fashion, and of popularity. He understands homosexuality to be situational rather than biological; he vehemently rejects the concept of sexual perversity as a Prostitutes Iwata fact.

Sexuality is definitely a cultural artifact for Yasuda; it is subject to social and historical change and it has social and historical meaning. Prostitutes Iwata future historians reflect on the history of homosexuality in Japan, they will definitely show a great historical interest in that period Prostitutes Iwata the Taisho through the Showa era in which the female homosexuality that does not appear in the Tokugawa Prostitutes Iwata comes to increase more and more.

And of particular interest will be the striking masculinity of the women of this era. These have a sociological significance that cannot be explained in terms of hormones. The well know biologist and folklorist Minakata Prostitutes Iwata initiated a correspondence with Iwata about nanshoku after reading Honcho Nanshoku Ko in Hanzai Kagaku.

If the way of friendship were merely the kind you get today which takes place through superficial acquaintances and in which there is a selfish negotiation between self-interests, then friendship would not be worthy of inclusion along side the other four relationships. I have not found otokomichi used anywhere else and I suspect that it is his own coinage.

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Not surprisingly, he is critical of modern manifestations of same-sex-love because it tends to emphasize Prostitutes Iwata carnal to Prostitutes Iwata exclusion of the pure. What he achieves then by making the distinction is not really clear. Prostitutes Iwata rejection of nanshoku is surprising because, as a folklorist and defender of Japanese tradition, one would expect him to embrace it as a relic of the past.

Still, his conception is easily distinguished from the modern sexological ones having more in common with pre-Meiji notions of nanshoku.

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Edogawa Rampo relates Prostitutes Iwata Iwata spent a great deal of time searching in old book stores for sources and meticulously taking notes on his material before he ever wrote anything for publication.

This first series proceeded chronologically from Prostitutes Iwata beginning of recorded Japanese history—citing the Nihon Shoki c.

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Other essays, published mostly in the in the same journal, also covered the Muromachi era He went on to publish, less systematically, work that dealt with the Tokugawabut he tended to focus more and more on the literature of nanshokuthrough collections of stories.

Nanshoku Bunken Shoshi is a page long carefully annotated bibliography of all references to nanshoku in Japanese literature from the Manyoshu and early chronicles through the literature of the Edo period. Considering even Prostitutes Iwata the scope and form of his project, it seems that a great deal of rhetorical force is collected behind an assertion that, Prostitutes Iwata something that pervades the history and literature of Japan from Prostitutes Iwata earliest time, nanshoku is thoroughly Japanese.

It is as if Iwata is compelled to demonstrate, through his attention to the past, something about nanshoku Prostitutes Iwata contemporary era.

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But more than this, it sets up his project as a search for origins:. It is easy to follow in later history the consequences of Prostitutes Iwata event. If we insist on finding this, we will often end up in the world of legends and oral tradition, which takes us far from our own reality: I do not know myself, at the beginning of this search for the origin of Japanese homosexuality [ nanshoku ], how to Prostitutes Iwata this kind of absurdity.

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Nonetheless, even if the traditions we Prostitutes Iwata find in these kinds of account [sic] seem to refer to unbelievable events, allow me to treat them provisionally as historical facts, for there might well be something of historical value even in these traditions.

Iwata locates the point of origin, the first record of nanshoku in Japan, in the Nihon Shoki :. In the paragraph on the first year of the era of the empress Jingu, in Vol. This sin is presented, in fact, as the homosexual vice abominated by the gods, like the sin of Sodom in the Old Testament. The passage in question is the following story about two Shinto priests, told to explain the perpetual darkness that hung over the province of Ki:. Why should we not have the same grave?

That is why they buried them both in the same tomb. Prostitutes Iwata is the sin concerned I presume. On the other hand, the reference to the Old Testament points to a mythical origin Prostitutes Iwata sodomy, and Iwata is perhaps only making a case for a Prostitutes Iwata history, rather than an equivalency.

Kagema Kidan details the development of the kagema from being predominantly Kabuki actors to being predominantly prostitutes. This change Prostitutes Iwata terminology reflects a change in customs. Iwata, for instance, explains the decline of nanshoku in the Kyoho era as the result of an austerity program imposed by the shogunate in order to bring economic recovery:.

If a man was rich enough to afford it, he had nonetheless to abstain, so as not to upset the authorities. In fact, it was those who had sufficiently taken their pleasure with women who had often ended up with this other Prostitutes Iwata. It is not surprising then that the yaro disappeared, at least Prostitutes Iwata social visibility, and that the fashion for homosexuality should have gone with them. Another interesting point in this passage is the explanation of nanshoku as the result of Prostitutes Iwata saturation of heterosexual pleasure.

Nanshoku had one more period of ascendancy from the s through the s before its eventual decline and obliteration. It is also the time of iki. In this new climate, homosexuality [ nanshoku ] made a comeback. Male prostitution, which had hitherto been practiced only in secret by actors, became the overt occupation of specialists.

There appeared many establishments offering homosexual pleasures to the public.

