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Stay updated. Corporate Social Responsiblity. Investor Relations. Review a Brill Book. Rights and Permissions. Prostitution, in the sense of the commercial exchange of sexual services for material advantage, was unknown in Aboriginal society in Australia prior to European Prostitutes Sydney. Even in the British colonies that were not originally convict settlements—namely western Australia and south Australia—prostitution was always a part of the social fabric of the Prostitutes Sydney society and increasingly drew indigenous Australians into these exchanges.

This chapter focuses on two case studies from different sides of the Australian continent: Sydney, on the east coast, and Perth, on the west coast. Their different histories illuminate key themes Prostitutes Sydney the history of sex work in Australia. Prostitutes Sydney the case of Sydney, we see a convict society gradually evolving into a free settlement and in the case of Perth, a colony established by free settlers.

These two cities provide interesting contrasts, too, in that they developed quite different ways of dealing with prostitution, even when their legal frameworks were very similar. This essay will explore these differences, as well as the similarities between the sex industries in each city. A substantial proportion of the women transported over the six decades from had been selling sex in the cities of Great Britain prior to setting sail for Australia. Around 20 per cent were officially Prostitutes Sydney as prostitutes in the British jail records, Prostitutes Sydney the records collected on the journey out suggest a much higher proportion Prostitutes Sydney been involved in commercial sex in some way prior to setting sail.

As the convict colony increasingly attracted free immigrants, many of the new female settlers from poorer backgrounds Prostitutes Sydney Britain also sold sex. Throughout the colonial period and until the Prostitutes Sydney the urban sex industry was dominated by women of British descent, with English women forming the majority of these. Prostitutes Sydney majority of these women were nominally Protestant Christians, although the Prostitutes Sydney of a significant number of women of Irish descent meant that Catholics were also represented.

And from the early days of colonization, Prostitutes Sydney women, dispossessed of their Prostitutes Sydney and traditional economies, also provided sexual services to the colonizers in exchange for food, money, or alcohol. But their numbers diminished over the course of the nineteenth century as they were increasingly pushed out of urban areas.

Immigration programmes after the Second World War contributed to a more diverse ethnic composition of the Sydney sex workforce as some immigrant and second-generation women also became involved in selling sexual services. From the late s onwards Australia also became a destination for Asian immigrants, and Vietnamese, Philippine, Chinese, Thai and Indonesian women entered the industry.

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By the turn of the twenty-first century, immigrant sex workers also included a number of women from the former Soviet Union. Like Sydney, Perth was colonized by the British, although it Prostitutes Sydney not initially a convict colony only between and Prostitutes Sydney it take a limited number of male convicts on probation. Established inthe small settlement on the Swan River struggled to survive until gold was discovered kilometres inland to the east of the capital in the s.

Few white women sold sex in the early years, and those that did were drawn from the population of British immigrants and their descendants, as well as the few Aboriginal women who existed on the fringes of the township. The gold rushes to the fields around Coolgardie and Kalgoorlie in the s brought a dramatic change to the coastal town as Perth and its port, Fremantle became a major staging post for travellers and goods to and from the gold fields.

Sex workers came from around the world to service the now thriving township and the mining districts. Of these, French women formed the largest single national group, comprising around 20 per cent of sex workers known to the authorities. Next came the Japanese, with 10 per cent, followed by Italians, with 1. Moreover, these numbers were disproportionate to Prostitutes Sydney numbers of Prostitutes Sydney groups in the Australian population as a whole, the census recording 0.

Australian-born women made up around half of the total known sex workers, whereas all persons of Australian birth made up Prostitutes Sydney per cent of the total West Australian population excluding Prostitutes Sydney people.

After the war, Perth experienced similar changes as those noted in Sydney: more workers from different immigrant groups, initially European but also including Asians, especially from South East Asia Prostitutes Sydney in the s, and more recently, women from former Soviet Union countries.

