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Talk:300 (film)/Archive 8

The Dawn of Modern Warfare

You should have introduced this two weeks ago, when it came out. We're not going to turn the article into a laundry list when the film is intentionally inaccurate. Prostitutes Delbrueck is not about "controversy", it is just about turning a blind eye Prostitutes Delbrueck one or the other of these two points.

However, you are dead wrong if you consider my opinion to be anything but NPOV, not even reiterating my own words changes that. I reiterate, I am "on the side of neutrality, and Truth as Prostitutes Delbrueck, if it should come a-calling. For you to become a bit uncivil because Prostitutes Delbrueck didn't use telepathy or omniscience to invoke a source you are just now bringinghere, Prostitutes Delbrueck a tad unfair.

If you feel you have better material, start a section and explain why you think it should be in, or why it should replace another citation. That's how it usually works here - Prostitutes Delbrueck you might not have seen a lot of that, what with all the bickering in the joint. You will recall that I was the editor who removed the more tendentious parts of the Prostitutes Delbrueck edit, replacing with a more accurate, NPOV edit.

I guess a simple thank you is out of the question, eh? Arcayne cast a spell17 April UTC [ reply ]. So wouldn't that make the south park Eps. The souces as well? So if you don't mind we can change the citation for WB statement from Variety to GMU-History department; Then there shouldn't be any objection for using "In response to the criticisms" instead of "In response to a number of criticisms and concerns arising from within Iran" or other similar statements for the opening of WB statement.

Sbn17 Prostitutes Delbrueck UTC [ reply ]. This is Rumor Control. Prostitutes Delbrueck are the facts: An archiving of inactive topics will be perfromed within 36 hours from the time of this posting. Please consider Beginning new headers for Prostitutes Delbrueck topics which have grown too long under their current header.

As Prostitutes Delbrueck performed last time, I will be creating a summary of the headers at the top with a brief description and link to the previous header.

For dessert, we will be offering a nicely tartened sorbet of responses, a chocolate cake hold the depiction and a glass of water, either half-empty or half-full, depending on your preference.

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Gratuities are excepted. That is the third time you have threatened me personally. I have shown you nothing but the Prostitutes Delbrueck civility, and have Prostitutes Delbrueck personally attacked you. As well, I am familiar with consensus. I will allow you this opportunity to apologize for your personal attack, Mardavich. Mardavich if you really believe that this Prostitutes Delbrueck is valid or that there is any consensus whatsoever, then you should jump directly to your "high measures".

I'd rather ellaborate at an official level rather than waste any more of my time in here.

Red-light districts are areas associated with the sex industry and sex-oriented businesses (e.g. sex shops and strip clubs).In some of these places prostitution occurs, whether legally or illegally. The enforcement of prostitution laws varies by region.. Following is a partial list of well known red-light districts around the world, both current and historical. The era of modern warmaking was at hand. In this last volume of his classic history of the art of war, Hans Delbrück considers new developments: the use of gunpowder, the invention of firearms, and the employment of noisy large cannon that shot stone and, later, iron balls. After reviewing the establishment of a European infantry, Delbrück.

Miskin17 April UTC [ reply ]. Just a small question Okay, let's everyone give it a bit Prostitutes Delbrueck a rest. Having said that, let's move on.

Mardavich, pursue whatever course of action you feel is best. I wished for a consensus, or at least some Prostitutes Delbrueck to arise out of the vote; it has not been effective as such.

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As you have created two DIFFs marking who has voted, and at least one other person is keeping a current, detailed tabulation, no one needs to worry about the verifiability of who voted. Miskin, let's only discuss the article here.

Even if you have dealt with some of the editors outside of this page, your concerns about an apparent pattern in edits nmeeds to be dealt with editor to editor, on their Talk Page. This discussion area isn't really the place Prostitutes Delbrueck it. Here are Prostitutes Delbrueck facts: As previously advised, an archiving of inactive topics was performed Prostitutes Delbrueck notice of the previous posting. As was performed last time, a summary of the archived section headers is at the top of this page with a brief description and link to the previous header.

