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Tamotsu Murayama FBI file. General studies of emigration.

I find both extremes to be based more on misinformation and propaganda about the past, than on historical facts. The "sex slave" and "prostitute" categories are the products of emotionally Prostitutes Abiko or "defensive" political posturing, rather than the Prostitutes Abiko of objective and ideologically neutral quests Prostitutes Abiko understand the human condition in the past. I find it more constructive to view Prostitutes Abiko women as women who found themselves in unfortunate circumstances during the conflicts and wars in Asia and the Pacific from the s to Some were recruited in countries that Japan invaded and partly occupied during this period, including China, Indonesia, and Prostitutes Abiko Philippines.

In this respect, comfort women were generally no different from the soldiers they comforted, or from others -- male or female, young or old, military or civilian, friend or foe or victor or vanquished -- who got caught up in the events that determined their wartime fates. Most were there because, like most other people, they felt they had little say about their destinies.

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What woman would have have wanted to be there? If Prostitutes Abiko for the money, or if Prostitutes Abiko abducted or deceived? Some were there on account of family poverty. A few were there as a result strong-arm tactics or lies on the part of dishonest labor brokers.

Did no woman regard her comforting work as a contribution to military morale? Willing or not, positive or Prostitutes Abiko, comfort women contributed to the war on a par with cooks, medics, and nurses, and all manner of military and civilian non-combatants who supported combat units.

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And what soldiers, or others for that matter, wanted to be where they Prostitutes Abiko As opposed to being there because they had no more say in their destinies than most comfort women?

Or mainly unfortunate women? Decennial statements Top. By William Wetherall Nuanced history v. I am not an "expert" on so-called "comfort women". Prostitutes Abiko tentative findings are as follows. Not generally "sex slaves" I find no evidence that comfort women were generally "sex slaves" -- except in terms of recent re-definitions of "slave" according to which even the soldiers the women comforted qualify as "slaves" -- and according to Prostitutes Abiko even today's "sex slave" activists, and I Prostitutes Abiko other researchers and writers, are "slaves".

Defining new standards of morality and human rights for the present and future is one matter. Understanding history in its own Prostitutes Abiko terms, however unpleasant by present-day standards, is quite another matter.

Not generally "prostitutes" I find no evidence that comfort women were generally "prostitutes" Prostitutes Abiko unless, again, the term "prostitutes" is imposed on women who did not think of themselves as such. Some comfort women were licensed or unlicensed prostitutes at the time they were recruited. Others were deceived pressured by their procurers, or otherwise induced by circumstances, into submitting to employment as women paid to let men use their bodies for sexual relief.

Government approved and supported I find all manner of evidence that the Japanese government sanctioned the establishment of comfort stations as privately managed operations attached to military units, and logistically supported such operations. Imperial Army and Navy commanders had the authority to make arrangements with civilian brothel operators to establish and operate comfort stations for use by units under their commands.

Military commanders were responsibility for establishing regulations on the use Prostitutes Abiko comfort stations attached to units under their commands, and for the medical well-being and general safety of comfort women employed by otherwise privately operated stations.

Government bureaucrats and military officers responsible for logistics participated in the "accounting" for Prostitutes Abiko stations as "amenities" for fighting soldiers. No direct government involvement However, I Prostitutes Abiko no evidence that Japanese military forces, much less police, Prostitutes Abiko directly involved in the procurement Prostitutes Abiko deployment or comfort women.

Military units typically negotiate Prostitutes Abiko with civilians to provide supplies and services for fixed and mobile units. Comfort stations were no exception. No systematic coercion Nor do I find any evidence that the government of Prostitutes Abiko Japan, represented by its military and police forces, was involved in abductions of women or men for any purpose.

Lim, "The Lim Report" , 2 versions.

Some testimony suggests that there may have been a few cases of abduction by military or police personnel, but private procurers are the more likely culprits. Papers relating to American intelligence policies, Papers relating to suspected Japanese agents and informants, Lists of subversive Japanese organizations and firms in the United States, and reports. Papers relating to the Central Japanese Association of America. Papers relating to "Heimusha Kai" and "Sokoku Prostitutes Abiko.

Papers relating to Japanese language schools, "State Shinto," and "Butokukai". Papers relating to the "Overseas Japanese Central Society". Yoshii, Kenneth D. Papers relating to the treatment of Prostitutes Abiko by the Japanese, and United States policies. Shin Sekai clippings relating to Nihonjin Enko Domei strike, Copies of Heimin, edited by Katayama Sen, Materials relating to Shakai Kakumeisha, Reports on Japanese socialists and anarchists in America.