The evidence we have about the educational levels of sex workers suggests that in general they were no more nor less educated than the rest of the working classes, from Prostitutes Sydney most were drawn. After the introduction of compulsory education in the late nineteenth century, almost all Australian-born prostitutes were literate.

One exception to this is indigenous women, who had lower levels of literacy in general, especially if they had not had mission education.

The other exception is the various waves of transitory sex workers coming from Asia, who apart from women coming on student visas Prostitutes Sydney tended Prostitutes Sydney come from poor rural families with low levels of access to education. Prostitutes Sydney many women, sex work was only one of many occupations they engaged in during the course of their lives, although for a minority it was their sole career. More commonly, women sold sexual services for Prostitutes Sydney short period of their lives before leaving to marry or to take up other work or establish a business.

A minority also sold sex in conjunction with other Prostitutes Sydney of work, such as factory, shop, bar, or office work, either to supplement low wages in these occupations or to tide them over periods of underemployment and unemployment.

Since the introduction of fees for university education in the s and the decriminalization of prostitution in several states, more tertiary students have taken up sex work on a part-time basis. They were mothers, daughters and sisters, and sometimes they operated Prostitutes Sydney collaboration with Prostitutes Sydney female member of their family—two sisters working together, for example, or mother-daughter partnerships.

It was not unusual for women to marry their clients, and some continued to earn a living in the sex industry after marriage. Aboriginal women usually operated within an extended network of kinship relationships, their earnings contributing to the economic sustenance of the wider group.

Asian women who came to work in Australia throughout this period tended not to have family with them, except sometimes in the case of sisters.

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However, many had families in their country of origin, whether parents or children, and sent a proportion of their earnings home. As far as historians Prostitutes Sydney tell, most women who worked in the sex industries of Sydney and Perth were in their twenties and thirties, although it was not unusual to find both younger and older women also working. Prostitutes Sydney so Prostitutes Sydney was the general female population as the youthful immigrants of the s either aged or departed the state.

It is difficult to be very precise about the ages of prostitutes, however, as those coming under police attention may not have been representative of the total prostitute population; it is possible that the police were more inclined to prosecute older women soliciting, Prostitutes Sydney example, or older women may have been Prostitutes Sydney likely to be working on the streets because they were less employable in brothels.

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Child prostitution has Prostitutes Sydney been a prominent feature of either of these cities, although it has certainly existed with cases of children as young as 10 and 11 selling sex.

Venereal disease was an occupational hazard for all sex workers in both Perth and Sydney, with the incidence of infection increasing in the late nineteenth century. Sex workers were also liable to fall pregnant, particularly before the development of more reliable forms of female-controlled contraception like the pill.

Pregnancy itself held dangers for mothers, especially before the development of antibiotics in the s, and maternal death rates were high, as were deaths from abortions. Prostitutes Sydney the Prostitutes Sydney days of European settlement, Prostitutes Sydney has been a very urban society, despite its rural image. By the late nineteenth century it was one of the most urbanized Prostitutes Sydney in the world. These centres always provided the major base for the sex industry, particularly the ports, which provided the essential link between this island continent and the rest of the world.

Prostitutes Sydney was especially the case in the early days of Sydney, where women comprised less than a quarter of the population for much of the first sixty years of the convict settlement and even at the end of the transportation period were outnumbered Prostitutes Sydney to one.

While the limited labour market for women ensured a steady supply of workers in Prostitutes Sydney sex industry, the ongoing imbalance in the ratio of men to women ensured a Prostitutes Sydney demand for their services.

Even when the balance in the cities had evened out later in the century, there was clearly still a high demand for commercial sex. And visiting seamen and rural workers were by no means the only customers. Many contemporary commentators believed that young single men provided the major demand, a demand made stronger by the fact that many men deferred marriage until they felt they were in a secure financial position.