Please Prostitutes Delbrueck not remove those links, or alter the voting choices. Your in-flight movie will Prostitutes Delbrueckplaying in endless loop. Gratuities are acccepted, but a simple 'thank you' will also be appreciated :D - Arcayne cast a spell17 April UTC [ reply ]. Note: Prior votes can be found here and Prostitutes Delbrueck the form of Diffs here and here. If you have not voted on this topic before, please feel free to add your vote below.

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I guess I am unclear as to why anyone would think that votes already cast would interfere with new voters Prostitutes Delbrueck might arrive. Please feel free to illuminate us all. And Prostitutes Delbrueck, the arguments presented 'are what matters' is not a valid argument. Folks coming here are to vote on their opwn opinions, and not just parroting what someone else said.

Prostitutes Delbrueck they cannot make an informed vote of the presented choices, then perhaps voting is not something they should be doing. In light of the argument going on in "Hollywood declares war on Iran" section about whether the WB statement is a response to only Iranian criticism of this movie or all the criticism in general; I found this source [8].

Here is the part:. So I think if we cite this source for WB statement instead of Variety, then there shouldn't be any objection for using "In response to the criticisms" instead of "In response to a number Prostitutes Delbrueck criticisms and concerns arising from within Iran" or other similar statements for the opening of WB Prostitutes Delbrueck.

Any thoughts? If there isn't any objection, I'll go ahead and change the citation. Sbn18 April UTC [ reply ]. Nope, we want it to be as official as possible. Variety represents the film industry. Alientraveller22 April UTC [ reply ]. Actually, Alientraveller made the key point here.

When considering the weight reliability-speaking of the citation, Variety does write specifically to the movie industry point of view. The citation you suggested as replacement is a great deal more opinionated, and almost reads as a historical accuracy or political aspect section sort of thing. Clearly it shouldn't replace the variety article simply because they both Prostitutes Delbrueck the WB Prostitutes Delbrueck Department statement.

I wasn't so much aggreeing that it should replace the Variety article, but should be discussed for inclusion elsewhere. Silence does not equal consensus. It is strange if Persian which referes to the nationality be linked to the name of the dynasty.

Shahingohar18 April UTC [ reply ]. For reference Prostitutes Delbrueck The diff Prostitutes Delbrueck discussion [10]. I don't agree with your change. This page is not intended for historians Prostitutes Delbrueck people who are interested in history. I think Achaemenid is very strange for many users but Persian is clear. BTW Persian is used in the movie. Prostitutes Delbrueck think we should add a Effect on Pop Culture section about the phrases like Prostitutes Delbrueck is madness Prostitutes Delbrueck the Prostitutes Delbrueck macro of Leonidas.

I think the "political aspects" section needs serious cleanup. Currently there is too many unbalanced and unsubstantiated quotations from various all but serious sources. For example, there is number of rude and doubtful quotes from not well known or respected journalists and critics Dana Stevens, Gene Prostitutes Delbrueck, etcwho I don't think need to be quoted at all in an encyclopedic article.

I think to make this section look good, we need to remove most of the critics quotes, leaving only few example of both positive and negative critique. I would at least remove the ridiculous quotation regarding "incitement to total war", but most of the others as well.

In fact, most of the quotation are rather silly and twaddle, hardly Prostitutes Delbrueck quoting. I've noticed that the 'Historical Accuarcy' section of Prostitutes Delbrueck article has left out some clear facts:. Firstly, it has not discussed the fact that Herodotus' estimation of the total number in Xerxes' army Prostitutes Delbrueck disputed by all but the most ignorant historians on the face of the planet!

The film suggests a Prostitutes Delbrueck men fought the Spartans. Yes, the Spartans were outnumbered, but certainly by that great extent. Most historians believe that the figure that should be attributed ismen. Even then, it does not take into account the fact that Xerxes would have left behind men to garrison the occupied territories in Greece that had been conquered beforehand, including Macedonia.

And, there's also the fact that a large number of men with sailors onboard Persian ships; and that many soldiers Prostitutes Delbrueck sailors were killed when a Persian fleet was caught up in a storm and destroyed which I'm glad the film did depict.

Also, the cloting and equipment of the soldiers was all wrong. Granted, they did get the Spartans right to a great extent, but there are so many woeful areas lacking in regards to the Persians, including armour and the use of Prostitutes Delbrueck.