Reports, histories, and correspondence relating to Issei socialists in the early 20th century. Ohara Satoshi's studies of early Issei socialists, 4 items. Research notes relating to the Gospel Society in San Francisco. Transcriptions of Jiyuand Aikoku April-June Prostitutes Abiko Lists of early Issei newspapers and their content descriptions.

Research notes and miscellaneous materials on early immigrant newspapers. Historical documents of the Gospel Society; Second phase B?. October December Washizu Shakuma???? Early days of my American life?. A series of essays published in Nichibei Shimbun Undated. Series of Nichibei Shimbun?????? Ishikawa Tomonori's essays on Japanese emigration studies.

Ishikawa Tomonori's studies of emigration from Okinawa. Ishikawa Tomonori's studies of emigration from Hiroshima and Yamaguchi. Kodama Masaaki's studies of emigration from Hiroshima. Essays and research notes on emigration from Wakayama. Essays on emigration from Okinawa, Yamaguchi, and Kagoshima. English readings of village and town names in Japan. Yoshida Hideo's Prostitutes Abiko on dekasegi labor migration to Hawaii.

Yuji Ichioka's tallies and notes Prostitutes Abiko Japanese emigration statistics. Seinen no Tobei ; Tobei Seigyo no Tebiki Materials relating to the dealth of Honda Rikita, December Biographical Prostitutes Abiko, wartime diaries, and miscellanies.

Prostitutes Abiko with Stanford University colleagues, Clippings of Shin Sekai editorials and articles, Clippings Prostitutes Abiko notes of Nichibei Shimbun editorials and Prostitutes Abiko, March June Prostitutes Abiko and notes of Nichibei Shimbun editorials and articles, July February Clippings of Taihoku Nippo editorials and Prostitutes Abiko, Kashu Mainichi clippings and notes, July Prostitutes Abiko Papers pertaining to political lecturers from Japan, Miscellaneous materials relating to Japanese immigrant nationalism.

Consular dispatch relating to Japanese organizations in Seattle and their patriotic activities, Japanese magazine articles relating to Issei and Nisei, ss. Kawamota Eiji, "Nihon Kenkoku no Uta," no.

Tokyo Convention of Overseas Japanese?. November Shin Sekai???????? Tokyo Convention of Overseas Japanese November Publications and articles relating to Japanese Americans during the war. Articles relating to Japanese Americans during the war. Studies relating to Japanese American internment, A-F. Studies relating to Japanese American internment, H-L. Studies Prostitutes Abiko to Japanese American internment, M-N.

Studies relating to Japanese American internment, O-Z. Nichibei Shimbunsha, Zaibei Nihonjin Nenkan, no. Clippings of miscellaneous Shin Sekai editorials and articles, Clippings of miscellaneous Rafu Shimpo editorials, Newspaper clippings and consular dispatch relating to factionalism among Prostitutes Abiko Japanese of Seattle. Washizu Shakuma, "Rekishi Inmetsu no tan" Prostitutes Abiko. Transcriptions of Washizu Shakuma, "Rekishi Inmetsu no tan". Byogen-sei, "nenkan no Yoga kaiko," no.

Transcriptions of Byogen-sei, "nenkan no Yoga kaiko". Miscellaneous immigrant newspaper articles. Miscellaneous immigrant statistics. Zaibei Nihonjinkai, Meishi Shotai Hokoku with clippings. Newspaper clippings pertaining to the Japanese Association of America, Newspaper clippings pertaining to the Japanese Association of San Francisco, Newspaper clippings pertaining to disputes within the Japanese Association of San Francisco, Newspaper clippings pertaining to the split of the Fresno Japanese Association, Newspaper clippings pertaining to local Japanese Association affiliates, Newspaper clippings pertaining to local Japanese Association affiliates, Newspaper clippings pertaining to Taiheiyo Engan Nihonjinkai Kyogikai, Research notes from the minutes of Taiheiyo Engan Nihonjinkai Kyogikai, Prostitutes Abiko pertaining to Taiheiyo Engan Nihonjinkai Kyogikai's resolution.

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Gaimusho Tsushokyoku, "Imin Toriatsukai-nin ni yoru Imin no enkaku," Japanese diplomatic papers relating to emigration restrictions and Issei petitions. Japanese diplomatic papers relating to Issei-owned banks in San Francisco. Japanese diplomatic papers relating to Issei-owned bank in Sacramento. Consular reports on the effects of immigration restrictions, Consular reports on the living conditions of Japanese in Oregon, Idaho, and Washington, Foreign Ministry dispatches relating to the abolition of certificate rights, Kitayama Setsuro articles relating to Radio Prostitutes Abiko propaganda.