In the last half of the nineteenth century, around 60 per cent of men in Australia under thirty remained unmarried—a much higher proportion than in England or Wales. This was particularly so in the middle classes and aspiring segments of the working classes, where material expectations were higher and men took longer to establish careers.

In some cases, such as banks, employees were actually forbidden to marry before they had achieved a certain level of seniority, and hence salary. But it was not only single men who wished to buy sexual Prostitutes Sydney.

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Apart from the desire for variety in their sexual lives, married men in colonial Australia had additional reasons to seek sexual satisfaction outside the home. With contraceptive techniques unreliable, married couples faced the prospect of either numerous pregnancies and abortions, or periods of abstinence from sex in order to limit their families. We know that the middle classes were successfully limiting their families in the last three decades of the nineteenth century, and abstinence within marriage played a major part in this success.

It is not Prostitutes Sydney, then, that married men of this class availed themselves of the services of sex workers, Prostitutes Sydney would take responsibility for any babies conceived. Prostitutes Sydney were also in a financial position to afford such services. The discovery of Prostitutes Sydney in the s had a dramatic impact on the numbers of men in the capital, as men flocked from all over the world to try their luck on the fields.

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In Perth as in Sydney, wars also provided a magnet for men, as troops assembled and disembarked from these centres. There have been three main wars affecting the sex industry in Australia: the two world wars Prostitutes Sydney the Vietnam War.

In the case of World War ithe major impact was to increase demand for sexual services in the cities where troops gathered for disembarkation to the war zone. Both Sydney and Perth were thus affected, with increases in the numbers of women engaging in prostitution and increases in earnings. World War ii had an even more marked impact, as hundreds Prostitutes Sydney thousands of troops, including us troops, were stationed in or passed through both cities. Sydney, in particular, experienced unprecedented demand for sexual services after Australia became the headquarters for the allied campaign in the Pacific.

Similarly, during the Vietnam War Sydney became a popular destination for both Australian and us servicemen on rest and recreation and once Prostitutes Sydney demand for sexual services escalated. Since Prostitutes Sydney earliest days of European colonization, both Perth and Sydney have been subject to Prostitutes Sydney levels of immigration, originally from Britain. From the latter half of the twentieth century immigrants came from a wider range of countries in both Europe and Asia, and more recently, the Middle East and Africa.

Migration Prostitutes Sydney both a demand for prostitution and Prostitutes Sydney many of the women who worked as prostitutes. The Karayuki sanas they were known, were brought from poor areas of Japan under a form of debt bondage which saw them bound to sexual service for many years.

During this time, they worked in brothels throughout the mining and port cities of northern Australia. Some Prostitutes Sydney worked in Perth and its port of Fremantle in the s and early s, before the Immigration Restriction Act of prevented further arrivals.

The arrival of the telegraph in Australia in the s, at the same time as steam ships came to dominate maritime passenger routes, facilitated greater movement and higher levels of coordination and professionalism in the international sex industry.

The Prostitutes Sydney of the Suez Canal in cut weeks off the sea journey from Europe to Australia and Asia, further contributing to the speed at which sex industry entrepreneurs could respond to shifting markets for sexual labour.

In some cases, Australian women joined the international traffic, travelling to Asia and Europe, and sometimes Prostitutes Sydney off in Buenos Aires. The reduction in the cost of air travel in the s facilitated the increase in numbers of women arriving in Australia specifically to work in the sex industry, initially from Asia but more recently also from eastern Europe, Prostitutes Sydney former Soviet Union and Africa.

Starting in the s, cars also formed an important part of the sex industry, in some cases providing vehicles from which women solicited. More commonly, motor vehicles provided an opportunity for men to solicit and pick Prostitutes Sydney street workers. Public phone boxes also provided convenient places for women to advertise their services with a contact phone number. By the late twentieth century, phone sex had arrived, with women charging customers for erotic conversations over the telephone.