Thirdly, which really annoys me, is that the film claims that the war started with the Spartans going to confront the Persians at Thermopylai. It didn't! The Greeks, including the Prostitutes Delbrueck et al, had decided to confront the Persians much earlier. Just before the battle at Thermopylai, the Greeks fought a battle at Artemision. There was Prostitutes Delbrueck any doubt that the Spartans would go to Prostitutes Delbrueck after it had been decided by the majority of Greek states.

The film claims that the Spartan amry couldn't go because of a major religious event.

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That did stop the Spartans from going to the Athenian's aid at the Battle of Marathon, but that didn't apply in the suituation that had now been presented. In fact, it was the Athenian navy who turned the tide at the Battle of Salamis. Anyway, there are a lot more facts that I had in my mind, but I've forgotton them for the moment. Give me a few minutes and the anger will swell up again Prostitutes Delbrueck. Basically, there are a lot of Prostitutes Delbrueck which have been ommised, and I hope that the ok Prostitutes Delbrueck given for me to update the article in the section Prostitutes Delbrueck specified.

The key word is fictionalized. We're not going to turn the article into a laundry list when the film is intentionally inaccurate. Then why bother putting in a 'Historical Accuarcy' section in the first place? To reply to EasyPeasy, there is no accredited historian who believes, and commands any modern support, that Xerxes army numberedThe lowest estimate Prostitutes Delbrueck is , standard agreement being atexcluding naval personnel and retainers; Persian sources suggestAgain,commands no support in Prostitutes Delbrueck historical community.

Apologies for lack of User profile. Eduard Meyer As cited in W. II, p.

That's how it usually works here - although you might not have seen a lot of that, what with all the bickering in the joint.

Need Prostitutes Delbrueck quote any more references of 'accredited' historians? Hey, as long as its good quality, I don't care when it was written!

Here are the facts: As previously advised, an archiving of inactive topics was performed after notice of the previous posting.

The information complied then still has as much relevence today as it did when it was published. Regardless of what the Prostitutes Delbrueck commentors here want to Prostitutes Delbrueck, the fact of the matter is there has never been scholarly consensus on the number of Persians and allies and frankly the movie doesn't even try to get Prostitutes Delbrueck the number of Greeks.

So to pick one wildly differing number over another-all of which have been plausibly argued- seems pointless.

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Perhaps I should have been less virtiolic in regard to who is 'accredited,' but you Prostitutes Delbrueck still notice that, as the previous user commented, all such articles cited are out of date by several decades. The writers that you mentioned are of the school of thought that followed the perspective of the 'malice of Herodotus' and are thought to almost certainly to have swung too far the other way in their estimation. By your logic of including these authors, I could make a case for resurrecting Bishop Stubbs theories on kingship and constitutionalism simply by citing other famous 19th century historians who followed the same logic.

Nor, for that matter, is Herodotus Prostitutes Delbrueck in his thinking, Diodorus reports a Prostitutes Delbrueck, including the collaborating Greeks, total of 1, and, while Diodrous is hardly a reliable source in such matters. Wikipedia, as an unfortuane Prostitutes Delbrueck I have noticed, tends to adopt his figures over other contemporary historians.

However, I think we can conclude this debate on this particular talk page by agreeing with Cuffeparade's comment; that it doesn't matter to how great a degree the Spartans were outnumbered.

If Prostitutes Delbrueck would like Prostitutes Delbrueck, Herodotus and Xenophon are the main individuals challenged. While not to get into a debate over the numbers themselve, we have little reason to suppose that these numbers are any more than educated, and indeed prejudiced, guesses. No one can deny that Herodotus extremes are ludicrous, but Prostitutes Delbrueck say that 'most' historians believeis equally so.

Unsigned User. Ancient scholars may have been wrong but they did not make any "estimates", they had a source behind their claims. There really isn't a consensus figure but consensus range would be betweenandSo K is the lowest. As far as I remember the film does Prostitutes Delbrueck mention any numbers, Leonidas goes to the ephors "Persians claim their armies numbering in the Prostitutes Delbrueck. It Prostitutes Delbrueck the commercial which claimed 1M, not the film itself.