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Homosexuality became as Prostitutes Iwata as it had been before. The new centre Prostitutes Iwata these entertainments was Edo, in place of Kyoto and Osaka in the Genroku period. Iwata cites the Tempo Reform ofanother imposition of austerity measures by the bakufuas the beginning of the end for the kagema.

The Meiji restoration was the final blow. The Taisho, though, may portend something new:. These are not elegant; they are only vagabonds who prostitute themselves in the darker corners of the parks. It is incredible that they should have been given the name of the kagema of the Edo period, who were, no doubt about it, most elegant and graceful! If by chance you do not know the history, and seeing the kagema of today, believe that there existed such people in other times, I will remind you that the kagema of Prostitutes Iwata were as charming and elegant in body as they were Prostitutes Iwata their dress.

This ending suggests, in its return to the present, the closing of a hermeneutic circle. It is that moment on the other side of the Meiji that defines the past. The Prostitutes Iwata of the tradition, Prostitutes Iwata as a historical artifact, necessitates making contact with the other side, so tantalizingly close, and so frustratingly far away. Edo Kagema no Matsuroas the title suggests, deals with specifically with this period of time, when the institution of boy prostitution is in its final decline.

The essay itself Prostitutes Iwata almost Prostitutes Iwata the form of a pilgrimage to those Prostitutes Iwata days and back. Iwata is quick to point out that the decline of the brothels was not the result of the Tempo reforms; even without the reforms, their prosperity would probably have deteriorated.

Thus, for the kagema of Yushima too, the Meiji Restoration is something like a turning point in their downfall. On the verge of the Keio period, Prostitutes Iwata the world was approaching the Meiji era, at any moment, even the prohibitions of the ruling power were Prostitutes Iwata so too for the priests of Ueno who had bestowed the favor of their patronage, not that the tastes of the priests had changed, but it was probably a time when the completely confused spirit of the era made one do so.

The downfall is then the result of the convergence of legal Prostitutes Iwata, declining fashion, and unfavorable political circumstances. The Meiji Restoration is the sign Prostitutes Iwata this downfall, and it also is what buries the past and removes it from the present:. In the fourth Prostitutes Iwata of Meiji 24 [] Yushima became a Tokyo city park, and aside from the exception of one small restaurant called Uoju, all of the businesses on the park grounds were removed, so that all traces of the kagema chaya of olden times are, after forty years, lost to the past.

In the remaining part of the essay, Iwata tries to bridge the chasm that the Meiji Prostitutes Iwata. He is keen to find eyewitness accounts of the daily life of the kagema. Ultimately he resorts to the only possible touchstone. Prostitutes Iwata the hill to Yushima Kiritoshi, and passing through the tori made of a big rock, there, just to the left is a large restaurant The old willow tree that a kagema planted there becomes a metaphor for the tradition of the kagema and the possibility of its transmission into the present time.

The proprietor of Prostitutes Iwata, a Mr. Ueda, tells Iwata the story passed down from his grandfather, which, as he always assures us, is recorded faithfully.

Ueda and Prostitutes Iwata certain former kagema named Matsu brought back from a pilgrimage to Kamedomyoji temple in the Prostitutes Iwata month of Meiji 8 This tree died in a fire during the Kanto earthquake—a fate conspicuously parallel to the Sanjuroku Prostitutes Iwata temple that once protected the kagema of Yushima—but it was replaced by a tree grown from a cutting of one of its branches.

Even after having been granted a hearing of this tale, Iwata was disappointed. Ueda, it Prostitutes Iwata already 60 years from those early days of the Meiji to the present; without the kagema of those very last days surviving, and without the existence of anyone who remembered exactly the circumstances of those times, where was Prostitutes Iwata to inquire? She told me that this year she will be 60 years old. That would mean that she was born in the first year of the Meiji period.

Disappointed, I left the house, and did not visit there again. Iwata eventually gives up on the hope of finding a direct source, believing that anyone who could speak from first hand experience Prostitutes Iwata the kagema has already died. After detailing the lives and styles of the kagemaIwata summarizes their history as a preface to a return to modern Prostitutes Iwata.

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In the last analysis, the Meiwa [] and An-ei [] periods were the climax of prosperity for the kagemasince then, they became a little distanced from popular tastes, and their continued prosperity became dependent upon the priest class, but the reform of Prostitutes Iwata 13 Prostitutes Iwata brought a situation where only the pleasure district of Yushima remained, and almost all the others had completely vanished.

Though there were those places that depended on the protection of the Yushima Higashi Hiezan priests who were able to resist the authority of the bakufusince fortune suddenly announced that it had become a confused world, even the priest class gradually succumbed, without looking back on this fact. At that point, Ueno suddenly lost the battle, the event became the defeat of the priest class; in the end, the kagema of Prostitutes Iwata and Sanjuroku Bo which Prostitutes Iwata destroyed by fire, had a shared destiny.

In view of this, it finally came to pass that the age declared the final days Prostitutes Iwata the kagema of Edo. Iwata concludes, however, by raising doubts about the finality of this end.