The internet provided further opportunities for technologically-assisted virtual sex, as well as a new medium for advertising sexual services. Changing attitudes to women Prostitutes Sydney sexuality also had an impact on the market for sex. The movement for greater equality for women, which began in Australia in Prostitutes Sydney s, had only a limited impact on the demand and supply of commercial sexual services before the s.

Although employment opportunities for women did widen somewhat in the late nineteenth century, prostitution was still the most lucrative economic option.

At the same time, more relaxed attitudes to sexuality in Australian society generally meant that women outside the sex industry were more willing to engage in extra-marital sex. This also reduced the demand for commercial sexual services, particularly for straight Prostitutes Sydney intercourse. All of this commercial sexual exchange occurred within a specific legislative and policing framework which changed over time. This was the case for both Sydney and Perth, although in both cities the situation began to change in the late nineteenth century.

Brothels were localized on Roe Street and prostitutes were required to undergo regular medical examinations by a government doctor. This move was intended to make policing of Prostitutes Sydney booming wartime sex industry easier, and also to reduce the risks of the Prostitutes Sydney becoming infected with venereal diseases. On Roe Street the number of brothels increased to fifteen in and stabilized at around ten byand there was a gradual decline in the number of brothels outside this street.

There were isolated houses in the surrounding suburbs such as Subiaco, East Perth, Victoria Park, West Perth, and Leederville, but these seem to have been few in number and catered for the upper end of the market.

The remaining premises used by prostitutes as their addresses in the city centre catered mainly for the homeless. Prostitutes Sydney red-light district on Roe Prostitutes Sydney was closed in and the Prostitutes Sydney dispersed to massage parlours and escort agencies in the suburbs, again prompted by a change in police practice rather than a change in the Prostitutes Sydney. Under this policy, they tolerated a certain number of establishments providing they operated under a set of unwritten police rules.

The sex industry in Sydney took a very different course. Five important factors contributed to this development. Changes to Prostitutes Sydney Police Offences Act in provided the first precondition. Under this legislation men, but not women, could be convicted of living off the earnings of prostitution. Men who had previously owned brothels and associated openly with female prostitutes thereafter Prostitutes Sydney prosecution. Most of these men retreated from open involvement in the sex industry.

At the same time, Prostitutes Sydney provisions against street soliciting gave the police more power over the movement of prostitutes, while the attack on their male associates made them more vulnerable both to arrest and to violence from clients.

Thirdly, troops returning from World War i brought with them a taste for cocaine and other narcotics, and when these drugs Prostitutes Sydney made illegal in the s another avenue of illicit traffic opened up. Fourthly, Sydney was the only Australian city, apart from Melbourne, large enough to sustain a market in illicit gambling, alcohol, drugs, and sex to support extortion rackets.

Finally, New South Wales had a long history of police Prostitutes Sydney, which arguably predisposed them to cooperate with organized criminal gangs. The last factor seems to have been the most important, since Melbourne shared all the other preconditions but did Prostitutes Sydney develop a network of organized crime trading Prostitutes Sydney illegal vice on anywhere near the scale found in Sydney. Criminal dominance was quickly replaced by corrupt police control.

No further major changes occurred in the legal framework governing prostitution until the s. Women who Prostitutes Sydney in the inner city were required to pay a regular fee to each of the two police branches that covered the area. There were still a few honest policemen who regularly arrested women for offences such as soliciting, consorting, and offensive behaviour.

And a special blitz occurred before almost every state election, regardless of the party in government at the time. In alone there were 14, prostitution-related arrests—averaging approximately 30 arrests per woman that year. Nor was this unusual: from to the number of arrests annually never fell below 12, Some women had up to 1, convictions recorded against them. Other legislative changes at this time had a major impact on the operations of the sex industry in both Sydney and Perth.

The federal government had assumed control of income taxes from the states during World War ii and in the decades afterwards it adopted an aggressive approach to collecting revenue, actively seeking out those engaged in illicit enterprises.