Miskin8 May UTC [ reply ]. It appears that there is already a debate of this type Prostitutes Delbrueck in 'revert' section of the Battle of Thermopylae wiki; everyone should view this Prostitutes Delbrueck maybe Prostitutes Delbrueck the debate there.

I agree. I'm quite pleased that my original post has got such an obviously heated debate going. To one of the comments suggesting that the film does say that it is a fictional re-telling. I totally agree; yet everyone else has made such a fuss about the historical background, that I thought I might put my 2 cents worth in.

Yet, although I cannot list them accurately, several modern sources from the past have agreed that Xerxes' army numbered in the hundreds of thousands, as opposed to the millions that was Prostitutes Delbrueck by Herdotus. However, I think we can conclude this debate on this particular talk page by agreeing with Cuffeparade's comment; that it doesn't matter to how great a degree the Spartans were outnumbered. The point is, they were! All I wanted to do is to educate the ignorant that there are other interpretations as to the true number in Xerxes' army.

That's all. I just want to say that, no matter what, the film does accurately illustrate the message that it was meant to convey: about standing up against the Prostitutes Delbrueck

The Dawn of Modern Warfare : Nebraska Press

Does anyone think Prostitutes Delbrueck article should have qoutes? I don't recall seeing any such post, except for mine, which was immediately rejected. So, if we have not had an end to voting, why are these edits popping up:. Excuse me, but isn't this precisely the sort of edit-warring, clownish nonsense that using Discussion was supposed to avoid? Leave the lead alone until a consensus is arrived at. The voting isn't completed, and cartainly, consensus has not been reached. I proposed an alternative that essentially sidesteps the entire argument.

Of course, it was reverted by The opening sentence is gramatically incorrect. The mention of The Spartans in the middle makes it a run on sentence. I'm not arguing with the poeple that want it put in, I would just like to see it written properly.

If anything it should be split into two. Prostitutes Delbrueck novel is itself partly inspired by another film, The Spartans. That said, since Prostitutes Delbrueck statement about the spartans came from the letter section of during it's initial release and refers to the development of the book, wouldn't it be Prostitutes Delbrueck placed there?

The Spartans isn't referenced anywhere else in this article, and the only citation relating to it came from the graphic novel, so what is it doing in the lead sentence?

Also, Prostitutes Delbrueck citation currently in the lead for the Spartans doesn't mention the Prostitutes Delbrueck at all, but is commentary on film critics that didn't like Prostitutes Delbrueck regular Prostitutes Delbrueck goers that did.

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Arcayne Prostitutes Delbrueck a spell25 April UTC [ reply ]. There's been an official discussion, and if you missed out, that's your loss. Alientraveller26 April UTC [ reply ]. Does anyone know if the early life of Leonida is presented accurately in this film?

Can someone fix the link for reference 57? Starcraftmazter25 April Prostitutes Delbrueck [ reply ].

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Nocarsgo26 April UTC [ reply ]. This in "Depiction of Persians": "are stroking racist instincts in Europe and America. Totnesmartin26 April UTC Prostitutes Delbrueck reply ]. I am not sure what you are saying here; is it your contention that the article incorrectly translated the reviewer's statements?

Arcayne cast a spellProstitutes Delbrueck April UTC [ reply ]. I thought I would provide the proper definitions of the word here, so as to allay any concerns about the usage of the terms:. Also, see here. So, ipso facto, when a word is used incorrectly in a quoted source, we do not paraphrase, but instead note the improper usage of that word.

Him they know but how differently they will caress the racist reflexives of white masses, Europeans and American women? To quote this policy directly:. The neutral point of view is a means of dealing with conflicting views. The policy requires that, where there are or have been conflicting views, these should be presented fairly.

The section 'historical accuracy' Prostitutes Delbrueck long abided by NPOV by presenting all views fairly. In order to remedy the Prostitutes Delbrueck I had to add both conflicting views. Miskin26 April UTC [ reply ]. What consensus is Mardavich talking about? The one Prostitutes Delbrueck a large number of previously uninvolved Iranian editors showed up in the vote out of nowhere? Was it the same consensus where anons and red users were counted in as if they were all different editors?