Selected transcripts of Radio Tokyo shortwave broadcast, Prostitutes Abiko Radio Tokyo transcripts, September October 30, Radio Tokyo transcripts, November 1-December 6, Amerika Seikanki ; and Tekikoku Amerika Sokoku ni kaeru ; and Senjika Amerika ni Kokyusuru Department of State file, Department of State and Army files, Department of Justice, "Report Prostitutes Abiko the Attorney General Miscellaneous writings by Kawakami, and his letters to Chester Rowell, Okayama Kaigai Kyokai Prostitutes Abiko shibu Hattenshi Biographical information, clippings, and correspondencce, Tanaka Prostitutes Abiko report on Japanese raildroad workers, September Seattle consul's report on Issei labor contractors and new immigrant workers, Consular reports on the use of false passports by labor immigrants, Materials pertaining to Ban Shinzaburo and Yamaoka Ototaka.

Prostitutes Abiko clippings and research notes relating to Issei labor contractors, Papers relating to the remigration of Japanese workers from Hawaii to the mainland U. Correspondence relating to the hiring of Japanese workers Prostitutes Abiko the Northern Pacific Railway, Miscellaneous papers pertaining to labor conditions and contracting business. Selected photocopies of the Reports of State Mine Inspector.

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United Mine Workers' Journal editorial and commentaries on Asian Prostitutes Abiko labor, Japanese consular reports on the United Mine Prostitutes Abiko of Ameirca, Wyoming and Colorado newspaper clippings and notes. Colorado Shimbun Prostitutes Abiko relating to the coal mine strike and "Ludlaw Massacre," Research notes and statistical data relating to coal mine workers and strikes. Research notes pertaining to Issei coal mine workers and labor contractors. Erma A. Charles Kikuchi life story, and Prostitutes Abiko correspondence with Adamic, Nisei writings on Adamic and his publications, Larry Tajiri's Common Ground articles, and his correspondence with Editor, Bradford Smith's Common Ground articles on Nisei, and his correspondence, Papers presented at Louis Adamic international symposiums, Tamotsu Murayama's Japanese magazine articles, Tamotsu Murayama correspondence, ca.

Pacific Citizen articles by Tamotsu Murayama, James Sakamoto's editorials and columns in Japanese American Courier, James Sakamoto correspondence, Clippings relating to the death of James Prostitutes Abiko, Materials pertaining to the family of Buddy Kazumaro Uno.

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A new guide for America- bound Prostitutes Abiko Consular reports on Japanese prostitutes in the Pacific Coast states, Vancouver consul's dispatches relating to local Japanese prostitutes, Papers pertaining to Japanese prostitutes in the Pacific Coast states, Shin Sekai clippings relating to Japanese prostitutes, Clippings of American newspapers relating to Japanese prostitutes and itinerant laborers, English-language magazine and newspaper articles on labor migration from Japan, Papers pertaining to "Ameyuki-san," especially Yamada Waka.

Foreign Ministry dispatches regarding Issei gamblers and other criminal elements in Honolulu, Papers relating to crimes and social problems in Japanese immigrant society, Clippings of English language newspapers relating to Japanese laborers and prostitutes, Legal documents relating to Gordon Hirabayashi Coram Nobis case, Legal documents relating to William Hohri, et al.

Miscellaneous materials relating to wartime internment, Nisei military service and camp reunions. Papers relating to Mike Masaoka and his wartime role, Deborah K. Lim, "The Lim Report"2 versions.

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Francis Y. Beikoku Bukkyo, vol. Sacramento Nishi Hongwanji Betsuin, "Kakocho" Shin Tenchi, vol. Checklists of Japanese Immigrant Newspaper Articles. Prostitutes Abiko newspaper clippings relating to "permanent settlement and assimilation," Nichibei Shimbun research notes relating to social adaptation and exclusion, Shin Sekai clippings relating to anti-Japanese agitation and exclusion, Shin Sekai clippings relating to anti-Japanese agitation and exclusion, Shin Sekai clippings relating to Issei naturalization and the Ozawa test case, Materials pertaining to Issei naturalization and the Ozawa test case.

Legal papers relating to the Ozawa naturalization test case. Research notes and biographical data relating to Ozawa Takao. Japanese Association of North America correspondence file relating to the Ozawa test case, Prostitutes Abiko Japanese immigrant newspaper editorials relating to the Immigration Act. Materials relating to the impact of the Immigration Act on Issei.

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Tozier, Prostitutes Abiko from Japanese Americans to Edward Spicer, Peter Suzuki's essays on camp social scientists, Studies of social science research in internment camps.

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