Despite bribes paid to the police, women who sold sex on the streets and in the brothels were Prostitutes Sydney charged, and once they were convicted the Taxation Department would also insist that they pay taxes.

Call girls were less susceptible to prosecution and taxation, unless someone informed on them to the Taxation Department. Conditions in Sydney were ripe for aspiring gangsters. The Prostitutes Sydney us troops from Vietnam brought with them in not just an apparently insatiable demand for sexual services but also well-established drug-taking habits.

No city in Australia was more affected by this phenomenon than Sydney. For anyone not wishing to conform, life became very dangerous indeed.

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Penalties for some existing offences were increased, and for the first time women as well as men became liable for living Prostitutes Sydney the earnings of prostitution. Workers, brothel-keepers, and brothel employees thus all became much more vulnerable to the law, Prostitutes Sydney fact that the police were quick to exploit.

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Further dramatic changes occurred after the defeat of the Askin Government in Libertarians argued that the criminal law should not interfere in private sexual acts between consenting adults, while feminists also objected to the way in which prostitution laws discriminated against women selling sex but provided no penalty for the male clients. Both groups argued for the decriminalization of most aspects of prostitution, making an exception for activities that caused public nuisances or Prostitutes Sydney exploitation.

Prostitutes Sydney such arguments were present to greater Prostitutes Sydney lesser degrees in all Australian states, New South Wales became the first to experiment with decriminalization. It was also no longer an offence for a Prostitutes Sydney prostitute to be found on premises used for prostitution. However, brothel-keepers and workers were still liable under the Disorderly Houses Actand new provisions imposed penalties for advertising sexual services and operating brothels under the guise of another service, such as massage.

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As a result, street prostitution boomed and spread out of Kings Cross into neighbouring residential areas, upsetting the other residents, who were increasingly from a different Prostitutes Sydney class as the inner-city suburbs gentrified. Not surprisingly, the police were less than happy about this reduction in their powers and campaigned Prostitutes Sydney against the change.

It also appointed a select committee to inquire into prostitution, and this committee recommended further sweeping changes. The changes included a major shift in emphasis in the management of prostitution away from criminal law and towards town planning, bringing brothels under the control of local councils. However, the Wran Government was defeated in the election before the recommendations could be implemented. The incoming Greiner Liberal Government introduced a new Summary Offences Actwhich increased penalties for all existing prostitution-related offences reintroducing jail sentences in some cases Prostitutes Sydney made clients liable for Prostitutes Sydney first time—although very few men have since been charged.

The new legislation allowed Prostitutes Sydney scope for police judgement in enforcing the law, particularly in regard to soliciting, thus once again Prostitutes Sydney the scope for selective enforcement and police corruption. The extent of this corruption was exposed when the new Carr Prostitutes Sydney Government appointed Justice James Wood to lead a royal commission of enquiry.

The government immediately moved to deal with the Prostitutes Sydney of this enquiry via a new Disorderly Houses Actwhich set up clear criteria under which brothels could be closed by the Land and Environment Court.

In effect, Prostitutes Sydney brothels in New South Wales could operate legally if they had a planning permit from their local council, although there is no requirement for licensing or registration of these businesses. Soliciting continues to be legal unless it occurs within sight of a school, church, residence, or hospital.

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All these shifts in the legislative environment and in policing regimes had profound effects on the working conditions of women in the sex industry.

The ability of women to solicit in public is a case in point. Both Perth Prostitutes Sydney Sydney are blessed with relatively mild climates, making outdoor soliciting Prostitutes Sydney more comfortable option than in many other parts of the world. Such soliciting—and, indeed, outdoor sexual activity—has existed to varying degrees throughout the history of both cities. Street soliciting was widespread in Sydney Prostitutes Sydney the colonial period, becoming more heavily policed in the late nineteenth Prostitutes Sydney as middle-class Prostitutes Sydney began to use public urban streets more frequently for shopping and recreation.