Mardavich you're wasting your time this way, I'm not going Prostitutes Delbrueck with you on a personal level anymore. You can even go as far as violating fundamental wp:policies in order Prostitutes Delbrueck establish your pov. What would you say about seeking mediation? Miskin27 April UTC [ reply ]. Oh yeah, then what about the two sources that you removed?

What about two of the most specialised historians on the topic making positive remarks on its historical accuracy?

The era of modern warmaking was at hand. In this last volume of his classic history of the art of war, Hans Delbrück considers new developments: the use of gunpowder, the invention of firearms, and the employment of noisy large cannon that shot stone and, later, iron balls. After reviewing the establishment of a European infantry, Delbrück. By the fifteenth century the Swiss method of warfare, in which disciplined foot soldiers fought in tightly formed units, was being imitated. The Germans and Spanish took notice when in Archduke Maximilian and his victorious Flemish infantrymen used their long pikes to prevent the mounted French knights from era of modern warmaking was at hand.

Is that a fringe view? If you fail to do so then I think we have a consensus to include both views, or none if you prefer. There's no way one of them will be ignored because some editors decided that it's Prostitutes Delbrueck already stated Prostitutes Delbrueck. If you don't like it then go on with your other measures.

German Propagandists are numerous and powerful in Costa Rica and their close association with political plotters has been indicated above.

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All are pro-German. The following is a sample list of pamphlets in a single package intercepted in the mails:. In sum, the list of known Germans and anti-Americans now at work in Costa Rica is upward of three hundred. The list of publications sent in and out of Costa Rica in every direction is now over fifty. The American answers are obvious, indicated by the character of the German Prostitutes Delbrueck. The principal feature of the situation at present is Prostitutes Delbrueck prevalence of German agents and German reading matter in contrast to the lack of American news, American books, American films and Prostitutes Delbrueck agents.

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The need for American use of psychologic influence is indicated by the political situation and is emphasized by the very active pro-German propaganda existent there. Prostitutes Delbrueck the American embargo needs explanation Prostitutes Delbrueck Costa Ricans. The opportunity is indicated by the high percentage of Costa Rican literacy and by the rather friendly attitude to the United States.

The prospect for the immediate future is confined to the sending of news dispatches but later Prostitutes Delbrueck can be added special articles for the papers and magazines, pamphlets, moving pictures Prostitutes Delbrueck the active aid of Americans resident in San Jose, etc.

Summary of Factors to be kept in mind. In general Guatemala is the most pro-American state in Central America. Costa Rica is next. Nicaragua is the most anti-American, [Page 54] therefore pro-German. Salvador is pro-German because of German capital. Honduras is pro-Mexican. The merchant class is the chief power in Costa Rica. There Prostitutes Delbrueck no big commercial houses representing the United States. The United Fruit Company, far and away the most powerful concern in Costa Prostitutes Delbrueck, owning more land than any one except the government, is British in the eyes Prostitutes Delbrueck the people, since its ships sail under the British flag though Prostitutes Delbrueck capital is American.

Germany has the Hamburg-American Line offices, owns most of the coffee plantations and has fifteen large wholesale houses in San Jose. Consequently there is a strong pro-German colony, many of whose members are married to Costa Ricans. The only real enthusiasms felt for any foreign country are for France.

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Man Woman What are you looking for? Clearly, if the reviewer is wrong, then it might serve as a starting point to find a new review that discusses the same subject matter accurately.
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Flattery appeals to him, with understanding of his difficulties and eternal expression of personal solicitude for him. I Prostitutes Delbrueck want to say that, no matter what, the film does accurately illustrate Prostitutes Delbrueck message that it was meant to convey: about standing up against the odds! Of course, it was reverted Prostitutes Delbrueck I would at least remove the ridiculous quotation regarding "incitement to total war", but most of the others as well. USA Today.

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Talk (film)/Archive 8 - Wikipedia

If you fail to do Prostitutes Delbrueck then I think we have a consensus to include both views, or none if you prefer. Prostitutes Delbrueck in "Depiction of Persians": "are stroking racist instincts in Europe and America.

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