Even if the kagema had not survived, nanshoku had. During the Meiji, the public was still captivated by press accounts and even novelized versions of nanshoku scandals like an affair between a famous actor and a distinguished priest. The atmosphere of the school is saturated with two varieties of eroticism neither of which the novels Prostitutes Iwata can relate to. The form this nanshoku will take in Prostitutes Iwata given circumstance is not predictable.

The flourishing of nanshoku is highly contingent. Prostitutes Iwata is no doubt, though, that the last days of the kagema of Edo are not the last days of nanshoku. In the mind of the public, both the kagema of Yushima, and the scandal of Tashijo were new. Just like this, the streets of Edo will gradually come to be outdone by the streets of Meiji As Prostitutes Iwata have seen, the twentieth century brought to Japan a proliferation of vocabulary to describe same-sex-eroticism.

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Japan already had a rich vocabulary for the relations between men; nanshoku and wakashudo are only the most common of these. In an appendix to Honcho Nanshoku KoIwata defined 66 terms used by Saikaku in specific reference to nanshoku. In contrast Prostitutes Iwata this, it seems that same-sex Prostitutes Iwata between women, though they probably existed, could not Prostitutes Iwata named before the assimilation of Western Prostitutes Iwata.

In establishing a relationship to the past, Prostitutes Iwata creates a Prostitutes Iwata for something new to come into being. This critical elision hides a history of transition—a history that implicates state policies in both the transformation of and in the repression of emergent forms of sexuality.

In this way Iwata avoids discussing the possibility of fragmenting new identity formations that potentially threaten the state ideology of national polity. His attention to nanshokuin this respect, might also be seen as evidence of conservatism; nanshoku is part of a single unified sexuality shared by all adult males, whereas, homosexuality caries with it the specter of distinct, and therefore divisive sexual identities. By identifying alliances between political tendencies and conceptualizations of homosexuality I would not want to suggest that these divisions are particularly clear or explicit; the discourse on homosexuality is enabled by the unrationalized coexistence of ideas that adhere variously to the words nanshoku and doseiai.

This is a situation that is indicative of the dynamic cultural contact between Japan and the West. The erotics of nanshoku assume a universalizing model; though it is always going in and out of style, nanshoku is there for anyone who can choose it. There is also rhetoric of perversion, definitely understood in biological and minoritizing terms that hovers around, but does not exclusively adhere to doseiai.

The older models of same-sex eroticism seems stronger in the interwar years than Prostitutes Iwata new ones and tend to temper minoritizing understandings rather than the other way around. On the gender axis, it is Prostitutes Iwata that at least two understanding of same-sex eroticism Prostitutes Iwata. With Prostitutes Iwata assimilation of modern Western notions of gender, and inversion theories of homosexuality, the relationship between homosexuality and gender become further problematized.

The persistence of older models of eroticism within the Japanese cultural space tend to set up a Prostitutes Iwata against the newer models. The title itself already suggests an unlikely alliance between two disparate languages: Iki, a word with its roots in Prostitutes Iwata popular culture of late Edo, expresses an appreciation of style in a colloquial, even performative, mode; kozo, or structure, a weighty analytic term of more recent origin, suggests the continuing dialogue of Japanese intellectuals with Western knowledge.

A parallel fissure runs through the discourse on homosexuality. The roots of nanshoku Prostitutes Iwata tangled in the same ground as iki —as a word and as a practice of Edo popular culture. In the same way, doseiailike kozoProstitutes Iwata rooted in a Western science. Instead they remain in tension—locked in a contest over meaning. My translations Prostitutes Iwata texts by Iwata, Yasuda, and Edogawa were all done in a tutorial with Bill Sibley without whose help and support the translations would not have been possible.

Edogawa Ranpo. Originally published in Ningen Tankyu [Human Inquiry], no.

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Originally published in Hanzai Koron vol. The manuscript was finished inbut it was first published by Koten Bunko in Showa 31, Roberts trans. Reprinted in Honcho Prostitutes Iwata, Also reprinted in Iwata, Minakata Kumagusu.

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The Taisho, though, may portend something new:.

Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Bornoff, Nicholas. New York: Pocket Books.

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This essay, like most contemporary queer scholarship, is heir to that legacy. The connection between homosexuality and transvestism remains intact but instead of a pathological drive, transvestism is seen as a strategic mechanism of vocational encroachment. When future historians reflect on the history of homosexuality in Japan, they will definitely show a great historical interest in that period from the Taisho through the Showa era in which the female homosexuality that does not appear in the Tokugawa era comes to increase more and more.
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On the other hand, my own historical process may Prostitutes Iwata less problematically subsumed under his explanatory models. New York: Pocket Books. It is incredible Prostitutes Iwata they should have been given the name of the kagema of the Edo period, who were, no doubt about it, most elegant and graceful! The passage in question Prostitutes Iwata the following story about two Shinto priests, told to explain the perpetual darkness that hung over the province of Ki:. The ethnographic situation, rife with various fragmentations and juxtapositions, performs—or makes possible—a kind of cultural critique.

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He understands homosexuality to be situational rather than biological; he vehemently rejects the concept of sexual perversity as a physiological fact. There is no Prostitutes Iwata by which to strictly decide up to where it is friendship and from where it is homosexuality.

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