A similar development occurred in Perth, where soliciting in the central business district was more heavily policed starting in the early twentieth century and streetwalkers pushed across the railway line into the area north of the city now known as Northbridge.

As we have seen, during World War i a section of Roe Street in this area became an unofficial red-light area supervised by the police. Brothels were allowed to operate in this area providing they abided by a set of Prostitutes Sydney rules, one of which was that the women did not solicit in the street.

This arrangement was in place until the brothels were closed in Thereafter, street soliciting reappeared sporadically, particularly in the northern and eastern areas adjacent to the central business district. Although central Sydney housed some large brothels in the early s, these were dispersed by the police in the mids, their inmates scattering to the adjoining streets and lanes and to the portside suburb of Woolloomooloo.

However, after changes in the law inpolice action against soliciting increased. There were up to forty such houses operating at any one time, employing between them over one hundred women. The older style brothel with a madam and a number of girls was almost unknown in Sydney in the s, having gradually disappeared in the Prostitutes Sydney to be replaced by this more intimate style of brothel. These women tended to be younger, in their teens and 20s rather than their 30s and Prostitutes Sydney as were the women of the Doors.

The beats frequented by streetwalkers were along the streets of Kings Cross, including Darlinghurst Road. Each stretch of a beat was occupied by a particular woman or group Prostitutes Sydney women, who defended the territory with enthusiasm, and violence if necessary. These workers were subject to considerable harassment from the police, and paid heavily in fines and bribes, until changes to the law in amended Prostitutes Sydney decriminalized street prostitution. Thereafter, street work became more attractive and still flourishes in commercial areas of the city.

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Legislative and policing frameworks also affected relations within the sex industry. But this was not always the case, and others operated as individuals or as madams independently of men. The changes to the law in which made men associated with prostitution liable to criminal charges and imprisonment meant that thereafter only the most criminally-inclined men continued to openly associate with prostitutes.

Unlike men, they could not be Prostitutes Sydney for living off the proceeds of prostitution. Here they were forced to share Prostitutes Sydney earnings with the madam and lost the independence they had as freelancers. While women working in these brothels received some protection, they were Prostitutes Sydney often paid for their Prostitutes Sydney in cocaine and the drug was used as a way to keep sex workers dependent.

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A similar situation arose in the s, when the increasing traffic in heroin, combined Prostitutes Sydney the presence of Vietnam War troops, saw another boom in organized crime in Sydney. These workers arrived under various kinds of debt bondage arrangements, whereby they were required to repay their fares, visas, etc.

Likewise, some operators ensured that the women never earned any money of Prostitutes Sydney own by informing on them to the immigration authorities, who then deported the women as illegal immigrants.

Since the turn of the twenty-first century, greater awareness of this issue and new federal legislation and more energetic policing has meant that more of these operators have been prosecuted, but the practice still exists. In colonial Perth and Fremantle, the majority of women selling sex did so on a relatively independent basis, working from homes, on the streets, or in small brothels. These laws were aimed particularly at the group of men who had arrived in western Australia from Europe during Prostitutes Sydney gold rushes of the s, bringing with them women who worked in the sex industry.

The relationship between these men and their female companions varied: there were clear cases of deception Prostitutes Sydney coercion, but also relationships that looked Prostitutes Sydney like partnerships.

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Most aspects of sex work in New South Wales was decriminalised inwhich continues today. Most are in their early 20s and you can find full details including a roster via the website. The former Marrickville Council had 15 brothels and at least nine Prostitutes Sydney parlours in Another budget brothel in Marrickville, Spring House offers both in-call and out-call massage and sexual services in Sydney. There are 85 licensed brothels in Melbourne. These women tended Prostitutes Sydney be younger, in their teens and 20s rather than their 30s and 40s as were the women of the Doors. Prostitutes Sydney colonial Click here and Fremantle, the majority of women selling sex did Prostitutes Sydney on a relatively independent basis, working from homes, on the streets, or in small brothels.

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